

  • cnoonannurse
    cnoonannurse Posts: 58 Member
    I pi
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    In just a little bit, I'm going to drop off the registration form for my son to start preschool in the fall. I'm freaking out a little...where has my baby gone!? Don't back out..don't back out...

    I'm with you. My baby starts kindergarten in the fall and I'm freaking out as well. I'm also worried about him adjusting to a school environment since this is the first time he'll be going to school. He's been home with my husband for the past 2 years.

    i put my "little" in preschool in February. She was previously cared for by my SIL, but has blossomed so much! Her speech/language, and her social skills are so fantastic! I catch her singing little nursery songs on car rides too! It has been awesome. Still, hard to admit that my last baby is growing up...but she is doing it beautifully!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Although I suspect that one of the first words I'd use to define myself is also "ugly", I'm now tasking you to come up with two POSITIVE attributes to replace those ones.

    Off the top of my head, mine would be "funny" (I promise, I constantly make people laugh IRL, probably not so evident on here) and "analytical".

    Ooh, that's a challenge! Umm, let me think... Positive attributes...

    My first would probably be that I automatically think the best of people. If someone didn't show up for a meeting or did something inconsiderate, I always think of what might have been going on in their circumstances first and make excuses for them to myself, rather than just getting angry that they didn't meet my expectations.

    My second... (Gosh, this is hard. X_X)... Umm... Does "I'm good at not offending people" count? Because, with confrontation being a major trigger for my anxiety, I'm pretty good at that. It doesn't sound particularly impressive, though...

    Confession: It took me ten minutes to come up with those.

    Happier confession: Due to some horrible financial circumstances growing up, I never got a high school diploma. After I got married, my husband paid for me to take the GED test. Well, I proudly proclaim that I received my diploma and transcripts in the mail today!

    Also, I scored in the 99th percentile on ALL subjects except one, which I scored in the 97th. :)

    I think this is a great trait to have! I'm the opposite. I usually assume the worst, although I'm trying to work on it. I will use you as my inspiration: WWSD? (What would Suzie do? lol). I think the second one is good too, because too many people are inconsiderate with other people's feelings.

    And congrats on your diploma!

    Aww, thank you! :)

    Ooh, I don't think I've been an inspiration before! :-O I do really go out of my way to make excuses for them. A really funny example is one that happened when I was about fifteen.

    My mother had just hired a new part-time housekeeper, and on the morning that she was supposed to show up, she didn't. My mom was super-pissed off, because not only had she not shown up three hours later, she wasn't answering her phone.

    Since I recalled that the lady had been eager for work, what I said to my mom was this: "Maybe she forgot her phone at home, then got lost on her way here. And since she forgot her phone, she can't call for directions..."

    My mom basically rolled my eyes at me and told me that this explanation was REALLY clutching at straws, and continued badmouthing her and complaining about how she was inconsiderate and unreliable. About forty five minutes later, we had a ring at our doorbell, and it was the lady. She looked hot and tired and said something along the lines of:

    "I left my house early this morning so I could arrive here early, but I forgot my mobile phone in a taxi yesterday. I got lost since I couldn't call you, so I kept looking. I'm sorry that I'm late."

    I totally smirked a know-it-all smile at my mom... ;)

    That's great!

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Confession: Recently, as an attempt at portion control, I tried to make one of those "Microwave Peanut Butter Cookie in a Mug" recipes that I saw on YouTube instead of making a whole tray of cookies and risking eating them all. It was awful and sad and doesn't deserve the name "cookie". *sniffle*

    SO, today, I wanted peanut butter cookies (I always want peanut butter cookies), but I didn't have enough of any ingredient to make a tray of cookies. So I made the recipe for the microwave cookie, topped it with a bit of whipped cream, and ate the dough raw. Delicious! ;)

    If you want the baked cookies next time, make the dough for a full batch, roll it up like slice and bake cookies, then freeze it, and only slice off enough to bake a few at a time as you go.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    600+ replies to read but instead, I must skip them. Just too busy catching up on work.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I started getting a sore throat. I just thought I was thirsty. It got worse as the day went on. Fast forward to this morning where it's so swollen I can barely swallow. I'll be taking myself to the doctor today.

    Zinc lozenges!!! They're the best.

    Where would I find these?

