Couch to 5k...start today?



  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I am going to be repeating Week 1 until it's not excruciating for me. It might take me longer to get to a 5k, but that is ok. :-)
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    Did week 2 day 1 today..Proud to say I was able to do the whole thing, but I was getting side stitches (is that what there called lol) the last few runs..any advise for how to get rid and prevent those??
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Did week 2 day 1 today..Proud to say I was able to do the whole thing, but I was getting side stitches (is that what there called lol) the last few runs..any advise for how to get rid and prevent those??

    Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. It seems to help me when I get stitches :)
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I am also repeating week one. I've given myself 15 weeks to finish the program as I'm doing a modified version of it to begin with. Great job everyone!!!! :)
  • Kraziekay89
    Kraziekay89 Posts: 45
    I did not run at all this weekend and will be doing w1d3 today! Hopefully I can get to w2d1 tomorrow
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Didn't get around to doing W2D1 yesterday. I will be doing it tonight. Everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Doing W2D1 today since our gym was closed for the holiday yesterday. Its been a bad weekend for me, I'm giving my dog over to a rescue today and I am going to miss the little ****head but it is the best thing for both of us.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    W2D1 done. I figured out how to run slower so it was actually easier for me than W1.
    I have no interest in participating in a 5K. I just want to know that I'm capable. Am I the only one?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    W2D1 done. I figured out how to run slower so it was actually easier for me than W1.
    I have no interest in participating in a 5K. I just want to know that I'm capable. Am I the only one?

    Nope same here, have no want to be in a 5K plus the whole losing weight thing.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    W2D1 completed today. It went smoother than I had expected. Hopefully, I will still be saying that in the coming weeks.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    I completed W1D3 last night and I'll admit that getting started was a bit harder than the last time. My shins felt like they were going to start cramping and running kills my lower back. But good thing is by the time I got towards the end, I was feeling better and even ran a few intervals at 5.0! I need to go to a show store and be fitted for some good running shoes. There was a really good sale on some New Balance shoes the other day, but it was an online store and I've never worn NB and didn't know how they would fit and what I needed to order. So I had to pass it up even though they were nearly 50% off. :sad:

    Getting fitted for a pair of running shoes is the best thing I ever did. Even though I use them mostly for walking. They are more comfortable. They are NB too. ;-) Go to a place where they take their time with you and they know what they are talking about. Good luck.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    W1D2 Done! Even ran an extra 2 minutes on the end!

    GREAT JOB!!!!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Darn it, I was going to start W2D1 tonight and now I have to leave town for the next couple of days and won't be able to start until Thursday which means I'm going to have to do Thursday. Saturday and Sunday to get my week 2 done. Hopefully can start W3D1 next Tuesday and be right back on I'm way too busy :(
  • ivorythorns
    ivorythorns Posts: 33
    A day late to really start with you, but thank you so much for posting the link! I had seen this here and there and was wondering what it is. :)
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    W2D1 Completed! Trying to do it Tuesday, Thursdays, then leaving Sat/Sun for my third day, depending on which day i'm busiest.
    Ended up running half a mile further than previously, and enjoying the longer gaps between jogs lol!
    I use runtastic on my BB to plot my route and work out how many calories i have used, so pleased to see an extra 70 burnt today :D
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I think it's safe to say that we all had a pretty busy holiday weekend. I only had 11 people send me every bit of information that I needed to add to the spreadsheet. If you did not receive the e-mail, please send me a notice to:

    As a friendly reminder, you need to have the following information included in each e-mail (just copy and paste this):
    starting weight (for the week):
    ending weight (for the week):
    days of c25k completed (for the week):

    Thanks and happy running, everyone!
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    starting week 2 today might be interesting. I got burnt yesterday on my legs and back so I hurt really bad but Im going to try it. I may be crying when I walk out of the gym today.
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    I promise to send you the information as indicated above next so there is so confusion! LOL!

    Looking foward to Week 2 this week, but won't start until Wed *gasp*, so this week it will have to be Wed/Fri/Sunday!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    W2D1 Complete! It was definitely a bit more of a challenge than last week (despite my doubts beforehand) and I even added an extra running minute at the end before the cooldown...because I think ending on a walking interval and going straight into the walking cooldown is sort of a let down. Next day will either be tomorrow or Thursday!
    I completed W1D3 last night and I'll admit that getting started was a bit harder than the last time. My shins felt like they were going to start cramping and running kills my lower back. But good thing is by the time I got towards the end, I was feeling better and even ran a few intervals at 5.0! I need to go to a show store and be fitted for some good running shoes. There was a really good sale on some New Balance shoes the other day, but it was an online store and I've never worn NB and didn't know how they would fit and what I needed to order. So I had to pass it up even though they were nearly 50% off. :sad:

    Getting fitted for a pair of running shoes is the best thing I ever did. Even though I use them mostly for walking. They are more comfortable. They are NB too. ;-) Go to a place where they take their time with you and they know what they are talking about. Good luck.

    New Balance are worth the money. You won't want to finish the challenge if your feet hurt! I saw some really nice looking NB on sale at TJ Maxx the other day---but I wasn't sure about their ratings. I looked them up online really quick while I was in store, and they had GREAT reviews so I bought them--- and they are probably the best runnign shoes I've every owned. My old runners, my tennis court shoes etc. are all New Balance.
  • forgiven4life
    Well I attempted to run W2D1 today, but only got 10 min into. But it's only because I was having to run circles around the outside of my house. Very boring!! I couldn't make it to the treadmill today so I will make sure I do it tomorrow.