"Totally Tall" Women of MFP (5'9" and up) Open Group



  • I'm 5'9 and hate it! I've always felt "big" because of my height and try to compensate for it by being thin.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I'm with OTM. used to hate the height, now I love it. BUT I still don't wear heels much. My husband is EXACTLY my height. I wore ballet slippers on our wedding day so his shoes would help him be the taller one in the photos. He doesn't care but it makes me feel amazonish. I think being tall makes having noticable weight worse, becuase it compounds the feeling big problem.

    I weighed in today and for the first time in a while I had lost some weight. I'm so happy today!

    Oh yeah, I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 171, started at 186, heading to 165 (maybe I'll learn to get to 156 but my goal is realistic at 165 because it doesn't require a huge life change and my life is already complicated enough!)
  • Hirondelle
    Hirondelle Posts: 10 Member
    5'10" here! I have lost 10 pounds so far and I can't see it at all. It's so frustrating!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    *waves* Hi Ladies.

    I'm 5'11 and 3 quarters....yes I always say that. I have the 6 footer complex going on. Sometimes I just say I'm 6' because with my hair I would pass lol. I wear a 11.5 shoe and I have a narrow foot. I hate to try on shoes just for them to be too wide. I do not like gapping shoes.

    I so love the fact we can gain a couple of unnoticeable pounds...well until it does catch up with me. And boy did it ever catch me and pass me and left me standing in my over weight denial!! Of course I'm good now. Trying to reach my goal of 180...I'm at 201 currently. I might look 180 :bigsmile: but the scale would have to disagree.

    Oh the other thing I don't like....people telling me I lost enough weight. You look good where you are. Well let me pull off these clothes and show you what I'm hiding then tell me I've lost too much :noway:

    I feel good. I know I'm healthy but I want a slimmer, toner body. I think people got so use to seeing me heavy that they have forgotten that I was once a slim basket ball player and hurdler. I'm trying to get back to that status...at least close to it.

    Have any of you gotten the you're too thin remarks?
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    5'9, Size 11 Feet...Down 50 lbs and only 1 dress size. Oh the perils of a "big girl."
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    I have gotten "you're not going to lose anymore weight are you?" I have lost 8 lbs.....only 8. I appear to be rather thin because of my height and yes, I'm thin, but my stomach and arm area are bigger then the rest of my body. If I lost another 8, it wouldn't make as big of a difference if I was half this size.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'm 5'11". Sadly I am not as thrilled with my height. I think it's because I have a very short, petite group of friends, who I feel like a mamoth next to.

    I feel your pain!! I hate going to bars with my girlfriends cuz I towers over all of them, even if they're in heels.

    I've learned over the years that a lot of shorter girls would love to have our height. They just don't know what we go through emotionally because its never really been made a issue. I think because of models...but the average woman doesn't have the luxuries that models have...yanno
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    6 feet!!! I'm in!! :bigsmile:

    Instead of focusing on the negatives, I'll focus on the positive. I have to say I LOVE being tall. As a woman, men love it! And as the weight is coming off it seems like men are flocking my way hehehe!

    I love that I don't have to be LOUD to be heard.
    I love that I stand out in a crowd without having to give much effort.
    I love that people think I'm smaller than what I really am.
    I that I can reach anything I want in my cabinets and not have to ask for assistance.
    I love wearing heels with my long legs :happy:
    I love that women shorter than me always say they wish they were taller.
    I love that no one is ever in my way! I can always see clear and focus on what's ahead!

    I love the way clothes fall on my physique! Being tall is a blessing!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5'10" and love it
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    5'10 and a 1/2 here! Was never really comfortable with my height, my husband is just a few inches taller than me. I am always asking him to stand up straight so he is taller than me. Just started feeling more comfortable wearing heels, but it's is so hard to find the cute shoes in the smaller heels! All the nice ones are in 3" or higher!

    Yes, my mom always said to me growing up, you should love being tall because you can carry weight easier, well, that is exactly what I did. I kept on carrying it! But no longer! Never quite understand though how the sizes fit different on smaller people.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Just recently I visited family and they haven't seen me since I was 346 lbs. They said I look like death! LMAO!!!

