the myth, starvation mode, and dont eat before bed.



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    <---- this is what eating 6 times a day might do to you....

    It might be possible to get better results doing a form of IF.


    Ok. So, I follow tried and true principles. I eat and work out in a way that makes sense intuitively. I get predictable results, which I have been happy with. But let me drop everything now and switch up to IF because somebody says "it might be possible to get better results".

    What does "better results" mean? Progress would be faster? Why not just take steroids?
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Cris not once have i said "don't eat." I am against long term fasting. That doesn't mean I don't believe in it. I wouldn't long term fast to lose weight. Somedays I eat 3000 calories within 1hr, with peanut butter cups, and cookies. I'll classify this as eating whatever i want. If people read this and think "oh he eats whatever he wants all the time" no i don't. I have specific days for certain biochemical goals.j

    In your defense cris. I also think a big part of it, it's for human nature to prolong their life span. Throughout time this has been true.

    Please aware us on what "biochemical goals" are served by your eating "3000 calories within 1 hr, with peanut butter cups, and cookies".

    okay, since i dont eat during the day my gh levels are high and my insulin is low. And my glycogen stores are low. I
    Eat lower high protein 2 days in a row depleting my glyocen stores. On day 3 the meal of mine you posted is to restore glycogen stores. Hence the tortilla, peanut butter cup, and the juice. This obviously increases insulin, which restores my muscle state.

    And regards to the other post. By the things you said i know you didnt know eating excess caqlories also increase insulin. Regardless of the macro nutrient. In summary you say im no expert but the nation academy of sports medicine qulificaton
    Qualifys me more than you. If I'm no expert, than that makes you less of someone whose no expert so how are you going around saying what's wrong or right?
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125

    why would you keep bumping this thread? The OP is complete garbage
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    why would you keep bumping this thread? The OP is complete garbage
    the person im quoting says it's garbage but they have no credentials

    According to some of these people I am no expert neither are they. Use ur best judgement
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Okay, obviously some people aren't reading this very carefully. Low caloric intake "OVER TIME" does decreasing muscle mass, never said It didn't. About the "studies" i am not going to go and paste the studies of over 14yrs of experience. Why do you need scientific studies to tell you something. For example, If you eat a lot, do you get tired of energized??? if a scientific study says "it energizes the body" are you going to believe it? Does it make sense being hungry is stress? Does it make sense that your body recuperates and repairs itself at night? DOes it make sense that, when you're hungry your body isn't processing food and you have more energy??? I don't need scientific studies to tell me anything. I go by personal experience, not someone who has been "taught" to read books, and believe them, just because "someone said so"

    Well maybe what works for you doesn't work for others. I never eat less than 50% of the calories to maintain my current weight. and when you eat 'a lot' of course you feel sluggish. But when you eat when you are hungry, make healthy choices, and eat less calories than you need to maintain, you lose the majority of pounds in body fat. And yes, food=energy. I am pretty sure if it didn't, we would not have to eat... but, thats just a "theory" ;)

    Does your biochemical response change if you eat A LOT or a little??? NO. still triggers the parasympathetic nervous system. Which is not beneficial to weight loss.

    Oh thanks doc! I didn't know MFP members offered free medical advice. You are so wrong its almost funny!
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I've been following a member's blog on here. She eats aprox 800 calories a day and works out to what she says is 700 calories burned. She then finds she has not lost any weight and wonders why. I consider her to be a perfect role model for what starvation mode really does.

    I'll pass and continue eating.

    Exactly. Glad to see most people are disagreeing with mr. sports medicine genius over here. 800 calories a day is about what the starving kids in africa are eating daily... Most of us have seen their pictures and agree they look pretty damn sick-not healthy or energized!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member

    why would you keep bumping this thread? The OP is complete garbage

    I bumped the thread bc I wanted to save it to "My Topics" so I could read it that a problem???
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I've been following a member's blog on here. She eats aprox 800 calories a day and works out to what she says is 700 calories burned. She then finds she has not lost any weight and wonders why. I consider her to be a perfect role model for what starvation mode really does.

    I'll pass and continue eating.

    Exactly. Glad to see most people are disagreeing with mr. sports medicine genius over here. 800 calories a day is about what the starving kids in africa are eating daily... Most of us have seen their pictures and agree they look pretty damn sick-not healthy or energized!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I've been following a member's blog on here. She eats aprox 800 calories a day and works out to what she says is 700 calories burned. She then finds she has not lost any weight and wonders why. I consider her to be a perfect role model for what starvation mode really does.

