

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Pip, I know you were hoping for a higher finish, but I am in awe of your running and admire your hard work, dedication, and over-all efforts.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app

    WOW, you and Kirby are impressive. BTW, I love the name Kirby :) You guys are the bomb and such an inspiration to the rest of us. So proud of you both.
  • yloveable
    yloveable Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Yvonne. I am planning on losing 30 lbs during this next year. I am happy to have a support group to participate in. I will be checking in as often as possible.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 20 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT (haven't done that in a while)

    Barbie - thanks for posting those pics. Food looks yum. Ceremony must have been really interesting. Vince has been watching the US Golf open too. Seems there was a train that went right by one of the holes. I thought that was pretty interesting.

    katekyi - do you still need to prick the beets if you put them in the microwave. I know you don't have to prick potatoes/sweet potatoes and they don't explode.

    What I do about the exercise calories is I just note it in the "notes" section, then it doesn't get added into your daily calorie count.

    - yea, lately I feel the same way. when I have food that's high in fat, I feel "yuk". And if I indulge, I feel the same way. Interesting how our tastes change. The biggest problem I find is that most places like to fry foods. Well, I don't want it fried, I want to taste the FOOD. Also, they don't give you much veges but they sure do load up the plate with french fries! I usually ask if I can substitute the french fries for steamed broccoli. Then I get this itty bitty amount of broccoli. Oh well...broccoli is more expensive than french fries.

    Lenora - you did real well at DNL's mother's house.

    - most quick add calories are things that you have just a little bite of. How do you figure out the macros I wonder?

    Carey we had a leak in our basement. From where the water was coming from we were sure it was the washing machine since that's right over where the leak was. Turns out that the leak was actually from the faucet outside and the water went to the lowest spot, and that happened to be it. we went to Olive Garden and I had the minestrone soup. Then we went a while later and I had the soup again. This time it tasted too salty to me. Then I looked it up -- the sodium content is outrageous! You know, I've always wondered, they say if you oversalt soup to put a raw potato in it, that will draw the salt. Wonder if that'll work at Olive Garden? I can just imagine the looks I'd get if I walked in with a raw potato. Also, I wonder how long it takes for the potato to sop up the salt?

    - I like kale in soup. but you're right, it can be quite bitter. Reminds me of spinach only a bit more bitter. That's why I like it in soups, can't taste the bitterness. What kind of dressing do you use? Wonder how it would be in a salad (with vinegar?)

    Had some of Vince's giant cookie for father's day. Now I really don't care to have any more, enoughs enough. Interesting feeling.....

    DJ - wish Bryan had called Vince. Well, he didn't call me for Mother's Day so why would I think he'd call Vince for father's day?

    Lesley - so glad your daughter is back to teaching. Wow for your hubby, boo for ex.

    charmedru - do you know why you use the number 220 in that formulation????

    Lori from WI
    - happy early birthday! Do you plan out your workouts a week ahead of schedule? That's what I need to do or it doesn't get done.

    Mary from MN
    - bet those wood floors are gorgeous. I know that happened to a friend of ours, they bought a house and pulled up the carpeting only to find fantastic wood floors.

    I must have missed it. What's this microwave method of cooking beets? The golden beets should be in soon and I know I'm going to buy, buy, buy. Usually I boiled them, then the skins just fell right off. What's this about the microwave?

    - one time we were supposed to bring something to the bowling for the end of year party for the senior bowling. Anyway, I'd gotten some shrimp and defrosted it in the freezer. Someone else just stopped at the store, and bought a ring of shrimp. Theirs didn't get eaten (it was still frozen) but all of mine went!

    dreamwrite - hope you get some answers real soon.

    - wow for your friend's daughter! That's amazing and great

    Lisa - congrats on the NSV. Enjoy those grandbabies

    - happy early birthday!

    terri - I use the "food allergies" reasoning lots to get the food that I want.

    - safe travels

    We need to have an early dinner tonight, then ceramics, then I go to mahjongg.