    I couldn't stop laughing, I told them I have 40-50 more pounds to lose. They said where. My upper body is smaller than my lower.

    I'm a size11/12 upper and a 14/16 below aiming for a size 10 below, 184 lbs -190 lbs
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    5ft 10 here. :)

    There is an advantage to being tall, people always underestimate my weight.

    For me, my weight loss is visible, but maybe because I am bottom heavy and lost weight from there.
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    6'0 even here and I love it. Granted, it took me a long time to learn to love it! :)
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    I love this thread! I'm 5'9", and I get so sick of feeling gigantic and awkward next to my short friends and family. And I love love love high heels, but tend not to wear them when it always makes me taller than my date! :wink:

    It's so nice to read this thread and feel better about the fact that I am NEVER going to be a size 2.
    Good luck girls, and feel free to add me for support.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I'm 5'9, was devastated to discover last week when I got measured that I have lost an inch since I last got measured a couple of years ago...I blame pregnancy and bad posture..so gutted!

    I have UK10 feet which is a nightmare as the only shop on the highstreet that sells that size caters for fat women with fat feet. I've got really narrow feet :~(
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Great group ... I'm 5'9 as well and I love the fact that I can put on 10 pounds and the only person notices is my mom ...lol

    I also get the , "you don't need to loose weight, you look fine" ..."your too thin already" ...."your tall so it doesn't look bad" ....arggg

    I would like a slimmer, more toned body ..... sadly I've put on about 10 pounds in 2 months and of course I can see it but everybody else thinks I look exactly the same.

    I am determined to get it off and tone up more......

    For jeans and pants ladies, I love New York and Company ... they have a "tall" selection and they fit me great.

    I'm currently wearing a size 10 shoe and pants .... would like to get down to a 6 (haha) but never can seem to get down past 8. Does anybody else have these type of problems .... where you want to drop more weight but your body is like "hell no" ... I've never been smaller than 150, even when I try my hardest, the scale won't budge.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'8.. and I agree that finding pants are hell. So is trying to find workout shorts that are long enough to cover my big rear end!

    I also get the too thin comments.. currently I'm at 161 and still have another 10-20 pounds to go.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    6 feet!!! I'm in!! :bigsmile:

    Instead of focusing on the negatives, I'll focus on the positive. I have to say I LOVE being tall. As a woman, men love it! And as the weight is coming off it seems like men are flocking my way hehehe!

    I love that I don't have to be LOUD to be heard.
    I love that I stand out in a crowd without having to give much effort.
    I love that people think I'm smaller than what I really am.
    I that I can reach anything I want in my cabinets and not have to ask for assistance.
    I love wearing heels with my long legs :happy:
    I love that women shorter than me always say they wish they were taller.
    I love that no one is ever in my way! I can always see clear and focus on what's ahead!

    I love the way clothes fall on my physique! Being tall is a blessing!!!! :flowerforyou:

    YES!!! I love this. I love my heels and my hubby is 5'8"....he loves his tall glass of water :bigsmile:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    6'2" here!!!! I actually love being tall! Not only was i really good in sports but now that I am thinner all the attention that i get for being tall is great. Plus my boyfriend is 6'7" so when we go places together i swear ppl stare at us like we a couple of pro athletes or something!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Just recently I visited family and they haven't seen me since I was 346 lbs. They said I look like death! LMAO!!!

    I couldn't stop laughing, I told them I have 40-50 more pounds to lose. They said where. My upper body is smaller than my lower.

    I'm a size11/12 upper and a 14/16 below aiming for a size 10 below, 184 lbs -190 lbs

    LoL I got that look the 1st time I lost weight so I started self sabatoging myself and gained 50lbs back. I am now back down to that "you look like death" weight but I don't care. I'm doing me.

    My measurements are like yours. I'm a 11/12 (Large) up top and a size 16 on bottom.

    Keep up the good work!!