    I'll pass and continue eating.

    Exactly. Glad to see most people are disagreeing with mr. sports medicine genius over here. 800 calories a day is about what the starving kids in africa are eating daily... Most of us have seen their pictures and agree they look pretty damn sick-not healthy or energized!
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I've been following a member's blog on here. She eats aprox 800 calories a day and works out to what she says is 700 calories burned. She then finds she has not lost any weight and wonders why. I consider her to be a perfect role model for what starvation mode really does.

    I'll pass and continue eating.

    Exactly. Glad to see most people are disagreeing with mr. sports medicine genius over here. 800 calories a day is about what the starving kids in africa are eating daily... Most of us have seen their pictures and agree they look pretty damn sick-not healthy or energized!

    Thank you for informing me with your outdate article. (published in 1999! over TEN years old...) Science, including sports medicine and nutrition, have come leaps and bounds since I was nine years old. Like I said, the children in africa are consuming about 800 calories a day on average and they are not healthy. Next you are going to tell me that diet pills are a great idea...
    Oh and btw your whole human growth hormone argument... HGH is ALSO found in steroids... do you think its a good idea to USE steroids as well?
    And, by consuming a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and sometimes more, I am losing weight at a very rapid speed and also... I DO feel hungry when I eat. I don't eat unless I feel hunger. So bizarre how you can do that but still eat a reasonable amount of food, not 800 calories per day =)
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I think its different for everyone, especially women on eating back exercise calories. I don't eat all of them back, but I do eat a little more on the days I expend a higher amount of calories, but I would definitely gain if I ate all of them, or at least not lose my weekly goal. I think age, body type and exercise type all plays a factor into it as well. Men typically need a bit more after they work out, at least I have witnessed that with my boyfriend who is in excellent shape.
    glad to see I'm not the only one who "ate back" exercise calories and gained. before MFP, i ate 1200 calories whether I exercised or not, which i did religiously every day and still do, and consisently lost weight. with MFP, it adds my exercise calories back in and i'm allowed to eat even more calories which i caught myself doing. i gained weight! how frustrating! i'll keep using MVP but i'm not allowing myself extra food according to calories burned during exercise.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you for informing me with your outdate article. (published in 1999! over TEN years old...) Science, including sports medicine and nutrition, have come leaps and bounds since I was nine years old.

    Heart disease and diabetes have increased in the last 10yrs.

    Oh and btw your whole human growth hormone argument... HGH is ALSO found in steroids... do you think its a good idea to USE steroids as well?
    Why are steroids unhealthy? HGH isn't found in steroids from my understanding. You can drown in 1 inch of water, or suffocate with too much oxygen.
    And, by consuming a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and sometimes more, I am losing weight at a very rapid speed and also... I DO feel hungry when I eat. I don't eat unless I feel hunger. So bizarre how you can do that but still eat a reasonable amount of food, not 800 calories per day =)

    Today I ate almost 5000 calories a day. Am I deprived? no. Once again, I never recommended an 800 calorie diet. It's just to prove that you can lose weight on a VLCD despite the common bs about starvation mode. Yes Low calorie diets are unhealthy, I completely agree on that. You can lose weight eating throughout the day. I never said you couldn't. Its the most common approach to weight loss. You can get better results that are more health promoting eating a different way. That's all I am trying to say.

    As per the specification of this topic. It's about starvation mode. Which I have already discussed is a lie. It's about improper macro nutrient ratios. If you have a high carb diet, and ate low calories, you are more than likely to fall in to the starvation mode myth. The theory is "you need a certain amount of calories so you don't hit starvation mode" I already mentioned how that is false.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Thank you for informing me with your outdate article. (published in 1999! over TEN years old...) Science, including sports medicine and nutrition, have come leaps and bounds since I was nine years old.

    Heart disease and diabetes have increased in the last 10yrs.

