

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    This one is pretty should be a Friday thread.

    This one just aggravated me! I don't understand why people are so against using a food scale?! I get not using one if you're having success without it but I LOVE knowing exactly how much of something I'm eating. I was losing before I started using one but I bought one because I really wanted to know EXACTLY how much I was eating each day!

    Exactly. If I didn't use my food scale I'm pretty sure I'd still be around 250 pounds.

    I pretty much weigh everything except for yogurt cups like Chobani, Dannon, or Yoplait.

    Some of my protein bars/fiber bars can be 15-30+ calorie higher than they should & if you're at a smaller deficit with not much to lose it can hinder your progress greatly if you're off on everything you're eating. I also use it to weigh stuff like cereal, ice cream, & peanut butter since it's so easy to overestimate what a serving is. The first time I weighed out cereal on my food scale I thought what a ripoff & then put two more servings in the bowl:D. There are times I am shocked at how big a serving of peanut butter is, but if it's something like Cookie Spread or Nutella then again I am like what a ripoff.

    I'll admit I've even weighed & measured one chip or cracker which I did today with my Triscuit cracker today.

    At least I am not as OCD as the lady who takes her food scale to the grocery store.

    I don't get people who use cups but think a food scale is too OCD either. It's easier, less dishes, and more accurate, so it just puzzles me. Plus it helps with eyeballing skills as at least you know what a 'cup' of broccoli is actually supposed to look like.

    And packaged goods... gosh. Just my shortcake yesterday was 50 more calories than what the package said. Those delicious Graze flapjacks? I had one that was 80 more calories. It really adds up when your deficit is small...

    What gets to me though is people who don't weigh their food then complain that their TDEE is so low. It's really not... they're just eating more than they think. I have some friends on here who have about the same stats as me, about the same activity, but maintain 400 calories lower. So either I'm a special snowflake, or they're really clueless about food portion.

    But I guess if you keep a bigger deficit or underestimate your TDEE and don't weigh your food, it works too. People just have to find something that works with them. Me, I like having as much information as I can, because my relationship with food is pretty unhealthy in the first place (or I wouldn't be here!).

    The funny thing though is that even when I know that I weighed all my foods, on days like today when I'm so full after 1200 calories (don't get me wrong, I still found things to get to my 1800 calories), I can't help wondering if I did something wrong.

    A lot of people; unfortunately, still think they have to eat 1,200 calories or less to lose weight which is just sad. Think about how many people post on here routinely saying they can't eat over 1,000 calories & have a 100+ pounds to lose. Most of the times in that case they aren't weighing their food on a food scale & are vastly eating over their calories & possibly maintenance.

    Just look at health magazines & the bogus diets & claims they offer such as Women's World. Women's World a few weeks ago had a cover that said lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Yeah lose 30 pounds in 30 days & then gain 60 pounds back.

    Usually with my Fitbit (I find it to be pretty reliable) I burn anywhere from 2100-2300 calories a day; occasionally, a little more if I am more active with exercise.

    I always laugh at the fact that I can weigh something & then one minute later I find I forget how much it weighed & then just overestimate how much it was.

    Can I ask what you are doing to burn that many calories? That seems like a lot.

    You weren't asking me, but those are my numbers too. I'm 5'5 130-135, and average 12-15k steps a day, so moderately active. Some days that's all walking, some days it includes weightlifting (SL 5x5 3ish days a week), some days it includes playing rec soccer or taking Wilbur on a run.

    Hmmmm. I walked 23000 steps on Sunday and rode 2 horses and got about 1200 calories. Will need to do some more investigation.

    1200 plus calories you burn just living. I'm guessing you probably got eat (or would maintain at) 3000ish for that day. Fitbit tells you your TDEE, not just your exercise burn, if that makes sense.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    This one is pretty should be a Friday thread.

    This one just aggravated me! I don't understand why people are so against using a food scale?! I get not using one if you're having success without it but I LOVE knowing exactly how much of something I'm eating. I was losing before I started using one but I bought one because I really wanted to know EXACTLY how much I was eating each day!

    Exactly. If I didn't use my food scale I'm pretty sure I'd still be around 250 pounds.

    I pretty much weigh everything except for yogurt cups like Chobani, Dannon, or Yoplait.

    Some of my protein bars/fiber bars can be 15-30+ calorie higher than they should & if you're at a smaller deficit with not much to lose it can hinder your progress greatly if you're off on everything you're eating. I also use it to weigh stuff like cereal, ice cream, & peanut butter since it's so easy to overestimate what a serving is. The first time I weighed out cereal on my food scale I thought what a ripoff & then put two more servings in the bowl:D. There are times I am shocked at how big a serving of peanut butter is, but if it's something like Cookie Spread or Nutella then again I am like what a ripoff.

    I'll admit I've even weighed & measured one chip or cracker which I did today with my Triscuit cracker today.

    At least I am not as OCD as the lady who takes her food scale to the grocery store.

