C25K & C210K support group...



  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Doing week 2 again this week. finished out 2.5 miles on treadmill plus 2.5 miles at lunch waled so 5 miles for the day :wink:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I did W6D2 yesterday. Still feeling pretty good. D3 will be tomorrow which is a full 2.25 mile run without a walking break! :noway: We'll see how that goes. Looks like everyone is doing really well. Keep up the great work!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Well done Sas, and good luck with tomorrow's run!
    I've just finished w5d3 with a 20-minute run, and am feeling pretty under the weather, so was thrilled to finish it without too much discomfort!
    Onwards and upwards!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well done Sas, and good luck with tomorrow's run!
    I've just finished w5d3 with a 20-minute run, and am feeling pretty under the weather, so was thrilled to finish it without too much discomfort!
    Onwards and upwards!

    Way to go... I am doing the 20 minute run tonight... the 8 minute runs went well but I am a little nervous about 20 minutes straight.

    I think that I am going to change programs and turn this training into a 10K training... I am still debating :P
  • klm78
    klm78 Posts: 26 Member
    I just found this support group and am stoked!!! I'm on W5/D3 and have to admit that I couldn't do it without stopping. :mad: I took a two quick breaks during the 20 minute trek. I was really looking forward to this run since I had completed W5/D1 & 2 with no problems. UGH....so frustrated! Maybe it's because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and just started off on the wrong foot. (I run @ 4:30 in the a.m).
    Has anyone else had problems going from W5/D2 - W5/D3??? I feel like I should repeat it until I can complete it before moving on to W6. I had to repeat W2 because I wasn't comfortable moving onto W3, also.

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I completed the C25K last summer & still run quite a bit. Yes I can actually say I am a runner. It took me all last summer to complete the C25K but I'm SO glad I did. Now I am training for a 7mile race the end of July. I'm trying to increase my pace AND my endurance. So should I try the C210K or the Hour runner program? Any advice?

    Also....if any of you need any advice on C25K feel free to ask me! Also I did C25K outside, I enjoy my outside runs SO much more than the treadmill, I did however do 5Ks every week throughout the winter on the treadmill to keep me going. But I DREAD the DREADMILL! :laugh: I am currently running my 5Ks just under 35 minutes. I'm hoping to get it under 30 minutes before too long! :bigsmile:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Awesome thread... I started my running from scratch originally with the C25K program. I think C210K looks amazing, too! I am up to running 10K, and I did a gradual increase in my distance over the past year to where now my short runs are 2-3 miles, and my average/medium runs are 4 or sometimes 5 miles. 10K is still my long run day, which I plan on increasing to 8 miles in the very near future.

    If anyone is interested in how I trained or what worked for me... please feel free to PM and/or add me. :)

    10K time last Saturday was 1:04:35.
  • austrya
    austrya Posts: 14 Member
    I also doing C210k. I just finished W5D2 (4.12 miles) this morning. I've been running more than the typical 3 days a week because I'm enjoying this program that much! Crazy talk, I know!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I completed the C25K last summer & still run quite a bit. Yes I can actually say I am a runner. It took me all last summer to complete the C25K but I'm SO glad I did. Now I am training for a 7mile race the end of July. I'm trying to increase my pace AND my endurance. So should I try the C210K or the Hour runner program? Any advice?

    Also....if any of you need any advice on C25K feel free to ask me! Also I did C25K outside, I enjoy my outside runs SO much more than the treadmill, I did however do 5Ks every week throughout the winter on the treadmill to keep me going. But I DREAD the DREADMILL! :laugh: I am currently running my 5Ks just under 35 minutes. I'm hoping to get it under 30 minutes before too long! :bigsmile:

    Kelly... you definitely do not need a COUCH to anything program... you can increase your distance OR your pace during a single run in any given week... just not both. For instance... run a short interval (I usually do 3 one mile runs with a half mile walk in between) for speed. I wouldn't suggest increasing your distance by more than a mile at a time (note: I don't necessarily follow my own advice), but it's a marathon runner buddy of mine who taught me that rule to prevent injuries and setbacks.
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Ran my first 5K this morning (Saturday)!

    Here's the thread I created with pics:
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Well done Sas, and good luck with tomorrow's run!
    I've just finished w5d3 with a 20-minute run, and am feeling pretty under the weather, so was thrilled to finish it without too much discomfort!
    Onwards and upwards!

    Way to go... I am doing the 20 minute run tonight... the 8 minute runs went well but I am a little nervous about 20 minutes straight.

