barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member

The first day of a new month is a clean slate....turning the page on the calendar tells me that I can make a fresh start with new plans and new goals. Thus we start this thread anew each month.

Reflect on how you did with your goals and resolutions for June and then set them aside and move on.
What goals and resolutions do you have for July? It's a bright shiny new month and a chance to make a fresh start.

June Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day and some days many more)
*strength training twice a week (once a week)
*don't take things personally (a necessary and useful outlook many times during the month)
* figure out a good meatless low sodium stew recipe (created an easy one that I'll use again)

July Resolutions
*walk at least 15,000 steps a day
* drink at least nine glasses of water a day
*answer two long overdue e mails
*strength training twice a week

253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif



  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    i am here :0)!!!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Thanks Barbie, for always getting us going on the new month. I hope it's a great one for everyone, in every way.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,462 Member
    terri - great choice at McDonalds

    pip - how I wish we had a stairlimber! Is yours one of those moving steps? We used to have one, it broke and they won't replace it ("we can't afford it")

    Pat - so happy for your hubby

    pip - no, I wouldn't think biking would get boring. There is always so much amazing scenery. But the daily other stuff? Sometimes I get bored with doing it over and over. But I do it just the same

    Posting to get on the new thread.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    In for July! Extremely busy couple days. Will be more sociable tomorrow, need major sleep.

    Mid Atlantic
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I'm in for July and off to bed... o:)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm here and July will be really just keeping on with June goals, I have been at it now 3 1/2 weeks and lost 8 lbs. Unfortunately I feel like I need to kick it up a notch and not sure where to go with that. More moving would be the answer and I'm not sure how to get that in. Absolutely thrilled that I found this group. Such inspiration and encouragement. Exactly where I need to be :)

    Does anyone have any personal experience with the "waterproof" Fit Bit?

    July Goals:
    lose 2 lbs per week
    go to water aerobics at least 3 x a week
    keep carbs low and protein high
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I am in for July
    July resolutions:
    Train 6 days a week, choose DVDs wisely
    Walk dog every afternoon
    Drive and dog walk Sundays
    Eat healthy food
    MORE juicing
    Log every day for food
    Keep up logging to Tom every day and do weight/tape/BF% every week and post to Tom

    I slept REALLY poorly last night. Kept thinking about 1st husband LET IT GO girl his 3rd wife can keep him and he is SICK and fat Hey I am healthy and FIT

    Cleaned house, ironed dry clothes, washed woolens, prepped JO beef pie to cook tonight
    OK will sleep MUCH better tonight
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I'm in it for July! Just love having all you wonderful ladies to share this journey.

    July Goals
    *6000+ steps per day
    *meet protein macro goal each day
    *strength train/yoga/stretching 3x per week

    Here's to a successful July! :)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol - I am so glad to hear from you! Yeah that pain ball can be great for keeping the pain at bay. Sending prayers for a quick recovery!

    Sylvia- I hope that everything goes well with the insurance claim. Take care of yourself with the stomach issues.

    Allison- I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday and spice cake! That is my favorite. It is nice to get treated special and you deserve it!

    Carey- welcome home!

    Becca - then you're going to really hate my calorie burn for 45 minutes of swimming is 350. It goes by weight and speed. I googled it and found a site that calculated it for me.

    Michele- where we live we have to bring our recycling into the recycling center. Very nice. We also buy a red garbage bag for $5 at the grocery store, it holds about 2-3 normal size kitchen garage bags and you put that out at the end of the drive way on Fridays. We only have it picked up every other week. So $10 a month. Question, who is Bryan?

    Thanks Barbie for setting up the thread.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I feel that I was successful with my
    June goals :
    Make healthier food choices
    Stronglift 5x5, 3 times / week
    Move more sit less
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Decrease cardio to 0 - 45 minutes on stronglift days
    Decrease cardio to 0 - 60 minutes on non-stronglift days
    Coconut oil pulling 4-7 days /week
    Do not obsess over food
    Word - prioritize
    Quote - I - Know - I - Can

    I am keeping them for July except I can eliminate the decreasing of cardio because I was successful with that and it is now a habit.

