

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Good morning friends!! I had a great weekend!! Except I went to our lake camp and because I was so white...I got burnt to a crisp!! SO, I had to stay home yesterday.
    I NEED some advice. Do any of you know of any type of food....that I can dip in hummus, other than pita chips. They are so good, but really have too many carbs for me, unless there are some that don't have as many carbs. My sister suggested pretzels rods, which would be okay, but still a lot of carbs. I've seen people talk about kale chips. Where can I find those, and are they low in carbs. I know that you guys can HELP!!! I like to snack a little...so any no carb, low carb snack ideas would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!

    broccoli, carrots and celery
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin- 45min, 81ar 89aw, 10-13ag, 18mi = 337c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
    morning peeps-

    ya know the minute you feel or you say to yourself, "hey, I think i'm back to normal", then reality slaps u upside the head and says, " uh really?". I did a full 45min of spin today. today I drove the car or as I call it, the beast to work cuz at 1pm I have the doc app to see about this shoulder. I have a recorder on my phone so i'm going to record the visit so I can let Kirby hear what was said and asked. I still haven't run since then and I still haven't had a backpack so I would use a strap over the shoulder. I've been using a bike messenger bag so the strap can go over the right shoulder. we will see what shakes on this visit.

    type to ya later
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
    lhannon - sounds like you had good productive day there!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce: I am so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you recover quickly. Have you resumed your MS medications? I worried about your comments a while back that you were quitting them. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon: I do hate it when I have to ask for a book back. I haven't seen my neighbor in days, but I'm going to have to mention it the next time I see her. I hope you are able to get the rest you need. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am sorry you've had a tough few days. I'm sending good thoughts your direction. You are absolutely right that maintenance can be hard. That is why I stay around. I'm here because I need the support and encouragement. You have overcome difficult things in your life and you are a strong woman. Baby yourself a bit and get the rest you need to tame your dragons and write your memoir. :heart:

    Lisa: Your post sounds like an episode of "Restaurant Impossible!" If anyone can turn this business around, it is you. :flowerforyou:

    Gloworm1946: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    tullplor: Celery is a great veggie to dip into hummus, or any other dip. It has lots of fiber and takes more calories to digest than it contains. :wink: I see you've had this suggestion form others along with additional good ideas. :smiley:

    Sylvia: Is this your birthday? Happy Birthday to you! You have done an excellent job choosing your husband. He is a prince among men. :heart:

    Chris in MA: The eliptical trainer is a great idea to protect knees from pounding. Bikes are another good choice. :fowerforyou:

    We got a call from DS pst night because the anchor windlass quit. That means they'll have to pull the thing up by hand and it weighs a lot. I hope he finds a solution to the problem. DS suggested he take it to a boat mechanic. DS and DDIL are in Canada, north of Vancouver. I wonder whether they'll go there for mechanical help or maybe Nanaimo.

    Yoga this morning, and then we pack and go to meet our friends down the river. I'm looking forward to spending some time with them. Right now I'm doing a large load of laundry so I'll have clean clothes to wear.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Gloworm1946 - sounds like your life has been a roller coaster ride for a few years. Good for you on making the decision to regroup and work on your own health. Two little ones are depending on you, quite an awesome incentive. Welcome, you have discovered a terrific group of like minded women. Motivation, support and hugs when you need them. Again, welcome.

    @Sylvia - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, enjoy your special day.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Birthday, Sylvia. <3
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbie, is it not just a hoot, how many questions and needs our DHs can have when we have said, “I plan/want to do so and so for an hour and prefer not to be interrupted”? I mean the most self-sufficient men on earth can suddenly become so needy. Lol We gotta love ‘em. smiley-love010.gif Great job not having any pizza. It is hard to just have one small piece.

    Katla, your wedding shower gift sounds wonderful. I’m sure it will be a hit. Glad you get to go visit with your boating buddies, even without your boat. Have a great time!!

    Fiddle, I think we all find it more difficult when eating out. There is just less control over the options and too many options to have to say “no” to. I find that drinking has a ton of calories, especially in the mixes. Ya just have to be strong and only drink what you allot. Hang in there, you can do this. It’s way more fun to be a good weight than to have a treat or a drink. smiley-eatdrink004.gif

    Becca, I like you quote from the book. I wonder why fat people don’t stick up for themselves? I think I always did (?) but then I never knew I was so fat. Duh!!!!

