

  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Hard confession here cuz it just happened again...

    I went to the Dollar Tree to grab 3-4 things best bought there. Was shopping fine enough, come time to checkout. A line out about 6 people deep with a ton of crap to buy and only one cashier checking people out.... Nope. No thanks. Not gonna happen. I dropped my hand basket in the center of the aisle where I stood and walked out. If you spend more time in line trying to pay for what you just shopped for then there is a problem with your practice! Yes, waiting is a part of living and in most cases there's no getting around it... The problem I have is not with the cashier doing their part so I never cut them a look or anything, I blame the business for insufficient staffing and I refuse to support them by making a purchase at that time.

    We were shopping the other night at Wal-Mart (we were in a small town and it was the only thing open that had what we needed) and there was seriously 1 lane open. In the whole entire store. One freakin' lane! Luckily, we didn't have a whole basket full of stuff, but still, I thought it was ridiculous. I've left a cart somewhere because I didn't feel like waiting in line for 20 minutes.

    I hate WalMart. Their official policy (here) is not to redirect or confront or scold people for having too many items in the express line.

    I know this because I once went through express with ONE item while the woman in front of me had 38. Yes, I counted. I wanted to say something to her but it would have been something really b*tchy and I'm trying to be a nicer person. So I pointed out to the cashier that the customer had exceeded the posted item limit about three times over, and she advised me that they weren't allowed to say anything.

    Nope, they aren't. People know this and abuse it. is a godsend! Free shipping to my home for any orders over $50.00. I order almost all of my non-perishable foods, toiletries, household cleaners, etc. Then I go to a different grocery store only for my fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. Haven't set foot in Walmart for almost a year and I intend to keep that streak growing.

    That is such a good idea! You are a genius! I usually go to one grocery store for meat, veggies, dairy, and sale items and then go to Walmart for paper, cleaning, etc. Totally doing this next time!

    Amazon Pantry is also a solid choice. You have a box with a set size and as you add items to your box, it shows you how much space each item takes as well as how much space you have left before it's full and ready to ship to you.

    I used Amazon Pantry when we went to Disney last year, but their prices are higher that Walmart.

    ETA: The process of showing you how full the box was, was amazing!

    I'm still 20 pages behind, but had to say I never heard of amazon pantry so just checked it out and that is awesome. The box filling up fills my heart with joy. hehe
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited May 2015
    I am debating donating the pants I am wearing today. They are falling off me, but I have been here before and then gained it all back and had no clothes to wear! But that was one of the motivators for me to start losing again... I guess I should donate them. Darn, I really like these pants. :(

    I suspect we will reach 700 this week! I officially reached 200 days in a row of logging today. I admit I was excited. I am way too invested in this site. :)

    edited to fix to to too. Can you say that? My grammar paranoia continues.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    My husband is the same.
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    I bought an exercise bike last year so that I could exercise comfortably in my dorm while away in college. I didn't use it once. My friends began using it as a chair when they came over. Shameful.
    That's what happens to 99% home exercise bikes I know =) They just make really good chairs and hangers for clothes, can't be helped. No hope is lost though! My old exercise bike that stood broken for years finally got a repair and my brother and his gf use it almost daily. My elliptical waited for me for a year after purchase. I hop on it on most cold and rainy days now. Don't regret your purchase. One day you are ready and it's there for you.

    All these pet pictures made my day! I'm owned by 4 cats myself. They keep me sane.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    eMka11 wrote: »
    When I was 12 or 13 my best school friend told me you can summon devil by looking in the mirror and calling his name 3 times, then she started to call... I was in tears begging her to stop after she said it for the second time. I was petrified!

    At 50 I still don't look into a mirror in the dark, I am to afraid.

    I have never been able to actually say "Bloody Mary" three times in front of the mirror. I mean, the odds of something actually happening are pretty slim, but why take the chance?!

    Does anyone else hate when their feet are outside of the blanket or over the bed?

    When my husband and I make our bed, his side of the top sheet gets tucked in, mine doesn't. I would just kick it loose anyway so I could sleep with at least one foot free. Even when it's dead cold and we have the electric blanket on, I will wake up with a foot free.

