

  • cenandra
    cenandra Posts: 267 Member
    I weigh out veggies like sweet potatoes at the grocery store on my food scale, yes I bring it with me. It's a flat black smooth one and looks like an iPad from a distance. It any of the sweet potatoes weigh more than 200 grams I won't buy it. So some weeks, I don't get them, because none are in the magic gram weight. I also buy loose onions and bell peppers on a similar weight method. Again some weeks, there aren't any in that weight.

    I only buy my International Delight coffee creamer in the single serving mini containers like you get at restaurants. That way I know exactly how much creamer is in my coffee every morning.

    I have counted the pieces of popcorn I have eaten.

    All meat for myself is weighed out of the big package, vacuum sealed with date, weight, and either put in the fridge or freezer.

    Packages of cheese are brought home and cut immediately into 1 ounce slices and vacuum sealed and returned to the fridge.

    Lunches for the week are done on Sunday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I usually do mixed veggies 300 grams frozen weight to be microwaved. Tuesday and Thursday are Broccoli days and that is 400 grams of frozen weight to be microwaved.

    Boxes of Cereal if they are mine, get pre portioned out to 42 gram Ziploc baggies. I'm the only one who will drink 2% milk. So the half gallon gets weighed out into 8 ounce containers and returned to the fridge in their little reusable thermos containers.

    When I make biscuits, I weigh the flour out and do not use a measuring cup. Any flour used for kneading that is left gets scraped up and weighed to subtract from the recipe.

    I have made hamburgers for a party and weighed each patty, and thrown away what would not divide evenly into the calculated weight of the others.

    I can actually nail the number of servings a peanut butter container has in it by the label to perfect accuracy. I weigh it out too.

    I actually own 4 food scales, 1 that travels, 1 at the office and 2 in the kitchen. Their batteries are changed the 1st day of every month whether they need it or not. They are also all the same brand and identical. I'm a lab tech and have used the calibrated weights to check their accuracy, they are in acceptable range. I do this often.

    Shall I continue. I have developed a lot of quirks over my 900+ logging days here.

    @Danilynn1975 Your inspiring!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Morning all. Meds taken, and Charlie and I are snuggled up on the sofa watching frozen (its one of his favourites).

    I finally got on the scales again today. I've gained 5lbs in my little pity-party binge cycle. I'm sure some of it is water, so my goal is get that 5lb off before I hit the mountain in 2 weeks.

    Yes 2 weeks to go until I attempt to climb a mountain, in the dark. And did I mention that there is 2.5 feet of snow on the mountain? I've raised £685 so far for the Alzheimer's society, which I am also proud of. Gonna try and make it £700 before we go.

    Feeling brighter today, hopefully can keep food intake to sensible proportions today.

    Will you please post the link again? I'd love to contribute!

    Are your partners with you this weekend? How is your Mom recovering?

    ETA: Glad you took your meds again! Very important for Charlie and the new niece!

    thats very kind of you, thank you!

    No my partners were in London this weekend, I was having some much needed Charlie time. My mum isn't doing so well. She's developed infections at the excision sites, so on some pretty strong antibiotics.

    Meds taken again today. I'm doing ok. :D I feel like i have to check in and tell you all now, or you'll cluck like worried hens ;)

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Charlie and I have had a lovely day at the zoo, and according to my Fitbit, we've walked over 8 miles! Not bad for a two year old! If I knew how to post pics, I'd post a selfie we took.
    Would love to see a pic of Charlie!

    I don't know how *sob*
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited June 2015

    I don't if this works!

    ETA: it did! This was Charlie and I at the end of our day at the zoo

    this is before we set off:


    this was charlie at the end of the day:

    and i might be a little bit biased, but i do think he really is a beautiful kid
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member

    I don't if this works!

    ETA: it did! This was Charlie and I at the end of our day at the zoo

    this is before we set off:


    this was charlie at the end of the day:

    and i might be a little bit biased, but i do think he really is a beautiful kid

    He is absolutely adorable!!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    This weekend I went away to an adults music weekend at Butlins and I meticulously logged every single food and drink item consumed and am very proud of myself for doing so. I did go over slightly on calories but it's to be expected. I enjoyed seeing my miles/steps going up from all the dancing!

    My confession is I'm proud I didn't feel guilty about anything I ate or drank as for the first time in a long time I practised moderation at one of these events. E.g had Papa Johns buffet for dinner but didn't go crazy with it, ate until I was full not stuffed. Didn't then have late night Burger King etc. Didn't drink too much alcohol and still had a good time. These holiday camps are full of fast food establishments and bars so moderation is not encouraged haha!