    Joyce, what is a stripper pit? They aren’t playing golf on top of a bunch of buried strippers, are they?? screwloose.gif Oh dear, so sorry about your spill. I’m glad you were eventually able to get up. I think falling is one of the things I fear the most. Sending healing thoughts for you to feel better soon. I think, “flashy, sassy, hip older woman” sounds pretty good. You go girl.

    Sharon, I don’t think you should feel awkward about asking for your book back. They are the ones that should feel awkward for having not returned it. Sorry the kids are getting to you. Can you go out for a walk to de-stress? Hang in there and just remember to “STEP AWAY FROM THE PIZZA!!

    Heather, don’t beat yourself up over a mini-binge. You know the results can be reversed in short order. But, yes, I am right there, watching you, cause I love you.nono.gif

    Allison, how is the kitchen going? What do you have left to do and/or what have you got done? I know you will be glad when it’s finished.

    Lisa, this is a banner day!! The restaurant cleaning went off without any casualties and you are closing on the warehouse! Fantastic. Thanks for sharing about the progress at the restaurant, because yes, we are interested. Thank goodness for your family involvement. That was a huge help. I hope the remainder goes well. Is the warehouse close to good enough shape for you to sleep there some nights without having to drive home? I know you said it needed a water heater.

    Gloria, welcome. And thanks for telling us about yourself. You know the drill so now it just needs your commitment and our support. Our support, you’ve got! You already know you can do this but now you have us with you. Come often and let us know what’s going on. Glad you found us.

    Tuliplor, I like celery dipped in humus and even carrot sticks. smiley-eatdrink029.gif I know, it’s the high carb stuff that tastes the best. Sorry you got burned.

    Sylvia, is today your birthday?? cake.gif If so, have a Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday. (well that works for whenever it is)

    Colleen, sorry for your start to the day, but now it should only get better. Good thing is, that you got in that exercise! Way to go.

    Chris, I think it was a wise choice to give up on the running. Like you said, your knees are important. It’s great that the elipitical doesn’t hurt them as that is great exercise.

    Katla, what a bummer about the boat problems for DS. I hope they find an easy solution.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Gosh, I can’t believe it is the last week of July already. Time is going so fast that I’ll be 80 before I know it. I hope you all have a wonderful week full of love and life.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning all.
    Gloria- you're quite the woman!!
    Tuliplor- I like carrots in hummus.

    I did great on my first party yesterday but not so great on the dinner party. Oh well. The food was good and so was the wine ;(. Next time I need to just stick to my plan and the food.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sylvia HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Tulip on same page using veggies.

    Day lwt1rhnw8a66a.jpg
    lilies without solid orange.
    Orange in their on spot on a slope great for erosion control.meaaoy5o549b.jpg

    Welcome Glo!
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi again everyone! I know I've been rather silent recently but I've been trying to keep up with the reading, and my thoughts are with you. I just finished p 62 but don't have any more time right now so I'll post what I've collected. More later...

    A couple other differences between there (Norway) and here (New Hampsire) that I forgot to mention:

    Man-oh-man but they've got good celery here! And the cottage cheese is to die for!

    Concerning shoes to go with fancy dresses, I think I wrote about my debacle trying to find suitable footwear to go with my party dress. (My sister insisted I couldn't wear my comfy low black heels with a cream-colored dress.) I'm sharing a pic we took for her, showing the 3" heels I ended up with. They were anything but comfy. I thought I would survive the evening, and I did, but only barely. We spent the first 45 minutes standing in a reception hall, then an additional 20 minutes in a long line to shake hands with the dignitaries. They all shook hands with every single guest, all 400 of us. I wonder what shoes those ladies were wearing! At the end of the evening my feet were killing me. I don't know if I'll EVER wear those shoes again. Well, I guess I will if I don't lose enough weight so I no longer have to wear the cream-colored creation. If I lose enough, I can get back into my glorious iridescent blue-green silk gown. Yet another reason to get back to my previous size!

    Joyce - Yeah, all the cloud formations have official scientific names. I use them, but then I'm married to a man with a PhD in meteorology. There's a saying in Norway, "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing." Our own take on that is "There's no such thing as bad weather, just more or less interesting weather."

    You also mentioned how lucky we were when God took the tree down for us. We-l-l-l... We still have to pay to have other trees damaged trees pruned or removed. Actually, the Act of God aspect was a something we discussed. The maple landed at a safe distance from the house, but smack dab in the middle of a blueberry bush from which my son and brother-in-law had very carefully removed a young beech tree the day before the storm. We joked that it was God's response to our piddling human efforts at forestry. "You dare to mess with my trees? I'll give you TREES!"

