

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Kudos to everyone who has resisted office and/or social temptations lately!

    tuliplor - My favorite thing to dip in hummus is fresh veggies. Carrots, tomatoes, and sweet peppers are all good with hummus. It's also nice mixed with guacamole, if you have a little room to spare for healthy fats.

    -Yvonne in TX

    July Goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day. -Nuts, broke my streak awhile back when the iPad app failed to record my login. I'm doing fine with logging during the week but am challenged to stick with it over the weekend.
    2. Get the exercise machines set up and step up the cardio. -Doing OK on this on the stationary bike but am anxious to get the NordicTrack out for some variety (and relief to my butt!).
    3. Unpack my office. -In progress.
    4. Clear out the storage unit we filled up while moving. -In progress, don't think we'll empty it by the end of the month.
    5. Start saving/shopping for a better bike. -Ongoing.
    6. Get fitted for a sports bra. -Done!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce-sorry to hear about your fall! I hope you feel better soon. I had a disaster with my hairdresser waxing my eyebrows and upper lip, it burned a good two layers of skin off. It took 3 to 4 days to somewhat heal.

    Sharon-I heard that if you drink 3 ounces of pickle juice it will get rid of cramps immediately. I saw that on Dr. Oz. The person that used that method has had relief for 30 years. It was a show about remedies and actual people that used them. I also suffer with cramps and will do that the next time I have that happen in the middle of the night.

    Heather-I have heard from others that maintenance is not what people think it would be like. You still have to eat and very controlled level. And the smaller you are the less calories you can consume. So congrats on doing so well!

    Sylvia - Happy Birthday! Your DH is right you need to celebrate with cake! Have a great day!

    Katla- have a great time on the river with your friends! That does sound like such a fun time.

    DJ - I can't believe that you're anywhere near 80! You're definitely very young at heart!

    MNMargaret - The pictures of the flowers are beautiful!

    Allison and Pip - you both make me worry about you guys getting dizzy! That should not be happening to either of you!

    Terri- I guess we are staying at the Bellagio Hotel. I was looking online for what to do there and most of their comes added expense just sitting in a lounge chair at the pool is $100 two $125 a day! I hope that's an expense that's all paid by my husband's work. We are thinking of renting a car and doing some sightseeing however the temperature is supposed to be around 104 the whole time we are there. Congratulations to your DH and DS must be so proud of both of them!

    Aleta- coconut oil pulling is better than what you read! Just a little gross at first! Make sure you do it for 20 minutes though.

    Lisa - it sounds like that restaurant is going to look fantastic! I agree though that your kids should get paid for all their hard work as well.

    Carol\peach- I am also having trouble sticking to eating clean and healthy. I still do try to keep my calorie count in line. It is really difficult for me. Not that I'm happy that you are having trouble too but it also makes me feel like I'm not abnormal when I have trouble sticking to the program. We can do it!

    My family from the cities just stop by for a quick visit and look at my new house. After we went out for breakfast which was very good! But will count as my breakfast and lunch. Everyone is right about eating out the calorie count is a lot higher than when you eat at home.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hi Everyone - my name is Gloria and I am a 69 year old retired Paralegal raising two grandsons 10 & 7. I've had the oldest since he was 4mo and the younger since he was 18mo. My goal is to stay alive until they have at least both graduated from college and in order to do that I need to be as healthy as possible.

    I have two wonderful daughters, a son who is the father of the boys I am raising, and a step-son who I raised from the time he was 7. The four of them have given me 14 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

    I started on my current weight loss journey around April 2012 at 350lbs. I had tried many "diets" , contemplated weight loss surgery, and then one day stumbled upon the site LiveFitRevolution.org (LFR). Thanks to the nutrition plan I follow and the awesome people there who motivated me I was able to lose 102lbs.

    Then in 2013 I lost a younger sister to Pancreatic Cancer. She fought for 5 years before telling God that she was tired and ready to go. She was only 52 and a great inspiration to others with cancer. I can still hear her joyous voice in my head.

    Last year my baby brother who was 62 and living with me died of cardiac arrest in my home. He had MS which was getting progressively worse and was just tired of living with it.

    Anyway somewhere along the way I reverted back to old habits and stopped keeping track of my food, posting for motivation and gained back 40lbs. A little over a month ago I decided it was time to start taking care of myself again and have re-lost 15 of those lbs. I'm not in a hurry and plan to lose 2lbs a week while eating healthy and getting back to swimming (I was swimming a mile a day before I got off track).

