

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.

    That would be me also. Which is why I'd never do Zumba. Glad your daughter really enjoyed it, though... and you're an awesome mum for attending with her!
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment

    I've done 5:2 intermittently. (that sounds weird, ha ha) I've mentioned before that when he's home my SO does the cooking and that generally results in huge portions of very rich and rather "junky" food -- not at all how I'd choose to eat -- so when he's gone I'll do 5:2 to kind of recalibrate, especially since my IBS is usually in overdrive by the time he leaves (we seriously eat like cr@p).

    I'd say give it a try.

    But keep saving that house money!!!

    Yea, I don't see any harm in trying it for a month or so. It's not something stupid like a teatox. It just involves a bit of forward planning.

    It's ok, the money is still there

    I tend to rely heavily on 35 calorie Yoplait yogurt pots, 15 cal fruit cups (Del Monte water packed, no added sugar) and Quest bars. But the 500 days make me feel seriously awesome... probably because the carb/high fat/sodium fog lifts, lol.

    In England we have Icelandic Yogurt called SKYR and it is no fat, high protein (It's amazing) and I intend on having that for lunch I think. It does have carbs in it though so I'm not sure.
    What do you have for dinner? I was thinking stir-fry one night, but I can't think of anything else apart from soup or salad for the second night :confounded:

    Well, bearing in mind that I LOATHE cooking and I'm an incredibly unimaginative cook... usually eggs, often poached, sometimes an omelette with a weensy bit of cheese or... and this rates as a "confession"... one of those prepared frozen meals. I have a whole range of them from 160 to 250 cals, which fits nicely into a 500 day. There is a line here called Blue Menu that is actually pretty "healthy".

    I'm lucky in that I already drink diet pop and have always taken my coffee black, so I'm not adding calories with beverages.

    eta: cottage cheese is a dinner staple also

    Awwww, :disappointed: I can't stand egg. I wish it wasn't true, and I keep trying it, but I can't like them. Thank you for the suggestion though. I shall roam the Internet for meals. I'm sure there is a thread on it here somewhere.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love the pink cupcake dress so cute! The second one would be great to wear for the reception.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!!! *falls over* <3

    Thought of you today at Giant when I found the Limone Sorbet. I almost bought it, but then I decided to get the Yueling's Buttered Caramel Popcorn. I definitely will be getting that sometime though since I seen it was only 80 calories per half serving which means I will probably eat two or three.

    ooooooh yum!

    my giant had the lemoncello chiffon ice cream ONCE, and have been out of stock ever since. i call them every few days...i'm sure they loooove me. lol

    i'm honestly not that big of an ice cream fan. unless i get the "churn style" the richness of most ice cream makes me sick so i can only ever have a tiny amount at a time. but the lemoncello chiffon is SO FREAKIN GOOD.

    Ooh is the Lemoncello more ice cream or gelato? I bet I would like that one more.

    confession: i've never had gelato, so i have no idea.
    one characteristic i do love about it though is that it's not rock hard like b&j's. the lemon ice cream is soft and fluffy :)

    Ugh, yeah I hate how ice cream can be hard as a rock & bend a spoon.

    Tonight I had some Yueling's ice cream Buttered Caramel Popcorn & it was amazing. The first bite I took I could tell a popcorn flavor.

    OMG- popcorn ice cream?!?!?! Where on earth do I find this? I love popcorn... love love love it, and often eat popcorn for dinner (when the man isn't home, because he doesn't believe that it constitutes a meal). Although I try to do it less for a meal now that I'm being more conscious of my protein intake.

    I bought this flavor at Giant. Since I looked at your profile you should be able to find it there or Giant Eagle (I think they're similar). It's definitely amazing! You can taste a hint of popcorn smothered with caramel.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @kellienw335 Sure! I was struck by a car and broke some bones in my right ankle and shoulder. There was also some scarring on my face and ligament tears / minor breaks in my left knee, but the ortho was very cautious with the knee because it was almost a lot worse. I was in the hospital for a few weeks and in inpatient physical therapy for two more weeks per recommendation from the hospital.

    That picture of your cats eating just makes me giggle @kelly_c_77 . It's too cute. Super jealous of that dessert too. :yum: Happy Birthday!

