40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 61 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Legs & Back & Abs/Core Plus"=Done! wrist feels good today! weird. you'd think pull ups would irritate it.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,
    Curious - very cool picture! My husband recently bought himself a new dirt bike and he loves it! My goal is to get my MC licence soon., Will wait until spring, and purchase my bike then as well, at least I will have some riding time then.
    gam3Rguy - very, very cool picture!!! Bet it was great fun. I did a Tough Mudder a few years back and it was the most fun race I had ever taken part in. The muddier I got, the tougher I felt. :)

    Met with my new PT yesterday and did my fitness test and measurements. :s:'( . We then did a circuit type training workout. We have agreed to meet 2x week for an hour each time. I am also attempting to stay more committed to my dietary program. I need to be!! I am getting into the unhealthy weight range and that is very scary for me. I told her I wasn't just looking at doing this for a month, but long term. She's good with that. :smile:

    Am expecting B&B guests tonight. This couple is from Europe and they are cycling across Canada on a tandem bike! How cool is that?! Just wish the weather was a little nicer for them today. I am sure they are going to arrive, wet, tired and hungry! There are some major hills on their route here today. They are expecting to do 200km (120 miles) today...in hilly territory!
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    Happy Friday, all!!!

    So my goal last week was to log every bite that went into my mouth BEFORE I ate it. Well, it certainly helped because I posted a 3 lb weight loss this morning!!! Yay!

    It has been weeks since I have done anything other than lose/gain the same 2 lbs. Now here is my dilemma...The VERY day that I finally see the scale move I am leaving for a week in Daytona. So I suppose my goal for this week will be to see if I can just maintain this week. I'll be looking for lots of seafood, but I'll have to stay away from the fried version with hush puppies that we Southerners tend to love. It bothers me that all of logging will be "guesstimates" since I am not preparing meals myself.

    I hope you all have an awesome weekend. You motivate me so much with all of your workouts. I am looking forward to the day when I can do something a little more than the treadmill.

    LOVE the photo!

    The biking looks fun, but gracious, that suit looks hot! It is supposed to be 95 and humid here today.

    How was the movie?

    Being a Florida boy, do you have any advice for food choices at the beach since we'll be eating out every night? I am really hoping that I can convince my crew to eat at least breakfast and lunch in the room. Also, reading all about your garden makes me a little sad. My dad has always had a MASSIVE garden (North Georgia). He decided to seriously cut back this year. I am missing all of that fresh produce! BTW, that last sunset photo was gorgeous.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Happy Friday, all!!!

    So my goal last week was to log every bite that went into my mouth BEFORE I ate it. Well, it certainly helped because I posted a 3 lb weight loss this morning!!! Yay!

    It has been weeks since I have done anything other than lose/gain the same 2 lbs. Now here is my dilemma...The VERY day that I finally see the scale move I am leaving for a week in Daytona. So I suppose my goal for this week will be to see if I can just maintain this week. I'll be looking for lots of seafood, but I'll have to stay away from the fried version with hush puppies that we Southerners tend to love. It bothers me that all of logging will be "guesstimates" since I am not preparing meals myself.

    I hope you all have an awesome weekend. You motivate me so much with all of your workouts. I am looking forward to the day when I can do something a little more than the treadmill.

    Being a Florida boy, do you have any advice for food choices at the beach since we'll be eating out every night? I am really hoping that I can convince my crew to eat at least breakfast and lunch in the room. Also, reading all about your garden makes me a little sad. My dad has always had a MASSIVE garden (North Georgia). He decided to seriously cut back this year. I am missing all of that fresh produce! BTW, that last sunset photo was gorgeous.

    Congratulation on the loss. I had to give up cheese grits and hushpuppies when I was losing. I started out doing the 5-2 thing, and limited myself to 600 calories on my "fast days". I got to counting calories and found out that an order of cheese grits from our favorite seafood place was 720 calories.

    As far as seafood calories, grilled is best, then blackened, and lastly fried. Often the fried calories is twice that of grilled for the same piece of fish.

    Breakfast is a hard meal to eat healthy when you are eating out. But you should be able to find something in Daytona. Here are a few choices:


    Have fun, and don't forget the sunscreen,

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited July 2015
    Leaving in the morning to fly to Chicago to catch the train to the BSA ranch in New Mexico for a week. Should be an interesting trip.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Leaving in the morning to fly to Chicago to catch the train to the BSA ranch in New Mexico for a week. Should be an interesting trip.

    I Googled New Mexico BSA camps/weather, thinking you would be burning up. But it's cooler than than here at the Larro Ranchero. We won't see 69F at night here until September. And that is with the freezer door left open.

    Have fun.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Kids.

    I've got a Taekwondo sleepover here at work tonight, so lots of kids running around making noise and stuff. I'm giving them about another hour of my time, then they get locked in for the night.

    I only got an hour in the garden this morning. I had to do the whole go over and fix breakfast for Mamma thing. Her great granddaughter has spent the last couple of days up the road with cousins, so she was needing some love. She expects to have Avery all to herself the first two weeks she is here. When my niece {Avery'smother} gets here from Denver they will be off to the beach for week, then back home.

    You guys take care,


    PS: here are the numbers for the week.

    20.8% Body Fat
    23.9 BMI
    170.7 Pounds

    That is a loss of 1.0 pounds for the week.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I just heard one of the little Taekwondo kids ask the instructor, "Mr. Eric, if we go to sleep, are they really going to paint our nails pink?"

    You could tell he was worried, but Eric said, "I've been doing this for seven years. We have plenty of nail polish remover."
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 62 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Kenpo Cardio Plus"=Done!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm 40+ hope it isn't too late to join this group... weight loss at this age is so much slower than it used to be...could use all the encouragement I can get to stick with it!!
  • heathergetshealthier
    heathergetshealthier Posts: 28 Member
    Hey tmbg1, mine is slower than when I was younger too...but I figure I am making permanent changes and will not, ever, gain back the weight. So - stick with it! Give yourself a longer timeframe but commit to tracking and increasing your physical activity. After a month, you will see changes. I'm at month three and my before and after make me so happy. I'm fitting into summer clothes that I have never worn, because I bought them too small years ago expecting that I would lose weight. Hang in there! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Leaving in the morning to fly to Chicago to catch the train to the BSA ranch in New Mexico for a week. Should be an interesting trip.

    I Googled New Mexico BSA camps/weather, thinking you would be burning up. But it's cooler than than here at the Larro Ranchero. We won't see 69F at night here until September. And that is with the freezer door left open.

    Have fun.

    Philmont is at 6500 feet + elevation. That keeps it cooler. I'm too fat still for the back country. I'm going to a training conference in the base camp area. I have to lose another 100 pounds to be allowed in the high adventure area. And I know I'm not fit enough. Yet.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I had to buy new underwear as the old size was falling off.
    And the new pants purchased a month ago are getting a bit loose already.
    Scale progress has slowed but clothes progress is good!
  • vermilyeadana
    vermilyeadana Posts: 5 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hello 40+ Club!!! This is the first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

    For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

    Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • vermilyeadana
    vermilyeadana Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join this group! I am a 46 year old teacher who is current at home with my three teenage boys. I am 5'7" and 136 lbs. I try to eat clean and exercise almost every day (run, play tennis, P90X3 and 21 Day Fux exercise routines, walk). My goal is to define my stomach more and go back to around 130lbs. (I gained 8 pounds or so as soon as I hit my early 40s and have lost 3). Easier said than done! I wake up full of enthusiasm and willpower. I eat clean for breakfast and lunch and then-boom! The witching hour occurs. I have to cook dinner for my husband and three teenagers. Plus I have to wait till hubby gets home (which is late-7:30pm). I'm usually bored, so I have a glass of wine and eat too much when we finally sit down. So.....I guess I'm hoping some of you will be able to kick some sense into me and give me some pointers on this! I also hear that it is almost impossible to lose weight in your forties, so I'm hoping that being a part of this group can dispel that myth.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    NSV I didn't need a seat belt extender on the plane today!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Pictures with my daughter and granddaughter. I love to bake do I made everything. The bowling ball is also a cake. Ah, yes, I've had some cake. LOL

    Gam, awesome picture! And I love Yoga X.

    Curious, I love to see pictures of your adventures! CA is perfect for outdoor activities!

    Welcome to all the new members!! Hang in there! The key is consistency! Don't beat yourself up when yuu have a setback. It's going to happen, just pick yourself up and keep going!

    @vermilyeadana, I know it can be hard but it might take some planning and follow through. Do you have a healthy mid afternoon snack? How about drinking water or some green tea? Also while you "wait" to eat dinner maybe do some exercises? The wine might be doing you in. When I drink I tend to eat more and crave the not so healthy stuff. If you log your calories how about pre logging your foods in the diary before you eat. That helps me stick to my plan and not find out I overdid it after the fact.

    Take care!!!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 62 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid REST Plus"=Done! may take the pooch to her big yard (state park) later. :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Alf, love the pictures. You have a lovely family. Nice work on the cake and cupcakes. {I take it the little one is a bowler?}

    I did something this morning I haven't done in a long time. I walked {20min @ 4 1/2mph} when I wasn't needing to go anywhere. But after eating with three groups of customers yesterday, and no garden cardio to offset it, I figured I had better move a little before I settled in for the day with another book. The garden has spoiled me with excessive calorie burns. So when I don't have it, and eat like I do, bad things can happen. {Like the 2 pounds I gained yesterday} I need to remember that when the folks from today's events {family reunion, baby shower and wedding} ask me to eat with them.

    For all you bikers, and anyone who likes to read a good travel book, I'm reading Pedal and Path: Across the Continent AWHEEL AND AFOOT, by GEORGE B. THAYER. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/49474/49474-h/49474-h.htm It has the most modern and up to date bike news available {in 1886}.

    My first customers are starting to come in, so I had better go say hello. {On a side note, the wedding today has me wearing long pants for the first time in weeks. I hope these folks no what a sacrifice that is to me}

    Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else. You guys take care,
