

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Miriam from IA Welcome glad you stopped in. We are a great encouraging and supportive bunch. Join in when you can.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.48min 15amph, 2.9mi = 123c
    rope pull- 40min 3949ft, lvl7, midset, 92ftpmin = 204c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.54min, 13.8amph, 1.3mi = 68c
    ride dome 2 tan- 19.41min, 9.1amph, windy!, 2.9mi = 183c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.33min, 10.8amph, windy, .9mi = 55c
    total cal 633
    intentionally trying to take it easy on the legs
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Bkrimpet, that seems strange for your cholesterol to go up when you are eating healthy and exercising. Especially when your triglycerides went down. Hummmm? What did the doc say? Good luck with it. DH and I take meds for high cholesterol and have no side effects. It just runs in some families no matter what you do.

    Carol, glad today is better and you are looking ahead to planning meals. It’s a bummer that you have to go without pay, but this is important. Just remember you have all these ladies with you.

    Heather, glad your risotto was a hit, but then I am not surprised.

    Penny. Your snack veggies look wonderful. What a great picture.

    Jan, glad you and Gemma had a good day yesterday. Yes, when it’s this hot and humid, it’s good to find things to do inside.

    Allison, it sounds like you have/do had your hands full. Good luck with the leaking pipes!!!

    , I hope the band is better than last week. I’m guessing they weren’t your favorites? Lol

    Vicki, you mentioned your sister who was not supporting your weight loss but still seemed to be competing. I’ve known so many people like that and just don’t understand? I am so happy when anyone I know succeeds at something. Why does it seem to be human nature to be jealous or whatever it is that keeps people from supporting others? It’s not like your success will in any way diminish mine, so I just don’t get it. Ok, mini-rant over.

    , you know we are all rooting for you in closing both houses. I remember when I was a realtor, that the FHA and VA appraisals always seemed to come in at the last minute. It used to drive me crazy. Try to relax and just concentrate on the packing. (Easy to say, eh? Like saying “don’t stress”) (((Hugs)))

    Michele NC, Put the spoon down and back away from the cookie dough!!! Do you hear me??? I can’t believe you bake cookies. What a woman! I wouldn’t want them anywhere near my house. Homemade cookies are one of my weaknesses. OMG, right out of the oven. Ewwww, I think I just gained 3 pounds. We got some rain tonight too and really needed it. It’s been a while and with the heat things were beginning to dry out. DH went to Dr. for checkup today and he scolded DH for mowing in this heat, even early in the day. I told him I didn’t care how tall the grass got, that I didn’t want him having a heart attack or stroke out in that heat.

    Barbie, how sad that someone brought up such a topic and the others joined in. I agree that there are places that you just don’t need topics where people take sides. I’m sure you just wanted to take your ball and go home.

    Ccatlady, welcome. This is a great place for support, so come often and join right in. Who’s picture by your name? I know it can’t be you because that person doesn’t need to lose 100 pounds. Good for you in adopting your sister’s granddaughters. I wish you luck with your family and your weight loss journey. Come often and join right in.

    Meg, congrats on the new computer, I think? LOL Hope you get it working right real fast.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Hugs to those that need them and congrats to those that deserve them. Be good to yourselves, my friends.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! We've been drenched with rain today, getting the outside edge of the Hurricane Bill storms. The rivers are all out of their banks but so far nothing severe here. Hubby and I drove over to the Honda dealer in Joplin for an oil change on his car and came away with new brakes, front and rear and a new caliper - whatever that is. So, our expected $25 oil change cost about $450. Ouch. I noticed that the guy who runs the service department had lost a lot of weight and asked him about it. Hubby thought it was rude, but the man smiled and said thanks for noticing. He had lost 80 some pounds and was looking good. He said he feels better too. No surprise there. So he and I were happily discussing things about weight loss and he says he uses MFP too. Small world.

    We stopped at a meat market there in Joplin to get some hamburger that was on sale. 90/10 ground beef for $2.89 per pound! I got some for my son too. When we got home the rain had stopped, so we walked the dogs, and no sooner had we gotten back inside when the sky opened up and it was raining so hard you couldn't see the street. Whew!

    I'm just livid about the shooting in Charleston. My sympathies to those of you close to there. It's just awful.

