20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning! I have my personal trainer this afternoon after work and I'm so excited to see what's in store for me. I am feeling less full in the gut and my scale actually showed I was down a few pounds. My official weigh in is Tuesday. Hoping for great things. I am really pleased with myself that I've not strayed from my meal plan and enjoy all the foods. I missed having a glass of chardonnay as I was cooking last night, but I stayed the course. Once we sat down to eat I no longer wanted a glass and was happy and satisfied with my yummy meal of pork, pureed cauliflower, and fresh green beans.

    Yesterday I cooked up a package of chicken breasts and portioned them out in 6 3 oz portions and froze them. I also made 8 lunches of 1/2 cup brown rice and 4 oz 93.7% cooked ground beef with different seasonings in each. I then cooked up some thin pork chops with soy sauce and powdered ginger and garlic and portioned those into 3 4 oz servings. All are in the freezer and ready to heat and eat. So simple!

    We are having all the kids and grandbabies over tomorrow night for a cookout and unveiling of the new pond (even though it's not entirely complete). We will grill hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken, have baked beans, chips, veggies from the garden, sodas, light beer and wine coolers for the guests. I already have my pork in the freezer and steamed green beans and cauliflower puree for my dinner! I can add as many veggies as I like, too. :-)

    Stay strong, enjoy your exercise and eating well today, friends <3

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Misfits,
    This weather is about too much to handle and today my exercise will be cutting the grass!!!
    Not use to having this job but my hubby not only has knee trouble but also has a bad cold!!!
    I will be trying to reset things and will be adding some calories slowly to see if that will help
    to get things going in the right direction.
    Hope you have a good Friday.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Becky thats great to hear your already down a few pounds, you are really doing great. Prepping meals. avoiding wine, excerising, and eating your meals, from your plan, you are really very inspiring.

    Stephanie-Thank you for your comment on my sister, I did see her yesterday and she was doing alot better. Wow, you have a trainer too, there are several of you going to one. That has got to be very helpful, with trying to target areas of body to work on. I need to go in my YMCA and check out some things.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Janice
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello...thanks everyone for the kind words!! I'm still recovering from my trip but in a better mood today. I was SOOOO exhausted yesterday that I was having issues staying awake as I was driving home from work.

    I have yet to make it to the gym this week due to not being well rested but next week I will be much better!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their day!!

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member

    I need the personal trainer simply because I am not good at going home and exercising. There are too many other things calling to me to get done. If you have the willpower to work out at home with weights and DVDs, you're golden!

    Likewise with the food... I know I have to get pictures, get weighed and measured every 21 days, so I can't just have whatever I want. Someone else will know and they'll call me on it! That commitment to another person outside of my immediate family (who love me no matter what I look like) is the key for me. But, I sure do miss my wine! LOL

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    went and copy our list out to post to you all this morning and I want miss anybody
    My day breakfast 1 cup of oatmeal. 1 cup of fresh cherries, cup of coffee
    Lunch 2 Mission tostadas with Look out a weird one 1/2 cup refried beans 1 mash banana spread over the toastados really quite good. side dish of beets, Tea

    Will have the tostados tonight with refried beans and salsa , salad I am eating as simple as possible

    misfit Easter Challengers

    Marie~ Been busy as a bee, doing nothing.

    Connie~ Happy Friday to you dear.

    Nancy~ nancy hope your husband is better and you did not get too tired cutting That is something I never had to do.

    Becky~ Yo are doing so good. Can hardly wait for your weigh in Tuesday

    Janice~ Glad your sister is likening her place

    Esther thank you for posting a topic for the maintainer's you will soon be there. no hope for me but I will try

    Tami so happy you mad your goal.

    Faye~ Where are you

    Cristina~ Just get rested up

    Stephanie~i know you are anxious to see your kids

    Barbie~Althoug Barbie did not reach her goal with us she is doing so well maintaining with us.

    Rachel~Where in the heck are you we miss you one thing good about using a list you realize who been missing

    Ruthie~ Good seeing you here.

    Sunnyfarm~ I know you will popped in here one day soon

    Eninad~ So glad you are sticking with the Easter group Enjoy reading your post so much.

    Shirley~Are your home Yet from your crusing?

    Rosie! how is things for you and you daughter When will yo be home

    Well rollcall is over for today
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Becky-I am not golden, by no means, I am not good at excersing at home either, I mainly walk and I havent been walking as much lately. I like my spirits (beer), too, especially in the summer, out in the pool and sun, when its out. Maybe soon you can work in a glass of wine every now and then. Janice
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    edited July 2015
    Wow, week 1/52 of personal training is in the books! I was so sweaty today during the work out! He really pushed me. He is learning I have a fairly strong baseline and he is pushing me. Today he increased the RPM on the bike from 110 to 120 and shortened the rest period from 40 to 30 seconds with 20 seconds of HIIT. Whew! I did abs and back today for the weight lifting. It felt really good, but I was a bit like jello as I shopped at Sam's afterward! LOL

    Cooking my yummy dinner of baked potato with butter and sour cream, cod, and green beans. This is really crazy and I can only pray that eating all this food I will actually lose weight. I could definitely live like this forever and never "diet" again. That would be almost like a miracle to me...

