The official nightshift thread....



  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I'm using all the time I've saved so far lol. I started at a new agency in November. I'll have less than 2 hours left by time I get back. But it's worth it. I'm sorry you can't get some vacation time in the summer. :/
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Vacation? What is that? I don't take vacation. Two days off in a row is enough to drive me batty.

    Maybe some day I will take a vacation and go somewhere out of town or take a road trip.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Ok. Vacation starts in just over an hour! I'll be off for TEN whole days!! Yay! Headed to the amusement park tomorrow, water park the next and Friday will be brewpubs & Lush! Pooch is going to gramma's and hopefully the cats won't gorge themselves the first day on the gigantore bowls of food we'll be leaving for them. (They don't want to go to gramma's.) I have a crap ton of stuff to do today since I've been putting it all off...maybe some brinner and some coffee and I'll get some motivation...

    Lucky! I'm on for 13 days straight!

    Geez, and my coworkers think it sucks I do 8 in a row!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok. Vacation starts in just over an hour! I'll be off for TEN whole days!! Yay! Headed to the amusement park tomorrow, water park the next and Friday will be brewpubs & Lush! Pooch is going to gramma's and hopefully the cats won't gorge themselves the first day on the gigantore bowls of food we'll be leaving for them. (They don't want to go to gramma's.) I have a crap ton of stuff to do today since I've been putting it all off...maybe some brinner and some coffee and I'll get some motivation...

    Lucky! I'm on for 13 days straight!

    Geez, and my coworkers think it sucks I do 8 in a row!

    Well we only have three night shifters and one is out due to back surgery and we have another person out for vacation AND we still haven't hired our new relief person since the last one quit.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I KNOW ya'll can understand my logic in this:

    I made it through our entire staff meeting without eating a single doughnut. So, I rewarded myself with a doughnut.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Could a night lab tech join your group, I I I have lime green co-flex bandages....and I LOVE LOVE pink pens!!!

    Lab tech here, too :) But I don't have cool things. We're not allowed to use colored pens in blood bank so we're afraid to keep them around lol
    I totally understand about the pens :s . We are allowed only black or blue for official paperwork. :/ but in my previous job I used a wide variety of colors nearly daily.
    I cover all of the departments in our lab, including phlebotomy part of the night, being the only tech in the lab during most of my 10 hr shift. I get to do most of the QC and Daily Maintenance on the machines. Which takes most of my night even without patients to process.
    So "NEVER" use red in bloodbank I was told. So I just use mostly the black pens provided by the lab or co workers.
    I do QC in bloodbank nightly also. I enjoy bloodbank.
    Sorry for rambling on....getting kinda sleepy here.
    Catching up on a few pages....
    I'm kinda quiet normally....thanks everyone for sharing parts of your reality.
    Anxiety felt as starting to hit send...
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    Ok. Vacation starts in just over an hour! I'll be off for TEN whole days!! Yay! Headed to the amusement park tomorrow, water park the next and Friday will be brewpubs & Lush! Pooch is going to gramma's and hopefully the cats won't gorge themselves the first day on the gigantore bowls of food we'll be leaving for them. (They don't want to go to gramma's.) I have a crap ton of stuff to do today since I've been putting it all off...maybe some brinner and some coffee and I'll get some motivation...

    Hope you can relax just a bit and have a great vacation sounds like lots of fun to be had!
    Mine is coming up soon...going back to a Haiti.
  • DiddleOnTheRun
    DiddleOnTheRun Posts: 45 Member
    I KNOW ya'll can understand my logic in this:

    I made it through our entire staff meeting without eating a single doughnut. So, I rewarded myself with a doughnut.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @lilaclovebird -love the new profile pic!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I KNOW ya'll can understand my logic in this:

    I made it through our entire staff meeting without eating a single doughnut. So, I rewarded myself with a doughnut.

    Yes!!! Love your new profile picture too!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,234 Member
    edited July 2015
    @lilaclovebird - Love the new picture. :smile:

    On the good side tonight, had a puppy come out of a vehicle while it was up in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area and a fish and game guy found it. He gave it to the county sheriff. They brought it to us. The owners called and in about one hour, we will be getting it back to the owners. They didn't realize the dog had jumped out of the back of the truck until they got home several hours away. They started making calls and tracked the puppy down and we sent pictures to confirm it was theirs. They are excited and we are glad to get a puppy back to the owners. :smile:
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    But my mind instantly goes to situations where self-defense isn't gonna do shizz. Like some nut with a gun in Wal-Mart blasting away. I swear, before becoming a parent...this stuff didn't affect me so deeply. I DO remember being in college, early 2000s when school shootings were heavy...being in a basement level class with one door, no windows...we all heard a loud "boom" from the hallway...and we all went silent and froze. It turned out to be a table that was propped up against a wall fell over in the hallway but man...that was scary. I also remember when choosing my seat in college, I always considered where a gunman would least likely shoot when entereing a classroom. I still think about that stuff when choosing a theater seat. When I attend a show with hundreds of people, while waiting for the curtain, I plan my escape if a fire or a brawl breaks out. I'm definitely always aware of my surroundings and the goings on around me...I'm not blind to danger...if anything, the opposite. Maybe that is the problem...being aware that danger can happen to anyone and anytime...if I was oblivious, I wouldn't worry, right?