    This is me. It's how I thermoregulate at night. Ha.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I have finally caught up.

    Those of you who are my peeps already know this, but my FIL is currently in the hospital (and it was not looking good Sunday/Monday), but we got great news this morning. He should be alright, though it will be a long road to recovery.

    I ate like I spent most of my weekend in a hospital waiting area/sleeping on my BIL's couch, and it shows. I feel like hell, but I'm at work today, so I forced myself to pack an acceptable lunch, and I WILL get my act together over the next couple of days. I even plan to hit the gym tonight and lift my aggression out.

    Confession: Prior to putting on a crapton of under eye concealer, I basically looked like a walking corpse. I'm so pale that it's kind of horrifying to other people when I don't get enough sleep.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    CountessKitteh, I feel ya. I just went through some rough times when my MIL got sick and passed. Glad to hear your FIL is doing better. Get yourself some rest and it will be better.

    I am glad I kept up or it would take me all day to catch up here!! I don't have pics of my kitties. I have a 12 yo tuxedo cat named Ramona the Pest. She would come and wake me up and basically demand attention. The other is a white, tabby looking barn cat named Usagi (sp?). My step son named her and it is supposed to be Japanese for rabbit, don't ask why...... Anyway we ususally just call her Stupid, because she is really goofy and would act more like a dog than a cat. I also have a 10 yo mastiff named Baby. She is my baby, and she is pushing old age for her breed. Still acts like a puppy.

    Somehow managed to relax and not stress myself on eating this weekend. I overate a bit, but not huge amounts. It rained so much. I was glad for the break on Monday when we got some sun and were able to spend some time in our pool. I need the sun.....
  • Edison563
    Edison563 Posts: 22 Member
    I only slept in 20 minute intervals last night, only ate crap, at least im staying home from school today but I'll probably do the same as yesterday, nothing.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    My confession: If falling on and then subsequently struggling to get back on the wagon only to promptly fall off again burned calories, I'd be one hot mama! It can be seen if you scroll through my diary and note that I almost always log breakfast and then maybe lunch and then, BAM, splat. On my face. I know how to do this, I lost 100 lbs a few years back and gained it all back. I'm just in such a funk that ever stumble makes it seem unsurmountable. And then when I'm on, I think , I could be down 100 lbs by x day, and that motivates me, until i hear a dorritos bag rustle. Ugh. And my boyfriend makes it worse because he wonders why i can't just have a cheat day, like every other day.

    Enough venting out of me, I need a more active job so i can burn some effortless calories every now and then, lol.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    My husband is the same.

    My husband is great about remembering and celebrating things. (He shops months in advance for birthday and Christmas gifts.) My mother, on the other hand, has forgotten my birthday on at least 2 occasions. o_O
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    faithyang wrote: »
    nityamish wrote: »
    I was too tired to work out for past two weeks, so I stopped eating at all during day. Continued to eat light dinner. Felt horrible and disgusted with myself when I fell sick due to my stupidity. :( Started a new workout schedule from today though and feeling better already.

    Ack. I'm with you on that. I work out without fail every. single. day. on schedule. More because it fulfills my OCD than anything and I end up feeling really good and 'complete'. The past one week I sustained a foot injury and was out-of-order for a week. Absolute torture as I couldn't even walk. :( Yesterday I thought oh goodie the pain is gone, time for a run. Went for a low-impact jog so I wouldn't go too hard. BAM. Foot injury back. I swore I wouldn't go awol from fitness again so I hit the ellipticals and tomorrow will be the exercise bike. But I swear nothing feels as good as running does, it feels like I haven't worked out at all!

    I reckon its the OCD speaking in us!