    Awesome job with your weight goals @xLoveLikeWinterx , sucks about the baby's ear infection. Ear pain is the one thing I can't soldier through.

    Beautiful earrings @MoHousdon . You and your husband really sound like a great couple.

    I'm going to have to wait three hours for a free movie screening today and I fully plan on sitting or standing in line with my headphones. I also sometimes use them at stores when I really don't want to have a conversation. As long as you aren't using them while driving or in the streets, I'm good.

    As for sleeping with pets, I'd take sleeping with a cat over sleeping with a dog any day. The worst my cat ever did was manage to secure the whole pillow for himself. He was never rowdy in the morning like my siblings' dogs.
    Thanks, @spacequiztime ! Sorry about your accident, that sounds rough. Glad you've recovered.
    Thanks and Talenti southern butter pecan is amazing.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Look what you guys made me do...

    I couldn't resist, it was $2 off. I would have grabbed more had I not been on lunch. I'm hoping to have enough calories for some tonight. We'll see.

    Whooooo! That flavor is awesome.

    If you go back you should try the Salted Caramel Peanut too.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    I have to confess I like weddings... most of all the cheesy music and dancing. My own wedding was the funnest day of my life so far. It was pretty big too, we had almost 350 guests.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    Excuse the long reply, catching up on a few pages and you guys have been busy! I only went out for dinner! haha.
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    @KrisiAnnH, oh that little furry face it too much!

    Haha he's the silliest thing too, always running backwards through tubes or trying to stuff all his bedding in his mouth, just makes him all the cuter I think! I want to get more furry-babies but the boyf thinks one is enough :(

    Just so you know, you can't keep most hamsters together, especially not same-sex pairs. They'll fight to the death; they're extremely territorial. You'd need a separate cage for each of them. :) That's assuming that you're talking about more hamsters, of course. ;)

    Haha yeah I know, when I first got mine he was 10 weeks old which is the age they generally start fighting at, he was scuffling with one of his brothers when I chose him haha :)
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    @KrisiAnnH, oh that little furry face it too much!

    Haha he's the silliest thing too, always running backwards through tubes or trying to stuff all his bedding in his mouth, just makes him all the cuter I think! I want to get more furry-babies but the boyf thinks one is enough :(

    He is ADORABLE! What is his name? Did I miss it? And congrats on the job!

    He's called Artemis :) or Arty for short. I was living in University halls at the time so went with my flatmates and they helped me choose a name :) Thanks! it's just a trial but I've been told it's pretty much a sure thing if they bother giving you a trial shift :)
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Ack! Spikey was SO cute! Thanks for sharing!

    He was, wasn't he? :) Once he got older he used to climb up the pipes into the top of his cage (there was a detachable carry case with a lid there that I could open) and wait for me to pick him up and cuddle him and give him treats. :) I was so sad when he died that I couldn't go anywhere near his cage for over a year--it just stayed there in a corner. My sister had to bury him for me because I just couldn't do it. :(

    We had a hamster as well who I adored (Montague, Monty for short). He had an episode when he was 4 years old and we had to put him down, I don't think I cried so hard over a pet. I haven't bought another hamster yet, I think I may try and convince my SO that it's either a Hamster or a Dog lol.

    4 is a great age for a hamster though, and Monty is a lovely name!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, my birthday is tomorrow and all I can think about is having my most favorite meal EVER out at my favorite restaurant! I'm really hoping that they have this AMAZING dessert that they used to serve. It's a piece of cake (your choice of a bunch of flavors) wrapped in a flour tortilla, fried up, and sprinkled with either cocoa or cinnamon. Then they top it with either honey or hot fudge, ice cream, and whipped cream! Holy Mother of deliciousness! One time we went they said they weren't serving it anymore...but the next time we went, it was on the menu again. Anyway, I'm just really hoping it's there tomorrow. It kept me up last night. Sad, so sad.
    But seriously, I CAN'T WAIT! If they don't have that dessert, I plan on having a very large serving of ice cream for dessert. I fully plan on murdering my calorie goal for tomorrow BUT I will still do my workout in the morning. :)

    Yay! Happy (early?) birthday! that all sounds amazing although I'm not sure about a flour tortilla and cake? Sign me up for the rest though!
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    I cannot wait until my sister brings me that PB Captain Crunch next weekend!!

    ... Will she bring me some, too?