    This thread has taught me it's normal to enjoy foods and a little extra here and there bears no odds on your long term goals and commitments.

    TL, DR? Went on a weekend away & wasn't greedy thanks to what I've learned in this thread!

    Glad you had a good time!!

    The realization that you can celebrate without the mindset that you've blown everything is so liberating. That's what I've found anyways.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MitsuShai wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like stress-eating a batch of brownies I made.
    Have one and freeze the rest in individual baggies.
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

    Too funny. Especially the 'there are literally dozens of us'. :)
    Glad someone got it! Love Arrested Development.

    Hello all - hope everyone's had a great weekend. I took my dad to the dinosaur museum today for our Father's Day treat. My husband's working away this week, so we'll have his Father's Day when he gets back. I also worked on a cover solution for our west-facing back deck, which is unusable in the summer because it gets so hot. Maybe I'll post a picture of the final result when it's complete.

    Eating wasn't bad - didn't go over cals despite a burger & fries lunch today, plus a fair amount of chocolate. I can't seem to understand why I'm always under for protein and over for fat! ;) I'm SO close to a 'healthy' weight, it's tempting to crash diet for a week to get under 150, but I won't. Am determined to go slow and steady this time. Only 1.5lbs to go, then another 5 after that to get to my first goal. ALL of my 'thin' clothes fit now, which is awesome. I've decided to get rid of big stuff that I don't like much anyway, but certain things I'm going to pack away out of sight, just in case. I regained everything I lost before and felt sick having to buy new everything, so I'm not doing that again. If I can keep the weight off for a while, then I'll consider letting it all go. Unfortunately I don't have a good record in that department. :/

    Yep I am thinking of doing things the same thing. I am so happy being this size. I just don't trust it to last. Even though the only person that can screw it up is me!

    I plan to keep weighing myself at least weekly for the rest of my life. The weight is not going to creep back on again!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    I don't if this works!

    ETA: it did! This was Charlie and I at the end of our day at the zoo

    this is before we set off:


    this was charlie at the end of the day:

    and i might be a little bit biased, but i do think he really is a beautiful kid

    He is gorgeous!!!! And you can tell you guys had a great day. You and he are lucky to have each other!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Father's Day was a bust for us. Ended up in the ER with my daughter. Sick with fever for over a week and a rash came on and looks awful. No definite diagnosis, but possibly a reaction to an antibiotic. Had Chipotle for lunch and just had some homemade banana pudding for dinner. We were supposed to take it to my FIL's house for a gathering today, but it never made it. That was the best one I made yet.

    Sorry to hear this! I hope she feels better soon. And I love Chipotle. You deserve it after that stress.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Morning all. Meds taken, and Charlie and I are snuggled up on the sofa watching frozen (its one of his favourites).

    I finally got on the scales again today. I've gained 5lbs in my little pity-party binge cycle. I'm sure some of it is water, so my goal is get that 5lb off before I hit the mountain in 2 weeks.

    Yes 2 weeks to go until I attempt to climb a mountain, in the dark. And did I mention that there is 2.5 feet of snow on the mountain? I've raised £685 so far for the Alzheimer's society, which I am also proud of. Gonna try and make it £700 before we go.

    Feeling brighter today, hopefully can keep food intake to sensible proportions today.

    Will you please post the link again? I'd love to contribute!

    Are your partners with you this weekend? How is your Mom recovering?

    ETA: Glad you took your meds again! Very important for Charlie and the new niece!

    thats very kind of you, thank you!

    No my partners were in London this weekend, I was having some much needed Charlie time. My mum isn't doing so well. She's developed infections at the excision sites, so on some pretty strong antibiotics.

    Meds taken again today. I'm doing ok. :D I feel like i have to check in and tell you all now, or you'll cluck like worried hens ;)

    We will! And I am sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she feels better!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    irenehb wrote: »
    Do many people get mfp mail/messages after posting in the forum?
    Just got a message that said you can do it, look at yourself in the mirror and get rid of your insecurities. Umm weird!
    Apparently I am insecure because I said I like to snack on frozen food even in Winter lol
    Nope, I just enjoy it and have maintained my weight loss for over a year now. I think I am just fine :)

    I'm pretty sure I've gotten that exact message.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    cenandra wrote: »
    This past weekend I ate and ate when I wasn't hungry. I've been maintaining my weight loss for over 6 1/2 years and I still have problems with boredom. I no longer buy Peanut Butter because I'll eat the whole jar during the weekend; however, it doesn't matter what "little" is at my house I will binge on something and that is sad.

