Who Is Trying To Lose Weight Just By Counting Calories Alone? And Why?



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    I exercise now, but I wasn't consistent with it during my 83 pound weight loss. I had several reasons for not exercising that aren't any of your business. It certainly didn't stop me from losing weight.

    How about you do you.


    I get my 10,000 steps in every day, and included in those steps is a 2 to 3 mile walk at a cardio pace, and a 6 to 10 mile bike ride at a cardio pace 2 to 3 times a week.

    If a day comes that I know I am not going to make my 10,000 steps, I will drag my butt outside and walk around my apartment complex until I get those steps in, even if it's 11:00 at night.

    I have COPD and used to get winded just walking up a couple flights of stairs, but now I can ride my bike for 10 miles at a cardio pace with no trouble at all, and I'm 57 years old.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    I hate cardio, so I don't really do it. Call me lazy.
  • withoutasaddle
    withoutasaddle Posts: 191 Member
    I do it counting calories alone. My job requires me to be on my feet the whole time I'm there, so after an 8 hour shift 5 days a week the last thing my feet want to do is go running, and I'm not a weight lifting sort of person.
    I go swimming two or so times a week, but nothing strenuous.
    I'm not hungry. It's not like I'm eating my 1200 calories in a handful of peanut butter. I'm eating tons and tons of fruits of veggies. I can still always eat, so I'm not hungry. If I don't need to work out to loose even more weight, why strain myself?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I lost all my weight with zero exercise. I didn't exercise because yes, I was lazy and really don't like exercising.

    Now I'm kinda in maintenance, and I've started walking, a lot! I don't mind it, but one of the main reasons I do it is so I can eat more.

  • SuzieBWorkin
    SuzieBWorkin Posts: 10 Member
    For the longest time, I lost lots of weight without exercising. I also did not have a restrictive diet. However, my goal was not to necessarily lose weight, but rather to improve my diet, which was compiled of junk food and carbs. There wasn't a laziness component to it. I agree that diet and exercise are equally important, however, the way people balance them are not always equal. Perhaps, like I did, people will add the exercise component when they are ready. Exercise is such a broad concept that people have to determine if they prefer running, yoga, swimming, etc. Each of us have our own weight loss/ fitness goals journey and it is important to respect these journeys, while embracing our own.
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    How do you guys exercise for 1 hour staright and burn 500 calories.I get tired on my treadmill after 20 minutes no matter how hard I try to push myself. :(

    You build it up gradually. When I started running I couldn't run a block but now I can run 2 to 3 miles.

    How long did it take you?
  • SamBski
    SamBski Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not working out to start because I want to lose 20 lbs first and get the hang of weighing/logging everything that passes my lips. I'm also ashamed by some of the days I have eating. So I try to make myself log it.

    I'll also probably "stall" or "platue" when I start exercising cause of water retention and I would like the encouragement of "You've already lost 20 lbs! You can do this!"
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    Build up your stamina. Also, find something you enjoy doing, as it makes the time go by quicker :wink: [/quote]

    I have been doing it for a month.How long does it take to step up ?
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Because I'm in a wheelchair and exercise is a B-word and a half? Maybe...?

    Besides, I can eat a very comfortable amount BEFORE exercise that I'm constantly struggling to find ways to eat the calories from exercise now that I'm in maintenance. I still exercise, but ending the day gorging on healthy fats is tiresome.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    How do you guys exercise for 1 hour staright and burn 500 calories.I get tired on my treadmill after 20 minutes no matter how hard I try to push myself. :(

    You build it up gradually. When I started running I couldn't run a block but now I can run 2 to 3 miles.

    How long did it take you?

    There is a local park I used to go to where five laps equal a mile. I would walk three miles and then run the last lap. The first time I barely made it. I started this in March. After a while I was able to increase it to two laps, then three and finally I managed to run a full mile. That took me about a month walking every two or three days. I didn't take the running seriously or call myself a runner until the middle of May.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    How do you guys exercise for 1 hour staright and burn 500 calories.I get tired on my treadmill after 20 minutes no matter how hard I try to push myself. :(

    I had trouble walking a mile at a 4mph pace 7 months ago. I just kept doing it until it got easier. Then just kept adding a half mile, and so on. Now I can do 3 miles easily.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    bcalvanese wrote: »
    Just wondering how people are trying to lose weight without exercising.

    I can see if you have some type of issue where you absolutely cannot exercise, but anything other than that it just seems like laziness to me, and it would just seem like a life long battle of being hungry and thinking about food all the time.

    Is it worth a lifetime of struggle?

    You're still going to be a lump on a log, you're just going to be one that weighs less and feels crappy.

    I am not a fitness nut either. I just walk every day, and ride my bike. Since I have been doing this, I can pretty much eat the same way I always have by making it up with walking and bike riding, and I feel so much better for it.

    I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, but I read these posts and just think to myself... why?

