Things people do at the gym, that you hate.



  • GibsonSG_67
    GibsonSG_67 Posts: 1,406 Member

    Discreet is good. We would all be lying if we said we did not look or take notice when someone is fit and looks good (man or woman). However you nor any decent human would not and SHOULD NOT say "if you don't want the attention wear baggie tanks and basketball shorts" No, just no!! Ugh!

    Jeeeezus now I'm not a decent person because one sentence? Lighten up a tad branflakes
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    When guys go in to the gym to chat it up with their friends.

    When girls go there with a mac store on their face in hopes that the guys will notice them.

    Guys shouldn't have buddies at the gym to talk to while working out?

    I don't even know what the second one means but what's wrong with trying to get noticed in the gym? What places are more acceptable in your opinion to possibly meet somebody?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    People that slam/throw down free weights

    So annoying.

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    aippolito1 wrote: »
    There are several people who come to the gym in pairs and end up doing a circuit and switch off... so one person is lifting and the other is watching (NOT SPOTTING) and they have 3 extra sets of free weights by them. If you're going to use 4 different sets of weights, both work and both alternate. When I come up and ask, "Can I use these?" and you say no... guess who's the b!+ch. YOU.

    I also can't stand people who do like 8 sets of something even though they know you are waiting for the equipment or piece. The other day, this guy was using our ONE rope (2 went missing) and I asked if he was almost done, he said yes. He had already done 4 complete sets and continued to do 3 or 4 more. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THERE'S ONE EFFING ROPE AND YOU NEED TO DO EIGHT SETS?? Selfish.

    If there's only one rope, that's your gym's fault, not his.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I recently moved, and found in switching gyms that there are many of the same types of people, the ones you guys have mentioned, but each gym also has its own special kind of douche.

    In gym #1, it was a guy who would cover himself in Icy Hot before his workout so the entire place smelled of it. Inescapable.

    In gym #2, it's these two people who are training to be bodybuilders, but spend most of the time standing around looking at themselves and talking. They're also there every single time I come in, so they probably get a decent workout after about 12 hours.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    My gym as ONE shower. Putting your bag in the shower stall DOES NOT hold your shower place. Grrrrr!
  • CarrC83
    CarrC83 Posts: 78 Member
    I wouldn't say it's disrespectful to be discreet but discretion does bring with it a connotation of doing something people would disapprove of does it not? Maybe you just aren't using the correct word.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited June 2015
    aippolito1 wrote: »
    There are several people who come to the gym in pairs and end up doing a circuit and switch off... so one person is lifting and the other is watching (NOT SPOTTING) and they have 3 extra sets of free weights by them. If you're going to use 4 different sets of weights, both work and both alternate. When I come up and ask, "Can I use these?" and you say no... guess who's the b!+ch. YOU.

    I also can't stand people who do like 8 sets of something even though they know you are waiting for the equipment or piece. The other day, this guy was using our ONE rope (2 went missing) and I asked if he was almost done, he said yes. He had already done 4 complete sets and continued to do 3 or 4 more. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THERE'S ONE EFFING ROPE AND YOU NEED TO DO EIGHT SETS?? Selfish.

    While you can be upset about your second issue. Do you know what program he is doing? Does he know what programs he is doing? Lots of people have no clue about what they are doing in the gym. You can't judge him for something you have no clue of.

    How about did you ask to work in with him? You didn't but complain about the his workout routine and call him selfish. You really don't make yourself look good in this situation at all.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    kpfry67 wrote: »
    Discreet is good. We would all be lying if we said we did not look or take notice when someone is fit and looks good (man or woman). However you nor any decent human would not and SHOULD NOT say "if you don't want the attention wear baggie tanks and basketball shorts" No, just no!! Ugh!

    Jeeeezus now I'm not a decent person because one sentence? Lighten up a tad branflakes

    Dude, you said that women should change what they wear if they don't want to feel uncomfortable from the creepy stares of dudes at the gym?? Sorry, but as a woman I don't take things like that "lightly" But in the spirit of lightening up, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :smile: because I am a lighthearted person underneath my irrational dislike of degrading comments.

  • tobyowen2015
    tobyowen2015 Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2015
    Definitely grunters. Nobody wants to hear it. It's just wrong.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    2 things I hate..

    When someone is using the weight machines that you want to use but they stop between sets and sit on their cell phone. Like, you don't actually mean to take a 2 minute break do you?? UGH!

    Actually - I do. I lift as heavy as I possibly can push - usually to failure on each set. Sometimes it takes more than a minute for my musculature to recover. If I fail out of a set, I'm not giving up - I'm going for it again.

  • GibsonSG_67
    GibsonSG_67 Posts: 1,406 Member
    @branflakes1980 Sorry didn't mean to offend. Ok New message: Guys don't be dick heads and stare. Or else Bran Flakes will tear you a new one!!
    Better? ;)
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,260 Member
    I don’t like to use the word hate, but highly dislike when people do not re rack their weights. Wipe off equipment of their sweat. The guy that yells every rep. and the people who throw their weights on the floor. Also the group of 5 teenage boys that cluster around 4-5 pieces of equipment taking turns through reps so those particular things are held up for an hour or more… One more thing... the chick that wears the shorts... the ones where myself and the rest of the gym has seen her hooha more than once...
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    kpfry67 wrote: »
    @branflakes1980 Sorry didn't mean to offend. Ok New message: Guys don't be dick heads and stare. Or else Bran Flakes will tear you a new one!!
    Better? ;)

    Awww, come here you..


  • Escursionista
    Escursionista Posts: 190 Member
    Walking away after drenching the treadmill or climber with sweat...
  • GibsonSG_67
    GibsonSG_67 Posts: 1,406 Member
    kpfry67 wrote: »
    @branflakes1980 Sorry didn't mean to offend. Ok New message: Guys don't be dick heads and stare. Or else Bran Flakes will tear you a new one!!
    Better? ;)

    Awww, come here you..

    Haaaaaa! That's great! Have a good one!
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member

    A woman should change what she wears to keep from being molested by somebody's eyes?

    Haha this ^.

  • Ritzaburk
    Ritzaburk Posts: 22 Member
    I don’t like to use the word hate, but highly dislike when people do not re rack their weights. Wipe off equipment of their sweat. The guy that yells every rep. and the people who throw their weights on the floor. Also the group of 5 teenage boys that cluster around 4-5 pieces of equipment taking turns through reps so those particular things are held up for an hour or more… One more thing... the chick that wears the shorts... the ones where myself and the rest of the gym has seen her hooha more than once...

    Boom!! Exactly!! All of the above!!
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    edited June 2015
    I saw a guy that basically looked like Pretty Hate Machine era Trent Reznor. Boots and cutoff long black denim shorts, black sweatshirt, greasy hair, wallet chain.

    Actually I wasn't mad, and I wasn't hating. I just thought "man, I hope he doesn't get caught in anything."

    At least he was out there?
  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    When people leave the free weights on the machine so I have to put them away and then grab my own weights.

    When people walk on the treadmill at a 15 incline but then hold on to the top of the machine. Yes it makes it easier to do that, but you are getting no benefit from the 15 incline now. What's the point? To impress me?