    July goals
    Make healthier food choices
    Stronglift 5x5, 3 times / week
    Move more sit less
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Coconut oil pulling 4-7 days /week
    Do not obsess over food
    Word - prioritize
    Quote - I - Know - I - Can

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jomadavis
    jomadavis Posts: 8 Member
    In For July: Will do some type of exercise at least 6 days a week, every week. Increase water intake by 2 glasses or 16 oz.......and we are off.....yaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    It was a wonderful June. My goal was not to gain during my vacation, and even to lose. And I did lose 3. Capped June off with my 64th birthday. Thank you so much for all the well wishes. That was heart warming.

    Tomorrow is Canada Day here, so it's a statutory holiday. Kids and grandkids are coming over for brunch. Then it is back to work on Thursday.

    Have a great start to July, my friends.


  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hello I am Gayle from Idaho and new just this week to this thread. I am will be making my first monthly goals. I enjoy reading all about your lives or struggles. It is so hot here and we need it to cooler so I can workout and start to walk.

    so my goals for July
    1. workout 30 mins day.
    2. drink 8 glasses of water per day.
    3. improve my food recording.
    4. Keep under my fat food budget.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy birthday to Allison and Renny.

    Sharon, so sorry about the severe gastritis. My husband has severe ulcerative colitis, it's no picninc in the park. It's downright miserable

    Allsion, remember that God is still in the miracle business. The nurse friend that you talked to, is she current on her facts. When some one asks me a question about anything I tell them that I quit in 1999. Medicine is like electronic with all it's changes and rules. I think your husband is a bit like mine. I think Tom really loves you but has some inadequicies that he may not even know about so therefore lashed out at you when it is actually him that he mad at. Vicki has a point. Does your husband really know what he is saying to you. Use that brand new iPad and record him one time. I have recorded my husbands Parkinson's tremors many times without hi knowing it. Then paly it back to him when he has calmed down. I assume just knowing you recorded him will make him mad again so I would immediately delete it in his presence.

    Mary Minnesota, if you rented from the people who are selling the house you are buying, would that mean that you are paying two mortgages and a rent?

    Lisa, very smart of you to start 'paying monthly mortgage payments' right now to prepare yourself for when you do have one. Plus it will pick up some interest. Good job in your first 90 days.

    Pip, that is how my oldest daughter describes her old boyfriends. She thanks God for all of them, whether they were good or bad because every relationship molded her to be the person she was when she met her husband. She also says that she thanks God that she got the good from both her parents while seeing what the bad was. Of course then the youngest daughter says she got the worst in us. I think both of them are right to a degree. Both girls are very sensitive, would give the shirt off their back to help some one and are just very sweet women. I wish the youngest one would have children, she would make a fantastic Mom. But she says no, She is 35 now, no prospects, not looking and quite satisfied with her life. Her dogs and her children and she is one fierce Mom when it comes to them. I don't know what my life would be like without either one of them. They both play a very different but equally important role in my life. My husband is insecure enough if younger one doesn't come one day of the weekend he is upset. But she has a casual boyfriend that also works full time evenings and has family to see, she has her dogs that she takes to the dog park both days on the weekend. She has 3 big dogs in a postage stamp sized yard.

    Yvonne, I have to wait until the new movie comes out. I will watch the old one right before I go see the new one. When the new Jurassic Park movie came out I watched the previous 3 every day for 3 days then saw the new one. My forgeter does a good job in forgetting things!

    Terri, Milwaukee, any career that requires you to see red or green is out when you are color blind. Dad got around how to see the stop lights just by knowing red was at the top. What really confused him were the rare ones that were horizontal instead of vertical. You had a romantic date at a bowling tournament?????

    Danna, my oldest daughter was a Nanny also. She eventually took care of kids n three different families. I think a Nanny is a completely different job than a babysitter, there is more of an emotional commitment. You do housework, run errands, etc. She really enjoyed each one of the kids she took care of.

    Carol, I don't know if any of your Mom's costume jewelry is treasured by you or not but 2 years ago at Christmas my sister took Mom's costume jewelry, took all the little pieces apart and glued them onto an ornament.With the talent she had putting a ribbon on it and how to arrange the different pieces, it was a work of art. I found another box of Mom's things, put some of my own things in it and did the same thing this last Christmas for my girls. My youngest daughter doesn't put up a tree and the oldest daughter has a small tree that wouldn't hold the weight of the ornament so I made them to be put on a napkin ring as a base. So it can be put on a dresser, shelf, etc and be used year round.

    Carol, NC, thanks for checking in. Doctors sure do have a lot of new hi tech gear now than when I was working. A pain bal and a built in cooler!!!