    @Frankie_Felinius I totally see the opposite in you with this sentence, your deep thoughts are telling you to look for the escape route, how to get out in a fire, where to sit if a gun nut comes in, so deep down you want to live....Motherhood has obviously treated you well......I would be proud of that........Personally I am the complete opposite, Yes I get scared in situations where violence can occur or has occurred, Human unpredictability that you talk of does make you think, but my fault is I trust everyone, and every situation, and I trust myself to be able to handle anything ( my most stupid trait) this will one day get me into trouble I believe, and has done in the I cant advise on how to not feel scared, as I don't get

    I can offer a different perspective on the gun culture, being in the UK its not that much of an issue on a day to day basis, unless you live in some of the very undesirable parts of big cities, our normal police dont carry, only specialised units (and as long as that continues the better, one that note I think all units should have one firearm expert on the team, not everyone carrying a gun............BUT, I would have a gun tomorrow, the need to protect myself and those around me would make me stop at nothing to ensure our safety......

    The best advise I read in so far (been off for a week or so and came back to 160 odd posts......taking me a while to catch up.....Im still waiting to see is its a stuffed chicken or with Frankie....stuffed)......
    .....has been from the cop, talking about going to a range to shoot etc, I would do that anyway if I was you, even if you don't buy a gun, it will teach you about gun control, how to use one and IF you are ever in a situation where its needed, then you know what to do, when the self preservation kicks in...........what if your hubby is out..........your not carrying 24/7 but being able to use the gun in your house then that would be a good thing to understand........IMO

    The problem with Guns are they are too easy to use and to feelings involved, stabbing someone is much harder, its up close and personal, it takes a lot of work to do that act.........shooting someone I think is MUCH inevitably the odd nutter will go nuts.....but if you had no guns then they would still do damage some, bombs, knives........but not as many people would be hurt maybe........

    Having said all that I am still all for allowing a firearm AT HOME for protection, maybe go as far as in your car too...........but not personal carrying on the streets........I don't see the need for it....I know you get nutters in many forms, but they too can get guns probably.....for me a few basic conditions should be met to get a licence, so a home safety check must be done to deem someone suitable for home use, (a well kept home is a good indicator of a safe home, you can sense a lot about a person with there home) and a doctors mental evaluation also......then a random check 2 or 3 times a yr..........if there is ONE violation of laws then your licence should be quibbles.......and stick to it......then everyone knows if they want the PRIVALAGE of being able to have a gun to protect themselves....then they wont flaunt the laws.......

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,234 Member
    I hate it when I do a ride and the bike computer malfunctions. Lost most of the data. Darn it! :frowning:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @lilaclovebird -love the new profile pic!

    Thank you. :blush:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I KNOW ya'll can understand my logic in this:

    I made it through our entire staff meeting without eating a single doughnut. So, I rewarded myself with a doughnut.

    Yes!!! Love your new profile picture too!

    Thanks. :blush:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @lilaclovebird - Love the new picture. :smile:

    On the good side tonight, had a puppy come out of a vehicle while it was up in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area and a fish and game guy found it. He gave it to the county sheriff. They brought it to us. The owners called and in about one hour, we will be getting it back to the owners. They didn't realize the dog had jumped out of the back of the truck until they got home several hours away. They started making calls and tracked the puppy down and we sent pictures to confirm it was theirs. They are excited and we are glad to get a puppy back to the owners. :smile:

    Thank you :blush:

    And YAY HAPPY STORY! :drinker:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »

    The best advise I read in so far (been off for a week or so and came back to 160 odd posts......taking me a while to catch up.....Im still waiting to see is its a stuffed chicken or with Frankie....stuffed)......
    .....has been from the cop, talking about going to a range to shoot etc, I would do that anyway if I was you, even if you don't buy a gun, it will teach you about gun control, how to use one and IF you are ever in a situation where its needed, then you know what to do, when the self preservation kicks in...........what if your hubby is out..........your not carrying 24/7 but being able to use the gun in your house then that would be a good thing to understand........IMO

    No. I think his(the cop's) best advice was to know yourself and come to terms first with whether or not you are willing to take another's life in defense of yourself and your loved ones.

    Going to the range and getting practice is useless if you hesitate to take the shot, you open up the opportunity for someone to take that weapon from you.

    That being said, after you know yourself, go to the range, or find an instructor, learn to shoot different types of guns. That way if you are not carrying and someone threatens you with a gun and THEY hesitate, you have the opportunity to take it from them and know how to use it.
  • MelaniLight
    MelaniLight Posts: 738 Member
    I hate it when I do a ride and the bike computer malfunctions. Lost most of the data. Darn it! :frowning:

    I had that happen to me today. No fun.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @sufferlandrian That sucks, I'm sorry.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    It's too quiet when I'm working. :/