

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    well peeps - now BOTH of my eyes are messed up! i am glad i can type w/o looking so if you see typo's it coz i can't see what i'm typing. long story now i can't wear anything (no contact) in my right eye because it got irritated while i was there and i am wearing my old contact lens in the left eye where they would rather i not wear any at all. gave me some drops twice a day in the left eye and 4 times a day in the right eye, mind you i went in for the left eye. got a raging headache from the pain. hopefully i will be better tomorrow, gonna do the run no matter what. nite peeps and thanks for all the concern.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    weak stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym gym- 10.07min, 17.3amph, 2.9mi = 96c
    ski machine- 35min, 20resistance for 25min, 30resistance for 5min, 35resistance for 5min, 1.90mi = 251c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.26min, 12.6amph, 1.3mi = 65c
    412 cal total
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif Friday is my happy day when I teach the beginner line dance class. There were three brand new students who seemed to be having fun and enjoying the challenge. One of the newer students came to tell me at the break that she hates exercise but loves the line dance class and that her doctor told her that learning something new was good for brain health and longevity so she would be continuing in the class. Another woman told me that she has been eating gluten free for several months and it has dramatically lessened both her depression and her migraines.

    669157ow6gb2t4f3.gifJanetr, my approach to cake and ice cream is the same as the way people with peanut allergies treat peanut butter--I don't eat it no matter what....good luck to you

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    two hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    two hour line dance class
    over an hour on the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did an hour of Jeannette Jenkins Bikini Boot Camp DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jari Love Extra Ripped 1000 Body Rock DVD.

    - welcome! Sounds like you have a real big heart.

    - when the cookies are baked, they really don't call my name. It's just that raw dough. I tried putting a piece of gum in my mouth, didn't work, I tried having something to eat before I made them to fill me up, didn't work. About the only thing that did seem to work was one time when I was making cookies my stomach didn't feel well. But I don't want to cause myself to be sick. vince said that he didn't hear any rain last night so things are probably going to dry up enough for us to at least cut the front weeds. I have every intention that after I mow I'll go in the pool, if anything to cool off. Then I'll probably go in to lay in the pool, do my exercises. I do want to go to Hamricks to see about a bathing suit, need to get a mattress cover for when Jess' friends get here so we can get that bedroom together, then go to Aldi so I can get some veges and meat to marinate. I think I missed the post about whatever topic was brought up that was controversial. Well, guess I didn't miss much.

    - how nice of you to comment on that guy's weight loss! You can certainly relate to how much it means to have someone notice your hard work. What a buy on that hamburger!

    - your grandson seems to have this "ability" to help people. He certainly helped you and now he's helping others at the rehab place. That's wonderful. happy birthday to your hubby. The party will be great, I'm sure of that

    Lori in WI
    - what kind of business do you have? You probably told us before and I forgot (so what else is new?). Do you "schedule" your exercise in advance? I know I do, that's the only way I can be fairly sure that I'll do it. If I've already planned it out.

    - what a cute cat! One thing I miss about not being in NJ are Jersey tomatoes. Actually, Vince had never heard of Jersey tomatoes until we got married, and he grew up a few blocks from me! Well, his mother wasn't much of a cook at all, she probably only bought tomatoes at the grocery store. I remember my father would always go to the farmer's market for things.

    Dani in Nebraska - welcome! Congrats on your wonderful weight loss. How much more do you want/need to lose? Great goals

    Dee from CA - welcome! If your problem is standing, you know that there are uTube videos of chair exercises?

    Joyce in Indiana
    - sure hope your husband comes around. Even if he doesn't, will you still attend the Father's Day outing?

    Penny at the Pole - I always love reading your posts. It really makes me think about the real differences in our areas. Great that you can get those grandkids to eat just about anything! Hope you do get to see some wildlife.

    - yes, we are at the foothills of the mountains so that's why we very seldom get the humidity. You don't need to tell me about how hot and dry it's been! The ONLY good thing is that with it being so dry, the weeds aren't growing as much. But wait until we get rain!

    - what works for me is I just jot on a piece of paper what I eat. then I log everything at once. You can maybe just mark on the paper what day and when you have a chance, then you can log everything. Good luck to you Sorry you were in the ER. I hate, too, when I'm so doped up that I don't remember things. One reason I don't like novacane is because I want to be in control -- I hate the "droolmouth" dh used to work for Mars, Inc. The people there didn't have candy on their desks -- they had a drawer full of it!