    They're everywhere..Walmart, Target, grocery stores, pharmacies. "Cold-Eze" and "No Time for Colds" are two names that I can think of..but I usually just get the generic store-brand ones. I actually have one every morning just as I start my workout (it also helps to keep my mouth from getting dry) and I swear, I haven't been sick in probably 4-5 years. *knocks on wood to not jinx myself* But if I ever do feel a sore throat coming on, I will have an extra 1-2 that day and always feel better by the next morning.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Although I suspect that one of the first words I'd use to define myself is also "ugly", I'm now tasking you to come up with two POSITIVE attributes to replace those ones.

    Off the top of my head, mine would be "funny" (I promise, I constantly make people laugh IRL, probably not so evident on here) and "analytical".

    Ooh, that's a challenge! Umm, let me think... Positive attributes...

    My first would probably be that I automatically think the best of people. If someone didn't show up for a meeting or did something inconsiderate, I always think of what might have been going on in their circumstances first and make excuses for them to myself, rather than just getting angry that they didn't meet my expectations.

    My second... (Gosh, this is hard. X_X)... Umm... Does "I'm good at not offending people" count? Because, with confrontation being a major trigger for my anxiety, I'm pretty good at that. It doesn't sound particularly impressive, though...

    Confession: It took me ten minutes to come up with those.

    Happier confession: Due to some horrible financial circumstances growing up, I never got a high school diploma. After I got married, my husband paid for me to take the GED test. Well, I proudly proclaim that I received my diploma and transcripts in the mail today!

    Also, I scored in the 99th percentile on ALL subjects except one, which I scored in the 97th. :)

    Congratulations on the GED!

    And just from what I know of you from this thread, you are kind, considerate, and smart!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Confession: Recently, as an attempt at portion control, I tried to make one of those "Microwave Peanut Butter Cookie in a Mug" recipes that I saw on YouTube instead of making a whole tray of cookies and risking eating them all. It was awful and sad and doesn't deserve the name "cookie". *sniffle*

    SO, today, I wanted peanut butter cookies (I always want peanut butter cookies), but I didn't have enough of any ingredient to make a tray of cookies. So I made the recipe for the microwave cookie, topped it with a bit of whipped cream, and ate the dough raw. Delicious! ;)

    Would you mind sharing the recipe? I too, struggle with portion control with certain things. I would love to find a great, quick recipe to help keep me in control ;)

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I have a hard time not eating the leftovers off my son's plate...gross I know but I can't seem to stop!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Thanks again for all the lovely comments and congratulations on my son's grad - I'm genuinely touched.
    As a former 'Cake Lady', I collect pictures of bad cakes, and was sorely tempted to make him a reproduction of one

    Also, for those who are pale skinned, I am right there with you. My freckles literally pop out within a minute of being in the sun, and I can burn within 10 mins if I'm not careful. I also have quite a lot moles. Melanoma is seriously a concern for me - I am vigilant about checking myself but can't help feeling a certain inevitability about it because I've had a lot of bad burns over the years. :/

    Finally, the good/bad news: I have a job! I've picked up a decent number of hours of drafting work, so I will be switching OFF MFP for the day (I've heard it can be done!) so that I don't get distracted. Doing it in 3-2-1.....

    Love that cake! Don't go! Don't go! jk! Good luck with the new job!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    In just a little bit, I'm going to drop off the registration form for my son to start preschool in the fall. I'm freaking out a little...where has my baby gone!? Don't back out..don't back out...

    It's amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? Well, until they hit the teen years.

    I remember that by the time my kids all were in or finishing middle school I just figured I was going to be a chauffeur for the rest of my life. Trying to pick up and drop off everyone on time to school, sports, activities, friends houses, ugh. It was exhausting. Then all of the sudden they reach high school and one of their friends gets a drivers license and I'm thinking "Waaaaait! I'm SO not ready for this!!!" Watching your kids get into another vehicle with a new teen driver is terrifying. Them getting behind the wheel is equally so. Enjoy the years they are young and you have a semblance of control!

    It really is! I just remember everyone always saying to cherish every moment because you won't believe how fast time goes by. But OMG seriously, where has the time gone?
    I always remember my parents being so worried about me driving with friends.. I can't even imagine!

  • mariannekehl
    mariannekehl Posts: 66 Member
    ketorach wrote: »
    Sometimes, I eat in bed and don't even remember. I wake up in the morning wondering why I'm not hungry, and then, I'm sad when I remember.