    Oh and btw your whole human growth hormone argument... HGH is ALSO found in steroids... do you think its a good idea to USE steroids as well?
    Why are steroids unhealthy? HGH isn't found in steroids from my understanding. You can drown in 1 inch of water, or suffocate with too much oxygen.
    And, by consuming a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and sometimes more, I am losing weight at a very rapid speed and also... I DO feel hungry when I eat. I don't eat unless I feel hunger. So bizarre how you can do that but still eat a reasonable amount of food, not 800 calories per day =)

    Today I ate almost 5000 calories a day. Am I deprived? no. Once again, I never recommended an 800 calorie diet. It's just to prove that you can lose weight on a VLCD despite the common bs about starvation mode. Yes Low calorie diets are unhealthy, I completely agree on that. You can lose weight eating throughout the day. I never said you couldn't. Its the most common approach to weight loss. You can get better results that are more health promoting eating a different way. That's all I am trying to say.

    As per the specification of this topic. It's about starvation mode. Which I have already discussed is a lie. It's about improper macro nutrient ratios. If you have a high carb diet, and ate low calories, you are more than likely to fall in to the starvation mode myth. The theory is "you need a certain amount of calories so you don't hit starvation mode" I already mentioned how that is false.

    I think I see what you are trying to say, I just don't think you are very good an coming up with credible arguments. And yes, steroids are bad and have very serious side effects. Medicating to lose weight and gain muscle is an idiotic idea. Especially when you experience lack of libido, acne, emotional outbursts (especially in the form of rage), and other not so pleasant side effects. And yes, HGH is a very popular steroid, and is sold on the black market. I will not flood you with articles because of this handy tool called google. I read your profile and you said it yourself you have issues with keeping weight off after you lose it... Maybe it is because your dieting method is simply not working. I can't say for certain I will keep the weight I have lost off once I have reached my goal because I have never attempted weight loss before - but I do know it seems absolutely like a reasonable and seemingly easy task by eating when I am hungry, stopping when I am full, making healthier choices and making exercise a part of my new lifestyle. Yes heart disease and diabetes- and other obesity related diseases- have certainly increased in the United States and other countries in the past ten years- but so have trendy crash diets that cause the yo-yo effect of weight gain and muscle loss. There are many, many factors that have caused that increase and I would be willing to place money on a bet that it has absolutely zero to do with your incredibly outdated and irrelevant article. I also am well aware that of course you will lose weight on a diet that extremely low in calories. Have you seen someone suffering from anorexia? They are extremely thin. But also malnourished. I am done arguing with you considering you actually rhetorically inquired about steroid use, because its hilarious to me you actually find nothing wrong with using them. Please, do your 800 calorie/day diet you sent me, show me results, and then keep the weight off for a minimum of 1 year. If you can do this and look healthy, I will bow to you sir.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think I see what you are trying to say, I just don't think you are very good an coming up with credible arguments. And yes, steroids are bad and have very serious side effects. Medicating to lose weight and gain muscle is an idiotic idea. Especially when you experience lack of libido, acne, emotional outbursts (especially in the form of rage), and other not so pleasant side effects. And yes, HGH is a very popular steroid, and is sold on the black market. I will not flood you with articles because of this handy tool called google. I read your profile and you said it yourself you have issues with keeping weight off after you lose it... Maybe it is because your dieting method is simply not working. I can't say for certain I will keep the weight I have lost off once I have reached my goal because I have never attempted weight loss before - but I do know it seems absolutely like a reasonable and seemingly easy task by eating when I am hungry, stopping when I am full, making healthier choices and making exercise a part of my new lifestyle. Yes heart disease and diabetes- and other obesity related diseases- have certainly increased in the United States and other countries in the past ten years- but so have trendy crash diets that cause the yo-yo effect of weight gain and muscle loss. There are many, many factors that have caused that increase and I would be willing to place money on a bet that it has absolutely zero to do with your incredibly outdated and irrelevant article. I also am well aware that of course you will lose weight on a diet that extremely low in calories. Have you seen someone suffering from anorexia? They are extremely thin. But also malnourished. I am done arguing with you considering you actually rhetorically inquired about steroid use, because its hilarious to me you actually find nothing wrong with using them. Please, do your 800 calorie/day diet you sent me, show me results, and then keep the weight off for a minimum of 1 year. If you can do this and look healthy, I will bow to you sir.

    Thank you.

    Here's the problem can't argue with an idiot...because they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Intelligent people eventually give up...and then the idiot that's posting the misinformation ends up with free reign to do and say as he pleases, post his garbage information wherever he pleases, and in the end, confuse and possibly hurt a lot of innocent people who are just trying to lose weight in a comfortable, safe manner.