    Heather - I never liked dill until I grew my own in Northern Norway. It came out so incredibly aromatic I suddenly understood what all the fuss was about. Now I can't be without it.

    Concerning the Salisbury Museum, you wrote: "The gold necklace was so new looking and 3,500 years old." One of my most prized posessions is a single-strand necklace of tiny green/brown/yellow/turquoise beads. They came to me from my mother-in-law, who received them from a friend who was professor of botany at Cairo University. Despite being a foreigner in Egypt - and a woman to boot - the professor was loved and respected in Cairo. She often went along on excavations to study the funerary offerings, flowers that could be identified on site but turned to dust the moment they were touched. On one occasion, some of workers gave her a little handful of beads that were lying loose on the floor. She gave them to my mother-in-law (who was, like herself, a Swedish-speaking botanist) and my mother-in-law passed them on to me. It's a giddy feeling wearing something that old!

    It appears to be a good year for turkeys in New Hampshire. A hen with 8 little chicks just walked past my window. A few days ago we spotted three hens with a total of at least two dozen chicks.

    Wishing you all a good day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,770 Member
    washed my hair in the sink and ready to take off for work, and dontcha know I started getting dizzy again, well will have to drive real slow and I only have to work 4 hrs, then I hope it goes away..it has to be seasonal allergies of some kind
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,652 Member
    washed my hair in the sink and ready to take off for work, and dontcha know I started getting dizzy again, well will have to drive real slow and I only have to work 4 hrs, then I hope it goes away..it has to be seasonal allergies of some kind

    trust me, I feel your pain, or dizzy
  • 0121gucci
    0121gucci Posts: 7 Member
    Hi every one my name Is. Debbie I'm 52. Married with 2 children which are all grown up and flew the nest. I've been on a diet most of my life. At the moment I'm doing juice plus any one else on or done this diet
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Allison – as sad as it sounds, I would guess that your hubby thinks working on the kitchen at the same time is doing something together. My hubby thinks that if I am in the stands while he coaches a ball game, that we are doing it together. Men are just weird that way.

    Becca – I’m so happy that your hubby got his new liver. My Dad’s boss passed a few years ago, just a few weeks after taking himself off the list. We all now raise money for Liver Research. The most recent was a raffle that ended Saturday. Hugs and prayers for your family.

    Mary – congrats on DH winning the trip to Las Vegas. As you have read here, there are hundreds of things to do in Las Vegas besides gambling. I like to do a google (or bing) search of “free things to do in _____”. Most things are not actually free, but inexpensive. I wish my DH liked shows, because that’s what I would really like to do. I’m sure you will have plenty of fun ! ! !

    Joyce – The lion was seen again this weekend. This time by a police officer. They have apparently also found the carcass of a house cat, so it must be getting hungry. The police officer also stated that there was a lion cub following it. Right now they think the 2 big cats are in some heavy brush near a river, so we may not see them again for several days. I just check my surroundings before going back and forth from work to car. It is not believed to be anywhere near my house. // My situation is very similar when it comes to doctor appointments. My DH kept coming and going while DS was born, and I had to drag him to visit his Dad after brain surgery. I had to cry to get him to go to the Cardiologist with me (it ended up being RA pain in my sternum, thank goodness). And if I don’t go to his appointments he won’t remember or understand much of anything. In fact I just scheduled DS an Optometry appt, and asked the receptionist to add notes to the appt since neither DS or DH will remember to tell her the important stuff. // Those are indeed large bushes. Can’t wait to see how great it looks with new, smaller plants. // Thanks for the information about AARP !

    Sharon – Welcome back. Glad you had a nice time while you were gone.

    Toni in MN – Wow. Amazing strength, knowledge, perseverance, etc. Prayers for all of you. And thank you from every child who will now be positively affected by your efforts.