    Cheri in OH
    - ((((HUGS)))). Good for you not going back to binge eating

    Cindy and Nora
    - welcome

    When Bryan graduated from Elon they gave him an Oak Tree sapling. We planted it in our front yard. Then one day Vince went out to cut the lawn, he knew where the tree was but couldn't find it! The only thing we can think is that the wind blew it away. So sad

    Meg - so sorry about your hubby. One thing that was told to us and we tried it just because we were out of ideas, is if you have an itch, put a blowdryer on it and heat it up as hot as you can possibly stand it. Yes, this is just temporary. But it really does work. The heat breaks up the histamines which is why it works temporarily.

    - I echo everything janetr said, you ARE an inspiration.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Pip, I know you were hoping for a higher finish, but I am in awe of your running and admire your hard work, dedication, and over-all efforts.


    Thanks so much, that means alot
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app

    WOW, you and Kirby are impressive. BTW, I love the name Kirby :) You guys are the bomb and such an inspiration to the rest of us. So proud of you both.

    Thanks I do think that time was my personal best. Kirby is a cool name isn't it :0)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited June 2015
    Checking in.... marking my spot...too tired to lift my leg Pip...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    Barbie - thanks for your input on moving! We are really fortunate that the owner is letting us move things over all this week. We have the cabin set up with our bed and cleaned. We will live there for a while well we paint the main house.

    Lesley - I forgot that you are enjoying winter now. I love sitting by a warm fire. I don't know how men can chop wood with an axe but my DH does that too.

    Meg - yes we have 2 Carols! Our group is getting larger.

    Pip - congrats to you and Kirby very impressive! What I like more is your relationship is inspiring!

    Our transmission was acting up pulling the trailer yesterday so I spent the afternoon at the repair shop getting that fixed. We were able to bring 1 load over.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good evening, lovely ladies.

    I spent the day at DD's house with her cute little boys. The 3 yr old "helped" with the laundry and the 1 yr old is just really good at saying "hi". The two of them are a hoot to watch. So much energy. It's a good thing they go down for a nap in the afternoon.

    We've had such a busy month so far with birthdays and special occasions, and there is more to come. My plan was to drop a few lbs during my vacation, and I am happy to say that I am doing okay so far. I am certainly more active while at home.

    Michele (and I think a few others commented on a previous one of my posts as well, can't remember) - Yes, I've been on MFP since October 2009, and joined the forum 'women ages 50+' shortly thereafter. It was such a relief for me to find a group of people who were not snarky and negative, but were civil and encouraged each other. People have come and gone over the years, which seems to be the way it works. I believe Barbie took on the responsibility of the forum not too long after I found it, and has thankfully kept it going, but she can tell you better than I can.

    Under the old MFP the forum could hold no more than 500 posts, so space was precious in posting. If we went over the 500 post point, it would lock and Barbie would create a 2nd forum (or even a 3rd) for that month for the group. Under the new and improved MFP there seems to be no limit. It also makes it fairly overwhelming.

    Under the old system you could also check what posts a person had written by going to that person's profile page, so that you could get a grasp of what her journey was. That feature was apparently disabled.

    We are heading into some hot weather this coming weekend. I am drinking my water. How about you?

    Good night
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    OMG 700+ posts since I was here last, I have too much going on! But still alive and thinking of you all.
    I teach cooking camps in the summer to kids.. so this week is 9am-12 noon Intermediate Baking (10 kids ages 9-11), 1pm-4pm beginning baking( 10 kids ages 8-10), with an hour of set up and an hour of cleanup next week is candy 9-12noon (10 kids ages 9-12) then a week off! Then a week of advanced baking….

    So I am AWOL for a while, I’ll be back. I’ll be walking! And I’ll be holding my own on eating, but there is a lot of tasting and evaluating…

    Smiles Kim

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 18 – missed one just forgot!
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week -
    week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.
    Week 2 – Seattle seeing my Godson graduate from college

    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app

    WOW, you and Kirby are impressive. BTW, I love the name Kirby :) You guys are the bomb and such an inspiration to the rest of us. So proud of you both.

    Thanks I do think that time was my personal best. Kirby is a cool name isn't it :0)

    I used to work with a young guy named Kirby, such a hottie. I assume the name Kirby is reserved for hotties only :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app

    WOW, you and Kirby are impressive. BTW, I love the name Kirby :) You guys are the bomb and such an inspiration to the rest of us. So proud of you both.