    - loved the quote today. I'd never heard that one. One thing I've never been able to do without bending my knees is touch the floor

    tere - a brownie as an apology! I probably would have sent it back. I never use the salt shaker, either, except in baking. Actually, I got those small salt shakers since buying a big one would last me FOREVER and it would probably clump up before I could use it up.

    katla - have a wonderful weekend

    Cut the grass/weeds in the front yard and on the sides this morning. Vince did about 1/2 of the area under the power lines but he was afraid he'd run out of gas so he didn't do any more. The guy came to work some more on the ceiling downstairs and then put in the screen on the porch. In the meantime, I went in the pool, then went to Hamricks (did find a nice shirt that I wasn't expecting to get, if I go tomorrow I can get a bathingsuit for $12), then Office Depot, then Bed Bath & Beyond to get a zippered vinyl mattress cover, then Office Max for CD/DVD envelopes, stopped at TJMaxx but didn't see anything I liked, then Aldi. Now home to read posts, made dinner, just have to heat it up.

    After cutting the grass I was sweeping the clippings off the driveway and a wave of nausea came over me like you wouldn't believe. I actually was standing in front of the toilet with the seat up. Fortunately, it subsided, but I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. Vince was saying how I need to be sure that I'm not dehydrating and maybe I should drink the Gatorade (like him). For all the time we were putting down the river rock, I was sweating like crazy, and really drinking, but I never felt this way. Oh, he's sometimes a worry-wort. I'm fine. He kept saying "I need to take a shower but I don't want to with you this way". I went in the pool!!!!

    Cheri - thanks for your review of the premium MFP. Good to know that I'm not missing anything

    - have fun at the party and with your friend

    Pip - glad you made that appt and can't wait to find out the results

    yanniejannie - great plank hold. I love beets, too. Mostly the golden or the ones that are red and white colored, not the all-red ones. I guess that's because one day Dr. Oz was saying how your pink pee is an indicator of leukemia. Well, the next day around 6a.m. I stumble into the bathroom, go pee and it's pink. It never dawned on me that the night before I'd had a red beet with my dinner. All that morning I was worried sick that I had leukemia. then I remembered about the beet. I don't want to go thru that again!

    Mary from MN - thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us

    tapico -
    welcome! great weight loss

    - always so great to hear from you. Stop by more often

    - If I'm having one of those "not good" days, I will do the same thing. A few weeks ago I bought a Krispy Kreme donut. Don't ask me why I did, I just did. Anyway, I ate it in the car and made sure I threw away the empty container before I went in the house. How sick is that?

    Michele in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here in Tassie
    Been persuaded to post how I am going lol
    Last week was HARD with daughter in hospital but she is home now, breast clinic, chemo and radiation to come.
    NO training last week, only walking. Back to training yesterday
    Today I have thoroughly cleaned house after Jillian's "Hard Bodies" walk dog after lunch.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbiecat wrote: Janetr, my approach to cake and ice cream is the same as the way people with peanut allergies treat peanut butter--I don't eat it no matter what....good luck to you

    Thanks Barbie, that's a great way to think of it. I CAN live without and CAN'T with it. I'll just go with that. :)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lesley!!! Great to have you back!!!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    exermom wrote -janetr - your grandson seems to have this "ability" to help people. He certainly helped you and now he's helping others at the rehab place. That's wonderful. happy birthday to your hubby. The party will be great, I'm sure of that

    Thanks so much, my grandson is special for sure. Spoken like a true gramma. :) I'll enjoy the birthday party and the people and not depend on the food for my enjoyment. Gonna keep that in mind.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lesley, I'm so glad to see your post, and hope your daughter recovers quickly. Please don't forget to take care of yourself, too!

    Pip, you might need to learn Braille. I hope your poopy peepers feel better soon.

    Today I took the kids to swim lessons, then we had a picnic in the park and went to a nature center in Joplin. Then we scoured the city for a Green Bay Packers hat for their dad for Father's Day. We finally found one, and it was $30! I couldn't believe how much a baseball cap costs. The darn things had serial numbers of something stamped inside. And they even sold hard sided cases to carry one baseball cap. Somehow baseball caps have become big business. But it made them happy. That's what counts. We got a card and a gift bag, and the oldest hid it in their bedroom. I'll be amazed if they can keep it a secret till Sunday. Especially the littlest blabber mouth.

