

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Tere congrats to you and your daughter. Prayers for the young man who is struggling with food.

    Pip glad you made an appointment. Hopefully it something minor. Worth it to be sure.

    Heather love the idea of using foil to cook beets. It is probably less messy too!

    Texas friends may the over watering cease.

    Prayers for South Carolina.

    Worked all morning in the vegetable garden.

    #6 Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.
  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    Happy Friday all.

    Another beautiful but hot day in E. Washington, hopefully can get a bike ride in today or at least take the dog for a good walk.

    Dee & Dani - welcome. I am new here too. You are in for a lot of fun.

    Pip- glad your eye is feeling better. I scratched my eyewash a contact once. It is very painful, but the eye heals faster than just about any other body part.

    Joyce- your nephews sound like really amazing guys. It's wonderful they want to give back and help others.

    Mary - good luck on your move. Thats a lot of work.

    Kat - I hope your have a quick recovery.

    Carol- I can totally understand what you are going through. My MIL is a hoarder, albeit on a smaller scale. She has a house that hasn't been lived in for about 8 years. Its not totally full but in most of the bedrooms you can't even get the door open far enough to get in. We have tried over and over for her to let us "kids" clean it out but she refuses to let anybody do anything. Such a sad situation.

    Chris - good luck on your 5K class. Getting up and getting moving that early in the morning would be very hard on me. I am NOT a morning person.

    Lisa- I had to chuckle at your sisters comment about getting webbed feet. I was born and raised in Seattle. Seattleites always say we are born with webbed feet. We also don't tan, we rust. Now I live in eastern Washington. Much drier and hotter on this side on the mountains.

    Everyone have a great day today.

    Agnes, E. Wash
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    janetr - you're story was powerful, thanks for sharing and congrats to your grandson. i had my serious drug issues back in the day but was lucky enough to kick it on my own.

    Thanks so much, I don't share it generally, its a lot of personal emotion for him and I both. But I knew my great goup here would understand and support.

    Hope you get to see the eye doc today.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Happy Friday, lovely ladies.

    I am just back from a little 3 day vacation with DH. Had a wonderful time at the ocean side in a cabin. Nice and quiet just enjoying nature. On the way back we visited Cathedral Grove, which is a BC park old growth forest. I am grateful for living on this beautiful island.

    @bkrimpet - I believe you were asking about cholesterol. After many years of being on statins (80mg), my doctor and I agreed for me to go off them last December. There are credible studies out there that cholesterol levels are not the demons once thought to contribute to heart disease. Once I learned about the more current science, I started reading on it and researching the risks and benefits of statin medication. There is significant heart disease in both my mom and my dad's family. My dad had high cholesterol, my mom did not. Yet they both died of heart failure, but still lived very long lives. All that to say is that it is worthwhile researching it all and discuss with your medical practitioner what is best for you.

    Janetr - thank you for sharing your and your grandson's story. I find it inspiring.

    Penny at the Pole - I noticed the beet! I should get some, because DH and I both love beets.

    Heather - I admire you for writing your memoir. I identified with what you said about feeling hungry. I want to get back to practising that it is okay to feel hungry, because I am healthy and get plenty to eat! My brain sometimes does not cooperate though.

    Have a great day, ladies.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa West TX - love the story, not from TX but funny just the same.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning. I have been up since before 3am. So going to be a long day. I work 6-5:30. A coworker's mom passed away so I am working Saturday evening to help cover why she is gone. That will give me 52 hours this week and next week I am scheduled for 54 hours. I am too old to do this for long. But will help the saving fund for our vacation in October. Last evening I got my fitbit to sync. I am happy happy about that. Got the weeds sprayed in the driveway and the grass sprayed in the rock garden. Hope that is for the last time this summer.

    Lisa--I got your book ordered last evening and looking forward to reading it. Said it will be here by the 23rd, so will see.

    Pip--Pray you got your eye and contact problem fixed. Sounds very painful.

    Sending prayers for all in Charleston and all the familys affected by the shooting.

    Janet--Congrates to you and your DGS.

    Mary--Glad things are moving ahead with moving.