    In my opinion, this is where moderators should step in. When it comes to peoples should be bannable. I've been an admin/moderator on MANY automotive forums, as well as bladesmithing forums. Each forum I was with, implemented a clause into the agreement that if you were banned, and you tried to rejoin under a false name or could be sued for stupid amounts of money for breaking the agreement.

    it worked.

    To Ascriminal:

    Go back and read all your posts. You change your stance so many times it's not even funny...and I don't care if YOU think you have it straight in YOUR head...your method of communicating it to others is flawed at best. One second you're exclaiming that starvation mode isn't real...then that it's real but misunderstood...then that it's a man? Do YOU even know what the hell you're talking about?

    Once again...a plea to the moderators to please do something about this guy?

  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I think I see what you are trying to say, I just don't think you are very good an coming up with credible arguments. And yes, steroids are bad and have very serious side effects. Medicating to lose weight and gain muscle is an idiotic idea. Especially when you experience lack of libido, acne, emotional outbursts (especially in the form of rage), and other not so pleasant side effects. And yes, HGH is a very popular steroid, and is sold on the black market. I will not flood you with articles because of this handy tool called google. I read your profile and you said it yourself you have issues with keeping weight off after you lose it... Maybe it is because your dieting method is simply not working. I can't say for certain I will keep the weight I have lost off once I have reached my goal because I have never attempted weight loss before - but I do know it seems absolutely like a reasonable and seemingly easy task by eating when I am hungry, stopping when I am full, making healthier choices and making exercise a part of my new lifestyle. Yes heart disease and diabetes- and other obesity related diseases- have certainly increased in the United States and other countries in the past ten years- but so have trendy crash diets that cause the yo-yo effect of weight gain and muscle loss. There are many, many factors that have caused that increase and I would be willing to place money on a bet that it has absolutely zero to do with your incredibly outdated and irrelevant article. I also am well aware that of course you will lose weight on a diet that extremely low in calories. Have you seen someone suffering from anorexia? They are extremely thin. But also malnourished. I am done arguing with you considering you actually rhetorically inquired about steroid use, because its hilarious to me you actually find nothing wrong with using them. Please, do your 800 calorie/day diet you sent me, show me results, and then keep the weight off for a minimum of 1 year. If you can do this and look healthy, I will bow to you sir.

    Thank you.

    Here's the problem can't argue with an idiot...because they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Intelligent people eventually give up...and then the idiot that's posting the misinformation ends up with free reign to do and say as he pleases, post his garbage information wherever he pleases, and in the end, confuse and possibly hurt a lot of innocent people who are just trying to lose weight in a comfortable, safe manner.

    In my opinion, this is where moderators should step in. When it comes to peoples should be bannable. I've been an admin/moderator on MANY automotive forums, as well as bladesmithing forums. Each forum I was with, implemented a clause into the agreement that if you were banned, and you tried to rejoin under a false name or could be sued for stupid amounts of money for breaking the agreement.

    it worked.

    To Ascriminal:

    Go back and read all your posts. You change your stance so many times it's not even funny...and I don't care if YOU think you have it straight in YOUR head...your method of communicating it to others is flawed at best. One second you're exclaiming that starvation mode isn't real...then that it's real but misunderstood...then that it's a man? Do YOU even know what the hell you're talking about?

    Once again...a plea to the moderators to please do something about this guy?


    Nope, there's no arguing with some people. Especially when there are no sources to back it up! And Ladyhawk did a good job listing sources and intelligent arguments.... If anyone listens to some of the advice, "some people" have given from this thread - so help them....
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    Nope, there's no arguing with some people. Especially when there are no sources to back it up! And Ladyhawk did a good job listing sources and intelligent arguments.... If anyone listens to some of the advice, "some people" have given from this thread - so help them....

    Here are my sources, over 13yrs in the health and fitness field, NASM certification course (national academy of sports medicine Personal Trainer ) and here are some links for you.

    fasting burns 5 times more fat.

    resistance training and fasting, weight is preserved, insulin is down

    Weight training prevents muscle loss on a low calorie diet

    Multiple feedings has no effect on the BMR or Active metabolic rate

    gherlin triggers Growth Hormone (gherlin is the signal for hunger)
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Cris the way starvation mode is a "MYTH" it's not based on your caloric in take, it's based on your macro nutrient ratios. I stated that a few times. You can eat a low caloric diet and not go in to the supposed starvation mode.