    I was so tired when I finally got home that I conked out and hubby took DGS to his tball game.

    So, I'm off to bed. I hope everyone had a great day.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Lesley continued prayers for your daughter.

    Beth glad you just jumped back in. Missed you.

    Pip glad you got the meds you need for your eyes. Hope they heal quickly.

    Michele ah yes pink pee because of beets. Sorry for your scare.

    #7 When I'm finally holding all the cards, why does everyone decide to play chess.

    Pleasant Dreams...

    :heart: MnMargaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

    After cutting the grass I was sweeping the clippings off the driveway and a wave of nausea came over me like you wouldn't believe. I actually was standing in front of the toilet with the seat up. Fortunately, it subsided, but I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. Vince was saying how I need to be sure that I'm not dehydrating and maybe I should drink the Gatorade (like him). For all the time we were putting down the river rock, I was sweating like crazy, and really drinking, but I never felt this way. Oh, he's sometimes a worry-wort. I'm fine. He kept saying "I need to take a shower but I don't want to with you this way". I went in the pool!!!!

    Michele in NC

    Michele - I had that happen once, worked outside in the heat and drank way too much water. the doctor told me to take electrolytes - Gatorade works too - just get the one that is very low in calories ( 5 cal). I use SiSu to go energy boost. And only when I am sweating a lot.

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Didn't get moving until noon, but put in about 2 hours all told. Walked (and jogged a recent personal best of 4 minutes) to a nearby gym and paid $10 for an "all-day pass" and tried out a bunch of their machines. Didn't take notes on what I did; shoulda. With what I remembered, I got 328 calories. Pooped out and didn't eat lunch, leaving me with 733 left after a big supper. MFP is going to warn me again about eating too little - a sentence I'd never in my life have expected to write.
    Had a cup of yogurt w a cup of frozen cherries for dessert. Poured out what I thought was a cup into the bowl, decided I'd better check. The bag said 1 cup weighed 140 grams. I was pretty much spot-on -- added one cherry and got 139 grams.

    Heather - Hallelujah for the good night's sleep. And Wow! Three volumes! Yeah, get it all written before you decide what to do with it. If you eventually decide you want to look for a publisher who'll pay you, you might want to see if you can edit it all down to a single volume. But that's a decision well in the future.
    And <hat doffed, low bow> for figuring out how to stay within boundaries. I don't know if I could do that if I were hungry all the time.

    JanetR - "granny panties" - great line!
    And congratulations to you and your grandson.

    peep/oop/ip, I hope your eye's doing much better. I've had bad eyes since childhood, but sounds like yours are worse.
    (later) Oh, no! Do you have any glasses? Sometimes you just have to leave the contacts out. TAKE CARE of them eyeballs. Even if it means canceling the ride.
    VERY cool beans anent the bicycle mileage savings on money, gas, CO2.
    Raw turnips taste sorta like very mild radishes. Cooked they turn a bit sweet. Do they sound better as neeps? That's the Scots word.

    Carey - that is a mighty complicated graph. I'm just trying to compare net calories and weight loss/gain. Apparently I can only lose if I'm eating so little that MFP warns me about imminent starvation.



    And pssst! You can count that morning coffee as part of your water.
    At the bottom of the first page of the Mayo article:
    Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total.

    Kate Kyi - good for you on sticking to the tatting and meals. And your freezer is your friend - you can make lots of servings at once, freeze them as singletons, and have 'em ready for the oven or 'wave.
    For instance, if you're figuring about 200 cals for breakfast, you can have breakfast burritos. Search out some lower-calorie whole wheat tortillas (calorie counts I find online range from 90 to 130). Scramble 8 eggs, take 1/4 cup of grated cheddar. Put 1/8 of the eggs on each tortilla. Top with 1 Tbs cheddar. If the tortillas are 110 calories, each burrito is about 213. Roll each in foil, stash 'em in a freezer baggie. Take one out, remove foil, wrap in a paper towel and nuke. There's breakfast. :)
    If you search for
    150 calorie breakfast muffin
    you'll find scads of recipes.