    Miriam, welcome! I love cats but hubby hates them. We have three dogs who would kill a cat though, so it's just as well we don't have one. But I love to see kitty pictures. Got any? How old are the girls you are adopting? It sounds like a tough situation for them in the past? Hugs!

    Heather, autobiographies are some of my favorite things to read. Will we get to read yours someday?

    Jen, I LOVE FRESH BERRIES! For a quick little cobbler-type dessert I like to make a 3-2-1 cake and add berries or in a pinch, frozen cherries or pineapple chunks. In case you haven't heard of it, a 3-2-1 cake is where you take a box of angel food cake mix and one box of any other flavor cake mix and mix them together. I keep it in a big ziplock bag. When you want a little bit of cake, you mix 3 tablespoons of the cake mix with 2 tablespoons of water, then microwave it for 1 minute. It's in the MFP database, but I think it's around 100 calories. When I add fruit I add 20 seconds or so to the cook time. And the fruit would add a few calories.

    It's my bedtime. Sweet dreams everyone!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes:


    A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look," she said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?"

    "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," he said. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise."

    "That's amazing," said the woman, "how old are you?"

    "Twenty-six," he said.


    A dog thinks:

    Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be Gods!

    A cat thinks:

    Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    mollywhippet Those are too good. Thanks for the smiles
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    smiley-laughing025.gif Sylvia
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thot I would share a little about why/how I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. My grandson was in a drug rehab facility, he was 19 then. I was always encouraging him telling him he could do it. He has been in and out of drug treatment centers since he was 16, he's almost 22 now. He would call me some times when he had phone privileges. I talked about losing weight with him...it was always a constant "diet". He said gramma you and I are the same, we both have addictions. You need to decide what's best for your future and then do it one day at a time. When he hung up I sit there and cried and cried, I couldn't stop. It dawned on me that I was expecting something of him that I was not willing to face myself. I was asking him to do something I was not willing to do myself. He didn't think he could face the rest of his life without getting high, I was SURE I couldn't face the rest of my life without sugar and all the other food I craved constantly. My husband had talked several times to me about bariatric surgery, I'd tried to do it nicely but said no thanks. Then one day at the doctor's office he said have you ever considered weight loss surgery, I said as a matter of fact my husband mentioned it the other day. From there I went full steam ahead, as I do most things. The surgery was 18 months ago and I haven't regretted it for a moment, not to say that I haven't had cravings and I have eaten some sweets and other things. My fight now is to keep it off. This post is long and drawn out, sorry and thanks for listening. Glad I found this group, I found a renewed determination in keeping it off.

    BTW my grandson completed and graduated in April from his rehab program and is working as an intern at the same facility helping others with conquering their addictions. I was there to cheer him on and he didn't recognize the lady who walked in with his Mom. Life is good.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- thanks for sharing your triumph as well as your grandsons. It is a constant battle for me as well. I am addicted to sweets and carbs and am trying to find a healthy balance. You are an inspiration.

    DJ - thanks for the insight to the last minute closing possibility that makes me feel better. We have until the 2 nd at the latest.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay, home from my road trip to La Ronge .... a lot of sitting and not really great food choices.

    So tomorrow best get back on track

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Been pretty busy and did not have time to keep up. I think 10 pages since the last time I checked in. I did skim some and read some. Oh well. Thanks for sharing.
    Love the jokes, the recipes and the emoticon tips.
    So sorry to hear about all the losses. I lost a sister when I was little. That sadness really never leaves the family.

    Weather will be up and down this weekend, I will have to plan carefully to get my road bike in and stay dry. Next week I will be back to full race training. I have another sprint triathlon coming up in 3 weeks.

    I am having the best month ever in sales for my business. Woot!
    DH went into a panic over something this morning and I decided not to go with him. Remained calm and cool. All went very well and I am super happy with my self.
    Weigh in is in the morning. I am hoping for a pound.
    Sharing my goals with you this week helped me tremendously.

    Goals this week
    Sunday - Spin, Body Pump, Yoga - Done
    Monday - Boot Camp class - Done
    Tuesday - Trainer WO - Done
    Wednesday - Body Fitness - Done
    Thursday - Trainer WO (Traded for Friday)
    Friday - Rest Day (Traded for Thursday)
    Saturday - Spin
    This week 20 miles of road bike 0 Done
    Log every bite, sip, move - 5/7 done

    Love to all,
    Lori from Wisconsin
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Janetr- thanks for sharing your triumph as well as your grandsons. It is a constant battle for me as well. I am addicted to sweets and carbs and am trying to find a healthy balance. You are an inspiration.