    I don't get people who use cups but think a food scale is too OCD either. It's easier, less dishes, and more accurate, so it just puzzles me. Plus it helps with eyeballing skills as at least you know what a 'cup' of broccoli is actually supposed to look like.

    And packaged goods... gosh. Just my shortcake yesterday was 50 more calories than what the package said. Those delicious Graze flapjacks? I had one that was 80 more calories. It really adds up when your deficit is small...

    What gets to me though is people who don't weigh their food then complain that their TDEE is so low. It's really not... they're just eating more than they think. I have some friends on here who have about the same stats as me, about the same activity, but maintain 400 calories lower. So either I'm a special snowflake, or they're really clueless about food portion.

    But I guess if you keep a bigger deficit or underestimate your TDEE and don't weigh your food, it works too. People just have to find something that works with them. Me, I like having as much information as I can, because my relationship with food is pretty unhealthy in the first place (or I wouldn't be here!).

    The funny thing though is that even when I know that I weighed all my foods, on days like today when I'm so full after 1200 calories (don't get me wrong, I still found things to get to my 1800 calories), I can't help wondering if I did something wrong.

    A lot of people; unfortunately, still think they have to eat 1,200 calories or less to lose weight which is just sad. Think about how many people post on here routinely saying they can't eat over 1,000 calories & have a 100+ pounds to lose. Most of the times in that case they aren't weighing their food on a food scale & are vastly eating over their calories & possibly maintenance.

    Just look at health magazines & the bogus diets & claims they offer such as Women's World. Women's World a few weeks ago had a cover that said lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Yeah lose 30 pounds in 30 days & then gain 60 pounds back.

    Usually with my Fitbit (I find it to be pretty reliable) I burn anywhere from 2100-2300 calories a day; occasionally, a little more if I am more active with exercise.

    I always laugh at the fact that I can weigh something & then one minute later I find I forget how much it weighed & then just overestimate how much it was.

    Can I ask what you are doing to burn that many calories? That seems like a lot.

    You weren't asking me, but those are my numbers too. I'm 5'5 130-135, and average 12-15k steps a day, so moderately active. Some days that's all walking, some days it includes weightlifting (SL 5x5 3ish days a week), some days it includes playing rec soccer or taking Wilbur on a run.
    Mine too! On days where I'm fairly active like today - at 9.30pm I'm at 14,000 steps, which includes a half hour run, plus been up and down a ladder a lot, I'll probably hit 2200 cals burned. I'm 47 and 151 lbs. I trust my Fitbit - I'm losing at a rate that ties in with the burns it gives me against my calories consumed. Yesterday was a very lazy day - less than 3000 steps and I only burned 1600 cals. I really need to stay active!

    Wahoo - TDEE twins! :)
    I know what you mean about needing to stay active, I'm always shocked about how few steps I can get if I'm not walking places, and saddened by the resulting numbers.
  • bella_mandii
    bella_mandii Posts: 2 Member
    When I started this, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. I was on Metformin for months. I've successfully reversed my insulin resistance, but I've been too scared to come off the Metformin - I think I convinced myself that it was the only reason I've successfully lost the 69 pounds - that I'm incapable of doing it on my own.

    I did stop, as of Wednesday. I still scared :)

    I just started using the Metformin in low dosages to speed up my metabolism. I hope it works! Supposedly nothing was wrong with my thyroid but I did MFP for a month straight with exercise and didn't lose not one pound. So I'm trying again with that prescription.
  • martim3
    martim3 Posts: 18 Member
    Before I stopped logging in MFP a couple years ago anything more than one glass of wine was logged as an equal amount of calories ofgraham crackers or some increase amount of my days actual food.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I have to confess, every time I see someone write "strick" instead of "strict" I want to scream.
  • Kathy379
    Kathy379 Posts: 49 Member
    I eat too many calories late into the night. Including now. :/
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    @noaddedsugarx your grandmother and you are in my thoughts. Make sure you take care of yourself during this time, your grandmother needs you to look after you too.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Awesome, awesome, and cuss words.

    EXACTLY my many cuss words... :grumble:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member

    Ooh maybe I'll freeze one of my Fiber One Cheesecake Caramel bars & see what it tastes like?

    this sounds like something i need to try! Can you get them in the UK i wonder
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just leaving this here, since everyone loves dogs so much. Hoping we can all have the same willpower!

    Ha! :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 you CAN do this and you have the support of everyone in this thread! :)

    Not fully caught up yet, but I had to add: YEAH YOU DO!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Jazzybrass wrote: »
    I finally found PB2 in a shop. I like making it up to a paste and eating it. I also like putting it with banana and yoghurt for breakfast

    Just don't mix it with cottage cheese blech. That's one of the most vilest creations I ever thought to try. It's also pretty good on a rice cake.

    I forget who mentioned Justin's peanut butters & today I bought a small snack size Almond Butter & Maple to compare to the MaraNatha at Giant today.