    Then there's
    Fruit thingies (adapted from Jo-Ann's Power Bars)

    Cooking Times
    Preparation Time: 10 minutes
    Cooking Time: 30 minutes
    Total Time: 40 minutes

    1 1/2 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
    1/2 cup whole wheat flour
    1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 beaten egg
    1/4 cup applesauce
    1/4 cup honey
    8 packets sweetener (equal to 1 tbspn sugar)
    1/2 cup chopped pecans
    1 7-ounce bag chopped dried mixed fruit

    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Line 9" square pan with foil. Spray it with cooking or baking spray..

    2. In a large bowl, stir together the oats, flour, cereal, and cinnamon. .

    3. Add nuts and dried fruit. Stir well.

    4. Stir up egg. Add applesauce. Use same cup to measure honey. Add it. Mix well.

    5. Bake 30 minutes, or until firm and lightly browned around the edges.
    Let cool.

    Cut into 16 pieces, and each will be about 123 calories.
    If 12 pieces, each will be about 162.5 cals.
    I used silicone candy trays for square candies and baked them 15 minutes or so; the recipe made 48 of those, each about 41 calories.

    Store in the refrigerator. (or freeze)

    Substitute fruit and nuts ad lib.

    Adapted from http://allrecipes.com/recipe/jo-anns-power-bars/detail.aspx
    (I substituted 1/2c oatmeal for 1/2 c Grape-Nuts or other wheat/barley nugget cereal, and pecans for 1/4 cup each walnuts and sunflower seeds, because that's what I had.)

    low-fat low-sugar cobblers
    low-fat low-sugar cobbler "almond flour" oats


    Meredith - Great start! Are you originally from upstate NY, West Africa, or somewhere else?


    bkrimpet - maybe the doc will have suggestions about what to eat and not eat to lower LDL?
    Here's what the Mayo CLinic has to say
    Yay about obese to overweight!
    And I know the feeling of relief at aging past a parent - my mother died of breast cancer just shy of her 52nd birthday. My father also died of cancer, but it didn't show until he was in his 70s; he made it to 75.
    Yay for 10 pounds!

    Kari from VT - I'm lucky enough to be able to eat sweeteners. But for whatever it may be worth, I've cut out most added salt, and find I don't want much any more.
    Congratulations on not letting that muffin derail you for the day.

    Vicki - good luck on the BP.
    I got a fitbit, and it's now tracking steps here ... but I don't seem to get any calorie benefit. <pout>

    MN - good luck on the houses.

    NC Carol B - good luck with the post-surgery food prep.

    Mia - interesting (though scary) about your family's heart history, and your calcium.
    Good on you for returning to yesterday's diary to log the Ben & Jerry's.

    Penny - pretty veggies. We have a full-sized refrigerator and a small staff at the office (fridge is from it was much bigger). I tend to buy, say, four cukes, several bell peppers, a plastic box of spring mix & spinach, and a bag of "baby-cut carrots" (because I know I'm more likely to eat them if I don't have to peel them). I plop about 2 cups of the greens onto a plate, peel and slice a cuke or slice a bell pepper, or both, and toss on some carrots. A slice or two of meat or cheese, with or without bread/flatout, and there's lunch. I just wish I loved the greens. I know they're good for me, and they make the plate look really full. But they don't have much taste. <sigh>
    Very cool about the ptarmigan and ermine.

    GRITS - cobbler, yum! And a decent serving within limits. Yay!

    Allison - Sorry to hear about your dad's dog. And the leaking kitchen pipes. Aargh!
    10000 steps! Yay!

    Margaret - great lines! I may steal "If all is lost, where is it?" :)

    Michele in NC - Your manicotti's better than mine. I found the recipe; the notes say 2 manicotti are 8 oz. (It also says they freeze well.)
    Care to share? :)
    Good use of a loose watch!
    Sorry about that nausea; glad it passed. (There is no-sugar Gatorade.)
    Your beet-pee story reminds me of the time my high-school friend Beth slept over. Come the morning, she told me, "There's something terribly wrong with me. I'm peeing green!" I explained that my mother had started using a cleaner that turned the water blue.

    Miriam - <doffing hat> Quite a lady you are. One of my sister-out-laws raises shelter cats until they're old enough for adoption. Me, we just are ruled by three cats. No kids.
    Another friend has celiac disease and has worked up a lot of recipes. When I met her, she'd lost 180 pounds just from that change in diet.

    Meg from Omaha - hope the computer tsuris get resolved and soon.