    This thread is very helpful thanks for starting it.

    Excellent job! I agree this thread and the conversations we have really help me control and think twice before I make bad decisions because I feel a sense of accountability to the folks here!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    This weekend I went away to an adults music weekend at Butlins and I meticulously logged every single food and drink item consumed and am very proud of myself for doing so. I did go over slightly on calories but it's to be expected. I enjoyed seeing my miles/steps going up from all the dancing!

    My confession is I'm proud I didn't feel guilty about anything I ate or drank as for the first time in a long time I practised moderation at one of these events. E.g had Papa Johns buffet for dinner but didn't go crazy with it, ate until I was full not stuffed. Didn't then have late night Burger King etc. Didn't drink too much alcohol and still had a good time. These holiday camps are full of fast food establishments and bars so moderation is not encouraged haha!

    This thread has taught me it's normal to enjoy foods and a little extra here and there bears no odds on your long term goals and commitments.

    TL, DR? Went on a weekend away & wasn't greedy thanks to what I've learned in this thread!

    Excellent job! congratulations!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Confession: I over did it yesterday on the salty, not that great for you foods because it's that TOM. I skipped my workout last night, BUT I did cut up the watermelon and cantaloupe so I can eat THOSE instead today.

    I'm just grateful I didn't over do it too much and managed to hold myself back from the root beer float I wanted....
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    cenandra wrote: »
    This past weekend I ate and ate when I wasn't hungry. I've been maintaining my weight loss for over 6 1/2 years and I still have problems with boredom. I no longer buy Peanut Butter because I'll eat the whole jar during the weekend; however, it doesn't matter what "little" is at my house I will binge on something and that is sad.

    This thread is very helpful thanks for starting it.

    Excellent job! I agree this thread and the conversations we have really help me control and think twice before I make bad decisions because I feel a sense of accountability to the folks here!

    The BEST part is that even though we have that accountability, no one uses it to look down on others or hurt them for their mistakes. We just put it all out there and everyone goes "OH! I've got one worse!" or "Pssh! Just brush it off and get back on the wagon. You can do this!" or "I really understand and feel your frustration/anger/despair/grief/happiness/excitement."

    I visit this thread often and get ALL the warm fuzzies.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon, I just saw a story about a pitbull in CT that was just reunited with his family after being lost for 1.5 years! There are always so many stories of dogs/cats finally making it home after being lost for many months and even years!! I just wanted to give you a little bit of hope in the safe return of Owen! Never give up hope <3

    First of all, aren't you the sweetest?! I hope he does return. Secondly, did you know I'm an avid pit bull lover so I adore this story is about one being reunited with his family. Thanks for sharing this, @kelly_c_77 . <3

    You are so very welcome! And yes, I did know that you love pitbulls which is why I thought that this particular story was a good one to share! :)
  • Coastalpath
    Coastalpath Posts: 46 Member
    @pofoster21 and @Glinda1971 thanks! It actually made me enjoy the weekend even more having the knowledge that I don't have to have an all or nothing mentality. Such a good head space to be in lets hope it lasts.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Morning all, I read up to page 1000 (super great) but have skipped another 18 whoops.

    I'm feeling pretty bloated and massive (I'm 11 weeks pregnant but it's not visible) and was actually rather pleased to discover I've only put on 3 lbs so far. I had hoped to put on no more than 3-5 lbs during the first trimester so that's a win for me. The part I don't understand; I'm still about 13 lbs lighter than 6 months ago, but I feel huge, bigger than I did back then! It's probably hormonal.

    Anyway, the confession is, boy am I glad I hung on to my larger clothes. I'm nowhere near needing maternity wear yet, so it's nice to have a larger size option without spending money on something I'll only wear for a couple of months. Hurrah for my fat trousers!
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    Today marks 1 year of food logging for me, this time last year I was 250lbs and wearing 42" waist pants and couldn't run an 1/8 of a mile. Now I'm 180lbs, wearing 32" waist pants and run 3 miles a few times a week.

    The really surprising part to me is that with the exception of the first month it just seems too easy and I feel like if I stop logging the weight will show back up overnight.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    kpfry67 wrote: »
    I pretty much skip entering bad snacks on my food
    festerw wrote: »
    Today marks 1 year of food logging for me, this time last year I was 250lbs and wearing 42" waist pants and couldn't run an 1/8 of a mile. Now I'm 180lbs, wearing 32" waist pants and run 3 miles a few times a week.

    The really surprising part to me is that with the exception of the first month it just seems too easy and I feel like if I stop logging the weight will show back up overnight.

    Happy anniversary! Great loss and fitness gain!