    Thanks I do think that time was my personal best. Kirby is a cool name isn't it :0)

    I used to work with a young guy named Kirby, such a hottie. I assume the name Kirby is reserved for hotties only :)

    lmao !, yes.. i think he's hot, love his dimples and i could stare at his blue eyes for days. he gets embarrassed when i stare. when i met him he had long hair (we both did) he looked like a surfer dude. short hair or long, he's still good looking and has gotten better looking with age.

    thanks for the compliment. thanks to you all it means a lot
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Nite ladies, I'm off to bed to make sure I get up in time for water aerobics early in the morning. I hope I can sleep for longer than the 4 hours I've slept the last several nights. It seems to go in a cycle can't sleep for more than 4 hours or so and I'm dragging, finally the cycle breaks and I'm able to sleep again for 6 hours or so. Which is plenty for me.

    See less of you all tomorrow :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ok, got the official stats from the run-
    There were 115 females
    I was 5th overall females

    There were 63 makes
    He was 14th overall males

    Total runners 178
    He was 18th overall his time 7.53minute mile
    I was 20th overall and my time was 8.16minute mile

    So the time on the chip time was a bit faster than the strava app

    WOW, you and Kirby are impressive. BTW, I love the name Kirby :) You guys are the bomb and such an inspiration to the rest of us. So proud of you both.

    Thanks I do think that time was my personal best. Kirby is a cool name isn't it :0)

    I used to work with a young guy named Kirby, such a hottie. I assume the name Kirby is reserved for hotties only :)

    lmao !, yes.. i think he's hot, love his dimples and i could stare at his blue eyes for days. he gets embarrassed when i stare. when i met him he had long hair (we both did) he looked like a surfer dude. short hair or long, he's still good looking and has gotten better looking with age.

    thanks for the compliment. thanks to you all it means a lot

    How long have you and Kirby been together?

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Spent today driving to Baton Rouge and back, and sitting in court in between.
    The lunch break went from 11:36 to 1p. Twenty minutes hustling to rental car, retrieving computer and phones, which aren't even allowed into the federal courthouse in BR, and hustling to a restaurant with wi-fi. Then stood in line to order, used the john, fought with computer. From noon to 12:45, wrote and ate a pretty good fish filet with veg, overdone green beans and a fresh fruit salad. Ran back to the car, stashed computer and phones, and hustled, panting and sweaty, back into the courtroom.
    Fitbit logged about 2k steps in the car.
    Lost out on a buncha iPhone steps because phone was in the car.

    Michele in NC: We had a pill shooter for Newt, but it still took a fair amount of wrestling and towel-wrapping to get him into position.
    Sweets and white taters don't explode in the wave? Maybe yours. <wry smyle> Though my biggest explosion was a spaghetti squash.
    Speaking of French fries, skinny fries = old potatoes. The older potatoes get, the more starch converts to sugar. then the fries have to be skinny, or the outside burns before the inside cooks.

    Miriam, wonderful house.

    Dang. Some pix are showing up for me today, but peep's and Barbies are just jpg filenames.

    Mia Koda - Great weight loss! And the in-bounds popcorn splurge. :)

    Mary from MN - too cool about the cabin floors!
    Don't remember them offhand, but DrOz has made some statements about health that are ... dubious.

    Um, peep? You should really send addresses only in private messages. This is a collegial group, but you never know who might happen by with an open board.

    Lisa - Congratulations on the 5-mile mark and 15-minute mile! Me, I broke five minutes jogging Sunday. All the way to 5 1/2 minutes. <wry smyle>
    Cool about Hayley Leanne!

    Tonia - rather than cooking for one, cook for several meals. :) Make a standard size recipe, then freeze or refrigerate most of it in single-serve containers. Bingo! Supper for tomorrow or a couple days later, AND something to take to work.

    tere - sounds great about the trainer, baggy pants, SO's Fathers Day, and the T-bone sneak. :)

    Cynthia - take care of that knee. The PT may advise RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation.

    bkrimpet - GREAT attitude, and great that the doc could see (and tell you) that you're doing all you can.

    Terri in Milwaukee - re "blame food allergies until I get what I want" :) My kid brother, the pediatrician, suggested during my last weight loss campaign that I explain, "I have hyperlipidemia."
    And yes, focus on the non-scale victories. Any difference in your clothes?
    Sorry about thepower outage.
    <cheerleading outfit>
    Terri! Terri! Feel renewed!
    Nail those workouts! Log that food!