    I confess that I've been using stories about your awesome Rodent Boy to try to confess my husband to buy me either a rat, a mouse, a hamster, a chinchilla, a gerbil.... Anything tiny and cute. :D I WANT A CUDDLY RODENT. >.<

    From when I was about 7 I always wanted a hamster but my parents wouldn't let me, I moved out to go to Uni and it took me 4 months of living alone before I realised I could get one and they couldn't say anything haha. They hated the idea but now that they've met him they absolutely adore him, they even have him for 'holidays' if I go away for the weekend or move house etc (I know, they're nuts! haha). So maybe you could get one and hope your husband grows to love it? :) haha.

    Just incase you need anymore convincing... (using this as an excuse to post pictures of my little cuddly rodent haha)

    Also for anyone interested in how my job interview went the other day, I have a trial shift on Monday! Woo! :)

    CUDDLY RODENT! Wanna see MY cuddly rodent? (I had a hamster myself, several years ago--he passed away from hamstery old age)

    Spikey: From babyhood to adulthood.

    ... Yeah, that was a lot of pictures. But isn't he CUTE?!

    Awhhh oh my goodness he's adorable! And so fluffy! My hammy is almost 1 1/2 old now, so he's not a baby anymore. He was so tiny when I first got him! Dwarf hamsters are the cutest though, they look like mini versions haha

    The babies when they are first born are even cuter! They look like little pink gummy bears!
    Not sure if you guys remember my story about buying a hamster who turned out to be pregnant and 2 weeks later we ended up with 10 (YES, TEN!!!!) hamsters. And to confirm what @Susieq_1994 said about separating them because they will fight to the death...yup...we learned the hard way...donut holes in ears, screeching, squealing, bloody fights!!! :(

    awh yeah I do remember! I think I mat have replied about our pet rats having babies! I was only 5 or 6 but I imagine they're pretty similar to hamster babies, so pink and cute! Yeah you can only have dwarf hamsters together because they need to be kept in pairs, would have to have to cages on opposite sides of the room so they cant smell each other too haha.
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    ETA: oops, double post! dont know why it does that :(

    Aww I love the picture where it looks like he's winking while eating a strawberry.

    haha I woke him up to feed him so he's actually probably trying not to fall asleep against it :blush:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    In England we have Icelandic Yogurt called SKYR and it is no fat, high protein (It's amazing) and I intend on having that for lunch I think. It does have carbs in it though so I'm not sure.
    I do enjoy the Siggi's brand of Icelandic Skyr that's sold here in the U.S., and have been glad to see it finally arrive on shelves of 'regular' grocery stores (the only original option in this area was Whole Foods, and it was quite pricey), but the sugar content associated with my favorite 'flavored' option (vanilla) ensures that I need to be careful...

    I would buy the plain version if anyone around here actually sold it, but the limited refrigerated shelf space is utilized for flavored versions only (and likely not due to any sort of market demand issue regarding the plain version, what with market demand for such seeming to be technically unknown, given that they'd need to first *offer* the option, in order to gauge any as-a-function-of-actual-availability demand... and I've never seen the plain version sold around here (yet, anyway))... perhaps after more time, and more market penetration, my 'wish' for access to the plain version will be fulfilled...

    A few interesting articles regarding Siggi's --

    Just had a look see, 150g has 11g sugar. I'm a bit uneducated in macros, is that bad? Because half a mango has 24g of sugar so in comparison it's not bad. Or is this where someone says they are different types of sugar because that confuses the hell out of me. :confused:
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.

    That would be me also. Which is why I'd never do Zumba. Glad your daughter really enjoyed it, though... and you're an awesome mum for attending with her!
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment

    I've done 5:2 intermittently. (that sounds weird, ha ha) I've mentioned before that when he's home my SO does the cooking and that generally results in huge portions of very rich and rather "junky" food -- not at all how I'd choose to eat -- so when he's gone I'll do 5:2 to kind of recalibrate, especially since my IBS is usually in overdrive by the time he leaves (we seriously eat like cr@p).

    I'd say give it a try.

    But keep saving that house money!!!

    Yea, I don't see any harm in trying it for a month or so. It's not something stupid like a teatox. It just involves a bit of forward planning.