    Interesting question, especially coming from someone whose food diary shows a whole bunch of days with only just over 1000 calories logged...
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Build up your stamina. Also, find something you enjoy doing, as it makes the time go by quicker :wink:

    I have been doing it for a month.How long does it take to step up ? [/quote]

    I recommend looking into the Couch to 5K app/program.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited July 2015
    Edited to remove a mistaken quote.

    I'm a strong believer in the benefits of exercise but to be successful in weight loss you need to find something that is maintainable. If someone isn't going to keep walking/running/biking/zumbaing, whatever, xx hours a week, after weight loss, what is the point of doing that during weight loss. For some people, exercise just isn't at the top of the list and that is their choice. Do what you can sustain for the long term, whether that is 20 hours of exercise per week or none or where ever in between.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    How do you guys exercise for 1 hour staright and burn 500 calories.I get tired on my treadmill after 20 minutes no matter how hard I try to push myself. :(

    Build up your stamina. Also, find something you enjoy doing, as it makes the time go by quicker :wink:

    So true. Since I got my bicycle, the only thing I use my elliptical for is to hold my bike up.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    How do you guys exercise for 1 hour staright and burn 500 calories.I get tired on my treadmill after 20 minutes no matter how hard I try to push myself. :(

    Well it's a gradual process.
    Rome wasn't built in a day, we don't become experts in our professional field in a week, and we don't get to the point where we can run a treadmill to death without practice! :)

    Just like it takes 3-4 years in university to get a degree, and further training on the job to become good/or reasonably efficient at it, running is the same!

    Alot of it is mental as much as it is physical. If I put you in a class full of aeronautical engineer students (Assuming that isn't your industry lol) and expected you to excel in it when your interest and ambitions are say, to be a doctor - you just wouldn't adapt as well, or for most people, they would just fail or just barely scrape by and be absolutely miserable about it. Everyday would be a battle.

    When I first started out I couldn't jog for more than a minute without being absolutely winded. I started by walking. The brisk walking. I wasn't sure what my goal was except that I wanted to be able to get to a point I could run around the park at least for a round WITHOUT stopping and WITHOUT getting winded. I downloaded an app to help me with the timing (interval running app - C25K, couch to 5k) and I repeated the weeks as needed if it was going too fast for me.

    It took consistency - running 4 days a week. At the beginning it was a struggle to just get up and go out. Laziness, weather, depression, work, school - everything was a reason. Then I just made it a mini goal to get up, and just go out for a stroll AT LEAST even if I didn't want to run, just to take me out of the house and build the habit of waking up and going out for fitness.

    Gradually over a year or so later I'm running 4-6 miles a day (depending on my mood) at the crack of dawn because I've actually developed an enjoyment of doing so - the air, the smells, the sights, the jog helps me clear my mind, and I don't even have to force myself. If I don't feel like to run, I just do a nice, easy, steady jog.

    And this is the view I reward myself with: b2hytci1qtcl.jpg

    Followed by a full-bodied, super strong Vietnamese coffee (I love kaapi too, but I couldn't find it near where I live) which I recently discovered is as delicious as a good Italian espresso. (SCANDALOUS!)

    (This coffee one isn't mine haha but not much too different from how I have it - enjoying the warm morning sun on the porch with the sounds and smell of morning after a fresh shower and endorphins from the workout)
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    jafels wrote: »
    bcalvanese wrote: »

    Because I am concerned, and I want to know why.

    More like "curious", that being said, someone losing weight without exercise is lazy? Judgemental much??

    Um, weren't you the one who trotted out the "laziness"?

    Um, the OP brought it up in the very first post:
    bcalvanese wrote: »
    Just wondering how people are trying to lose weight without exercising.

    I can see if you have some type of issue where you absolutely cannot exercise, but anything other than that it just seems like laziness to me, and it would just seem like a life long battle of being hungry and thinking about food all the time.

    Is it worth a lifetime of struggle?

    You're still going to be a lump on a log, you're just going to be one that weighs less and feels crappy.

    I am not a fitness nut either. I just walk every day, and ride my bike. Since I have been doing this, I can pretty much eat the same way I always have by making it up with walking and bike riding, and I feel so much better for it.

    I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, but I read these posts and just think to myself... why?

  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well, aren't you amazing?! Congrats on being so perfect from Day One of your weight loss journey!

    Some of us mere mortals take things slowly, working on one thing (say, logging all we eat), and when that gets comfortable, adding another (weighing/measuring food) and when that feels good, adding another (exercise).

    But you know, I guess because some people don't do it the way you do it, they're doing it wrong.

    One day at a time - the best way I reckon! Keep plugging away at it, and keep positive! The only time it's ever "wrong" is if you end up killing your mind, body and spirit overpressurising and overexerting yourself! :)

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    @bcalvanese Why are you so concerned with whether or not a person exercises while losing weight?
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