

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Thank you for the update @noaddedsugarx . I am very sorry to hear about your grandma.

    Me too. Sending good wishes.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Caught up!

    We went camping this weekend and I ate EVERYTHING (did you know you can roast Pillsbury cinnamon rolls over the fire in foil? Or that you can do pizza dough from scratch as long as it's warm enough to let it rise in the sun?)

    We also had my friend's dogs with us and I was in tears laughing at them when we put their puppy life jackets on to swim in the river. They have little handles on the back so you can pick them up like a suitcase...



    They look hilarious. And even better is that when you hold them over the water they just start paddling in the air. If you hold them up high, they paddle slowly, but the closer you put them to the water, the faster their little legs go. So freaking cute.

    Aw they look so adorable:). Did any of them look at you like WTF is this? Haha.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I haven't posted in here for a while. I've been feeling pretty down lately. I've been reading it all, though--Sadly there have been too many posts that needed attention that I didn't catch up on, so consider all of you in my thoughts.

    I feel like such a loser. Ever since Ramadan started I've been fasting all day, then spending the night pigging out and eating TONS of food instead of worshipping or spending extra time in prayer. I have NEVER done this before, and I don't know what's wrong with me. I've probably gained even more over my recent 20-ish pound weight gain.

    I feel worthless and out of control and like a fat pig. I don't really know what to do. Still trying, though.

    Big hugs susie. It can be hard trying to live up to your own Expectations. Try and be nice to yourself. If you are managing fasting, You're doing brilliantly already!

    I also take the view that God will know your struggles and will not think badly of you for slipping. He will be proud every time you puck yourself up and start again.

    Finally, you are not a loser. You are not a fat pig
    Please repeat these sentences 20 times

    Keep trying lovely, it's only when you give up we've failed

    I completely agree with this!!!!!!!!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I haven't posted in here for a while. I've been feeling pretty down lately. I've been reading it all, though--Sadly there have been too many posts that needed attention that I didn't catch up on, so consider all of you in my thoughts.

    I feel like such a loser. Ever since Ramadan started I've been fasting all day, then spending the night pigging out and eating TONS of food instead of worshipping or spending extra time in prayer. I have NEVER done this before, and I don't know what's wrong with me. I've probably gained even more over my recent 20-ish pound weight gain.

    I feel worthless and out of control and like a fat pig. I don't really know what to do. Still trying, though.

    You're not worthless or a fat fig:(. The fact that you're trying shows you're an awesome go-getter.

    Are you around your TOM? Maybe that's why you're ravenous.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I see Wonder Woman, also, @quiksylver296. Also, I'm a bit dyslexic (which another reason I have a hard time remembering full screen names) and I always call you "Quickysilver" in my head. That "y" seems to trip me up every time!

    Confession: I have to go buy my husband a Father's Day card and gift after work and we're not even on speaking terms right now. This should be fun.

    I hope you guys are doing better now. What is going on? I know a lot of people who are having relationship issues right now.

    For us, the problem is what I've told him for years: we have three people in our relationship - me, him, and his EGO. Tired of dealing with the ego stuff. Didn't expect someone 10 1/2 years older than me to still have ego and maturity issues. But, it's not all him, of course. I've changed in the past 15 years. I don't complain about or talk about my marriage to anyone IRL, so in the spirit of the thread I just decided to take advantage of it and do a little personal whining.

    Thank you for asking. How are YOU? I've been thinking about you and your situation as well.

    I meant to ask...did the card and tequila work?

    Well, it "worked" in that we just started talking again. Normally. As if nothing had happened. Truth is I'm getting tired of discussing the same thing over and over again. Besides, it was Father's Day so I decided to just let it go and make the best of it. Thank you for asking!

    One of the things I have been doing since we all started talking is to try and take a different perspective on people. What are their motivations for their actions, and if I can't change them, can I change something about me that would allow me to have more success in the situation. Its been talking to you all that has helped me realize that... if its worth keeping the relationship, and the other person isn't seeing the problem, is there something I can do differently to end up with a happy compromise? If not...then it's time to move on (I am talking about friends, not a spouse, so the stakes aren't quite as high of course). I am glad you guys are talking... that is a first step. But you have a lot of years to go (hopefully) so I have my fingers crossed you can find a compromise that works for both of you!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Hi all! After the roller coaster of the past few weeks, I took a few days away and visited my hometown. I got to see my family and good friends, I am physically exhausted but mentally and emotionally rested and ready for the next chapter. I resolved to stay in my current position despite how everything blew up last week (although I am actively looking now), I've also resolved to make myself priority number one enough of letting things build up until I get so stressed and depressed.
    In other news, I ran a 5k on Sunday and shaved off 25 seconds from my previous PR. 5k in 28:30, hopefully I will get that down to sub 28 in the next few months.
    Life is hard and good guys! Lol

    Glad you are back, and great time on the 5K!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Mostly I see everyone responding to everyone else's responses so it's hard to read the actual "confessions".
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession: it makes me stabby when I get home from work, change to go to the gym, get son to get ready for boxing, and then find hubby sitting at the computer. Ask him if he's going with us, and he says he's you tired. I'm Frickin tired, too... I don't wanna run son to boxing or go to the gym, but I am! Grrr...