    Sylvia - my last visit to the car repair (Firestone) wound up costing $73 for a new headlight ($13 for the bulb, $60 for labor (!) and $300-something in tires. If I hadn't been such a schlump, I know my regular mechanic would have replaced the light for less. And probably the tires. He's that miracle, an honest and reasonably priced car mechanic.

    Lillian - Back in the saddle again / Back where the scale is your friend ...

    Lori from WI - YAY for the sales and the nonpanicking.

    Daniwilford - good goals!

    Dee from Napa - can you walk? When I discovered that my phone had been tracking my steps since I got it, I was averaging about 2,000 steps a day. Now it's up to 8,000. If you can go up 50 a day, that'd be 350 a week, 1,400 a month. Even 10 or 20 steps added per day adds up.

    Marci - the hike sounds wonderful!

    metallaxi - congrats on the loss!

    Lisa - a quarter before noon and a quarter after 7p sounds fairly well-balanced to me. That would leave a quarter between noon and 330p, and a quarter from 330p-7, no? So more or oess 8a-noon, noon-330, 330-7, 7-10?
    I went walking before supper yesterday so I'd have enough calories to enjoy. Then I fell asleep without eating. <blink>

    Kat - glad you're feeling better, in spite of the ER's inability to find out what was wrong.
    I try to log as or just after each meal. Makes it much easier to remember.
    Good luck on the veggie grazing!

    Carol - so sad about your mom. But you're right - you can't afford to leave it empty. <sigh>

    Tere - What a lovely hard decision to make. :) Massage? Clothes? Concert ticket? Spa? Let us know what you decide.
    That's grand about your daughter! Super loss!

    Chris - how DID you post your ticker? I created one, but it never posts. Way to go on the early exercise!

    Renny - your vacation sounds gorgeous. Some years back, we went on a canoeing trip over Easter. On the day, we were in a cathedral-like space where baldcypress went up and up. At the base of one tree grew a spider lily.

    yanniejannie - yay for the 2-minute plank!
    vacation sounds fun either way. Congrats on your daughter getting into vet school! Lot of competition.

    Peachstate - well done on the Chinese!

    tampico - 5 lbs in 5 weeks IS a lot. Congratulations! Your comment got me to look at my net loss over the past month. I've been focused on the daily upanddownandupanddown ... but the net loss is 4.5 pounds, from 164 to 159.5. So yay me, too. :)

    Lesley - glad your daughter's back home. Good luck for all the work to come.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Got some sort of allergy again today so eyes, nose are miserable. So is husband from all of my sneezing. I am just very grateful for Puffs with lotion! So going to bed much earlier tonight.

    Allison, can you try to tell manager you just can't spend that much on a yearly contract and see if he will go down? Sometimes it helps.

    Peachestate Hugs.......

    Carey but just think of all the fun we had with our children when they were young that kids don't even know of now. Unless a Grandma teaches them! Think of blanket forts, playing outside just for the heck of it and all those other things we did.

    Lisa, LOL

    Mia, on the premium plan question. And I have no idea if this is on the premium plan or not, I am just assuming it is. Sometimes I use a quick calorie when adding a meal or pat of a meal. Some places we eat at like Jason's deli, let me build m own meal and I know exactly how many calories, carbs, fat, etc I am eating but I have no way to transport all that info to MFP. I only use quick calories. Thevlast time I did that, there was an availability to add macro nutrients but it was locked to me. So I am assuming if i had the premium plan it would be unlocked.

    Agnes, yes, I do have two very special nephews and i am so glad they finally found out that their parents are OK people. Took them until the 30's to find that out. But both of them have the problem that they just can't seem to keep their zippers up, if you know what I mean. Brother number one just had one son and he was spoiled rotten to the core. There was nothing he was denied and to this day his parents still pay his way. He now has 4 children and not married. 2 months before his 4th child was to be born he informs the Mom that he is tired of being with her. Now he is living with another girl. Brother number 2 has 2 boys, Oldest son was jsut as bad as the youngest son was but eventually grew out of it. We are all just praying that the youngest one will grow out of it also. But this one has 3 children, all by the same girl. They moved in together when she was pregnant and just 16. No one knows who the father is, nor the third child. When they 'break up', they stay in the same house because neither can stand to be away form the kids. So they both have a lot of growing up to do.

    Yeah, Lesley is back!!!!! Sure hope your daughter does OK.