    Sylvia - too bad about the swimming teacher. Is there another in the area? Wish I could help - I taught a fair number of kids when I was a lifeguard, though I always taught one-on-one.

    Katla - Sorry about the saddle sores.
    My take on postmenopausality:
    A menopause pause. Life descends
    Through a maze of undignified trends.
    I thought pads would, at last,
    Be a thing of the past,
    But from Kotex I've moved to Depends.

    Cheri - congratulations on not letting stress over your husband's job drive you back to overeating/binging. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good interview.
    For one view of the Eastern Shore, check out Cynthia Voigt's HOMECOMING and its sequels from the library. They're more about people than place, but do show some place.

    Welcome, Cindy! Congratulations on the loss - you're one-quarter of the way to your goal already!
    Where in Indiana are you? I went to IU-Bloomington.

    Nora - How much fridge space do you havae at work? Enough for bagged salad (a bag will be 2-3 days), sliced chicken and a few Flatouts or similar flatbreads? You can have some of the salad as salad, and some in chicken rollups.

    Lorena - the scared kid I taught had been tossed into a pool by an uncle, and sank (he was skinny). He didn't have an interfering mama; I never saw any relatives. He wanted to have fun in the pool but clutched the side with a death-grip. What I did with Sheldon was stand in the pool almost next to the side and have him push off the wall to me. I caught him before he could sink Idonnohowmany times. The N+1th time, I took half a step back. He dogpaddled frantically. I picked him up before he could sink and said, "Sheldon, you just swam!" His grin could have wrapped around his head twice. He zoomed through the rest; before the summer was over he'd passed my test for the deep end.

    JanetR - congrats on making it down to overweight! A cheerleading SO is something else we have in common. :)

    Barbie - cool about the stew! Do you have a recipe, or is it a leetlelottle? (A leetle of this, a lot of that.)

    Welcome, Yvonne!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello, good buddies from 'fat chat'!!! love that name, I just refer to us as my 'women over 50 forum'.

    Heather, your friends story is amazing. I looked up where you were eating today. The only picture I saw that showed how big the mural was had long tables in front of the mural. Did you really get to sit at those tables and see those while you ate. I don't think I could get much talking done.

    Penny, from that point of view, I guess trees are pretty important to you. But for me, especially in this stormy weather we are having right now and a lot of lightning, big trees are a pain and a big bother. Of course they are a big source of income for a lot of people in cutting them down. I sure wish the people who built the house for us had guided us as to the best place to have our tree allotment placed. We never knew they would get as big as they have or we never would have put on close to the house. We were just young and naive.

    Dreamwrite, I was just so amazed that my daughter wanted me in the room with her. When I was in nursing school even the Dad wasn't in the labor room. Then when my girls were born, Dads were allowed but there was specific times that you were allowed to have your baby in your room. So times are a changing! She has always said that I was her best friend. She wanted me to be her matron of honor but I said no on that one. I was her Mom and wanted that to be my role.

    Carey, sure wish I could call 1-800-DAD-Comehelp again. I sure do miss that guy. Glad he could help you some.

    Pip, you live up where they had the US Open???? It is so beautiful. I really enjoyed seeing the scenery of the different courses. They had a bad fire on Saturday.

    Katla, they say Preparation H helps those eye bags also. Never had the heart to try it.

    DJ, I haven't had any problems with passing out in a long time. I wear my compression hose to church only because I stand more than I do of any other activity. I never get as much sodium as I need to.

    Terri, Miwaukee, I'm glad we have this wonderful thing on our garage door called a handle! It never wears out, works when there is no electricity. Since we don't have any video games I don't know if you can charge them in your car or not. I always keep a charger in the car for my phone and iPad just in case power goes out and I need to charge those. Kids need to be outdoors more, unless of course there is lightning or a tornado. Trees are to climbed, balls thrown, chase the dogs, there are so many things to do outside. Kids today just don't know how to do it.

    Cheri, scary thing about husbands job. To be held in limbo like that is awful. Hope it is resolved soon.

    cpverduce, I live in Indiana also. Where are you and you can give a general area if you don't feel like giving a specific.