    Just venting. He usually joins me, but today I just didn't want to go and has to fier
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I am going to add 500 calories a day called "miscalculations". Even though I measure my food (most of the time) and walk three or four miles a day (most of the time) and log all my CI (most of the time) and measure my CO in addition to walking (most of the time), I still really have no idea. So throwing in another 500 calories for miscellaneous will help keep me in check.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Had to for
    Confession: it makes me stabby when I get home from work, change to go to the gym, get son to get ready for boxing, and then find hubby sitting at the computer. Ask him if he's going with us, and he says he's you tired. I'm Frickin tired, too... I don't wanna run son to boxing or go to the gym, but I am! Grrr...

    Just venting. He usually joins me, but today I just didn't want to go and has to fier

    Cut me off. I had to force myself to go to the gym, and it just p!sses me off that I'm not home sitting on my butt, too!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I am going to add 500 calories a day called "miscalculations". Even though I measure my food (most of the time) and walk three or four miles a day (most of the time) and log all my CI (most of the time) and measure my CO in addition to walking (most of the time), I still really have no idea. So throwing in another 500 calories for miscellaneous will help keep me in check.
    I do this mentally, to a degree. I only weigh high-cal stuff mostly.
    500 sounds quite a lot though. Does it need to be so much?
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I do a kickboxing class Monday evenings and normally just walk to the gym from campus. I'll wear normal clothes (not teaching this summer so I can be pretty informal, but you know, still wear normal clothes) and then change before I walk down. I had to be at home this morning to meet people who are working on the house, but then needed to come to campus to meet with one of my grad students, but that's the only reason I had to be on campus. I figure, ehh, I don't care if grad student sees me scrubby - we've played soccer together so I'll just go to the office in my kickboxing clothes. Of course, today is the day that my dean who is never around is around. After my meeting with my grad student I closed my office door and am pretending I'm not here.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I am going to add 500 calories a day called "miscalculations". Even though I measure my food (most of the time) and walk three or four miles a day (most of the time) and log all my CI (most of the time) and measure my CO in addition to walking (most of the time), I still really have no idea. So throwing in another 500 calories for miscellaneous will help keep me in check.

    Not judging but 500 is pretty high when I first started I did the same but used 200. Now I just make sure I log as accurately as possible and if I think I may have missed something I walk an extra 10 minutes or so.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Hey guys. Haven't really been on here but I logged on on my laptop for the first time in a while and noticed I had a few notifications just wondering how things are so I thought I would check in. Thank you for thinking of me! It's been a tough couple of weeks.

    My Grandma is still in hospital. As they said the bruising on her brain caused it to swell. In the first few days she was opening her eyes and acknowledging when we were there by making sounds but then it stopped and she kind of drifted. The pressure on her brain has caused her to have confirmed brain damage on the left side but no one knows how this will affect her yet. They were trying to find out why she was become less alert and her temperature was spiking and they discovered she has pneumonia which she's on antibiotics for now. They are wanting her to have an operation to relieve some of the pressure but have to wait until any signs of infection have gone - also she's an anesthetic risk.

    She had two lumbar punctures to drain some of the fluid on her brain over the weekend and when I went to see her today she seemed to have improved. She was opening her eyes, although not really focusing but I could tell she knew I was there. Still unable to talk though. Just hoping she gets well enough for this operation and then shows some further improvement.

    The whole situation is so heart-breaking. I've spent every day with my Grandma for so long I hate seeing her like this so much. But it's just a waiting game and I have to try and stay positive.

    Anyway like I said it's just a bit of an update and now I'm probably gonna go 'poof' again for a little while but I can't wait to come back and catch up on this thread soon as I do miss it. I've caught up on a months worth of posts before so I'm sure I can do it again haha

    So sorry!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Glad to see you back @raelynnsmama52512 you'll get things together, I have faith! And I think you made a good decision regarding your daughter- a close friend of my works for the county board of developmental disabilities and they offer some great programs and help with child and working with school districts to get your needs covered educationally and financially :)

    Thank you! It's all just been a total mess around here lately, but I'm trying not to rage/stress quit like I've done before. I'm still waiting for a call for her evaluation but I'm emailing the director of her preschool tomorrow and letting her know Raelynn won't be returning. I'm also going to ask that they apply the $100 registration fee for someone else who wants their child to go instead of asking for it back. I'm so grateful for their help and it's a wonderful school, but it's better for us to explore other options at this point.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I see Wonder Woman, also, @quiksylver296. Also, I'm a bit dyslexic (which another reason I have a hard time remembering full screen names) and I always call you "Quickysilver" in my head. That "y" seems to trip me up every time!