    I'm right there with you on missing running. I suffered a groin pull in my last half and have been doing the elliptical/bike/walking for the past week. I'm going to try running again on Wednesday, I hope it's better because I have another half-marathon on Saturday! Eek! I think even if it's not as good as it could be, I"m still going to run it. :grimace:

    Omg - was it torture on the elliptical/bike? It was absolute torture for me - I like running because it feels productive. I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere, and plus the combination of wind/scenery/nature really motivates me and puts me in such an amazing mood/high. When I was on the elliptical I felt like I was making cheese or something...kept plugging away...but no cheesy end product to snack on. lol

    You have a groin pull and you're still going for a half marathon? Wow, hats off! Best of luck with the marathon but don't overexert yourself or you'll risk ending up out-of-action for the next 6 months or something if you pull anything else! :no_mouth:

    The elliptical does suck when I'm doing it everyday. I usually only do it once a week to get some low impact cardio in and give my hips and feet a rest.

    I'm going to try running tomorrow and I hope it goes well!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2015
    My confession today is that over the weekend my SO decided he wants to join me on my C25K runs. Now as much as I want to encourage this to get him off his *kitten* I begrudge going down from week 5 to week 3 (I chose week 3 because he has a job that requires him always moving, so I thought he could cope with that) He did well, but it's not week 5. :angry:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    My husband is the same.

    My husband is great about remembering and celebrating things. (He shops months in advance for birthday and Christmas gifts.) My mother, on the other hand, has forgotten my birthday on at least 2 occasions. o_O

    It has taken my dad 28 years to learn all three of his kids birthdays. Even now he has to think about it, but I have always told him as long as he remembers mum's and their anniversary it's fine.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession today is that over the weekend my SO decided he wants to join me on my C25K runs. Now as much as I want to encourage this to get him off his *kitten* I begrudge going down from week 5 to week 3 (I chose week 3 because he has a job that requires him always moving, so I thought he could cope with that) He did well, but it's not week 5. :angry:

    Oh I wouldn't like that either.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I also love the pet photos.

    Here are mine:


    The littler one is Trevor and the bigger one is Ajax (after the large Greek warrior, although he was tiny when we got him, not the cleaning fluid).

    So sweet!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My weight loss "journey" began after having my first child and misscaring four times. Each time I gained and hated myself for failing at both pregnancy and weight loss. Went to the doctor recently and they say:

    1) I need to take Metformin for my insulin resistant.

    2) My eggs are bad and I can't have a healthy child.

    3) We can try IVF and see if we get ONE good egg that might possibly mature and be a successful pregnancy.

    That being said I went into depression and ate my heart out. I would eat donuts (plural because it was usually three plus m dew) two and three times a week. Not to mention just hating my body.

    Two weeks ago my husband started working out again with a friend and last Sunday I just got up from my 3 hour TV binge and went to the gym. So...I have worked out in some manner for a complete 7 days now.

    I'm still pissed, angry and mad at my situation about the babies but first We need to get healthy (like my husband said) and then we will see where it goes.

    Who knows maybe adoption or egg donor...

    I have had this all in my head for weeks and I needed to get it out.
    This forum has been the best thing for me to read today!

    Way late to this, but just need to take care of you so you can be a good mother however that happens. Whether it's through a pregnancy or adoption or whatever, you still need to take care of yourself. Good luck and well done on seven days of exercise!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    For those of you who love cute kitty pictures, here's one of my sister's doll-faced persian when he was an itty bitty kitten.


    Today on my way to work I went by a shop that had a black kitty laying next to the mannequins at the widow. I paused to look at it and it meowed loudly at me. I wanted to pet it so bad!

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Cannot resist fluffy kittens.

    This is mine. Her name is Vameka but I just call her Monster, it's more appropriate. She's my 'heart cat', if there's such a thing, even if she's a pain in the butt.


    Beautiful! That's exactly how I feel about my Owen. <3

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    For those of you who love cute kitty pictures, here's one of my sister's doll-faced persian when he was an itty bitty kitten.


    Today on my way to work I went by a shop that had a black kitty laying next to the mannequins at the widow. I paused to look at it and it meowed loudly at me. I wanted to pet it so bad!

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Cannot resist fluffy kittens.

    This is mine. Her name is Vameka but I just call her Monster, it's more appropriate. She's my 'heart cat', if there's such a thing, even if she's a pain in the butt.


    Beautiful! That's exactly how I feel about my Owen. <3

    I hope you get him back :(