Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    essbe 30 minutes at the gym is better than no activity at all! This is not an "all or nothing" is about doing as much as you can and some days are better than others. Great job! And thanks for the suggestions. My husband is not normally gone for this long of a time span. He does work a lot when he is home, but at least I get to sleep next to him every night. He won't be having to leave for a long time after he gets home in a month which will be nice. I will be 20wks when he gets home so at least he isn't missing the "important stuff". I do spend a lot of time with my friend (who is also my workout buddy and her husband flies with mine and she is also pregnant due any day now actually). We keep each other busy but lately her and her husband are trying to sell their home and move into a new home, she is due any day now like I said and she has 2 other children so her life is quite busy and I can't depend on her to keep me company all the time.

    I slept in this morning and then went to the chiro so I'm trying to decide whether or not to do some form of exercise today since you really shouldn't after being adjusted. I hate not working out on a day I normally would though. I feel lazy. Hmmm...decisions decisions.

    How is everyone else doing? You all have been pretty quiet! I know life gets crazy but drop in and let us know how you are! I miss you all! :)
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather - I am glad to see your post. I don't know where you are in Missouri, but I was worried about you! So happy to hear you are safe :-) Don't beat yourself up for taking a day off, sometimes it is the best thing for us. Will your husband get to go to the 20 week ultrasound with you? I bet you can't wait for this next month to pass.

    Happy to report that my blood results showed negative for both gestational diabetes and anemia. yeah!

    Did my first run today after two weeks off for vacation. I was curious about how my body would react. I thought about turning back at the 2.5 mile mark, but ended up making it my full 3.5. My back was a bit sore by the last mile so I am definitely thinking I need to get a support band.

    I am thinking good thoughts for your 16 week appointment tomorrow. I bet the weight gain isn't as bad as you are anticipating ;-)

    esbee - welcome and great job at getting in the 30 minute workout. You sound busy, busy. Try to take a little time each day to take care of yourself. I know I was exhausted during the first trimester.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Heather: I'm so glad you had a great trip with the hubby. Hopefully he will make your 20 week u/s.

    esbee: That is awesome. Like everyone else said anything is better than nothing. I*'m hoping to get back to my normal routine now that the fatigue is starting to wear off. I miss it so bad!

    smilegirl: Great job on your run!

    Rebecca1428: Congratulations and welcome! Brownies sound good, haha. Pudding has been helping me fight my sugar cravings for the most part. I am really loving the Banana Cream Pie Pudding right now... PS: 80lbs is an amazing loss, great job!

    AFM: I finally feel like I have energy again. Yesterday I did a lot of house chores and kept busy moving around almost all day. It felt wonderful. Who would have thought house work would feel wonderful, haha. This was also after working my full 8 hour work day. I fell like this is a big victory and hopefully a turning point.

    I am hoping to go on a hike this weekend. I want to get a good one in before it gets too hot and I get too big. Anyone have big plans for the weekend?

    This morning I ate my breakfast and ended up throwing it back up. Thank goodness I feel ok now. So far I have been able to be ok by the time I get to work. I barely ever get sick so it's so strange for me when I do. I hate it.

    I'm excited, Thursday I have an appointment to hear the heartbeat. I can't wait!

    Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

  • bumping for later
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nichole so glad you are starting to get your mojo back! :) Boo on the throwing up though...but sounds like you are on the up and up. A long hike sounds wonderful right now. It has been storming/raining every single day it seems. (I am 45 mins east of Kansas City so the major storms that hit MO were way South of us.) And I totally understand about feeling good after getting the house back in order. I would sit here and look around at the dog hair, dirty kitchen, and laundry piled up and just couldn't find it in me to do anything about it for a while. I was so happy the first time I actually had the energy to get up and get it done! Definitely a victory! Let us know how your appt goes on Thursday! Hearing the heartbeat will be music to your ears!

    Smilegirl thank you so much for thinking of me. Like I mentioned before, I'm more north MO but I feel so horrible for those people whose entire lives were devastated by the storm. :( So sad. Hubby will DEFINITELY be home for my 20wk ultrasound. I scheduled it for Wednesday the 22nd (he should be home best case scenerio on the 17th of June and worse case on the 21st of June). I will be 20wks on the 21st. That is wonderful that all your tests came back great! And wonderful job getting back into your running routine! You go girl!

