August 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @JoRocka - hope your calf is feeling better! Did you hydrate well before your run? I had a terrible cramp in my calf that knocked me out for a week or so and I am pretty sure it was because I wasn't hydrated and it was really, really hot. Love the pictures - my dog likes to help me roll and stretch. He wants to lick away the sweat (YUCK) and just gets in my face. That is a really weird ant thingy - I have never seen anything like that!
    @WhatMeRunning - you have been pushing it pretty hard! I hope a bit of a break and rest helps and you can come back rested and ready to run again! My body typically lets me know that I need to rest by making sure I hurt somewhere :)
    @ddmom0811 - you continue to amaze me with your long rides!
    @skippygirlsmom - Awesome that you got gift cards to your favorite running store! I need to find one of those around here that sponsors fun 5 and 10Ks - I don't do enough of those and it would probably be good for me!
    @7lenny7 - so cool to run areas you ran growing up! Have fun at your reunion!
    8/1: 5 miles

    8/8: 3 miles; 5 was scheduled, but I am upping my long run to 18 from 16 tomorrow because we're finally having a Sunday with a high below 90 degrees, so that means a beautiful morning to run long! Plus, I have to hurry up and shower because there's a $12 dress sale at Old Navy but it only goes until 1 pm! And since I'm slimming out of half my clothes it seems, I need to get all the bargain prices I can!
    I'm with you on keeping up on what's on sale and getting bargains! I swim laps for exercise as well and have found I need smaller trunks or else when I flip turn, I run the risk of my trunks not staying where they should! LOL

    My wife and I have been working on losing weight this year and we are keeping our local Goodwill and consignment store in business!

    Congrats on the need for new clothes. It's a great feeling!
    @kristinegift and @bigorangemichael - It is SUCH a great feeling to need new clothes! When I lost all my weight I pretty much turned over my entire closet. It was so much fun buying everything new even though my husband wasn't thrilled with the expense! I kind of miss that now but I still treat myself when I see something cute on sale and especially if it is something I could not have worn before (or running clothes :))
    @5BeautifulDays - love the trail pictures! Wish I had somewhere here like that to run!

    I had a pretty good long run today. I am still fighting that sore muscle pain in my side. I think I must have pulled something there. It is fine when I walk but when I start to run I must engage that muscle and it is excruciating and brought tears to my eyes. I almost went back home but once I was running I was fine. So... I ran most of the 10.5 miles without stopping because I knew it would really hurt to start again. Of course I had to stop for the dog to do his business and to get some water but otherwise we just kept moving. I took some Aleve and hoping with rest tomorrow it will be fine!

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks all for the encouragement. Ended up racing the sprint triathlon this morning (w. Waterproof bandages over the bite) and earned some hardware (2nd age group prize, 19th/244 overall), but had to leave early for a wedding and couldn't collect the age group prize medal.

    I was pretty exhausted by the run, but put together a 21:54 5k (7:03/mile pace - 21st out of 244). Still, the bike went well (19/244 on a $170 Walmart road bike), and I had the fastest Transition 2, and T1+T2 time overall (as I did the bike + run in the same shoes without socks which helped). Swim start was botched, but I avoided getting kicked too much.

    8/1 - 3 miles
    8/2 - 6 miles
    8/4 - 12 miles
    8/5 - 5.5 miles
    8/6 - 8 miles (w. 8x800s @ 6:22 pace)
    8/8 - 3 miles (triathlon 5k @ 7:03 pace)

    Total: 37.5 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
    Remaining: 102.5 miles
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    My July goal was 30 miles and I hit that. I think I will shoot for 35 for August.

