Pregnancy 2011- June



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    I haven't seen this discussed here (since I've been pregnant and on this board) so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

    Are you for or against immunizations? Why/why not?

    I'm for immunizations. Celine is completely up-to-date on her ones and this baby will be the same. In my mind the benefits well out way any risks that the immunizations could cause.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Had my second midwife appointment today. She apparently likes to book every 4 weeks from the start rather than every 6. Didn't try to hear baby's heartbeat today but got my forms for bloods to be done at 10 weeks and NT scan to be done at 12 weeks. Very excited about the chance to see baby again.

    Still being sick occasionally but no where near as much as before.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    well.... I made today my last day at work.

    I feel bad because I still have 10 weeks until I am due, but it was just getting to be too much for me. I still have to get my drs note tomorrow... I am really hoping my dr will do one for me since I already told work I am done, but I need a sick note to get paid out my sick days!!

    Have read all but will have to respond later :-)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Julie - I know what you mean. I cant believe that some of us are getting so close. And grats on no weight gain. I am scared to step on the scale Friday.

    Anne - do you have other symptoms than just nausea? My throwing up and bloating did lead to them finding the gall stone. It would be worth talking to your dr about.

    Rachael - congrats on baby turning around! I like both those names. We havent finalized a middle name (and we wont until she is born but I have a good idea what it will be).

    Danielle - good luck on glucose test!

    Misd - I use the watermelon comments all the time. Anytime anyone comments on me moving slow or waddling!

    As far as vaccinations (and I assume we are not passing judgments on people's opinions): I think its good for children to get vaccinated. I have weighed the pros/cons. My issue is the schedule that drs want to use. I would never (as a consenting adult) get 4 shots in one sitting, why would I put my poor small baby through that? Plus if she has an allergic reaction and only getting like 1-2 shots at a time, it would be much easier to figure out whats the problem.

    AFM: My office went to the baseball game today. I made it 2.5 hours before the seat was just too uncomfortable. Since I have gotten home, baby has made my night uncomfortable! I just have to keep telling myself we have at most 6 more weeks of this. That gets me through the pains.
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Lindsay: Glad your apt. went well. Who is your OB if you don't mind my asking.
    My OB is Dr. Smithing at the Ogden Clinic. It's a joint practice, so I alternate appointments between him and the nurse practioner Marilyn Wise. So far I've been really happy with them.
  • rach_00
    rach_00 Posts: 72
    Hi everyone. Im trying to loose weight before TTC.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Lindsay: Glad your apt. went well. Who is your OB if you don't mind my asking.
    My OB is Dr. Smithing at the Ogden Clinic. It's a joint practice, so I alternate appointments between him and the nurse practioner Marilyn Wise. So far I've been really happy with them.

    Ok, I know who they are! I've been to Marilyn Wise, I like her a lot. I usually go to that Ogden Clinic for most everything else. Dr. Smithing is actually doing my mother's hysterectomy this Friday. I think she likes him too. It's nice to have someone you like for all that kind of stuff.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I haven't seen this discussed here (since I've been pregnant and on this board) so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

    Are you for or against immunizations? Why/why not?

    I am for immunizations. Too many kids have died from these illnesses, and many more hospitalized etc. If I can spare my child the misery of illness it's worth it for a few pricks. (Interesting note: my daughter always started screaming, from 4 months on, before they even gave the first shot, while my son never seemed to notice or care!) We've done immunizations on schedule for all 3 of my kids (including Guardasil for my daughter ... if the pediatrician was comfortable giving it to her own girls, I felt okay having my daughter immunized too) and never seen any ill effects.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Bump. Still kicking, AF came on Monday, so another month TTC. :ohwell:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Do any of you do strength training during your pregnancy? No, I am not trying to like bulk up like crazy or anything. I have our wedding next month and was thinking about purchasing low weight dumb bells to try to tone my arms for the wedding. I know one month of it wont do miracles but it has to do something right? I just got a horrible picture in my head of my flabby arms in my dress. Yikes!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Bump :)
  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    I do modified P90X (Due date = Dec 13th). I am generally somewhat fit normally, though (I'm not a couch potato), so this works for me. I listen to my body. Walking isn't enough for me!!! I keep my protein WAY up, though...closer to 70 grams or so that they recommend. Otherwise you won't build the muscle you need and still have enough for baby and everything else. :) Good luck!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Regina- Thanks for the realistic outlook. My sister has a very close body type to me so I am assuming my loss will be close to hers… but who knows! Not taking anything for granted!