    DJ - thanks for the insight to the last minute closing possibility that makes me feel better. We have until the 2 nd at the latest.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Thanks, Mary. I appreciate your kind words. I don't feel like an inspiration, but glad it inspired you. Maybe in 30 years from now and I've kept the weight off. By then I won't remember I lost it. :)

    I'm so thankful to have found you ladies. The support and encouragement among the group is the greatest.
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    It dawned on me that I was expecting something of him that I was not willing to face myself. I was asking him to do something I was not willing to do myself. He didn't think he could face the rest of his life without getting high, I was SURE I couldn't face the rest of my life without sugar and all the other food I craved constantly.

    Janet, thank you for sharing about your grandson and your surgery decision. That young man had some wisdom that you needed to hear, and you were gracious enough to receive it. I am touched and wish you both lifelong health. You both now have even brighter futures because you have each other.

    grandmother-loves-you-smiley-emoticon.gif graduation-cap-throw.gif

    ~Jen in California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jen in CA - Thank you so much. You're right, he had gained wisdom that I had not yet comprehended. My daughter was only 16 when she got pregnant for him, they lived with me the first four years of his life. We for sure have brighter futures. I am just bursting with pride for him.

    You're animations and the best!!!

    Janet, Oklahoma City
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Lori from Wisconsin - Way to go, sounds like you have been working hard. Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow morning, hope it goes as you hope. Keeping you cool is good!!!

    Janet in Oklahoma City
  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    WOW you all are talkative on this forum. I love it.

    Pip- your stats make me tired just reading them.

    Penny- those veggies looked good. I love tomatoes but I am trying to stay away from anything in the nightshade family.

    Jules- so sad what has happened there. I'm glad they caught the shooter. Hope the community stays calm and pulls together.

    Marci- your hike sounds fantastic. I have always wanted to hike the portion of the PCT here in northern Washington, its sooooo beautiful.

    Jen- those berries looked scrumptious. I had to transplant my strawberries and they didn't do very good this year, so all I have are raspberries. BTW your emoticons are adorable. What grade do you teach?
  • Dsunshinern
    Dsunshinern Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all, Dani from Lincoln, Nebraska here. Starred the thread and love the group can I join?
    I have lost 23-24 pounds since March 8th, 2015. I joined MFP in May and it is helping me stay on track. My goals for June are:
    Get a battery for my pedometer.
    Figure out how many steps I am actually taking and gradually increase.
    Stay out of the red in calories, sodium and carbs.
    Get to red in fiber, calcium and protein.
    Make and keep appoint with my Doc. to check blood sugar and blood pressure.
    Find a cool place to walk for the hot days of summer.
    Dani in Nebraska

  • Dsunshinern
    Dsunshinern Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Dani & All , I am new to this community and of course over 50. I have been having medical problems and been unable to exercise. I've also put on 20 PDS. My goal is to find exercise I can do ....maybe the pool. 2nd goal is to increase protein 3rd get this 20pds off by tracking my calories.
  • Dsunshinern
    Dsunshinern Posts: 3 Member
    Dee from Napa California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Still soaken wet in Indiana!

    Allsion, where ARE all of our posts??? Where do they go, why do they go? Does the internet not know what happens when we get stressed???

    Peachstate, when my duahger does her geocaching, she just finds little, usually useless, things. Ellie, youngest DGD, has a stash of things that an 8 year old just has to keep, like a used rubber band, pretty rock, etc. So when they are with us, she usually grabs things from her box so she can replace what she has gotten as her geocache. But the fun of it is getting in the car, the festive attitude, using the GPS to find area, then using the compass to get closer and then the hunt!!! Hunt through bushes, climbing trees, maybe digging. It's the journey and being with some one else.

    Thanks Heather. I admire you so much in doing it. I came from such an idyllic household that I could never imagine anyone not having it. When I went into nursing school and heard other peoples stories, I was shocked. I just thought that every one had a Mom and a Dad that loved each other and provided that safe and warm, loving home. Anything else was a foreign thought to me. I just try to encourage other people to try to finally find that happy spot in their lives. It doesn't negate the act of violence, it still happened, the pain and fear is still there but it isn't as much trauma to thier lives anymore. I just like to see people being able to walk past it and not let 'it' be the master of their life anymore. It shouldn't control you. You need to control it. I am not talking about you Heather. I am talking about anyone in general. Here in the states we have CASA volunteers and they are adults that are there as an advocate for a child in court and through the system. And no, I don't know what CASA stands for.