    Kat--Glad you are ok. Please take it slow.

    Pat--I know it is not easy, just know you are doing the right thing. I remember when my real dad had to go to the nursing home. My brothers (3of them) and I were there to take him and at the last minujte they had something come up and couldn't go. So DH and I ended up taking him just us. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I will never forget the look on his face when he realized we were not backing down and he had to stay.

    Cheri--Hugs, One Day at a Time.

    Katla--Hope your visit with DS and DDIL goes well. It is hard when we don't see our children often. We have several that live a distance away and only see acouple times a year. That is why I love facebook as I can see pictures and keep up with what they are doing.

    Once again I am caught up. We are such a fun group with lots of advice and support. I love it and each of you. Tonight when I get off work we are to go with our motorcycle group out for supper. The sun is shing so should be a good ride. Take care and remember we are not in this alone.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    When I'm not recording it, I'm pretty much giving myself permission to lie to myself, as far as I'm concerned. Not trying to get all freaky about it--but I very conveniently "forget" what I eat. I "estimate" what a serving is. Not sure who I think I'm kidding, but I know who's gaining the weight. And I cannot, will not do that to myself anymore. I'm worth my own honesty, finally, even if I don't like the end number much.

    YES!! That is exactly the reason my goal this month (and actually the rest of my life, but that is sometimes too daunting to think about) is to log it all. The good and the bad. I'm worth it, dang nab it.

    Pip/Poop – Glad the eye is feeling better today. Good luck on getting it checked out.

    LOL! I am a mess today. I got red sauce on my top as I ate lunch today and just now I spilled iced tea on myself. As I have lost weight I have noticed I spill less on my “boob shelf.” Guess I’m making up for it today.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Rebel Renny -- I throw this old article out for what is is worth: https://proteinpower.com/drmike/2007/08/22/jane-brody-and-her-elevated-cholesterol/ . The more I read, the less I seem to know, but this is all becoming very interesting to me, and I am becoming less worried about it. Human bodies are so complicated and we are all unique!!! All I know is I haven't lost 10 pounds since my last pregnancy in 1986 until now when I started logging my food.
    Lisa -- I need to remember that egg metaphor for every aspect of my life!
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Hi all
    Quiet day today, 3 days off exercise. (No bike facility running). It will give me time to recover. The 4 days of riding this week is making me saddle sore. Going to start walking like a cowboy soon.
    I love beetroot. I usually cook mine in the microwave like a baked potato. Just prick it and cook it on the baked potato cycle or for about 5-9mins depending how big they are. The skin peels off lovely.
    Getting a "man" in to do my garden next week. The depression stopped me gardening and although I am willing to do it, Im finding it hard to clear the gardenwith my back. I will get him to clear the top and start again with planting.
    Unlike Heather who is always starving, Im quite happy not to eat, then stuff my face. So Im sticking to a time regime too for the opposite reason. I am finding I am loving the fresh food Ive been cooking. Good start to continue eating healthy. Must find a non fattening cobble recipe because cobblers are just yummy. There must be one with oats and almond flour somewhere.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!have a good one
    Hugs from jane
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Friday! Week seemed long to me for some reason. LOL, today our high was to be 91 (which I'm starting to think of as not too bad)........now 96.

    Held my plank a full two minutes this morning......yay, it's coming back little by little.

    In the recent discussions, for the record, I am a beet lover and also pretty constantly hungry (except, for a while after my afternoon hot chocolate, which is weird because it's all of like 85 cals).

    Starting with DD to plan our annual summer fling travel thing which is her wanting to camp as we wander and explore and me fighting for a hotel room at night for roughly two weeks. Last year we did do part of the AT; albeit a very small part in Pa. and visited the oldest bookstore in the US. Our one constant is a few nights at my cousins summer home and a few camping at Knoebels, a lovely, gorgeous amusement park in Elysburg, Pa in the most beautiful setting. Having a dog along will complicate it all again to say nothing of being trapped in a tent when it's "gassy"...........whew!!!! Usually we go in August but backing it up a bit this year so DD has a little time to get in vet school mode. She's now giving her three employers end dates in the coming weeks.