    I use MFP to log my food but follow the LFR nutrition and exercise plan. I found this thread one day and just felt it was the right place for me. I've read so many of your posts that I feel like I already know a number of you and your families.

    So here I am ready to continue on my journey and share my goals on August 1st!

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Im 65 married 41 today, and my husband is a attorney. I worked beside him for 20 years!!!! I have 200 to lose, I need help with the chats. Welcome back, I'm here for you!!!! Gayle Minneapolis to
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Well, I finished my book last night/early this morning and then found out today that we are moving book club to Wednesday. Oh well, it was a good book and I’ll just have to catch up on my sleep tonight.

    Toni (@tonithewriter) – I’ve added your book to my reading list. I see I can get it in Nook format on Barnes & Noble website. Looking forward to reading it!

    Gloria (@gloworm1946) – Thank you for posting and sharing. I’m so sorry for the loss of your younger siblings. Good luck on your journey. You have found a supportive group here. I hope you continue to read, post, and find support here. I haven’t heard of LFR before, but now I’m going to look it up.

    Sylvia (@mollywhippet) – Happy Birthday!

    I’ve undertaken a project at home that has proven to be bigger than expected. My daughter#2 and I are switching rooms. She is moving into our spare bedroom /my office and I am moving into her room. She gains a queen size bed and more closet space. Even though her room is smaller, I no longer have to deal with a queen size bed in my office so I gain space. Seems like a simple project but it is taking most of the summer. We painted daughter#2’s new room this weekend – a light turquoise blue because she wants her room to be beach-like. Funny how a chore like painting can use muscles that you haven’t used in a while. I am a little stiff today. Carpet guys are coming tomorrow to measure the rooms. Both need new carpet and we figured that as long as we are moving all the furniture around, we might as well get carpet installed. This week, we’ve got to get her bedroom cleaned out so that we can paint that room.

    I looked up coconut oil pulling on Google. Amazing the things I learn from this group!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,654 Member
    oh and the foot cramps, I have got a pretty good idea why i'm getting them, it's because of my biking.. it's kind of complicated to explain but because I am riding slower, I have had time to concentrate on a full pedal stroke which makes me concentrating on making my feet flexed throughout the pedaling motion making it more efficient. everyone tends to point when pedaling, using more quad. using a full pedal stroke all the way around makes you use the whole leg including hamstring which give you more power. doing this is what is causing my feet cramps. i'm using compression socks that are helping
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hi, it's my 41st wedding anniversary today !!!! The joke is I was a size 8 and he had hair, now no hair n I'm not a size 8 so it must be love that keeps us together. Have a good day!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gayle Minneapolis- Happy Anniversary! 41 years that is very exciting! Have fun celebrating with your DH!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,654 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Hi, it's my 41st wedding anniversary today !!!! The joke is I was a size 8 and he had hair, now no hair n I'm not a size 8 so it must be love that keeps us together. Have a good day!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis

    Haaappppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ANNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy anniversary and Happy birthday wishes.
    Made hubby zuchini(from r garden)and blueberry muffins was a hit.Glad r garden is doing good.1st year here and we`ve had 2 doz.purple peppers,2 zuchini`s and2 dozen tomatoes.Not sure on the cukes,lots of flowers.
    Many know,I belong to a card club,that send cards to kids with life threatening diseases,kinda started when my best friend got diagnosed with cancer.So I follow a lot of kids on facebook.Well,at the church block party we met a nice couple with a 4 month old that has live failure.He is waiting for a liver.If any of you pray,he can use some prayers,his name is nathan.They have moved him to the top of the list.Parents aren`t a match.
    Probably the longest post,Ive done.lol
    Have a great mon.
    hugs jane(from IL)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @17761776 Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats to you!

    @barbiecat great decision making with the sodium laiden pizza!!

    @fanncy0626 Thanks for the info! I will be working up to 20 min. Yes I am a bit drooly!

    @dreamwriter My two bald eagles that I can view are so amazing! I am aways checking the window when I hear their squeeking sounds they make to each other.

    @cityjaneLondon Glad you enjoy the book! Its a crazy thing how much size takes over our personality/emotions/and feelings. I used to be really mouthy and opinionated, and always one with a joke (to take the focus off me). I am trying to listen better, be more reserved and observant.

    @terri_mom Thank you for your lovely kind words. It's been quite a bipolar existence for me, my husband being so sick and being all fine and happy for the world (to keep my son happy with life). Now, coming out to the other side, we appreciate us more, and definately life more. ((hugs)))

    Had a nice walk with two of my TOPS friends. Met a new friend that will come to the meeting this Wednesday. Saw what we think was a beaver in a lagoon off the trail. Sometimes we encounter a group of deer or elk, which is exciting. Have noticed more dog droppings than normal, which is the enflux of tourists this time of year. Some of the droppings are deer and we let them slide, hahaha. (My brain just went to deer with little plastic baggies).

    Have dropped 5 lbs since last Wednesday. Worried that the ladies at TOPS will give me grief about it, I am taking copies of my journal on this site to the meeting. I had lost 4 lbs then gained 4 from traveling to see son in WA and eating out for a straight 4 days.... So getting back on track, and drinking my water, my body just got back into its normal pattern.
    Hugs from Oregon! Becca
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Well it is Monday ready or not! It sure has been HOT. Yesterday we rode the motorcycle for most the afternoon. I am alittle red today, but it was relaxing for the most part. DGD's birthday party Saturday went very well and they had a big cookie instead of cake so I was good and didn't have any. We are planning to go camping this next weekend with DS and family. We want to try out the sleeping camper we bought to pull behind the motorcycle. They have a large RV so that is where we will do the cooking and everything besides sleeping. Sounds like it is to only be in the 80's for the weekend so looking forward to it.
    Patsy--Welcome, this is a great group for support and friendship. Come often.
    Michele--DH wanted the fitbit. His phone was tracking his steps and then when it updated it made it so he would have to start it everyday. This way he can track his sleep also. This way we can connect it to our insurance site for the challenge.
    I remember when I first started driving you could pull up and ask for $1 gas and they would pump it and wash your windows. Of course gas was like $.33 a gallon. We do have a couple stations here that will pump your gas, but they are higher in price.
    I am up to the top of page 64, so will start there tomorrow. When I get off work in about 1/2 hour going to go meet Lee. Haven't seen her since last week and have talked to her a couple times and seems to be doing ok. I am glad. I wrote exDSIL as he sent a letter telling me I can not desert him and all this about missing his kids. I told him the last 3 letters I sent were returned so put the last one in with this and said that he has to realize we are all busy working. For now he is in the county jail here and will be moved to the state one when they have an opening and told him it could be 6-12 months before they move him. I told him he needs to be honest about things or I am done. Well ladies have a good evening.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Good morning friends!! I had a great weekend!! Except I went to our lake camp and because I was so white...I got burnt to a crisp!! SO, I had to stay home yesterday.
    I NEED some advice. Do any of you know of any type of food....that I can dip in hummus, other than pita chips. They are so good, but really have too many carbs for me, unless there are some that don't have as many carbs. My sister suggested pretzels rods, which would be okay, but still a lot of carbs. I've seen people talk about kale chips. Where can I find those, and are they low in carbs. I know that you guys can HELP!!! I like to snack a little...so any no carb, low carb snack ideas would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!

    Celery, carrot sticks, radishes, green pepper slices
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Good morning friends!! I had a great weekend!! Except I went to our lake camp and because I was so white...I got burnt to a crisp!! SO, I had to stay home yesterday.
    I NEED some advice. Do any of you know of any type of food....that I can dip in hummus, other than pita chips. They are so good, but really have too many carbs for me, unless there are some that don't have as many carbs. My sister suggested pretzels rods, which would be okay, but still a lot of carbs. I've seen people talk about kale chips. Where can I find those, and are they low in carbs. I know that you guys can HELP!!! I like to snack a little...so any no carb, low carb snack ideas would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!

    broccoli, carrots and celery

    Scary stuff! Pip and I posting almost the same thing at the same time.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Hi, it's my 41st wedding anniversary today !!!! The joke is I was a size 8 and he had hair, now no hair n I'm not a size 8 so it must be love that keeps us together. Have a good day!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis

    Happy Anniversary! smiley-love010.gif

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning! I went out to do my walk/jog early and it was already hot. I was drenched when I came back in the house. Now I have to clean house. We are meeting the kids at the mall deli for lunch at 11:30, then hubby insists we should come back here for cake afterwards. I don't want cake, but he says it's not a birthday without cake. And he actually took the initiative to call my son and arrange the lunch, so I guess I should be grateful. I doubt my son would have remembered or even mentioned it without hubby's intervention. He never has before.

    Gotta get busy. I hope you are all having a great day.


    Happy birthday! smiley-bounce017.gif

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Allison...my son had stones in his salivary gland when he was 13. The doctors at Children's Hospital in Boston were quite baffled by it because it usually happens to people who live in hot climates and are not properly hydrated. It was discovered because he was in alot of pain. He had the gland removed and has been fine ever since. Hope your DSIL is better soon.

    Chris in MA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Sylvia ... Happy Birthday!

    Lisa ... You said one girl was "walking a line she can't seem to see." What a perfect way of describing someone's inadequacies. And cell phones at the workplace ... I could go on about that!

    Gayle in Minneapolis ... Happy Anniversary!

    Arborvitae ... This is what happens to old growth trees that get hit with 7 feet of snow. We are in the process of taking them all out this summeri4lj65cq8k8a.jpg

    Love the gardening information since I'm a lot like Michele in that department.

    Son with MH issues got through the weekend without meds ... He's been removed from everything as we assess underlying physical conditions. It's a little dicey...

    Younger son started cpap on Friday and feels like he's suffocating. Difficult adjustment and he might need a mask change.

    We finally got the pool heater working so going swimming first time this year!

    Busy week ahead. Staying on track with food. Exercise ... Not so much.

    Beth in WNY

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @Annr - looks like you now have 3 bald eagles. What a sight!

    @margaretturk - I need for you to come to my house and whip my flower beds back into looking as good as yours. I need to either dig up some of my bulbs; or add dirt to the flower bed; but, I think I will need to raise it up a little so it doesn't all wash in the grass.

    Walked in pool for 90 minutes today. Planning on keep up with my tracking when we go to the beach. Also planning on keeping up with my exercise - have my next weigh-in next Tuesday.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Gayle Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou:

    Terri great job surviving those difficult years. Lions! Scary! My DH grew up in Milwaukee. We have not been back in awhile since his mother passed away.

    Becca love the eagle picture. We are treated with eagle's around here on occasion. Always a glorious sight.

    I am off to grate zucchini from the garden. Neighbor says it is great to use in bread and muffins. It is too hot to bake today.

    Joyce hope you recover quickly from your fall.

    Pip and Alison hope your dizziness is no longer a problem.

    On the lighter side:

    These was taken from a Church bulletin.

    Potluck supper Sunday at 5:10 p.m. --Prayer and medication to follow.

    Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. Please use the back door.

    The cost for the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals.

    The peace meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

    Don't let worry kill you off--Let the church help.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    We had two earthquakes this afternoon, a 4.O and a 4.5. They say they are being caused by fracking for oil wells. These oil companies need to stop doing this near our populated areas. Yikes!

    @Carol Peach - after dinner in the evening is my worst time for snacking also. I save calories to include a protien bar in the evening, like a peanut caramel one the is more like a candy bar. Sometimes I just have to go to bed to keep from "grazing".

    @Heather - is yoghurt the same as our yogurt? What is "raitha"?

    @Debbie - welcome aboard. I've never tried juicing at all. Maybe some of the other ladies have.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! Yes, today I turned 60. We ate lunch with my son and the kids then all came to our house for cake (which I made myself) and ice cream. Afterwards hubby and I played carroms against the two youngest while the oldest noodled around on the piano. At one point I made a particularly amazing shot...two green carroms into opposite corners! Trouble is, I was on the red team. I laughed so hard I got cramps in my stomach. We all had a really good time. I bought that set two Christmases ago and nobody wanted to try playing it with me, so I guess today they threw me a bone because it was my birthday. After that the kids and I looked at funny animal videos on the iPad.

    They stayed till about 2:30 when my son needed to go home to his oxygen machine. He brought oxygen canisters but they don't work quite as well. I had a really nice birthday.

    This evening I take the younger granddaughter to gymnastics, which I totally forgot last week so I set an alarm on my phone. I just hope I remember what it's for when it goes off. There's no guarantee. I guess now I can blame it on my advanced age.

    Gayle, happy anniversary to you and hubby!!! 41 years is quite an achievement!

    Becca, did you send that 5 pounds to me? I think I found it.

    Jane, poor Nathan! I hope he gets matched very soon.

    Linda/IA, I just love painting rooms! Everything changes.

    Gloria, I'm so sorry about your traumatic losses. That's enough to set anyone back. Stick with us and let us know how you are doing.

    Well, have a great evening everyone!