    I do this all the time. This is actually a type of eating disorder. I can't leave any type of food on the counter top or out in the open - if I do then I get into it in the middle of the night and have absolutely no memory of eating it the next morning.
  • girgir1031
    girgir1031 Posts: 6 Member
    I never seem to eat enough calories per MFP (that is why I gave up last time) so I eat just to eat even though I am no where near hungry. Seems wasteful but my doctor say the reason I keep gaining is because I under eat and my body stores thinking I am starving.
    Sad part is when I look at MFP I wind up eating junk food cause the food I truly love (veggies, oh how I love celery and veggies) are such low cal it seems pointless cause I would have to eat all day long to hit the number of calories :(
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Oh and new profile pic. SKINNY ARMS ROB LOWE!!! He's my fav out of those commercials.

    I was going to ask about that! Now I see it. I couldn't tell what it was at first.

    Looks like I'm not having any mayonnaise cuz the struggle is real! lol

    Although in haste I did mistake his name. It's actually SCRAWNY ARMS ROB LOWE. (I know, same difference) hahaha

    Oh yeah, you know how UN-PC is it use words like "skinny" and "fat"! On a related note, is my guacamole promoting obesity? I opened the lid and inside it says, "I'm chunky and proud of it!".

    I only hear one thing from guac.... EAT ALL OF ME IN ONE SITTING. <3 I love guac soooo much. I can (but don't) eat it by the spoonful.

    I have a latex allergy so avocados cause issues. But I still pop a few pills and try some guacamole like twice a year. ;)

    Latex and Avocado are related?
  • KevinPsalm23v4
    KevinPsalm23v4 Posts: 208 Member
    I've been UNSUCCESSFUL in weight loss because of bad habits that seem too difficult to change. I eat when I am not hungry and eat based on emotional comfort vs eating because I need to. Far too often I may get up in the middle of the night, feeling hungry I'll eat a peanut butter and orange marmalade sandwich or something else.

    I looked at myself the other day and felt disgusted in how I look. For too many months I felt too apathetic to change <I won't say why publicly - only privately and in limited capacity as to why>. The other day it shocked me to feel I am the "fattest" at home, get called fat and even know I am the fattest among co-workers.

    What I am scared of most is failing, not loosing weight and my willpower only lasting a few days.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I have a hard time not eating the leftovers off my son's plate...gross I know but I can't seem to stop!

    I wouldn't call it gross. Pretty sure most of us moms did or do that. Generally, there's so little leftover it's not worth saving, so we finish it instead. I remember doing that. Not good for the waistline or for calorie counting, but it is quite common.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Options bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.
    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I've had the joy of going through some pretty serious medical bills this year and it always sucks.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    girgir1031 wrote: »
    I never seem to eat enough calories per MFP (that is why I gave up last time) so I eat just to eat even though I am no where near hungry. Seems wasteful but my doctor say the reason I keep gaining is because I under eat and my body stores thinking I am starving.
    Sad part is when I look at MFP I wind up eating junk food cause the food I truly love (veggies, oh how I love celery and veggies) are such low cal it seems pointless cause I would have to eat all day long to hit the number of calories :(

    Highly unlikely. Anyway to see another doctor? Get a 2nd opinion? Or consult a nutritionist? You can absolutely eat enough calories by eating vegetables: eat them with hummus or peanut butter. However, if you are gaining weight then you are most likely overeating. Do you log your food here?
  • Barbosas77
    Barbosas77 Posts: 100 Member
    Barbosas77 wrote: »
    kikiboniki wrote: »
    I keep a scale in the bathroom and weigh myself before and after I poop. This morning I lost 1.2 pounds in about 2 minutes.

    lol I do the same thing!!!

    @Barbosas77 from the looks of your posts, you seem to be very early in the thread. If you make it to page 686 and 687, welcome!

    Lol..I'm trying to keep up lol
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Confession: Recently, as an attempt at portion control, I tried to make one of those "Microwave Peanut Butter Cookie in a Mug" recipes that I saw on YouTube instead of making a whole tray of cookies and risking eating them all. It was awful and sad and doesn't deserve the name "cookie". *sniffle*

    SO, today, I wanted peanut butter cookies (I always want peanut butter cookies), but I didn't have enough of any ingredient to make a tray of cookies. So I made the recipe for the microwave cookie, topped it with a bit of whipped cream, and ate the dough raw. Delicious! ;)

    If you want the baked cookies next time, make the dough for a full batch, roll it up like slice and bake cookies, then freeze it, and only slice off enough to bake a few at a time as you go.

    I've tried that. I just don't have the self control--When I have cookie dough in my freezer, it gets pulled out and baked or eaten raw. *blush*