Was really fat. Now less fat. Stuck being less fat. So why?



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Well here's a rabbit hole you could spend a few days in

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    Looking at you diary you're eating over your goal. Top that off with inaccuracies in weighing or choosing the correct items when logging that's probably your answer. Bottom line is you are eating too much.


    I checked your diary for the past seven days and you are consistently over 2000 calories a day.

    My guess.

    inaccurate logging is the culprit here + over eating.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Don't you have 3 or 4 previous threads asking the same thing? You've been given tons of advice from lots of people. We can't tell you anything new or different. What answer are you looking for?

    this is my bad..he was derailing another thread, and I told him to start his own...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Don't you have 3 or 4 previous threads asking the same thing? You've been given tons of advice from lots of people. We can't tell you anything new or different. What answer are you looking for?

    this is my bad..he was derailing another thread, and I told him to start his own...

    He does like derailing threads.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Is there a reason you track sugar over sodium? Since you talk about your 10 pound increase on vacation. Sodium would show on the scale more than sugar would.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Don't you have 3 or 4 previous threads asking the same thing? You've been given tons of advice from lots of people. We can't tell you anything new or different. What answer are you looking for?

    this is my bad..he was derailing another thread, and I told him to start his own...

    I said it too.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Don't have time to dig them up, but some studies have shown that formerly obese people have to eat less (I think it was ~10% on average?) than never-obese people to stay at the same weight, due to obesity-related changes in metabolism. Can't remember how long those studies lasted, though, might be people recover over time.

    I think that might make sense due to the fact its hard to maintain LBM when you lose weight.

    Lean mass loss, hormonal responses and suppressed cellular metabolic activity.

    Well how long and how long will the 30lbs take. Everyone else gets there goal pretty quickly. It's a little BS to have to wait 2 years for something someone else gets in 6 months.

    Not everyone else had to lose 135 pounds to get to the point where they have 30 left to lose.
  • goyologo
    goyologo Posts: 138 Member
    What first struck me about your post is your INCREDIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENT. WOW. You should be very proud of yourself - congratulations!
    What struck me second is how self-critical/discouraged you are. I am sorry for that. I wish you could step back and bask in the wonderful progress you have made & give yourself a break. Maybe your body would like to hang out at 230 (or so) for awhile and your focus might be to take the best care of you can of your health - the nourishment, strengthening, enjoyment of your new smaller body until you feel rested/ready to move on with further weight loss?
    Again, congratulations on how far you have come, have patience and more empathy for yourself, and best wishes on your further progress in improving your health!
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Because it takes up to a year for a metabolism to speed up. Sometimes it can happen faster and that is a worst case scenario. Never ever follow BS like being over a certain weight means you can eat over 2000 calories it is bullcrap. with slight variations a truly inactive person will burn up to 1600 calories per day. Most people aren't quite still enough for that.
    Exercise calories shouldn't be incorporated into your diet but definitely should be done. I personally have an extra section on my food log to add them in as to not throw it off. While muscle mass increases with exercise which is heavier that gain is temporary.
    But when it comes down to it, it is discipline and as annoying as it is while others can help you that must be done by you. Discipline.
    Also don't think you can't, you can. It may be a pain but it can and will be done. Also... Fruit are carbs, but what your eating is less important than how much.
    Good luck and we are all here to support you! :p
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    As you get closer to your goal the grind becomes HARD!!! Your loss may slow to 0.5lbs a week or the scale may stay static and measurements may be the only thing changing, some weeks there may be no change at all. You just have to keep grinding that last little bit off and starving to death isn't the way to do it. There are plenty of tools at your disposal to help you, changes to your work outs, utilizing different cardio training variables, diet breaks eating back to your maintenance calories, carb cycling and on it goes.

    You rebounded because you went on vacation and did vacation things there's not much mystery there.

    Keep grinding it out and you'll get there..... in other words 'suck it up buttercup'
    But I'm not close to my goal? I'm 30lbs from it. That's super far from my goal. That's 30 weeks at a pound a week. 60 by your plan. Without stalls or breaks. Which would put it at 2 years or more. So why? Why are my 30lbs going to supposedly take 2 years but someone else just loses them and gets ripped in 6 months? That's the answer I'm looking for. What can I do to make my loss take 6 months like that guys.

    30 pounds IS close to your goal! You're so close! :) Also, I looked at your chart and it looks like you're still trending down overall. Just because someone else can do it in x amount of time, doesn't mean you have to. There is no race to lose the weight here, unless I'm missing something. If you want to eat more, you may have to deal with it taking longer. If you're ok with eating less, it may take less time. Personally, I'd rather eat more and it sounds like you are similar to me.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Ok, here is my opinion because I have experienced the same thing. I started just under 200, lost 50, needed to lose another 10 maybe but instead gained back 30. It is my fault, no voodoo involved. After being so large I felt really good when my weight was down and still felt good as it crept back up. It was different pounds this time. More "fit" pounds. So while I was feeling good and thinking I needed to lose weight, I ate a little more here, a little more there, worked out a little less, etc. So the weight started back - sometimes creeping sometimes several pounds in a week. But...I didn't get serious about it because I knew how to lose it and really - I should be able to eat and have normal activity and keep my weight reasonable. But I don't do it. Got serious again the first of June and you know what - the weight is coming back off. You know what to do and you can do it. 1800 shouldn't be enough calories for you but guess it depends on you and your activity. Good luck.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Don't have time to dig them up, but some studies have shown that formerly obese people have to eat less (I think it was ~10% on average?) than never-obese people to stay at the same weight, due to obesity-related changes in metabolism. Can't remember how long those studies lasted, though, might be people recover over time.

    I think that might make sense due to the fact its hard to maintain LBM when you lose weight.

    Lean mass loss, hormonal responses and suppressed cellular metabolic activity.

    Well how long and how long will the 30lbs take. Everyone else gets there goal pretty quickly. It's a little BS to have to wait 2 years for something someone else gets in 6 months.

    Not everyone else had to lose 135 pounds to get to the point where they have 30 left to lose.

    True. So is there a pill or something to fix it? LOL Can't they just replace cortisol or leptin with some supplement?

    No, even if they had a pill it would not help long term.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It's really irritating to give people advice they say they're looking for, only to have them let you know why that advice isn't any good for them and how they are special. It's an activity that can be described in words I wouldn't use here.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Is there a reason you track sugar over sodium? Since you talk about your 10 pound increase on vacation. Sodium would show on the scale more than sugar would.

    I barely pay attention to either I'd say. Protein first, fat second, carbs third, then fiber is all I really are about. There are no calories in sodium and I don't have a good way to correlate that to my weight anyhow. I gain and lose water almost at random so I don't bother thinking about it beyond what the trendweight says.

    High sodium levels= water retention. That is a fact so that correlate to your increase over vacation. I am almost 90% sure of that. You been around the forums too long to not know some of these things.

  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    BS to have to wait 2 years for something everyone else gets in 6 months? Dude... you were trying to lose 165 lbs. I'm trying to lose 100 and if I do it in a year and a half, then I'm thrilled. You are down to your last 20%. Yes, it's going to slow down insanely.
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    A one week "plateau" is nothing. It could be water weight, it could be your body's natural day-to-day fluctuations in weight, it could be you're eating a little more than you think you are. Give it another week or two.
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