    That was me!! How did you like it?! I loveeee the maple and vanilla snack size justices almond butter, yum!

    I have the regular Almond Butter in my food diary to eat on Thursday for breakfast on a Cinnamon Vanilla Thomas English muffin. I am sure it will be tasty.

    I wish more stores carried the MaraNatha Caramel Almond Butter because it's the best nut butter I've ever tried.

    I've been eying the Coconut Almond Butter that Giant carries, but I am not paying $9.99 to try it.

    Where do you get the MaraNatha caramel almond butter? That sounds amazing!

    The only store I've found it at so far is the Carlisle Super Wal-Mart in PA.

    Here's a link to see if you can find it at a store near you

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just leaving this here, since everyone loves dogs so much. Hoping we can all have the same willpower!

    This so made my morning! How cute!!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited June 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Woo hoo! Now YOU have my permission to meet orangesmartie, Lois and girldownsouth. And I think Tubbs is from England too. As you are visiting your boyfriend not celebrating an anniversary. :)

    Although I admit I will be wildly jealous.

    Yes we should have an MFP confessions meet up when you're over! We're all int he south East, so getting into London isn't that difficult.

    ETA: Buggered up the quotes
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »

    Awwwww Charlie is super cute, bless his cottons. :smile:

    I speak American English, what does this mean in English English? :)

    Ha ha I think that is one to be added to that quiz.
    "Bless your little cotton socks" is the full phrase and it's a term of endearment and I actually had to google its origins for you.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I used to prelog a two or three days in advance but I shortened it to one day because I would always forget if I had enough of one food. :P

    @LBuehrle8 I love the feeling you get after making an arrangement for your trip. It makes it a little more "real".

    That's what I told my sister last night! :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I'm back from VA! It was great. I am not checking the 1,664 new posts.


    In public, I suck in to appear thinner than I really am. I never did this before I lost weight.

    I would rather go deaf than listen to contemporary Christian music. It is awful and so boring. I had to endure it on my trip. Thank God for iPods.

    Yay welcome back!!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment

    *hugs* give IF a try. Slimming world and Weightwatchers are not long term solutions. If they were, the companies would go bust! Their model is predicated on you keep going to meetings and buying their tasteless shite.

    Its hard not to be disheartened, but you've done so well up to here. Maybe its worth trying to switch up the diet? Eat a little more for a couple of weeks, or try some different exercises?

    Do not blow deposit money on surgery. It won't fix the problem.

    Is there any activity that you fancy trying? pole dancing? ice skaing? abseiling? Wall climbing? All great, but different workouts. I watched an episode of the biggest loser yesterday (don't judge) and Jillian took her contestant freerunning, which looked really cool.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Quiz to see how well you Yanks and C'nucks understand proper British English, just in case we do all get together for a tea party one day:

    Thank God I got 15, that would have been embarrassing!
    Out of curiosity, which one's did you struggle with? It never even occurred to me people wouldn't understand some of those sayings. lol

    I got them all, but I had to guess on the 'her majesty's pleasure' and 'spending a penny'. Her majesty's pleasure makes sense enough but spending a penny still makes no sense ;)

    Traditionally at train stations they would charge a penny to use the 'facilities'. The last time I went to the toilet at the station I was drunk and they charged me 30p, but I broke the seal and was completely desperate. I normally just wait until I get to where I'm going.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Whew....working nights can suck sometimes because everyone else posts during the day...

    @MoHousdon Your step-daughter will eventually realize how her actions affect other people but it may take a while. I am 26 and it has taken me this long to REALLY have it sink in, although, it did initially start when I was 17 in my senior year of high school.

    Confession #1: It's that TOM and I have become an over eating, over emotional, train wreck. I didn't log everything I ate yesterday and I likely will not log ANYTHING today and I will just keep my workouts going and forgive myself later... :disappointed:

    Confession #2: The emotional train wreck part, I have been taking my crazy emotions out on my boss(who I am dating, judge not!). I apologized to him via text and wasn't planning on seeing him until Tuesday(this morning) but I asked if I could come over today(still Monday in my mind) and he said he was good with it. I told him I was super sorry for being all 'woman crazy' as I call it and he thanked me for acknowledging how my overemotional tendencies affect him and, because I KNEW he would be so accepting about everything, I also bought him some apology beer. :smiley:

    Confession #3: I have never been with someone who is so considerate and accepting of my feelings before and it terrifies me :scream: but at the same time makes me want to be a more considerate and accepting person too. :blush:

    @Susieq_1994 Every time I play 'catch up' on this thread, you are on the list of top posts I look for. When you are gone you are missed VERY much. Sometimes working on yourself is the best way to worship. So, if you have to, focus on yourself a little more than your prayers. I feel Allah will be grateful that you are taking the time to care for the body he so carefully molded for you so that you can better worship and serve him in the future. I'm sure he sees your struggle and knows you will come out better for it. :smile: