Inches for Independence and 15 by Fireworks! JOIN US!!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    218.5 this morning!

    Down another 0.5 pounds!

    Slow little turtle is crawling towards the finish line. You are all doing amazing.



    10 Cups Water
    Under Calories



    12 Cups water
    Under Calories
    45 Minutes Cardio
    20 Minutes Resistence training

    8 Cups Water
    45 Minutes Exercise


    Get a friend and walk on your lunch break. Eat a quick healthy lunch.

    10 Cups Water
    Under Calories


    60 Minutes Movement
    8 Cups Water

    6 Servings fruits and veggies


    45 Minutes Exercise
    50 Crunches

    Under Cals

  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Lost the one pound I gained last week. Back to 165.5.
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 135.0
    Week 2: 135.5
    Week 3: 134.9
    Week 4: 134.3
    Week 5: 134.3

    I will be out of town for next week's weigh-in. I will catch up on the 13th!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I am at 148 down 1
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    171.5 today

    Great job everyone!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Stayed the same this week at 196.0 .
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I haven't been good about doing the challenges, so this week I'm really going to make a point to do it and get back to the gym.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    Well done everyone & i hope you are all well.
    Weight = 188.9 no change this week but i am happy as tom is here
    Neck = 13.13 inch
    Waist = 40 inch
    Hips = 48 inch
    Thigh right = 25.4 inch
    Thigh left = 25.2 inch
    Well i have been rubbish @ putting my food in my diary. I need to find some new energy in everything & not let things get to me.
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    217 this week down a pound
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    145.2 :happy: BIG loss this week! No new measurements until the 11th. I only take them once a month :)
  • toramo
    toramo Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry so late... yesterday slipped but weigh-in at 170
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I wasn't around yesterday so checking in today with 152.5. Down this week, thankfully, but still have a half pound lingering from that gain!
  • Weekly check in, no loss this week, but no gain either. Between TOM and BBQ'S, I am satisfired with thAT.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I guess last week WAS a fluke, because I'm down to 167.4 this week for a 3.6 pound loss!
  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member
    I guess last week WAS a fluke, because I'm down to 167.4 this week for a 3.6 pound loss!

    GO LIZ!!!!!!!!
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
    Weigh in this week = 179.4!!!! Yah - finally a loss!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Very happy to report a .6 lb loss!!!! :happy: Very big personal success for me as I was at a church campout for 5 days last week with lots of foods I love to eat. I made a chart for every day and brought it with me to record my foods. I ate to much but WAY less then I would of otherwise. And I drank my water!!
    CW: 222.6

    Everyone have a blessed week~ :flowerforyou:
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    Sorry guys... I missed out yesterday inputting my weeks goals or lack of in actuality!

    I will start by saying my goal for the end of this challenge is 172 by July 4th.

    My weight didn't budge but I'm to blame since I ate well over my caloric goal in observance of Mothers Day. I pulled the I don't care card! So here are my numbers

    CW 182
    Neck 13
    Bust 43.25
    Waist 37.5
    Hips 42.5
    Thigh 25 (both)

    My weight doesn't seem to be budging and I gained 1lb.
    CW: 183
    Neck: 14
    Bust: 45.5
    Waist: 37.0
    Hips: 43.0
    Thigh Right: 24.75
    Thigh Left: 24.25

    I'll keep moving and trying to get to that fifteen by the fourth.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    I going to be honest, i feel like giving up. When i behave with my eating, posting my food & exercise i don't lose anything. i know stress is a huge factor. I have not been putting my food in as it is getting me down putting in all the time. I really do not know how to get rid of this feeling.
    The one big change in my life is i start a new job on Thursday & i am really looking forward to it. I have been a stay @ home mum for 6yrs & i really needed to do something new. My husband is now the stay @ home dad & it is going to take some getting use to being @ work again. I will be taking my meals with me
    sorry for the really long post, i need to get it out
  • yenohamk
    yenohamk Posts: 117
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday, folks! But here it is: 146!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:

    I know most of it was bloat, but I'm glad to be safely in the 140s. I am NOT going to mess it up!!
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