    Miriam – Wow and Prayers for you, too. // It still amazes me that so little is understood about mental health. My ex-h is bipolar, and was self-medicating with alcohol prior to being diagnosed. He was “rapid cycling”, so his personality would change every few minutes sometimes. He would rarely remember his outbursts, and would call me all kinds of names when I attempted to explain to him how all the dishes got broke, or why the kitchen chair was broken in the bedroom, or something equally as confusing. In the beginning, my DD’s therapist called her Oppositional, just to offer me proper treatment for her without plastering her with a big black mark of “bipolar” prior to her teen years. Her dad and paternal grandma (also bipolar) denied the diagnosis, so they just let her get away with her outbursts, even when they saw her strike me for no reason (she’s just a kid, that’s what kids do sometimes, etc). My foster daughter had fetal alcohol syndrome and neglect (mostly educational neglect). She lived with me Sunday evening (or Sunday morning if she convinced her mom to let her go to church with us) through start of school on Friday morning. Her mom constantly told me that she was so tired, and couldn’t understand to turn off the computer and not allow her to drink cappuccino after 3:00pm (sometimes it was in her hand when she got picked up at 5:00pm (the only way she would get a healthy supper). She also blamed me for getting her so much because “life is so much fun at your house”. No, I was busy running a restaurant, my house was structured and each kid had responsibilities (chores and homework). My DS keeps me busy, but it is so much more relaxing to run around to sports as opposed to handling all the issues of DD’s childhood (the foster daughter is exactly 6 months younger than bio daughter, and they are still great friends, so I must have done something right).

    Pip – hugs for your foot cramps. I usually get them either in my feet, calves, or back. Yuck. Walking and a banana is my only hope. I hope yours are getting better (and don’t return).

    Barbie – Enjoy the AKC show. It sounds wonderful.

    Well, it is almost time for my lunch break, and I still have several pages to read to get caught up.

    DS and DH team took second place for the baseball season on Saturday. DS tied for third place in the Open Class Home Run Derby and won the 15U Home Run Derby. I will try to get pictures posted as soon as I can find them on Facebook.

    Wow ! It’s crazy here already. Some people don’t understand when someone is trying to help them, and just get snarky about everything said. Good thing I have big shoulders to shrug off the stupidity and sarcasm.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Can't say I'm being too successful with the food diary, and certainly haven't gotten back to the gym. My bad. On vacation starting today and hoping to get a few things done around here that I can never get to while working full time. It's been very hot here on the prairies of Manitoba (just north of N Dakota). Right now with the humidity it "feels" like 38 degrees Centigrade. Expecting a nice whopper of a storm later today or overnight.

    Because I don't check in every day, I have not read everyone's post or I would have to spend a couple days just catching up. LOL. Mary from Minnesota, your post was quite interesting. I have never heard about coconut oil pulling before so I had to google this and was quite interested in trying it, based on what I have learned. I am aware of the benefits of coconut oil but had not heard about the dental piece.

    Yet again, my goals are to:
    Journal my food
    Get back to activity (gym)
    Keep track of this blog for success stories and support
    Hydrate (water)
    Read labels and focus on whole foods

    Aleta "Litre"
    Manitoba, Canada
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Terri ~ Sorry you think someone's being snarky. I have no idea what that's about. I try to keep up reading the posts but keep seeing that I am missing a lot.

    N. Pole Penny ~ Your life sounds so interesting. Love reading about the difference of life in Norway and life int he US.

    Lisa ~ You are much admired for all the work you are doing (at least from all your readers here). I cannot even imagine the kind of cleaning you and your helpers are doing.

    Joyce ~ So sorry about your fall. I fell in the basement carrying groceries a year or so ago flat on my face in the concrete. Was black and blue from my face down my torso. Not fun. Luckily my DH was home and helped me up the stairs.

    Margaret ~ Your flowers are lovely.

    I am finding that I need to balance out my calories more carefully. Going back to the kitchen for unhealthy snacks after dinner is getting me nowhere. I am so on track during the day but in the evening the hunger wolf takes over.

    Carol ~ Peach
  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    Hi again,
    It's almost 1 PM. DH has finally risen (he's a night owl) and soon will have lunch and wants to get to the beach/water on such a sweltering day. I had a decent breakfast and now it's lunch time so will need to eat a good lunch if we're hitting the beach. I love vacation time, no pressure. I wish everyone a successful day!

    Aleta "Litre
    Manitoba, Canada
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oooouuuuufffff! I have just eaten the most ENORMOUS vegetable curry! 100 cals lentils, 100 cals oil, masses of almost free veg, 50 cals potatoes, 30 cals yoghourt raitha. I make that 300 calories and I am stuffed. Veggies are wonderful. :love:

    For dessert I'm having 130 cals stewed prunes, (love them) and 30 cals yoghourt.

    Wouldn't want to share a bedroom with me tonight! :laugh: :*

    Katla - Hope your visit is wonderful!

    Sylvia - HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

    Penny - there is one make of cottage cheese over here that I love. Completely different thing altogether.

    Heather UK