    Lindsey- Fun you got another US! And great that everything looked good! My LO had times when she measured a week small but then the next time would measure within a day so they I wouldn’t worry either.

    Justsummie- welcome

    Danielle- Hope your glucose results are good!

    Immunizations- I am for them. I think it is a personal choice for each parent but for me they are important and can help avoid/spread diseases that we do not want around.

    Rachael- I am sorry walking has become hard for you. I depend on that form of exercise. Let me know if you find something else that you like!

    Patricia- Glad you had a great apt! Also glad you get to see your LO again soon.

    Rachel- I don’t think you need to feel bad about ending work. You have that option and it is wearing on your body. You are doing what is best for you and your LO! I think your dr. should give you a note, keep us updated!

    Maureen- I am impressed you made it 2.5 hours in those baseball seats. They are rough! 6 weeks girl, I keep telling myself 9.

    Rach_00- welcome

    Carina- Sorry about AF :( Thinking about you!

    Elizabeth- I didn’t strength train but wish I had. Before getting pregnant I was training like crazy for a half marathon, ran my half… got preggo… instead of keeping up with it I was coaching and throwing up so working 14 hours a day left no room for exercise. When I started back up again I just started walking. I think its fine to strength train, probably good for you!

    Hi Jenna :)

    Sorry if I missed anyone.

    AFM: So my DH and I leave tomorrow for vacation. I got up early to walk before it was too hot (it still felt too hot at 7:30) and now I am doing laundry, cleaning, packing… all that fun stuff. I have my pregnancy massage tonight which I am so looking forward too! Tomorrow we will leave sometime in the AM and drive 7.5 hours to Raleigh NC and stay with a friend. Sat. we will go the rest of the way to the beach (3.5 hours). I am really looking forward to it, we will be driving the 11 hours home on the 11th. The house has high speed internet and I will have the Ipad so I will be on here and there because we will be doing lots of relaxing but I may be on less than usual!
  • luna88
    luna88 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I would love to join this group! I am trying to lose weight so me and hubby can ttc. We started trying last year but then my husband was in a car accident and since he has been off work we have stopped ttc until we know what is going on with him. Also I really wanted to be healthy before we did start trying so here I am. Today was my first weigh in after my first week on program and I lost 3lbs! So I am off to a good start! Have a great day everyone!! :)
  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry. I should have posted this. Here's a link for some shoulder exercises:

    You can also do triceps, too, as well as biceps. Just keep the weight comfortable for you, always support your balance, and listen to your body! Obviously, no push-ups (do on wall instead) or pull-ups. Watch heavy weights over your head, although I doubt that's gonna be a problem. ;) We are more limber in pregnancy, so just listen to your body, and give your arms enough rest.

    Have a fabulous weddding!! How exciting! :)

  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Received the "lovely" phone call this morning that I FAILED my glucose.... :sad: :sad: :sad: The cut off is 135 and I got 145 :grumble:

    So, I will be doing the lovely 4 hour test in a couple weeks. I don't know why but I am incredibly emotional about this. Makes me feel like I never should have gotten pregnant at my size, even after losing 120+lbs. I know everything happens for a reason and we were meant to be pregnant with Avery right now but, Mama's emotions are alllllllll over the place!
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    On the subject of vaccines. They scare me to death because of the possibilities of autisem. I know it's not 'proven' but there's enough people out there that tell of having a perfectly normal child until the vaccines that it just makes you wonder... But, that being said, it doesn't scare me enough to do away with all of them. I talked to my Dr. about it and he said that some of the vaccines out there he just doesn't feel like are really necissary. aka: chicken pox, flu and maybe a couple others. Yea, chicken pox and the flu are miserable, but not necessarily life- threatening to a healthy child. From what I have gathered it's not so much the actual disease part of the vaccine that is harmful, but all the preservatives and extra stuff in them. (the stuff that's in anti-freeze??? really???) My Dr. feels like that in small doses you have a better chance of everything being fine. He doesn't like to give more than two vaccines at a time although I think he did give three once. If DS needed more than two at a certain age he would have me come in a couple weeks later just for the shots. A pain, yes, but worth a bit of peace of mind for me. I wish Annabelle were around for this conversation. I'm sure she would have a bit of a different view to throw in since I think I remember her saying that they choose not to vaccinate their children at all. Let's try to remember to ask her when she gets back...