    Pip, get thee to your eye doctor as soon as you can, tomorrow, even tonight. You can be having a torn or damaged retina or cornea. Update, Wednesday is to far away. Good for you on the MS walk, Give your boss a big hug for me!

    Carey, geocaching is an app you have on your smart phone. Well the geocaching my daughter does is done this way. When you click on that app, it lets you know if there is a 'cache' or hidden treasure in your area or area that you are willing to go to. It gives you the GPS that you follow on your smart phone and also use the compass in the app. The gPS gets you to the general area, the compass helps you hone in closer and then you have to hunt. You only know that your treasure is there, you have no idea if it up, down or where. A lot of geocachers wear those cheap lights that are on a headband so you can hunt at night. It might be in a tree or bush or even in the ground. The ones Michelle has found have been in old jars, coffee cans, something that won't biodegrade by the elements. You never know what your treasure may be. It may be an old McDonalds kids meal toy. But if you take, you must leave one. So you have to come prepared to leave something. She loves to do it with my grand daughters. That's why they love their Aunt Michelle so much. She does cool things. Mom makes them do chores and homework.

    Terri, Milwaukee, your son is a very special kid!!! But you knew that.

    Peggy, yum!!!!!

    Mary, Minnesota, is there anyone you can call to expediate the process? Can your realtor help in any way. If you have to backout of buying, that realtor will be losing out on a commission.

    BKrimpet, bad cholesterol can be genetic and either medicine or do nothing may be your only option. Also heart disease with a wonderful cholesterol can be genetic. My Dad had a perfect cholesterol and tryglicerides but he had terrible heart disease. As someone else said, no one can make you take a medicine you don't want to take.

    Sylvia, I had completely forgotten about the 3-2-1 cake. Now I must get some!!!! Philadelphia makes flavored whipped cheese and one of them is chocolate. When you put it on the 3-2-1 cake right out of the microwave, it sure doesn't take much cream cheese to put a very light frosting on.

    janetr, my nephew was a heroin addict. He was in a rehab center, court appointed, and he successfuly finished. At the very end, he did a lot of counseling with the other patients. He is now an inspirational speaker and wants to go to college to be a counselor. I have another nephew that was an alcoholic. On the day of my Dad's funeral, he put himself in an inpatient facility. He has been in AA now since 1999 and is a sponsor to many. He will never miss an AA meeting. He doesn't care what is going on. We have all discussed whether the tendency towards obsevvie behavior like drugs, alcohol, eating was genetic. I know my sister, the Mom of the alcoholic sure has a tendency to be 'hooked' on her many drugs she takes for fibromyalgia and her many orthopedic surgeries. She is aware she has to be extra careful.

    Welcome to Meredith, Miriam and Dee. Come often, join the chat and just tell us about yourself, help us and let us help you.

    Well again today we have had these huge rain bursts and then they are gone but will have another several hours later. But when it is raining, you better watch it. My sister and I have set up Father's day plans, Her husband is going to go to GFS, a big bulk place, and buy fried chicken, baked beans and potato salad. She will make a desert and my daughter will make her usual deviled eggs. When my brother in law gets the bill from GFS, we will just split it. My husband has his panties in an uproar. He and my brother in law have never gotten along that well. Have no idea why except they are both controlling people. So now my husband doesn't want to go. He doesn't want the big meal for lunch. He wants it for supper. Well my sis and her husband will be at church at our supper time, Michelle will be at dog park because that is the cooler part of the day. So now he is moping around.One time he decided he wasn't going to have Thanksgiving with us! So he stayed home and my daughters and I went. Then he asks why we didn't bring anything home to him!!! So I hope by Sunday his panties will not be in an uproar. He is talking more positively about taking medicine for his ulcerative colitis now. I think he is just getting tired of getting up 4 times a night. Sure am glad I can vent about him and he has no idea how to use the computer and see what I am saying. I have no idea what the repercussions would be if he saw what I write about him!!!

    Love you all, Joyce K, Indiana