    It's ok, the money is still there

    I tend to rely heavily on 35 calorie Yoplait yogurt pots, 15 cal fruit cups (Del Monte water packed, no added sugar) and Quest bars. But the 500 days make me feel seriously awesome... probably because the carb/high fat/sodium fog lifts, lol.

    In England we have Icelandic Yogurt called SKYR and it is no fat, high protein (It's amazing) and I intend on having that for lunch I think. It does have carbs in it though so I'm not sure.
    What do you have for dinner? I was thinking stir-fry one night, but I can't think of anything else apart from soup or salad for the second night :confounded:

    Well, bearing in mind that I LOATHE cooking and I'm an incredibly unimaginative cook... usually eggs, often poached, sometimes an omelette with a weensy bit of cheese or... and this rates as a "confession"... one of those prepared frozen meals. I have a whole range of them from 160 to 250 cals, which fits nicely into a 500 day. There is a line here called Blue Menu that is actually pretty "healthy".

    I'm lucky in that I already drink diet pop and have always taken my coffee black, so I'm not adding calories with beverages.

    eta: cottage cheese is a dinner staple also

    Awwww, :disappointed: I can't stand egg. I wish it wasn't true, and I keep trying it, but I can't like them. Thank you for the suggestion though. I shall roam the Internet for meals. I'm sure there is a thread on it here somewhere.

    There is a 5:2 group, I think there should be recipe threads in there. There are 5:2 cookbooks too... I ambitiously put them on my kindle and of course haven't looked at them since... I'll check the author when I get home.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    I just assume it has something everything to do with the availability of unlimited free booze. But I'm cynical like that ;)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    Could NOT agree with you more! My husband and I are really role reversed in almost every aspect, including this one. He LOVES weddings. He gets way too excited and spends way more time figuring out what he's going to wear than I do. I dread them.

    And, I've worn black to the past two weddings we've gone to. It's easier to wear for an all-day thing that involves food and drinks. Much more forgiving if someone bumps into you and causes a spill.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Look what you guys made me do...

    I couldn't resist, it was $2 off. I would have grabbed more had I not been on lunch. I'm hoping to have enough calories for some tonight. We'll see.

    Goodness me!!! That one is my favorite next to the salted caramel.

    I hope it's good. I thought about getting the raspberry and cream one until I saw this one. I love butter pecan so I'm excited to try it.

    You will love it. That was the first flavor I bought.
  • alisonbradley99
    alisonbradley99 Posts: 1 Member
    *kitten* day at work ... 3 glasses of wine have demolished my motivation. I feel bad (in a good, slightly squiffy way).
    Tomorrow is another day.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So I am PMSing so what do I think is a good idea? Going grocery shopping.

    I bought two Pop-Tarts Peanut Butter & Wildlicious Wild! Cherry

    For those who like unfrosted Pop-Tarts the Peanut Butter are unfrosted & very good with ice cream or peanut butter if you prefer that. I seen Wal-Mart had the new Blue Raspberry flavor but I decided to try them another time.

    I also bought Quaker Valley Caramel Apple bars (never tried them), Special K Fudge Brownies (these are only 80 calories & the Salted Caramel are also good), Ice Cream Pebbles cereal, Dill flavored Almonds (never tried these & they sounded good), Fiber One Salted Carmael Cheesecake bars & the Raspberry flavored box, & two Sam's Choice ice creams Coffee & Donuts (this one is so freaking good & I love the glaze more than the donuts), & their Butterscotch Salted Caramel Fudge (never tried this one).

    I still at least bought some healthier fare which included two Honeydew melons, watermelon, three packages of grape tomatoes, & two big packs of mushrooms.

    I'm mad because a few of you had talked about the Sam's Choice Coffee and Donuts ice cream before and I have looked at my Walmart the last 5 times that we've been there, and they are all expired!!! So irritating...yet I never say anything. I've been dying to try it! :(

    Eww how long have they been expired for? I would definitely bring it up to someone that works there. I wonder what the expiration date on ice cream is?

    They expired in March and April...not too long ago..but I'm still not buying them! I hate saying stuff and sounding annoying. I just keep hoping that they'll notice and restock with new ones!

    ETA: that's so funny about your dog and her toys...maybe she is just a little weirdo! ;)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon those earrings are beautiful!! Wow, you really are one lucky woman! I bet you two compliment each other really well as a couple because you are great too!