    Confession: I have to go buy my husband a Father's Day card and gift after work and we're not even on speaking terms right now. This should be fun.

    I hope you guys are doing better now. What is going on? I know a lot of people who are having relationship issues right now.

    For us, the problem is what I've told him for years: we have three people in our relationship - me, him, and his EGO. Tired of dealing with the ego stuff. Didn't expect someone 10 1/2 years older than me to still have ego and maturity issues. But, it's not all him, of course. I've changed in the past 15 years. I don't complain about or talk about my marriage to anyone IRL, so in the spirit of the thread I just decided to take advantage of it and do a little personal whining.

    Thank you for asking. How are YOU? I've been thinking about you and your situation as well.
    Sometimes it feels better to get it out. I hope it helps!

    It does, thank you. I even feel badly for saying it here, but sometimes we all just have to vent.

    I am glad you decided to vent (even a little) it really does help vs. keeping it all in, he will NEVER see it so you are safe, and you have friends here who totally understand. I am sure you will make it all work out.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I am going to add 500 calories a day called "miscalculations". Even though I measure my food (most of the time) and walk three or four miles a day (most of the time) and log all my CI (most of the time) and measure my CO in addition to walking (most of the time), I still really have no idea. So throwing in another 500 calories for miscellaneous will help keep me in check.
    I do this mentally, to a degree. I only weigh high-cal stuff mostly.
    500 sounds quite a lot though. Does it need to be so much?

    No judgment!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I find it extremely creepy that MFP tracks what I enter in my diary for their ads. I'm quite sure I haven't done any search on whipped cream, the only way it was picked up is because I had some at lunch. The other day just LOOKING at the calories of something in the app, an ad popped up for it.

    Well if they didn't, they couldn't sell advertising, and then they would go out of business, and we would never have met! Just putting a different perspective on it! :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Oh man. What a mix of awesomeness and crappiness in this post. I think your new ring sounds pretty amazing, but the fact that your step-daughter is being such a selfish brat is making me so sad for your husband.


    A mix of yays and hugs for you.


    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That's awesome news about your ring! Sounds like you had a good weekend except the stepdaughter part. Just curious...why wasn't he involved in her life when she was younger? Counseling may be good for all of you to work through this difficult place. It may reveal some things about her past that provide insight as to why she's acting this way. I hate that Rachael is so disappointed. :( (Hugs)

    He wanted to be, we both did.

    When her mom and my husband broke up, they shared custody (they were never married). For some reason, I'm not 100% clear on this as he doesn't like to talk about it, she quit allowing him visitation. I guess, in the state of Kansas, a mother can say anything she wants against a father, even one paying child support, and it's basically her word against his. She petitioned to increase his child support (this happened several times during our relationship) and was awarded more each time.

    In the almost 15 years we've been married, until recently, I had only seen her twice. Once for her 5th birthday (her mother didn't know about this) and once for Christmas (same year, mother didn't know). When Rach was about 2 maybe a little younger, we found out where she worked and Husband asked if he could see her and she told him she didn't think she (daughter) was ready for that. Because, at the time, we didn't have the money to take her to court, he didn't fight his ex anymore and just did was what right by paying his child support and not fighting it every time she wanted more.

    He would never admit it, but he's a pushover and hates confrontation. Hence the situation we're currently in. Her mom was pretty pissed when she found out she had sought him out. I'm sure she has a lot to do with the way she's been acting recently since she's staying at her house.

    Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday.

    There's the key, right there. Nineteen / adult or not, that sole-parental influence is HUGE. My husband and I both had joint custody of our kids, but the influence of the other parent was always present. I'll shut up on this subject after this, but once she becomes independent, breaks away from her mom, goes through a few serious relationships of her own, she will see your husband's side so much clearer.

    Example scenario: say she gets seriously involved with a guy who has a child. Mother of the child does the exact thing to her (hypothetical) boyfriend that her mom did. He wants to see his child and be involved, but he is denied. He's hurt and she doesn't like it. Light bulb moment. She won't necessarily see her mom as the bad guy, but she'll apply all those same feelings to her current situation and eventually she will see things differently. IMHO.

    I hope you're right. For his sake, her sake and Rachael's sake. Thank you.

    As a single mom I wish my son had a dad that gave a s*** like your husband does. My ex didn't he even bother answering the phone when my son called to wish him a Happy Fathers Day. He texted me later that it was because he got so drunk and passed out in his front yard that his neighbour called 911 because they thought he was dead.

    I saw later he gets him every other weekend. You need to start documenting this so eventually you can get him declared unfit and need supervised visitation rights. This could be scarily dangerous. So sorry you had to deal with that!