
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    JanetMc - Thanks and you're right, no one sees the scale but me BUT they do see the clothes getting bigger :)
    I appreciate the encouragement, rode the bike again today and will again tomorrow, its gotta drop someday, HA!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Gotta dash for early morning tea for DH , but wanted to come in before I forgot stuff.

    Vicki - ((((HUGS)))) <3

    Kayakkutie - love your park! I used to have that rugosa rose in a previous garden. I think it was Frau Dagmar Hartop. :laugh:

    Janetr - great going on the clothes! It feels so weird, doesn't it, to be suddenly growing under everything. Quite a shock!

    JanetM - WTG on the zumba! You are a better woman than I. :flowerforyou:

    DJ - I could just stroll along that beach by the water's edge! :D In a sunhat, sunglasses, and lots of sun cream. My favourite thing is the sound of the waves. We used to live by the sea and I much preferred it out of season. It was meant to be a summer home, but I liked it best in March. Yours doesn't look too crowded. Great umbrellas!

    Tea is calling! LOOOOOOVE my morning cuppas. Two huge mugs! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tina — Thanks for the picture of the blooming dog roses by the lake. I could smell them from 6000 kilometers away! :flowerforyou:

    Michele — I really liked that line: "And remember that the scale only reflects the gravitational pull of your body. It doesn't measure your heart." :heart:
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    we will be here for 8 nights damnit
    Ha-ha Pip! My first thought was "Well if you don't like the place, why go there?" Then I realized you were responding to DJ, not swearing.

    The pic of your legs reminded me of an "awesome" discovery I made a while ago. I was walking along a street and caught sight of a woman and thought "She's got nice legs". Then I realized I was looking at my own reflection in a shop window. Geez! I have nice legs! The thing is, I usually see them from above, and from that perspective they look immense. It was a rare treat see them from a distance and from the side. Not to imply that your legs are immense, Pip! We all know you've got great thighs – much nicer-looking than the thighs on that beanpole who finished in first place. What I didn't realize before is how gorgeously tanned they are.

    As I was having breakfast this morning, watching the birds in the feeder, something hit the window and a shadow dropped to the porch. I went out and found a stunned siskin (little green bird, frequent visitor at our feeder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_siskin).

    This happens from time to time. It's the downside of having a birdfeeder outside the picture window. Whenever I hear something hit the glass I go out to see what happened. Occasionally I find the bird dead, but usually it's just stunned, like this morning's siskin. Most of them recover and fly off within a few minutes. Until they do, I feel it is my obligation to sit at a respectful distance and guard against cats and magpies and other threats.

    Watching a stunned bird recover is heart-wrenching but fascinating. At first it just sits there breathing hard, feathers in disarray, claws curled up and useless, eyes closed. Then at some point it suddenly becomes a bird again. That's a magical moment! The eyes open and I see a glint of awareness in them. The bird shakes itself a few times, fluffs out all its feathers and lays them flat again. Raises its head and looks around, taking stock. Poops. Then off it goes, wings whirring.

    Today I have to figure out some way of protecting my strawberry patch. The darn hare has been for a visit. smiley-angry002.gif

    /Penny at the Pole
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am home, got home around 9:30 last night... when I have time will try and go back and see where I left off early thursday morning..
    I sorta had a good time up at the lake...I never did make it to the beach because of the traffic..
    as I said when is did a quick stop in my DSIL came up thursday night and was in bed the whole time I was there. nasty sinus infection, so it was my DB and Faith(Jean's mom) I did get out on the boat with Sean a couple of times and he showed me how to drive it, that was fun, and sitting at a little bonfire in the firepit friday night was nice..but Sean doesnt know how to handle dementia and just constantly argues with Faith.. so that was alot of yelling which I dont need ,thought I was getting away from that..
    and Hubby has his undies in a bunch about something and he wont tell me what it is..
    having a cup of tea and off to see my DFIL.. and then I am sure it is back to work here at the house, I wanted to beat the traffic today
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all (good night and good afternoon..nearly...to Leslie, Heather, Penny, the rest of our folks across the pond... :).

    Survived my first 5k in a couple decades or more, picture below. I look like something the cat dragged backward through a knothole, but had fun. The drink I'm holding is a fruit tea chiller--the local coffee shop makes 'em, a couple tablespoons of no-sugar-added strawberry puree, strong cold tea and ice blends up to into a slush that has 50 calories. Tastes amazing...