    I'm really not that great, but he makes up for it. Oh, who am I kidding?! I'm freaking AMAZING!

    Yes you are!! I miss you guys today we have out of town visitors here at work so I can't seem to break away to hardly even take a peek. And tonight we are taking them for supper so I am going to be so far behind on this thread and BB. I may have to cancel the date to get caught up on Saturday!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    In England we have Icelandic Yogurt called SKYR and it is no fat, high protein (It's amazing) and I intend on having that for lunch I think. It does have carbs in it though so I'm not sure.
    I do enjoy the Siggi's brand of Icelandic Skyr that's sold here in the U.S., and have been glad to see it finally arrive on shelves of 'regular' grocery stores (the only original option in this area was Whole Foods, and it was quite pricey), but the sugar content associated with my favorite 'flavored' option (vanilla) ensures that I need to be careful...

    I would buy the plain version if anyone around here actually sold it, but the limited refrigerated shelf space is utilized for flavored versions only (and likely not due to any sort of market demand issue regarding the plain version, what with market demand for such seeming to be technically unknown, given that they'd need to first *offer* the option, in order to gauge any as-a-function-of-actual-availability demand... and I've never seen the plain version sold around here (yet, anyway))... perhaps after more time, and more market penetration, my 'wish' for access to the plain version will be fulfilled...

    A few interesting articles regarding Siggi's --

    Just had a look see, 150g has 11g sugar. I'm a bit uneducated in macros, is that bad? Because half a mango has 24g of sugar so in comparison it's not bad. Or is this where someone says they are different types of sugar because that confuses the hell out of me. :confused:

    Seems pretty typical for fat-free yogurt to me. My completely plain 170g skimmed yogurt has 11 grams of carbs, all of which are sugar, since yogurt has no fiber. It's only potentially bad if you have insulin resistance or diabetes, or maybe if you're low-carbing. :) I happen to love yogurt. :smiley:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    Could NOT agree with you more! My husband and I are really role reversed in almost every aspect, including this one. He LOVES weddings. He gets way too excited and spends way more time figuring out what he's going to wear than I do. I dread them.

    And, I've worn black to the past two weddings we've gone to. It's easier to wear for an all-day thing that involves food and drinks. Much more forgiving if someone bumps into you and causes a spill.

    I'm exactly the same way. I hate attention, dressing up, and having people look at me. I don't dance, the vegetarian meals are usually not very good/filling, I don't drink...the list goes on and on.
    When we have gone to weddings, I have worn black every time.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon those earrings are beautiful!! Wow, you really are one lucky woman! I bet you two compliment each other really well as a couple because you are great too!

    I'm really not that great, but he makes up for it. Oh, who am I kidding?! I'm freaking AMAZING!

    Yes you are!! I miss you guys today we have out of town visitors here at work so I can't seem to break away to hardly even take a peek. And tonight we are taking them for supper so I am going to be so far behind on this thread and BB. I may have to cancel the date to get caught up on Saturday!

    DO NOT CANCEL YOUR DATE!!! This thread is slow on the should have no problem catching up!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    Could NOT agree with you more! My husband and I are really role reversed in almost every aspect, including this one. He LOVES weddings. He gets way too excited and spends way more time figuring out what he's going to wear than I do. I dread them.

    And, I've worn black to the past two weddings we've gone to. It's easier to wear for an all-day thing that involves food and drinks. Much more forgiving if someone bumps into you and causes a spill.

    Arab weddings are WAY worse, especially the house weddings. They generally last for THREE DAYS. There's no room because there are three hundred plus people stuck into a house that's meant for a family of 5-6 people, and everyone sits on the floor inside or outside on rugs--it's this huge mass of bodies squished so tightly that you can't even breathe and it's swelteringly hot, and the music played is TERRIBLE and so loud that you feel like your eardrums are going to blow up. Through all of this, you're supposed to smile, look happy, pretend your make up isn't running, and wait for... 3 A.M.ish when it's finally considered "okay" to go home without looking rude.

    ... And some are seven days. You're expected to buy a new dress for every single day, otherwise you're not showing the bride proper respect. No, I'm not kidding. I've backed out of house weddings for years because of these reasons--I don't even care if everyone hates me and thinks I'm the rudest relative in existence. The torture isn't worth it! :o