    I have no idea how much rain we had today. I really need to get Charlie's Father's day gift but it is just so hot and humid and rainy out there, I haven't gone out. If I have to wait until next week to get it it's OK. Charlie says you don't need to get me anything. I just say, no, I want to. And yes, he will be going with me on Sunday. That man can't turn down fried chicken!!! I think my sister was a little put off that I will be bringing something for me.She asked if I just couldn't take the skin off. If it was baked chicken, yes I could. But not fried chicken. That dude has been deep fried. She is making the desert using low calorie things.

    Sorry I haven't replied to everyone, my brain is filled with muck today and I need to got o bed.

    Joyce K, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I am back to training again and being allowed to post food etc.
    Daughter taught her boxing class this morning
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I realize now I shouldn't have done the treadmill yesterday, the plantar foot is killing me :s sitting here icing it...
    Pip be careful with those eyes...
    going to see DFIL today and then have to water flowers at my friends house and maybe to Walmart..
    got my heron earring fixed so thrilled.. I dont wear much jewelry but they are my favorite and it only cost me 16.00
    they have a couple of cabinets in and Bill salvaged an old bathroom sink that we are using in the kitchen which is pretty funny but hey at least it works
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Lesley - prayers for your daughter and you. Hope everything works out well.
    Poop - Oh my goodness you are suffering with your eyes. Hope you manage to do the bike ride without harming yourself any more.
    Joyce - Hayfever is awful. Especially for the people around you if you have the constant sneezing and watery eyes :-)
    There was lots more that I wanted to say to people but I have not had time to take notes and the poor old memory is just not what it used to be, he he.
    I am getting ready to finish work and go to meet my dgs (3 days old) who should be going home from hospital this morning. Then I will be off to see the other grandchildren as one has her 10th birthday on friday. So I will be MIA for about 10 days. All take care of yourselves and I will try to catch up when I get back, although we may have started the new thread by then. Oh well - big sigh.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    JanetMMc - thanks for the confirmation on the fluids. I used to get so frustrated with people who would tell me I "can't count coffee or tea toward water for the day." For about five years after my bariatric surgery, all I could drink was coffee or tea. Unadulterated water still hits my stomach like a bomb, so it's either coffee or Crystal Light or iced tea or something that lightens the specific gravity of the water. I CAN drink water without it, but it's uncomfortable as all get out. I tried to explain to them that if tea and coffee weren't water, I'd be dead, but after a while you get tired of hitting yourself in the head with that particular hammer!

    On the ticker - you have to go copy the code and post it into your text in order for it to show up, it's not automatic. It will change automatically as you update your weight, as the code will go grab your most recent weight. But the code itself doesn't pre-insert, as near as I can tell, on this board.

    Also, on the Fitbit - it does log your steps and give you your basal metabolic rate burned throughout the day, but any other exercise you get you need to log in MFP to get credit for it for your calories: You can read more on the topic here: http://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1084231 Unless your steps are pretty high, it's not going to push your calorie burn up to a level where it's going to affect your MFP calorie levels from your Fitbit rate.

    Lesley from Tassie - so glad you're back! Even more glad your daughter's up to teaching her boxing class. You both seem to have a similar determination level...

    Sylvia - wish I'd had you for a grandma--one of mine had died by the time I was born, though my father would occasionally look at me in horror and mutter, "You're just LIKE Zora," which was not, apparently, a compliment. My mother's mother was a cranky old bat, who we saw twice a year through her sense of obligation, no more.

    Carol - I know it has to be hard to make those decisions.

    - hope the race goes well, don't trip over any thing with your blinky peepers!

    Can't wait for grandbabies coming in Monday night - just for one quick day on Tuesday, and then off again Wednesday, unfortunately, as they have to be down in South Texas for a custody hearing for the soon-to-be four-year-old. They wanted to bring him by for a quick visit first. If they don't get permanent custody, we won't get a chance to see him when they're here for two weeks in late July, which will be sad...

    But, fingers crossed, they get the right judge, and that little crapweasel she married the first time will get tagged for the three years of support he has never paid, and hopefully slapped in jail.

    A grandma can hope, can't she?

    And, just to light up your day, one fat little, very serene baby girl, with a baby buddha belly... :smiley:


    And flags, because Lesley's back, yay!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Whoops, just found out you cannot leave this site with an open post. Oh well . . . live and learn, I guess.