    Sylvia, NO, not your colon again. Take care

    I tried something new tonight. I ma trying tho watch my carbs a little closer. My bedtime snack of which I go to bed about 4 hours later, is yogurt, pineapple tidbits and some kind of crunchy granola. Well the kind of granola I use is not being stocked anymore and I can't find a substitute that I like. So I took my yogurt and pineapple and put it in my tiny Ninja. It was good. The crushed pineapple gave the yogurt the texture I need to make it taste good. It wasn't as much texture but enough that maybe I can drop off the granola. I think I will buy some strawberries or blueberries and try them. The yogurt is thin though. I may have to break down and try the Greek yogurt again. Have any of you watched the show on A&E called storage wars? They take storage units that have been abandoned and auction them off. They find some pretty weird things in those storage units.

    I took my sister shopping today for something for trinities birthday. First we went to Walmart to get a cake ordered. I can just hear some of you say 'order a cake from Walmart?'. Yes, I order a cake. I was going to have them decorate it with some kind of musical theme but they don't have one. My sister used to make cakes so she is going to try her hand at making a musical staff with the treble cleff sign. She has grandiose ideas of when writing happy birthday on it to put each letter of Happy birthday on the correct place on the staff. For those of you who read music, you will know what I mean. It's free and it will make her fell real good in contributing something. She would like to spend more than the $10 that is actually the top limit of her husbands budget. I bought all the stuff to do it today so all she has to do is decorate. Then we went to plato's closet. I think that is an consignment shop that is all around the states for teens and young adults to take their gently used clothes and get money from them. Anyway she found 2 necklaces for $4 a piece. Christina says that Trinity has the same kind of style in jewelry that I do so I just picked a more youthful style of what I would wear. I don't know what my other daughter Michelle has for her. So our afternoon of shopping got done in about 90 minutes. She doesn't tolerate a lot of shopping unless she gets her motorized scooter out so we left it at that. Still, had a lot of sister talk.

    Charlie just came racing up the stairs up the stairs again, didn't make it to the bathroom in time. His experiment of stopping his ulcerative colitis medicine is failing. He thinks it is causing him to have diarrhea, it is listed as a side effect. Will be glad when we have his appointment on Thursday and might get some treatment going. Tomorrow I get my hair cut, same style I have had for umpteen million years. My girls call it the Baptist choir lady hair style!!!

    Love you, nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Marking my spot for July...
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    New Month New weigh in and goals day.
    Started monitoring my food June 1st, Started cutting back on food 8th June. Had 12 days in June over my 1300 limit (2lb per week weight loss planned) including the first week I wasnt losing weight. Lost 8lb in June. I am well chuffed with that
    July Goals
    - Lose 2lb per week and be at least 10lb lighter at the end of July
    - Plan a weekly food plans including shopping lists
    - Exercise 3 x 1hr a week
    - Drink more water

    Motto for July : Keep going, you got this.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Hello July B)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited July 2015
    Barbie, thank you for the new thread and clean slate!

    Michele: “extremeplump”, lol!!! (See, I do read your posts!)

    Carol: so glad to hear from you.

    Vicki: with you on the heat.

    Margaret: sorry about your brother. My brother and I did not speak for years because I refused to take his attitude and verbal abuse. I even had an email filter for him. He then got divorced; his ex-wife screwed him over, and he’s had a lot of growing up to do. We’re OK now, but still a bit...careful.

    Annr: lol on the bugs!

    Sharon: thank you for the coffee and meadow lark remark. Made me feel peaceful.

    Hot day today, about 90 F (31 C); don't like it. And I have to have a dress fitting this evening, which will probably go something like IT LOOKS FINE, NOW GET IT OFF BEFORE I FAINT!!! :)

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I am here. Will put my goals in later.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Morning sweet friends~
    well this is how it went down before I went to sleep last night,
    said to DH how did your dad treat your mom? he thought for a minute and then he said am I getting yelled at? I said do you hear me yelling? then I nailed him by saying just asking because of all the hurtful nasty things you have said to me lately, then I rolled over and went to sleep without another word :D
    Put that in your pipe and smoke it. he has alot to think about now...
    my son called and wished me a Happy Birthday and I think Tracy called but I was asleep already...
    going to mow the lawn this morning if it isnt raining, if so then Tom gets to do it while I am away..maybe the time away from him will give him time to think before he opens mouth inserts foot...
    goals for July..
    Get back on track, find some form of exercise that I can get back into , and look into a low phosphorus diet..