    I think that I am going to change programs and turn this training into a 10K training... I am still debating :P

    How did your 20-min run go? I'm on week 6 now and finding it tough, but then I've not been feeling great this week so could be that.
    Re 10k training - I used to run quite a lot about five years ago. I ran with a friend, and we had a 5k loop from my front door. One day we ran separately, and she texted me later to say she'd run 10k! I was so mad she'd done it without me when I got back to my front door after my 5k loop I just carried on and went round again! I remember chanting the mantra "It's only pain, it's only pain" Needless to say I was hardly through my front door before I texted her!
    I dont recomment anger as a training aid but it worked for me!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I did W6D3 on Friday. When I first started I wasn't sure I was even going to make it for 5 mins. I started and it was rough! My body just felt like it was so heavy and my arms even hurt. And that was in the first 2 mins of the run. However, I kept going and eventually caught my stride. I actually ended up doing 2.5 miles instead of the 2.25 miles. I timed myself and am running a 12 minute mile. Not fast, but it's a good speed for me since I'm able to complete the distance. I did a 1/2 mile cooldown walk after that. Legs were a little sore the next day, but overall felt fine afterwards. Now onto week 7!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Well done Sas! That's my next run, on Wednesday! I run mainly a 12 minute mile too, there's plenty of time to work on the speed once you've got the stamina. Although today my music kept me on the treadmill a bit longer so I ended up finishing with a quick burst at 6.5mph, which was fun.
    Good luck with week 7!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Well done Sas! That's my next run, on Wednesday! I run mainly a 12 minute mile too, there's plenty of time to work on the speed once you've got the stamina. Although today my music kept me on the treadmill a bit longer so I ended up finishing with a quick burst at 6.5mph, which was fun.
    Good luck with week 7!
    6.5 mph? That's a nice sprint!! Good for you!! Yea, at this point I'm just building up my stamina. I'd rather go at a slower pace and actually make the distance than push too hard and burn out. Anyway, I did W7D1 this morning on the treadmill. I have to say that this 2.5 mile run went much better than the one I did on Friday. I'm sure it's because it was on the TM and not outside. But I plan on doing at least one of week 7s runs outside (or both, that are left).

    Have a good one, everybody!
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Well done Sas! That's my next run, on Wednesday! I run mainly a 12 minute mile too, there's plenty of time to work on the speed once you've got the stamina. Although today my music kept me on the treadmill a bit longer so I ended up finishing with a quick burst at 6.5mph, which was fun.
    Good luck with week 7!
    6.5 mph? That's a nice sprint!! Good for you!! Yea, at this point I'm just building up my stamina. I'd rather go at a slower pace and actually make the distance than push too hard and burn out. Anyway, I did W7D1 this morning on the treadmill. I have to say that this 2.5 mile run went much better than the one I did on Friday. I'm sure it's because it was on the TM and not outside. But I plan on doing at least one of week 7s runs outside (or both, that are left).

    Have a good one, everybody!

    Interesting that you find the treadmill better Sas - I'm away from my treadmill next week so I'm hoping to run outside, hope it doesn't set me back!
    Well done - nearly there now!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    W7D2 is done! I thought I was going to have to run on the treadmill as this morning it was thunderstorming out here. But the weather got better for most of the afternoon, so I was able to run outside. I clocked a new route at 2.6 miles (just a little over the 2.5 miles required for W7). I ran the 2.6 miles in 29 mins. Not too bad I guess. I do have to say that my legs were starting to feel it towards the end and I had to push through. I'm thinking it was the squats & lunges I did in my early morning workout. But anyway, I made it. Onto W7D3 on Friday!!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    W7D3 is complete. Felt pretty good. Started off a little slow since my legs were still a little sore from Wed's run. But I still got the 2.6 miles done in 29:20. Was at 29:00 exact on Wed. Not bad. Happy that's done. Now my legs can recover from this week's runs for a couple days. Already clocked a route for week 8 which is supposed to be 3 - 2.75 mile runs. The route I have is 2.8 miles...just a little over. This program is awesome! I was sooooo NOT a runner, but I actually like it. Who knew?! :wink:

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    i needed to do my week 4 day 1 yesterday, this weather stinks...it is SO hot...how does everyone deal with it, a treadmill is not an option unless i join a gym. Gonna make myself just deal with it and try not to die tomorrow night around 8pm, hoping it cools off enough to get through it. i hate it is the first day of week 4 to be dealing with 90 degree heat. thank goodness it will be cooling off as the week progresses
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    i needed to do my week 4 day 1 yesterday, this weather stinks...it is SO hot...how does everyone deal with it, a treadmill is not an option unless i join a gym. Gonna make myself just deal with it and try not to die tomorrow night around 8pm, hoping it cools off enough to get through it. i hate it is the first day of week 4 to be dealing with 90 degree heat. thank goodness it will be cooling off as the week progresses
    Yesterday was our first day of having 90 degree weather. I got up and ran at 6AM. Sun was out but it wasn't hot yet. It was nice I'd say probably in the low 70s. So I'm thinking it's going to be early morning runs or late evening runs (like your 8pm one) for me on the hot days.

    I did W8D1 yesterday. Did well. Still feeling good afterwards. Can't believe I'm almost done w/the program and can actually run the distance!
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    if i could be up at 6am i would be running then. still dreading going out tonight, it is supposed to cool down as the week goes on.

    I know I can run 5 minutes but i still can not imagine running 30 minutes...I am very excited to see if i can though:)