    8/2 - 3.5mi. PR for distance Woohoo! According to my GPS I went 3.5 but according to the trail map I did 3.7 miles. I am going with my GPS since I always use the same one when I run so any errors should be consistent. Walking up to get ice cream with son and dog later so that will be another 3 miles but I will not include it in my monthly total.
    8/4 - 3.6mi. Another PR! I went for a run on my break at work because I was falling asleep at my desk, don't tell the boss, and I ended up completing the run in 50 minutes which is what it took me to run 5k last month in the heat and humidity. I learned that my ideal pace right now is about a 13 minute pace so I was able to cut out most of the walk breaks except for walking up the big hill at the end of trail. (Why is there always a big hill at the end of a run?)
    8/6 - 3.5mi. Got up at 6:30am on my day off for a beautiful cool morning run with Neeko. Kept my average pace at 13:14 which seems to be ideal for me but I will admit my legs were tired when I was done. That hasn't happened in a while but it was a great feeling.
    8/8 - 2mi. Over did it on strength training yesterday and pushed myself to do 3 reps of 12 leg presses at 210 lbs so my legs were dead today. Even Neeko was confused when I turned around early LOL. I think I am going to try again tomorrow depending on how crazy work is and I am not sure if I want to push for 4 miles since I just stepped up to 3.5 last week. I guess I will see how I feel.

    Completed : 12.6
    To go : 22.4

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    August goal 60 miles

    8/1 I really...
    8/2 Need to find a better source
    8/3 For my Chinese take out supply....
    8/4 Managed a 1.17 "ralk" with all 3 puppies
    8/5 3.1 on the dreadmill until the aforementioned Chinese food from hell re "reared" (pun intended)
    its ugly head.
    8/6 2.52
    8/7 5
    8/8 3.67

    Total 15.44

    Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date:


  • colleen_mairead_xo
    colleen_mairead_xo Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new at this, I've been walking five days a week for just about a month now. Not especially long distances, I make sure to make time for at least a mile (to build the habit) so I'm going to aim for 40 miles this month (: My ultimate goal is to run a 5k in the spring, so any training advice for this noob is greatly appreciated! Best of luck to everyone!
  • colleen_mairead_xo
    colleen_mairead_xo Posts: 78 Member


  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    Whoo Hoo and congrats @ohhim !!! Your times are great! Glad you feel great. (I'm also glad they are being proactive with that dog and taking steps to prevent it from happening again.) Many congratulations on your Triathlon yesterday!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I want to run where you are- take me with you!!!
    shanaber wrote: »
    @JoRocka - hope your calf is feeling better! Did you hydrate well before your run? I had a terrible cramp in my calf that knocked me out for a week or so and I am pretty sure it was because I wasn't hydrated and it was really, really hot. Love the pictures - my dog likes to help me roll and stretch. He wants to lick away the sweat (YUCK) and just gets in my face. That is a really weird ant thingy - I have never seen anything like that!

    :( I'm still gimping around- our studio made an all day showing at the butterfly festival (it's hosted by the local watershed weird but whatever- facetime with potential clients matters) and we did 3 sets- so I danced 9 times yesterday through the course of the day.

    I'm feeling it today- I'm not sure what to do if I can't get this functional by tuesday!! I'm rolling as best I can without beating it up TO bad. I have some work today- one workshop and hopefully that's it. Trying to get some quality restoritive yoga in and roll a little bit as well.

    It didn't feel like a cramp- it came on fairly slowly- I'm hesitant in thinking maybe I had a larger micro tear. Today it just feels the exact same way when I WAY over did it in calf work on the machine- like that kind of uber "over did it weight training" kind of sore.
    Hoping I can work it out in 2-3 days. I generally drink 3 quarts of water a day- so I keep up reasonably well on hydration- but it could have been a contributing factor- I'm definitely a site today- hobbling around. about to go dance some more unfortunately- but it is what it is!! NO REST FOR THE WICKED!
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I didn't manage to run even once on a work day because our week was super busy, but I got a run in today!