    Meg, how awful about DH foot. And you thought you had taken care of the problem. Hope he gets better soon. How much of the nursing courses are online now. I am sure glad I went to a diploma school where we lived across the street from the hospital, all classes were held in the basement of the dorm. We did do a couple of classes at a local college.

    Tonight when we were eating out, all of my days water, plus the 20 ounce glass they gave me decided that I needed to go NOW! Some one had left a kotex pad, unwrapped on top of the little box they provide you to put your soiled personal items in. If I had had a pair of gloves I would have wrapped it up and put it in the little bin. I am confused. When I talk about posting, I am writing an entry here and hitting post reply. That is posting. But some of you are talking about posting while on a horse. Obviously you are not writing on your phone or iPad while on the back of a horse. What are you doing???

    I don't know what is going on with DH, he usually has no pain what so ever anywhere. Even with his heart attack there was very little pain. He had shingles on his pace and didn't have pain.But now he is having pain in his legs as night, like muscle cramps. I have finally gotten hi to drink a full glass of water after he gets home from his walk but i know he doesn't get enough fluids and with his ulcerative colitis, he has about 6 BMs a day. So part of it could be dehydration. His lab work that show his electrolytes have been fine though. He says Gatorade tastes like watered down Kool aide and he won't drink it. He has an appointment this Thursday and another one on Monday. The one on Thursday is with the neurologist and Monday is with cardiologist. The second one might care about the muscle cramps. He does admit now that he has some depression over all of this. I will be so glad when he has his appointment July 2nd with the GI guy and hopefully will get on some treatment. He still has not said that he will accept this $600/month treatment but he is leaning more towards it now. Funny how constant diarrhea will make you change your mind.

    I don't know if you all are having the same kind of heat wave we are or not. Earlier the temp was 88 with a heat index of 98. Tomorrow the temp is to get to 102, Have no idea what the heat index will be. Charlie is just happy with me that his can park his precious car in a handicap space now!!

    Youngest daughter, the animal lover found a kitten last night that had it's mouth glued shut! She was able to get some of the glue out so she could get a little bit of food in her. Today she took it to the animal control center. Hopefully one of the rescue organizations will find a foster family for it so that it can be seen by a vet. Michelle said it was a Tortie with an attitude, so she never could get me a picture.

    Nite nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Back from shops and bought a NINJA juicer. My old one was useless. Now looking at Juicing again with some great recipes
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce: posting is when the horse rider's behind comes out of the saddle during trotting. It's kind of a rhythmical stand-sit (but not really standing).

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited June 2015
    Joyce - Great that you looked the restaurant up! The mural goes right around the room, including the doors. It truly is fabulous. It's called, if I remember, An Expedition in Search of Rare Meats. I love it in there because there is NO music and the waiters are good. The food is so-so and very overpriced, but I tell myself I am paying for the mural! It was fully restored over a year ago and the place was shut for a year. Jeffery Archer, the writer, paid for a lot of the restoration. Rex Whistler, the artist, was killed in WW2.

    I am resolved to do better with my eating today. Two days off is one too many. I worked out this morning that the reason for my loss of control last night was that I was angry with myself. I spent too much money in London, on sillyness, and that did not make me feel good. My bad feeling about myself translated into punishing myself with calories I did not need or really want.

    That was yesterday. I function so much better when I like myself so discipline and routine is back on the menu. Unfortunately we are going up to London again tomorrow to babysit the grandchildren, but DH will be with me. I need a chaperone! ! ! ! ! Those of you with busy jobs and who travel a lot with little chance of a routine I really admire you if you can even lose an ounce. I would be a mess! I love my good routine days and it really works for me weight wise. If I am alone and kicked out of routine I REALLY struggle. Kudos to all the losers! ! ! ! :drinker: By the way, any kind of drink, even a small one, under those circumstances, and all my resolve is gone. It's like I've slipped back 13 years into my last depression and can't control myself. I'm ok with other people around to anchor me.

    Always good to know your triggers. Then you can avoid them. For me it was spending money unnecessarily. Being tired. Being suddenly alone. Not feeling good.

    Off to yoga!

    Love Heather UK