    Marie, I love the roll call!! Helps us all keep up with all our misfit members. :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend. It's going to be fairly nice weather here in MD for our cookout and working outside in the gardens and ponds.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Becky will try to do it once a week to check on all. If some one else want to make a roll call go ahead.
    Be nice for others to do it. too.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, You are so thoughtful in keeping up with all the misfits. That is such a great idea.
    Thank you!!!
    I did get the grass cut and it was almost too much for me. The heat just zaps me so much
    but after a bath and some Gatorade I am ok.
    Have a good evening.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. It is the fearless leader of the other group checking in. It finally cooled down and settled down for me today. It is 66 degrees and trying to rain. I hate humidity. Yesterday it was 75 and 85% humidity. I took the kids (ages 1, 4, 5, 6, 13) to the "circus". It was a small one ring thing with a clown, a magician, a fire eater, motorcycle globe of death, and several acrobats. They also has a little dog show instead of large animals. The kids loved it but it had to be close to 100 under the tent. It was only 75 outside with a breeze so the tent with no air flow was SOOOOO HOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!! We were all struggling with the heat. The baby was sitting on my lap and he kept sliding around I was sweating so badly. But it was fun despite the heat. Today I walked the dogs and ran a couple errands downtown and out at Walmart. I have over 8000 steps today. I swear half of them is to the bathroom and back. I retain water in the heat so now that it is cooler I am losing all of it. Thankfully. Tomorrow night i am going to a melodrama. It is a locally written and performed play with an all you can eat dungeoness crab. I can't wait. Yummy!!! Talk to you guys later.

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I have been laid up with the flu this week! Nothing more annoying than a runny nose!

    For the 4th challenge I stayed the same which is an achievement in itself and I am happy.

    Onwards and upwards for this new challenge

    I have a dragon boat race tomorrow and a friend is having a BBQ today so I think I will skip the buns eat the protein and stay off the wine to prepare for tomorrow

    One I have shaken my flu I will be back to cycling to work again!

    Looking forward to this next challenge

    Keep smiling losers
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    smiley-sport033.gif Faye, where do you live that you are saying "Good Morning" when I am in my nightclothes getting ready for bed?

    smiley-happy026.gifBarbie in NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie she is a Singapore gal
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Yup! Sunny Singapore ;-)

    Just retuned from grocery shopping and stocked up on heaps of fruit and veg! Going to make a few salads to take to my friends BBQ that way I can make healthy choices later

    Have a good nights rest my friends across the sea
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Hi, everyone! Sorry I've been very absent again. Unfortunately I doubt I'll be able to catch up on all the posts. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good! I have tiny furry babies crawling and climbing all over and around me while I type this. I have to set the laptop on the coffee table to type, because the babies are very attracted to the screen and keyboard. They grow up so fast! They're around 5 weeks old now, eating solids and using the litter box! It's crazy how they instinctually know how to use the litter box! I'm so impressed by my babies. <3

    Since starting my count-free weekends, I maintained the first two weeks, and then last week I saw a 1 lb. gain. Well I added another 10-11 minutes this past week onto my shortened workout, and saw that extra pound, plus an additional .6 lb. loss this morning. :) So as long as I get good exercise in, it appears I can enjoy my weekends. :) I hope I'll continue to see losses with this. It's slow, but at a max of 7 lbs. left to lose(which would put me at 130 lbs.), slow and steady is to be expected, and I can deal with that.

    In the morning our neighbors across from our door and down a level are having a commitment ceremony at our apartment office/by the pool(the office is quite nice so it works well). Everyone at our complex is invited so we'll be attending that. There will be food and drink to follow. And then since my birthday is next week I have several free food coupons from signing up to b-day clubs, so tomorrow is going to be full of tasty food and drink.

    Our house process has finally started to roll along again. We had to allow an extension last week because the sellers couldn't get estimates on our repair requests because of the 4th of July weekend. We finally heard back yesterday and they agreed to most of our requests, which is awesome. Now we just have to wait for the appraisal to come back. I really hope that goes well and that we can officially buy this house soon!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Rachel wonderful hearing from you. Missed you dearly. O when is the moved in date? Your fur babies sounds such a delight. . I have thought about ado thing me a kitty , now to talk my husband into it.
    Have a nice day
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Saturday!

    :) Marie, I love your roll call!
    :) Esther, stay cooler today!
    :) Faye, good to see you and hope you feel better soon.
    :) Rachel, we have missed you, kiddo. You have been monitoring your gains/losses/workouts and know what works for you! Great! I continue to be amazed at the amount of cals I'm eating yet the gain has been small. It has to be the exercise because that is one variable that I have not changed.
    :) Nancy, how big is the yard and are you on a riding lawnmower? Be careful in the heat!

    Rest day for me. I had an intense lower body workout with the trainer yesterday, and I was feeling it when I walked the dog this morning! Not much going on today..we will probably go look at lots and houses. We found an area we like, and although it is in a subdivision, the houses are decently far apart and the lot I have my eye on, will not back up to another house. So, we'll see.

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good Morning,

    It has been a week and I did stick my head in to say hi. We had a great week on the boat and went to three ports. We did
    have one day of rain storm but then the next day was beatiful.

    My plants did pretty good and my garden while I was away. I have to thank my neighbor for watering. She couldn't find the
    hose in front because I left it in the garage and forgot to put it out. Oh well!

    My car was being fixed by next door neighbor, who is a mechanic, and he still has my keys to the car. So no taking my car
    out until he gets back from work.

    I did pretty good while away, I got my badge from Fit Bit for doing over 20,000 steps and I did ride my bike too.
    We had another couple with us and my hubby got some bike riding in too.

    We ate well and did have desserts which I usually stay away from. No getting on the scale yet but trying to get back to
    some kind of normal eating the way I like to do it. Less food!! Less bread.

    My grandson is here today, they came last night and waiting for them to get up. Mind you I have not gone shopping for food
    yet and my laundry is overflowing, so take out might have to happen.

    Enjoy your day, its beautiful here.


  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited July 2015
    Connie, you sound just like me. I love my neighbors but they need to be a bit away from me and no house behind us. It is so peaceful that way. Good luck in your search.