    Danielle - So sorry about your glucose test results.... :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- Your size pretty much has nothing to do with the glucose test results. I think my OB told me 10% of women actually develop gestational diabetes and a huge percentage more fail the 1 hour test (yet don't have GD).

    The 2 people I know who failed their gestational diabetes test are my MIL, who weighed about 100 lbs when she got pregnant, and my supervisor, who is a size 6 AFTER pregnancy.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Wow, I take a break from the computer for one day and I miss so much!!! Sorry in advance for long post, just trying to catch up.

    Ashley – I was nauseated for almost the whole first trimester, I hope it doesn’t last too long for you. Oh and I started to get dizzy a few days before I missed my period, that’s what made me think I might be pregnant. Sorry about your friend, I’ve been there with one of my good friends and it’s really pointless to tell her to leave because you know she won’t. It’s sad, but I gave up trying after a while.

    Lynn – hope you have a good appointment today and the doctor can answer all your questions about Strep B.

    Julie – you’re co-workers sound a lot like mine! I was hesitant to take off because of saving my days, but with the new contract next month we’re losing all our personal days. And according to our union they can’t take them back if I’ve already used them! :laugh:

    Anne – I hope the Nexium works for you. Yea for a new fridge!!!!!! That’s nice of the guy to hook everything up for you. Enjoy your massage, let us know how it went. Hope you have a great vacation!

    Rachael – I wouldn’t be too worried about her size right now. If I remember Amanda was told her baby would be 10+ and he was only 7 something. And I love both of the names you’ve narrowed it down to! I was having horrible pains for a while when I walked and then they suddenly went away, hope it passes for you.

    Mel – your husband sounds like mine, except that he doesn’t want to travel he wants to go live in a 3 world country as a missionary. :noway: I told him he married the wrong woman for that!

    Luff1007 – welcome! I kept my goal to lose 1 pound a week while TCC, once I found out I was pregnant I upped it to maintain.

    Mamarandall – glad you’re move went well, take it easy!

    Lindsay – I love surprise ultrasounds!!! Glad everything looks good.

    Justsummie, rach_00 and luna88 – welcome!

    Danielle – I have no issues with immunizations. I was given them all and had no problem, and since I’m doing daycare they’re all required. I’m so sorry you failed the test, but if it makes you feel any better I read in one of my books that most of the positives in one hour test are false. And even if you do have gestational diabetes they are plenty of women who do and still have healthy babies. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    Patricia – glad you’re starting to feel better.

    Rachel – you know your body better than anyone, stopping work now may be what’s best for you and baby.
    Maureen – only 6 more weeks!!

    Carina – boo for AF!!! :grumble: Baby dust to you, hopefully this next month will be it for you. :flowerforyou:

    Elizabeth – I did strength training before I got pregnant (only used 3 pound weights) I really toned up my flabby arms.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    My mental health day helped me a lot. I shut of my phone, just relaxed at home and caught up on House. That show gives me high blood pressure!!! :laugh:

    Had an uneventful doctor appt today (I guess uneventful right now is good). Kathryn's HB is strong and she’s a crazy active baby, the doctor had to chase her down to listen to the HB she was moving so much. The only thing I’m not happy about is my weight gain. I’m up 9.8 pounds since my last appointment, which puts me at 22.8 pounds at 22 weeks --- not happy. :angry: :explode: :grumble: I’m not sure how that’s though possible since last week I was only up 2. But she didn’t mention it, so as much as I’m frustrated I guess they don’t consider it a problem right now.

    I just found out that my co-workers sister had her baby last night at 25 weeks! She had uncontrollable high blood pressure and the neo-natal specialist said the baby was in more danger staying in, so they did an emergency c-section. She weighs 1 pound 1 ounce and it 11 inches long, but she’s breathing on her one, crying and already had a bowel movement so they say she’s doing great. I gave Kathryn strict orders not to get any ideas about coming early.

    Baby moved up a box!!!! :happy:
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