Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Thanks- I am looking for a group to keep me going as I lose weight. I live in North Idaho and feel alone sometimes. My family is all in SoCal. I work with people all day long helping them so my tank is empty when I get home

  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I started a web page when I started to loss weight
    It has helped me a lot to see how far I have come
    Please be kind
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    Feeling a bit depressed. Three days ago, set a new PR - 4 miles in 58 minutes, yay! However, I seem to have injured my knee enough during that run that it's now hurting again today, even after not running for two days. Managed to go 1.7 miles before deciding it hurt enough that I was in danger of doing significant damage. Think I may have to take a good amount of time off from running, which has been my main source of exercise, not to mention good exercise and bonding time with my dog. Trying to figure out what other type of cardio I can possibly do now that won't hurt my knee, since I don't have access to a gym. Really don't want to lose out on the progress that I've made so far, but I don't want to end up badly injuring my knee (had a partial meniscal tear several years ago, thankfully did not require surgery). Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!!
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    What about getting in the pool. It is always good when you hurt a knee. Takes the stress off but you can still move!
    Gayle //
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Morning folks! Back to work today after a seriously rough week with a pinched sciatic nerve. Wish me luck! And much success to you all this fine day!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    What about getting in the pool. It is always good when you hurt a knee. Takes the stress off but you can still move!
    Gayle //

  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    MischelM wrote: »
    Morning folks! Back to work today after a seriously rough week with a pinched sciatic nerve. Wish me luck! And much success to you all this fine day!

    good luck @MischelM , Hope you have a great day!
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    What about getting in the pool. It is always good when you hurt a knee. Takes the stress off but you can still move!
    Gayle //

    That would be amazing, but alas I have no access to a pool either :(
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    That is horrible. Do you have a hotel/motel that has a pool that will let you pay a small amount to use it? doesn't hurt to ask.
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    This is a little pity party on my part, but I have been doing so well since I started! This week is that TOM, and yesterday I was cramping so bad, I did not exercise! I feel awful today! I know that you are supposed to have a "rest" day, but I have just been trying to stay active everyday! I don't feel like doing anything, even eating!! I am having coffee for breakfast! Black on top of that with just a little splenda, and boy how I love french vanilla creamer! I guess what I am trying to say is I hate Aunt Flo!!! She makes me feel bloated and just overall miserable! I will do some kind of activity today! Hope everyone is having a great week, and sorry if I got too personal here.
  • SheilaGriffin1
    SheilaGriffin1 Posts: 2 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm 42 and looking to lose 100+ pounds (made it to 80 pounds 3 years ago and then gained half of it back) but I want to do it the "right" and learn how to "eat to live, not live to eat". I am addicted to food... it's my own personal brand of drug and I am looking for people who want lose weight eating healthy and tasty foods. I would love to share tips and tricks you've found work for you. I love looking at people's daily diaries and seeing wonderful sounding meals that are filling but still satisfy your hunger. I am tired of being obsessed with food and although I realize that right now that obsession is a necessity (I need to plan things out or I end up making excuses for eating the wrong things), I eventually want to know instinctively what's ok to eat and what's not ok to eat. I'm not saying a doughnut once in a while as a treat isn't "ok"... but I don't want to spend my precious calories on crap all the time. If you're looking for a friend who is willing to support you in your successes and even more so in your "ooopses", add me and let's do this!

  • SheilaGriffin1
    SheilaGriffin1 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes,I totally understand,I am trying to lose 100lbs as well,I have eliminated sugar ,diet soda,and lose 10lbs in 2 weeks,but I am still struggling trying to eat 1200 calories,I know it does not seem like much but when you are eating healthy it is hard
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    I have over 200 pounds to lose overall. I've lost 53 pounds so far and trying to stay positive. Things come up that put a lot of stress on a person and. unfortunately I don't deal well with stress. Even though I haven't done my best on a few days I'm back on track and won't give up. If you are determined enough and have faith you can do anything! Good luck everyone on your journey and don't let a small setback get you down
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    *waves* My little goal is 10lbs, my bigger goal is 100 lbs. So if you are looking for a friend to help you stay honest and encouraging.. feel free to friend me. I'm on daily. :)
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    That is horrible. Do you have a hotel/motel that has a pool that will let you pay a small amount to use it? doesn't hurt to ask.

    That is a thought that never even occurred to me! I'll have to look into it - thanks! :smile:

  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member
    edited July 2015
    I hope this thread isn't dead! I have over 100 lbs to lose. I started just over a month ago and have lost 7 lbs so far but my goodness is it hard work!
  • CrystalA1984
    CrystalA1984 Posts: 18 Member
    @Eri0515 lots of support here. 7lbs is great. It's difficult but you can and will make it to 100lbs lost :)
  • Rheameg
    Rheameg Posts: 71 Member
    I'm looking to lose 120. I'd love some friends. I want someone who I can call to for help when I'm having a craving
  • 79dawn
    79dawn Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone! I would like to join your little family. I'm 35 years old, 5'3", and started at 268 pounds on June 21. I'm not married and don't have children, except for a couple of the 4 legged furry type. I'm also in grad school, which is super stressful. I've made it down to 258 and I hope to just keep dropping the pounds. I'm not sure what my final goal is, but currently I set it at 145. I will reevaluate as I get closer. For motivation I use the Dietbet.com website (money is a big motivator for me). At this point all I want to do is stick with this, so I decided to start slow. I cut out all sodas. I'm not sure when this happened but I had started drinking a 32oz coke with both breakfast and dinner and a 20oz coke with lunch. Holy crap that is 1000 calories a day!! I now drink mostly water and I drink a glass of iced tea with splenda with lunch. I've been keeping my calories in the 1200-1300 range. I also cut out sweets. I just started allowing myself Ghiradelli dark chocolate minis because deprivation is not something I can maintain. I also allow myself a Dollar Menu cheeseburger once a week.

    I think I'm gonna start adding some exercise. I'm thinking squats, hip thrusts, and some basic dumbbell exercises. Will probably begin legs with just my body weight and add weight as I lose.

    I would love some friends on here.
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome @79dawn sounds like you have made some great changes. Congratulations on what you have lost so far :) The exercises you mentioned should be great starter exercises, and maybe some extra walking. Keep it up and the extra weight will just melt off. Sending a friend request your way.