    Well I just got back from my 16wk OB checkup and I'm happy to report that the baby's heartbeat sounded like music to my ears and was in the 150s, everything else looked wonderful, and I managed to only gain 2lbs in the past 6wks!!! YAY! Hopefully the progesterone didn't totally destroy my goal of gaining less than 35lbs this pregnancy. So far I am up 12lbs (from Doc office weights and 14lbs by my home scale). My hips and thighs and butt have definitely gotten arms and lower legs still look lean though so I'm happy for that. I'm still trying to maintain a happy median and enjoy foods without feeling guilty and still getting in my workouts. My workout buddy (who was due to deliver today) has had bp issues and is on bed rest until they induce her on Friday so my workouts haven't quite been what they normally are. I need to find my groove again but at least every day I'm doing something!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Hello, it too late to join this thread?!?!?!!? I am 23 weeks pregnant....
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Of course it isn't too late! Welcome! The more the merrier!!! Tell us about yourself. :)
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    HIIII GUYSSS (waveeeee)

    Just checking in. Been so busy with my 3 week maymester and hubby being home (although I spend about 5 hrs every night doing homework, but it is okay because he is just over there watching the playoffs while I do my work, although I am kinda upset I can't properly watch the game because of all this work... but 3 more days and may minimester is done!

    So far, I have gained 15 lbs +/- at 23 weeks (my doc bumped my due date further) and I am glad he did. I kept telling them that the mucusy discharge didn't appear till like day 17 which would make my due date Sept 22 ish, but he stuck with my LMP due date Sept 20... WAY better than the ultrasound due date which is Sept 12... I do NOT want to be induced and I was afraid the doc would try to push it if my recorded due date is earlier. I am going to assume that this baby is just measuring a week and a half ahead.

    I am feeling him kick all day every day now, so that is really comforting. I have also gone back to working out 5 days a week (M-F) lifting weights and running, which feels GOOOOD :)

    After this baby, my goals are to run another half marathon by Feb, and start my second cycle of p90x January. I want to be CUT!!

    Princess Purple, welcome! I am also 23 weeks, so it would be nice to have you on board!!

    I have to catch up on reading all the new posts.

    Much love to all of you :)
  • Hi Ladies! I was wondering if I could join you?

    I'm Kristen, currently 9 weeks pregnant with #6! (Due Christmas Day) I was loosing a few lbs headed toward my goal weight when I got pregnant with this baby. My oldest will be 7 years 2 months old when this baby is born, so 6 babies in 7 years has been hard on myh body! This is our last baby so I REALLY don't want to add on a bunch of weight to loose after. I'm still overweight so id love to just gain 15lbs or so. I am however in better shape then I have been in years. I'm trying to eat healthy but its hard being so nauseas! I am still trying to do some walking/running, toning and staying in shape. I hope to keep it up at least 3 days a week but need motivation being so sick! :) This thread really helped kick up the desire to try harder!

    Tomorrow were going to try something new ~ DH is going to make me my bagel and coffee and bring it to me before he goes to the Gym and then I'm gonna hit the treadmil @ home. Well see how it goes, usually those things make me feel better but lately I've been SO sick its unreal! Hopefully eating b4 getting out of bed will help and give me a boost to get going 1st thing b4 the rest of the kids are up.
  • Whoops ~ my phone posted 2x
  • ehrenlynae
    ehrenlynae Posts: 7
    Just joining the group. I'm about 7 weeks along. Due in January. Want to keep tracking my foods so I focus on a whole food diet and don't gain 60 pounds.