    They didn't have any categories at the run for the old, fat and slow, so I didn't win anything except the great satisfaction of never dropping to a walk, and getting to pass a few people. :smiley: Unfortunately, that means my bootie is on a number of Facebook pics where they are apparently amazed that old, fat, slow people can actually keep running for more than three miles. :wink: This is one of the few of my face - the lady next to me has lost 130 pounds or so - has a blog (Hard Does Not Equal Impossible) that has some great info on it, recipe ideas. She's a sweetheart.

    Thanks for all the great pics (loved the wedding pic!) and love seeing the landscape... like traveling in an armchair. It's been a busy weekend for us, with DH working Friday, me running Saturday... today we're going to drive a couple of hours to Alpine, Texas, look at some rental properties that are up for sale. More to scope out the market than anything--but a property that will pay double its own mortgage (they all have long-term rentals) and that we could move into when DH retires in 20 years would make a lot of sense. Could pay off a 30-year fixed in no time with double payments. And the rental market there is always tight, has been for the last five years, with no sign of slowing down.

    Although I have not kept my writing schedule where I wanted it, I have made progress on the attic window quilt (the center panel is shown in the pic). All I have to do now is the big panel work that will go around it, probably in blacks and reds. Also working on thread crochet, since I picked up lots of it at the yard sales - the snowflake will be dipped in a mix of white glue and water (1 to 3 ratio), which will dry clear. Took a couple hours last night, not too tough, and a nice break from cotton dishcloths. I've got lots of colors to play with, and can vary each snowflake... making 'em for sale at the November craft show. The quilt is a wedding present for my best friend's youngest, getting married in late August.

    Time to get some writing done, then run and shower and head for Alpine in the afternoon... Have a lovely and peaceful Sunday!

    Lisa in West Texas


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had 150 crocheted snowflakes from my Mimi (DGM); last year I gave 75 of them to my 'soon-to-be' DDnL so that she could put the on 'their' trees; going to give my DOS the other 75. I have so many 'other' ornaments that I have not used these in several years. I made the mistake of washing them one year - starched only; and it took me 2 years before I was able to do them with the glue and water mix. Either way, it is a messy job. I also added some iridescent glitter on them, too.

    The absolute 'best' wedding present I got was a 'home-made' quilt from an older neighbor who apologized for it. I told "Miss Minnie" that I loved it and that it was the best gift I had or would get,

    One year, my Mother made all our Christmas gifts - there again, the best gifts in the world. I gave her a wall hanging from a macramé hammock that her Daddy had knotted together while running a ship's store during the war. I now have it hanging in my den. It hangs on a solid brass bar. He was 6'4" and it was done in two pieces. I've also got a big macramé Christmas tree that Mother made that is at least 6' tall and has big brass bells handing from the dowel rods that runs through it. I love things that are made for presents rather than getting something from a store.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am home, got home around 9:30 last night... when I have time will try and go back and see where I left off early thursday morning..
    I sorta had a good time up at the lake...I never did make it to the beach because of the traffic..
    as I said when is did a quick stop in my DSIL came up thursday night and was in bed the whole time I was there. nasty sinus infection, so it was my DB and Faith(Jean's mom) I did get out on the boat with Sean a couple of times and he showed me how to drive it, that was fun, and sitting at a little bonfire in the firepit friday night was nice..but Sean doesnt know how to handle dementia and just constantly argues with Faith.. so that was alot of yelling which I dont need ,thought I was getting away from that..
    and Hubby has his undies in a bunch about something and he wont tell me what it is..
    having a cup of tea and off to see my DFIL.. and then I am sure it is back to work here at the house, I wanted to beat the traffic today

    Boy, I feel for you with the sinus infection ... I've had one since Friday AM. So hard to breathe - have blown my brains out through my ears. I thought the antibiotic that I had been given for another reason would have knocked this out, too. WRONG! I've just about gone through an entire box of tissues. Did not sleep well either, using C-pap wasn't much help but, it helped me breathe once I got my nose unstopped. Has given me a massive headache. From the blowing, sniffles, and generally feeling bad. Ears and throat hurt as well.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lisa - you look so fabulously happy! I'm presuming that was a "Colour Run" not just coloured sweat! :laugh:
    Amazing quilt! How did you learn to do that?