    8/1: 3.4 km
    8/3: 2.6 km
    8/9: 2.6 km

    which brings me to 8.6 km total. Better step my game up! I started Couch to 5K today and lived through the first workout, yay :)

    @Ohhim Congrats on your triathlon! :)

    @colleen_mairead_xo Welcome from a fellow running noob - I'd like to be able to run a 5k in the spring, too, so we even have the same goal :)
  • spangolin
    spangolin Posts: 28 Member
    1/8: 4m
    2/8: 3m
    3/8: 5m
    4/8: rest
    5/8: 5m
    6/8: 3m
    7/8: 4m
    8/8: rest
    9/8: 5 miles - knocked 2 minutes off previous 5 mile time :)
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    Rest up @WhatMeRunning You'll be training for that 50miler in no time!
    7 miles again today. Lovely day Runners!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles

    I ran the first 8 miles on my own at a 9:13 pace and then met up with 6 people from my running group who did the next 10 with me. I was really grateful for their company because I definitely started crashing around mile 15/16. Managed to stick to a 9:33 pace for the second 10 and I would have paced probably closer to 10 without their motivation. Besides being tired from running 18 miles, my legs/knees/Achilles all feel pretty great, so I'm optimistic about my long weekly miles going forward! This is my longest run for a few weeks til I do 18 again in September, and it was definitely a good one! Perfect weather, good company, and so much G2 Gatorade in the fridge was waiting for me when I got home!


  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    3.6 miles, and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!

  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    2.5 miles this morning. Not very pretty (morning workouts always kind of suck for me) but got it done. :) That makes 16 miles total for the month out of a 40 mile goal. Traveling for a sales meeting so probably won't get another in until Wednesday or so. Hopefully I'll be well rested and get a long one in then. Have a great week everyone!
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    3.5 yesterday. Past couple of runs I have noticed some tenderness near/behind the outside of my left ankle. It's actually a little swollen, but not a real nuisance when walking. I'm guessing it's from overuse due to increase in miles (June was around 50, July was 88.5). I'm going to rest it today and tomorrow, see how it looks and feels on Tuesday. Ice it. My guess is that I'm developing tendinosis. Hope I caught it early enough that a few days off and shorter runs will correct the problem. If I can't run on it comfortably by the end of the week, I'll pay my doctor a visit. 24.1/90
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1- 8.35 miles. walk
    2- 5.9
    3 rest
    4- 3.24
    5 rest
    6- 3.27
    7- busy, hot, lazy unplanned rest day
    8- 3.12 to make up for unplanned rest day.
    9- 7.13 hot. HI >90


    Training plan called for 9.5 today. Late start, hot, and already a bit dehydrated.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited August 2015

    Fleet gifts cards!

    Adorable picture of both of you! Congratulations!

    @ohhim - well done!
    @shanaber - that's so strange how it hurts when you transition from walk to run. Hope it's better today.

    Aug 1 - 43 mile bike ride
    Aug 2 - 37 mile bike ride
    Aug 3 - 4.1 miles
    Aug 4 - 4.15 miles in morning; strength training and cycling class. yeah, I’m crazy.
    Aug 5 - 6.15 miles - too hot to do my long run for the week.
    Aug 6 - strength training and cycling class (hills!)
    Aug 7 - rest day
    Aug 8 - 34 mile bike ride
    Aug 9 - 46 mile bike ride - increasing our mileage because we are doing a charity ride in Sept - 62 miles. Yeah, apparently I can't say no. Got that on Sept 13 and then the HM on Oct 4.

  • Nettiejb
    Nettiejb Posts: 18 Member
    Today I did my first 10 mile in months!! Really pleased with my pace and the strength in my legs. In five weeks today these little beasties will be carrying me over the finish line of my first half marathon :-)

    Total so far this month 40.28/90 :smiley:
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @shanaber and @JoRocka --it is a beautiful place, one of the most remote-feeling parks in a very built-up area. I'm so grateful for all the lovely parks near my home in northern VA.

    8/1 3.2 @ 10:55 (race)
    8/2 5.0 @ 20:00 (hiking)
    8/3 4.5 @ 18:00 (walk with kids and dog)
    8/4 4.0 @ 11:30 (treadmill) and strength training
    8/5 Amusement Park Day
    8/6 3.0 @ 12:00 and strength training
    8/7 Aquarium Day

    8/8 4.0 @ 15:00 (my first technical trail)
    8/9 5.0 @ 12:00 on my normal trail--felt a little sluggish