    I have a 10 month old so my two babies will be 18 months apart.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Well I am back from a girls trip to Florida. Awesome weather, a nice break. I was with 7 girls that are in good shape, and they would ask people if they could tell who the one was that was 4 months pregnant. Luckily, no one picked me which made me feel great that I am not showing too much. I bought like 6 sundresses in a size up to wear this summer. I think I can avoid maternity clothes since all my clothes now still fit, and I will just live in dresses this summer. I will probably need to buy a pair of jeans and shorts with the stretch eventually, but as long as I buy my shirts a size up, I am ok. I ran or rollerbladed everyday while there, but enjoyed delicious meals at night. I have my next ultrasound in 3 weeks where we find out the sex!! how exciting!
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello ladies,
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well! I could use some encouragement. I am in that "in between" place where I don't look pregnant in my clothes, just chubbier. I am also frustrated that I will never have that cute "bump." I carry so high that I am huge from my chest to my pelvis. Which, until I am about 6 months preggo, just makes me look chubby. Having 3 babies previous to this and the stretchy saggy skin on the belly, isnt' helping. :sad: OK, enough negativity. On the plus side, I haven't worn a stitch of maternity clothing b/c I still fit into all my spring clothes from last year when I hadn't lost all my weight yet. It won't be much longer though, although everything still fits in the legs and behind, this belly will be busting out soon...
    I can't believe I will be 16 weeks on Sunday! 4 whole months pregnant! I don't have another appt until June 10th so I'll be 18 weeks then. They will schedule my ultrasound probably 2 weeks after that. I can't wait to find out what we're having!!
    Hoping to keep the gain in check! On my home scale I am up almost 12 lbs. I can't complain. I had put on over 20 by now with my other pregnancies. In a way I think that is why I am frustrated, I thought if I didn't gain too much I would have that cute little baby bump, but alas, I am simply not built that way...I have more of a baby bulge lol.
  • Okay! Thanks for letting me jump in:)
    My name is Nicole...I am 23 weeks along, will be 24 weeks on Friday...I have a 2 year old at home, he is my pride and joy!!!! I can't imagine being able to love another the way I love him, but I think I will somehow:flowerforyou: He is excited to be a big brother!
    I have always been pretty athletic, I used to coach gymastics....but for the last 6 years I have been sitting at a desk so I can carry the insurance-:sad:
    I gained a bit of weight and on my 5'2" frame, I don't carry it well! After having my son in December of 2008, I tried for a year to lose the weight-unable to do so, I took up running in January of 2010. I fell in love with it. I ran a half in April, did a small race in June, and decided after having too much junk food and cocktails over the summer, that I was going to train for a marathon and completed that on 11/7/10!!!!! So with in a years time, I went from not running at all to running a full!:drinker:
    Well just after that came the holidays and pregnant again! I gained 44 pounds w/ my son and I had gained 12 pounds just prior to that after a miscarriage....I don't want to gain to much, I want to try to stay under 25 pounds!!!!!! I have been trying to walk and eat good, which wasn't easy when food made me sick except for the junk!
    Okay-long enough-I am here now and trying to stay at a decent weight for my son and my new baby girl to come:smile:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    princesspurple: May name is also Nichole only with an "H" :smile: Congratulations you already more than half way there. Gaining weight is probably one of the hardest things to deal with especially when you read about others that lose weight during their first trimester and then gain only in their belly to make a cute bump. I feel your pain. This will be my first and my thunder thighs and butt are already trying to take over. I'm only 10 weeks so I'm hoping now that I am beginning to feel better I can start working on toning them again. My body is such a pair shape. I have always had a pretty toned stomach so now taht it is starting to go I feel huge. Oh well it's worth it and we will all lose it after baby comes.. That is really exciting that you have a boy and are now having a girl. I hope to have one of each some day too.

    blessdmomof3: Great job on gaining less weight than your last pregnancy. It can be hard especially when you don't have the energy and are hungry all the time. You are doing great! It's hard not to be hard on our selves.

    atynk: Your girls trip sounds amazing. I can't believe you are 4 month along and are not showing. Lucky girl:smile:

    ehrenlynae: Welcome

    Anyone else that I missed, HI:happy:

    AFM: I had my 10 week appointment this morning. I finally meet my OB and I love her. She is so nice. Everything went well. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. She said not to worry if we can't hear it this time since I may or may not be exactly 10 weeks. As soon as she put the Doppler on my stomach you could hear the heartbeat right away. I was like is that my heartbeat, haha. I couldn't believe how strong it was and how fast she found it. She said no it is definitely the babies and that I am definitely around 10 weeks. She said it sounds super healthy at 160bpm and that a strong heartbeat this early in is a great indication of health. I am so excited! I can't believe there is a baby growing in me:laugh:

    Hope everyone else is having a great day:flowerforyou:
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    anyone have any good suggestions for cute but supportive summer shoes? First really nice hot day here and the rocket dog flip flops just aren't going to cut it this summer... I need something I can wear w/ casual skirts or shorts/capri's. Any ideas?
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Bless- I have a pair of Fit Flops, and although they don't really make you fit, they are great support and soo comfortable. I have flat feet and can wear these for hours without my usual back pain from flip flops. Good luck
  • jennamom
    jennamom Posts: 12 Member
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies! Can I join? Just found out I am pregnant with our third, due around January 30th, haven't seen the doctor yet but 4 days late and a faint line tells me yep! We had been trying, so it is not a huge surprise. But super-exciting! I have been on MFP since February and dropped 24 lbs, my goal was only 10! Feeling healthy and fit, and just this week reached my ultimate goal of 155lbs. This is the smallest I have been as an adult, fitting into size 8s for the first time in my adult lifew. So I really do not want to blow this weight loss. I have switched to maintenance mode which gives me 2000 calories per day. THis is a huge jump from the 1200-1500 I kept myself at while loosing the weight. So far this week I have been hitting about 1600-1800 net calories, but I am really nervous to gain a lot of weight too early. My daughter was 8.13lbs and my son was 9.9 lbs, so I just want to make sure that I keep myself fit, and this baby continues growing healthy. Trying to fill up on healthy foods, but I am finding it hard to keep my sodium, sugars and fat down while consuming more calories. What about you guys, for the first trimster what did/are you keeping your net calories at?
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    BTW, my name is Autumn
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