    Yesterday DH brought back 4lbs of fresh apricots with the Saturday newspaper so we will be making jam today. I've got the lemons I need.

    Making Chinese tonight - Chicken and mushrooms. Should be enough to have some another day. :)

    Got to pick blackcurrants and sweet peas. Poor us! And water. It got very dark this morning, but didn't rain. :/

    My DS#1 is having trouble co-ordinating his visit here with his father. He said in a text it was 'challenging'. :noway: So I'm still not sure when or if he is arriving. :sad: I have yoga and W I on Tuesday and my friend is arriving on Wednesday for the night, so it's all a bit complicated, but I'm sure it'll work out. :ohwell: Don't want to miss the WI as it's a Tea Dance with a lesson.

    Love to all. Heather in cloudy Hampshire UK

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @margaretturk - bet the flamingos with the arm bans were neat looking.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lisa, gorgeous quilt and I love crochet ornaments!

    Lenora- I use a CPAP too. I find if my sniffles are from allergies, I am better with the CPAP but if it is a cold there is no change. It is tough to unplug the nose enough so that I am not feeling like I am suffocating, though. I use nasal decongestant spray to break everything open. Works better than an oral med and doesn't affect sleep like many oral decongestants do. Wishing you feel better soon!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Our morning views. Kirby too while I was still sleeping


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Cooled right down here, showers this morning. the smoke is not as thick either this morning. So I will head out for a walk this morning.

    Heard from cousin last night, Her and her family are under a mandatory evacuation from La Ronge, Saskatchewan. They are safe and have come south to stay with friends.

    Was going through my closet AGAIN yesterday. One of these days I will get this finished. So many clothes that are just about fitting and some that I really don't like any more......

    The push is on to tone and lose some pounds and inches!!

    Have a great day everyone

    Lillian in Smoky West Central Saskatchewan
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Pip~ nice Digs!!! hope your having fun....
    I have laundry in the dryer, went to see DFIL and he was happy to see me...
    Hubby not so much... he is a complainer and I think just likes being on his own.. wasn't thrilled that I was home, is sort of ignoring me, and bi---ing that I dont clean..
    I guess everything is normal.. he is out washing the cars, I will go out and dry and then clean my bedroom, think I will just move back in there.. as he just has nothing nice to say.. so it has just been an uneventful Holiday weekend for me. except for the fact that I got to spend a little bit of time with my wonderful cousins.. that made my weekend..
    Hurumph~ At least they love me :p
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited July 2015
    @JanetMMcC Cheri - There ya go! :) And I agree that humor is major. On the other question, could he pay more attention to you at the door if the mail wasn't right there, its there-ness demanding his attention? YAAAAY for not using stress as an excuse to eat. Awwww. Cute, cute wedding pic.

    Funny you should mention the "mail" issue. I asked him about it and we discussed solutions. Mind you this whole conversation was held with an impish grin on his part...

    Me: What if I hold the mail until a little later...
    Him: No because then I would have it on my mind until then (grinning).
    Me: What if I hold any potential "needs immediate attention in your mind" mail till later...
    Him: No because then I would have it on my mind that you had mail awaiting attention....(grinning).
    Me: So.....
    Him: Look I know I just have to work on this (grinning and giggling). I don't even like that you open the mail. I like that feeling. (He is referring to the actual process of using his finger to open the envelope here whereas I use the letter opener and stack the mail for him ready to just take out what's inside.) How about for now I work on this with your gentle reminders.
    Me: (At this point giggling with him, it's infectious) Thank you for recognizing that it is an issue for me.

    So we will see. This may seem like a small issue to many but I need to pick and choose those small areas of our life where we know he can refocus on that which are more important. A hug/kiss how was your day when he walks in the door is infinitely more important than the pile of mail on the counter.

    Thanks for the support and suggestions. Hopefully others will be helped by my journey through an Aspie marriage. :)


  • hale0610
    hale0610 Posts: 4 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    hale0610 wrote: »
    I have the same goals. Nursing a torn tendon so the water is my only option and I love the pool. I need to find more protein and less carb ideas. Any suggestions for protein lunch on the go?