    Margaret.........Loving your sayings......also, great point about considering tick diseases, having been on Doxy at least twice myself (see camping).

    Vicki.........Sorry about your BP, I'd guess stress at work related too.

    Sylvia.......Great jokes. Yes, $25 to $450 IS a huge jump.

    Janetr.........Thanks for sharing your back story; I'd say both you and DGS are winners!

    Lisa..........Loved your joke too, I must be part Texan!

    Katla.........Banner day for you!!! Have fun!!!!

    Hunger is not an emergency! Borrowed from Heather who got it from a book.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited June 2015
    Lisa - as I understand from the bbc programme that had the quiz, it's something to do with a lack of the "full" hormone that someone else wrote about. They blood tested the guinea pigs on the programme. The other thing they did was fit them with head cams when they were at a fair. They constantly scanned food outlets, even when they had eaten. That is ME! ME! ME !

    Scheduling, logging, WEIGHING EVERYTHING, is what has kept me at target for 18 months. I will never be able to go off logging. NEVER. EVER. I am a glutton and that is that. But I have only been over mfp amounts a couple of times this year. I used to have very modest goals when I was in losing mode. Even 8 oz a week was good. That enabled me to EAT and stick to my limits. I always ate my exercise calories becsuse I believe deprivation is the enemy of weight loss. I enjoy all my food and rarely feel deprived. Now, if I could just eat more cheese, my life would be complete! :laugh: (I do eat cheese every night)
    Tomorrow I will have to eat something in the car because my DSIL has scheduled the party for 2pm. It is over a 2 hour drive. I normally eat at 12.15 to fit in with a favourite TV programme. In order not to be STARVING and attack anything that doesn't move I will have a moderate 200 calorie snack in the car. I will then adjust consumption to catch up. She is used to my "funny little ways" and knows I can't even talk when I'm hungry. My children used to say "Mum's got the knee trembles" :laugh: I rarely allow myself to get that bad nowdays, but plain old hunger can be tolerated.

    Love Heather UK
  • kariliz2
    kariliz2 Posts: 7 Member
    Stayed within my calories the past two days but today I was at a breakfast meeting and thought I was being careful but it added up so quickly. But really, I knew the muffin was a bad idea, what was I thinking!!?. So I need to get out this afternoon for more exercise and try to make up at least part of the difference. Fruit and yogurt for lunch, salad probably for supper. This logging does help keep me from rationalizing a little bite here or there.

    Lisa - the carton of egg analogy was great! Kept me from trashing the whole day (and I was tempted.)
    KateKyi & Heather - Love beets. Thanks for the ideas.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Planning a hike on Sunday if the weather cooperates... maybe even if it doesnt.
    Kari from VT
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies! Great news today, we had another showing of our house since there is a contingency on it and the people want first chance to write you an offer if the appraisal falls through for the other people. We also went over to our new house and bug bombed the garage and cabin so we can start bringing are things over there. Our realtor said they're bigger said that there should be no problem closing on time. Maybe the other people wanting our house will make them move a little faster.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    YAY, Mary, what fabulous news!!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks Jan!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    edited June 2015
    It's Friday, I have the day off, and I have a new bike helmet. Yippee! AND, although it looks kind of overcast and rainy, that just means I have some chance of taking the bike out without broiling! Also, my strength training today will consist of hauling around and assembling a pile of flat-pack from Ikea.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    hey peeps, got a ride home so i wouldn't have to ride the bike home, kids went crazy seeing that i got home early
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    bkrimpet ~ I read the article you referenced and it sure is confusing. I do take statins and my good cholesterol is very high and my bad cholesterol is low. Love being able to go to "My Chart" through Wellstar to visit all my test results on line.

    We ate Chinese today and I feel like I did pretty good. Only ate part of the rice and had chicken with broccoli which is pretty low. Passed on the egg roll and fried wing. Yay!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Kate – I love beets. Thanks for the microwaving tip. That should make them easier to cook for myself since DH won’t eat ‘em.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere