"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    Gabriele- those are amazing results! Congratulations!!!

    I am on 2 blood pressure meds currently, but need to schedule an apt for my dr because after losing 33 lbs, when I take my BP it is low. Exciting to think how much you can help yourself by losing weight!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    fourterrys good job. you are doing well. Keep it up
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    Yes I want to do it though I'm late.. add me..

    I want to do it.. my last group totally fell apart.. and I'm ready to do it..

    Name: Karen
    Age: 50

    Start Weight: (29 June) 150
    Goal Weight: (14 Sept.) 125

    29th June: 150
    6th July: 149
    13th July: 147. 6
    20th July:
    27th July:
    31st July
    Weight goal for this week is: 2 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this week:
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Welcome Karen and congrats on the 2 pound loss.
  • Catflower6
    Catflower6 Posts: 27 Member
    Catflower6 wrote: »
    Name: Cathy
    Age: Young oldie

    Start Weight: 72 kg
    Goal weight : 65kg
    Height : 175cm

    July 7th. 158
    July 18. 70kg

  • Catflower6
    Catflower6 Posts: 27 Member
    gabriele01 wrote: »
    Hey everybody!

    Just wanted to send a little motivational post your way. I joined this challenge because last month I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. When I weighed in during my routine physical on 6/16/2015 I was at my highest ever weight of 301 pounds. I have always been overweight, but had never had any issues with high BP, cholesterol, sugar, triglycerides or anything else. So, being told I was diabetic was quite a shock for me. My labs weren't horrible, but enough to have my doctor concerned. She wanted to put me on 2 different medications.

    I asked her to give me 30 days to see if I could keep my sugar levels under control without medical help. She agreed, reluctantly if I may say so.

    So for the past 30 days I have been testing out this new-to-me low carb life style. I had my 30 day follow up appointment yesterday, and these were my numbers:

    Fasting sugar levels down from 156 to under 100 each and every single day
    Blood pressure down from 130/90 to 118/80
    Weight down from 301 to 276

    Yes, I really did lose 25 pounds in 30 days! And I still eat chocolate almost every day, but just one small piece of dark instead of the amounts I would have eaten in the past. If I can do this, so can you! So hang in there, take it one day and one mile at a time. And be your own best motivator! Don't rely on others to push you - they have nothing to gain from it, keep pushing yourself! You can do so much more than you think you can!!

    Good luck to all, and Happy Friday!!

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member


    "Women who regularly ate breakfast were more successful with long-term weight loss than those who skipped the first meal of the day. It’s best to eat similar healthy choices regularly (think oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit) and always start out with a good breakfast to avoid splurging or overeating on special occasions."
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Good Morning All
    Its the weekend again and we will face challenges all weekend long. Being with family and friends heading out to all kind of events, makes it hard to stay the course. Planning a head will help keep us on track and remembering to pay attention to calories, will keep us from over eating.
    I have been struggling for 2 weeks, trying to find the right balance of calories and exercise. I have been under my calories goals except 2 days. I switched from 1200 to 1500 to see if that would help the scale move. It moved in the wrong direction. I exercise 6 out of 7 days and think maybe I am exercising to much. It is so exhausting to work hard and see no change. I won't give up! I can do this!

    Have a great weekend!
  • thomson63
    thomson63 Posts: 8 Member
    Just an update this week on my journey. I am not seeing the results I want to, but I am moving in the right direction. I do enjoy a glass of wine in the evening and I am afraid I may have to cut that out.

    age 51
    start-July 3-205
    July 10-201
    July 17-200

    This week will be the week to get down below this number that is hanging over my head. My blood pressure pills aren't helping with the weight, since I started back on them in May, I did put on 5 lbs.

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hi Betty
    Just keep adjusting your plan until you find what works best for you. It must be something you can stick with and allow for small indulgences every now and then. Try adding more exercise and see if you start losing. If you are not gaining, that's a good thing. One to two pounds a week is safe and achievable. Hang in there and keep going. :)
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    Name: Claire
    Height: 5'9'

    Starting weight 222
    Goal Weight 190

    7/11: 218.6
    7/18: 218



    Goal weight for this week: 2 pounds
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hi Claire
    You did not gain and that's a good thing. Keep going and it will come off.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited July 2015

    Weight Loss Plateau

    If you reached a weight loss plateau, stop and reflect — and make sure you are not going overboard with portions. Going back to strict measuring and planning can help confirm that you are not unknowingly going off plan. Try mixing up your routines. If you have been eating eggs every morning, try having fruit/veggie smoothies or oatmeal. The same goes for exercise. Switch it out. Instead of walking, try biking or swimming.
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    yes true izzy214. less than last week
  • zelannie
    zelannie Posts: 5 Member
    Hi izzy214 is it too late to join your group n this challenge? I've been on a good plan using MFP for months and it's really worked -slowly but surely. I'm a real believer counting calls and measuring portions is the key.
    It's so slow a process you think it's not working but if you stay on it and keep plowing forward, you really do see LOSS!Last 5 months I lost 25lbs.

    But now at month 6 and 7, I've lost my mojo n have no energy so slowly stopped tracking n working out --and now want to restart w a new goal and focus. Haven't gained any back but need to do big new push to lose last 30. Can't give up bec it is the best feeling ever to lose the weight and fit into smaller clothes, look like a smaller normal person and all around feel triumphant that all the sacrifice and weighing and saying no all the time to healthy portions or choices does pay off.

    When I think about how hard I worked to stay focused on my goal - you can see why it's hard to sustain. But it is worth it and I'm ready to push again!

    How does your challenge work? I've never joined a group before! Just post updates to weight losses? I like the idea that others are doing the same and I'm not alone!
    Let me know!

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Welcome Zelannie,
    Glad you could join us, We are all here to help.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Biggest Mistake

    One of the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight is they restrict themselves too much. This means not only the food choices people are making but also the amount they're eating. When you deprive the body of food, it will go into starvation mode and store what food it does get as fat. But if the foods you are eating are all foods that you hate, you won't stick with the program or the lifestyle change.

    Your best bet is to try and find a happy medium between eating enough calories to keep you satiated, but enough to also create a calorie deficit to result in a pound or two lost a week. You can burn 500 calories by exercising and eating 500 calories less a day. This will result in a 2 pound loss per week.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Good Morning Everyone
    I weighed in and there was .4 pound loss :( REALLY11
    I posted the "Today's Tip" because I think it is exactly what has happened to me. I have cut back and exercised more and ate pretty much the same old same. I have become bored and disappointed in not losing. I actually am angry at myself and was feeling like I had not done enough. I check my food dairy and see what I have been doing wrong. Restricting and worrying about every little bite, over exercising and not giving my muscles recovery time to mention a few. Well, I am trying something different this week and see if it makes a difference. I hope so.

    I have 8 weeks before vacation and I need to get the scale moving, I will keep going. I know I can do this!

  • jennifermi
    jennifermi Posts: 50 Member
    Name: Jennifer

    Start Weight (29th June):216.2
    Goal Weight (14th Sept): 199

    29th June:216.2
    6th July:214.8
    13th July:211.7
    20nd July:209.6
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week: 1.5
    Weight lost/gained this week:2.1

    Beginning of the week did not start out well but picked up my boot straps and started fresh, so VERY happy with these results
  • snarkybbq
    snarkybbq Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Alice
    Height 5'4"

    Starting weight: June 30th - 140 lbs
    Goal weight: September 14th - 128 lbs

    June 30: 140 lbs
    July 7: 138 lbs
    July 13: 137.2
    July 20: 134.8
    July 27:
    July 31:

    Weight goal this week: 1 - 1.5 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this week: ~2

    I ate pretty badly for a few days, but managed to commit to eating healthy Saturday and Sunday and I shed the extra weight. Feeling a little stronger again.