    I have discovered P3 snacks. They come in a small grab and go package, they have cheese, cubes of turkey, chicken or ham and nuts, peanuts, cashews or almonds. The have around 150 cal. and 15 g. protein, I think. I don't have one to check right now. Also canned chicken if you make it up the night before to a chicken salad. I eat a lot of the Starkist Tuna Creations that come in the little envelopes loaded with protein with from 80-110 cal. depending on the flavor you pick. I put them on top of a little greenery with some yogurt dressing and enjoy it.

  • hale0610
    hale0610 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the P3 suggestion. I have not seen them but I did look it up.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning.......bed at 12:30am and up since shortly after 4am; I'll tell you, those nights of good sleep are few and far between. I do like the quiet of the early morning alone though. Swept kitchen floor, did some other chores, read newspaper, when light enough did deadheading and cleaned and refilled the hummer feeders. Saw DD briefly before she went back to bed, says still feeling off. Not working today, her jobs are winding down as we get ready for vacation before she leaves for college. No longer working for my friend's stable as the breakup of her marriage has caused many boarders to pull their horses. DH c/o sinus symptoms.

    Tina.....Those roses are gorgeous! Enjoyed your link; didn't realize that Baltimore's harbor was only 15min. from DC; I've been there (DC) many times and never knew. Great goals!

    Michele.......Purple peppers? Let us know how you use them and how they taste, please.

    JanetMc.........I'd say you more than worked off the "bad" stuff with that zumba. WTG!

    Penny......Your siskin sounds like it might be a relative of our goldfinch (which are now decimating my brown-eyed Susans.

    Lisa........WTG on finishing your 5K!!!! That strawberry smoothie sounds delicious.

    Heather.........So sorry that plans of DS#1 are in upheaval; I know how much you were looking forward to seeing him........fingers crossed here that it all works out.

    Poop.......Amazing pics........loved them, esp the sunrise!!! Have a fun day!

    Lillian.......Glad you aren't as "smokey"; YAY for the closet cleaning........another job I "should" work on......

    Cheri...........Yes, that old "pick your battles" thing.......I know I am familiar with it and suspect many others on here are too for one reason or another.......sounds like you are doing very well with how you are negotiating DH's issues, so, kudos to you!

    Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Lisa exceptional quilt. Snowflake I love the blue edge around it.

    Penny your story about the bird reminds me of a book I read Emotional Genius the author of the book talked about how when when she was younger people would bring her animals that were injured. Some would make it some would not. The ones that did would go through a similar process you described the siskin going through. In both cases the animals shook after the experience. I try to remind myself when I am upset to shake afterwards so it helps me let go of the trauma. If I don't shake it off that tension has to go somewhere, and I would rather it not be stored in me.

    Oldest son is moving to an apartment today. Having him living with us the past eight months has been mixed. He is in his early thirties and it is not easy to come back to live with your parents. It is not easy for the parents either. I am glad he wants to be independent.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Heather - hope the DS visit works out well... and I taught myself to quilt. My grandmother was a seamstress, but my mother was utterly uninterested in it. Made the first baby quilt of octagons in M&M colors for my sister's oldest son. He still has it, and he's 30 now... This one will be the first queen-size quilt I've made--the biggest before was for a twin bed. I've got all the 12"x12" squares together for the pieced quilt below for our bed, it will be the next major project in line once I'm done with this attic window quilt. I had it pinned up to a cork board to decide whether to use black or white for the sashing... and they've been ready for a year!

    And yeah, it was a color run. Even I don't sweat rainbows... B) Maybe by next year, though! LOL...


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    edited July 2015
    Gorgeous, LISA! :love:

    DS#1 is not coming after all. :sad: All because his father couldn't pull his finger out. %÷#× I just got a text. Soooooooo the sour cherry and almond tart will have to go in the freezer and we will have to eat all the buffalo mozzarella and avocados I bought for a "tricolore" salad. Woe is me! :cry: He says he will come in August, but I will believe it when I see it. Why he couldn't come just to see me is a question, but it is a long way and an expense and my friend was coming mid week. :ohwell: He never mentioned visiting his brother, but small children are not his thing. I am sad, but it is less stress for me I suppose.

    My apricot jam turned out fabulous. A few black specks where it caught a tiny bit, so it wouldn't win any prizes at the W I , but it is very, very tasty. I have made a few smaller jars to give as presents. I will post a photo later. :D

    Going out to water the garden now while DH picks more blackcurrants. It's a job keeping up!

    Love Heather UK

    Taken a pic of my jam!