    Thanks for all the prayers for my nephew. Surgery went well, has a week, maybe 2 of PT (in the hospital). Sister going out after he gets home and will decide what needs to be done when she gets there. I don't know if he can 'do his work' at home in front of a computer - but I sure hope so. He's got a good job and was supposed to go to NY for about 3 weeks when this accident happened.

    To Miriam - we have a tuxedo cat from a shelter, I don't know why nobody had chosen him before. He is the sweetest, most loving cat we've ever had. He was one that stayed up around the house (not one that was stuck in a pen). Lady had said I could pick one from the housecat section. He's an outside cat and just about every other day he 'brings' his 'catch' to the back door (something, or what is left of it). YUCK! "Yes, Muxter-Tuxter, we know you are doing your job; but we really don't have to see it." He is a very 'confident' kitty with his tail always up with the tip turned in towards his head. He really looks like he is dresses in a top hat and tails. He'll sit and do a 'high 5' to get his meals. Dogs really don't seem to bother him much; but, we have to put him into the 'kitty hotel' in my studio when Will brings his dogs with him. Usually bring Lilly even if he leaves Jake at home. Jake does not take kindly to other male dogs. Lily finds the cats; and Jake kills them. Almost got tackled once when they came home before I got home from the vet. Cat scratched me; but, he got under the car and they could not get to him. Locked them up 'in prison camp' and he finally came out - really looked like a 'fur-ball' because he has not settled down from the 'scare'. Will had warned me about it, so it was really my fault for not getting him to put the up.

    Got in pool yesterday and moved for 135 minutes solid. Got out and by the time I walked home, was feeling it. Then slept for nearly 2.5 hours in my chair. Exhausted! But, it felt good to exercise.

    I've mapped out my meals for the day; and will adjust according to how much I actually eat. Might go over because we are frying fish; but, have not gone over my daily intake but maybe two or three times this last 2 week period; and then not by much. Get weighed-in on Tuesday.

    Lost a cap yesterday (and all dentists' offices are closed on Friday) . . . so had to call for an emergency visit. Thankfully, everything went fine and there was no decay under the cap. Fifteen or twenty minutes and I was outta there with my cap replaced. Whoops, maybe I need to take my 'snacks' out and let them 'get soft' before biting into them. Oh well, again . . . live and learn.

    Have a great weekend, to all!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    We had rain and thunder and lightning storm Thursday and the sun was shining at the same time. Go figure! Standing outside watching it. Son lost several branches off his tree (one like we have) that has huge leaves, good for shade in the summer). Paloma tree. Pines around house were bent over sideways. But none of them popped. Still was a messy clean up. We had to laugh that the one tree in the neighborhood (totally rotten with no bark on it) is still standing after all the strong winds we had. It is cracked halfway up but doesn't seem to want to go ahead and fall. Probably will fall in the road one day when someone is headed to work. I don't know why they just don't go ahead and cut it down; but it was one of 4 that were rotten and have come down already. Apparently they do not have a saw. At least not leaning towards their house. Told my DDnL that if it fell and blocked the road; just ride up into their yard and go around it; that would teach them that they needed to cut it down. Doesn't even lean towards his driveway. Rain stopped for a little while, and then started again, still with the sunshine out. I think some people call that - 'the devil is beating his wife'. She sure got a beating then. Pool was wonderful, just the right temperature and Trey did not have to add any 'cold' water to it since we had the rain.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    morning peeps.

    eyeballs are 1/2 a#$ better. to clarify, this morning its a 5k run, september is when my big MS bike ride is.
    it's 4:50am. usually we would be driving there with the kids (3hrs to long beach wa) and stay the nite at our place over there and then come back the next morning. but we're going to leave the kids here this time and go over there and come back, should be back around 1or2 he says. the award ceremony isn't until noonish. says its going to be around 54 degrees when we run and the run is on the beach. got my eye drops in and ready to go.

    i have had i issues since birth too (3 surgeries already) so i'm an ol pro to dealing with this. glasses give me double vision so i wear contacts, been wearing them since i was 17. i do have a pair but it's an old prescription and don't like being seen in them cuz of the coke bottle glasses affect, this is even with the new technology of making the lens thinner, they are still thick. that gives u an idea as to how bad my eyes are. wish me luck peeps, cuz it may be a 5k but i'm gonna run like the wind! see if i get first place in my age group again!