"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • jennifermi
    jennifermi Posts: 50 Member
    Name: Jennifer

    Start Weight (29th June):216.2
    Goal Weight (14th Sept): 199

    29th June:216.2
    6th July:214.8
    13th July:211.7
    20nd July:209.6
    27th July: 208.2

    3rd August: 206.0
    10th August: 204.2
    17th August: 205.6

    Weight goal for this week: 2
    Weight lost/gained this week: +1.4

    Okay most of this was probably due to the week off that I had ( the heat and the icecream) but it didn't help that weigh in day was also day one of aunt flo's visit. Going to pick up my boot straps and do better food wise this week and hope for a better weigh in next week.
    KYOG40DAYS Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Kyo
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight: 167?
    Goal Weight end of year: 142

    21st Aug:
    24th Aug:
    31st Aug:

    7th Sep:
    14th Sep:
    21st Sep:
    28th Sep:

    4th Oct:
    11th Oct:

    Goal weight loss for this week: 2
    Weight loss so far: 0
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Welcome Newbies, great to have you.
    Congrats on all losers and for those seeming stuck, keep pushing that scale is going to move soon.
    You will be so glad that you stayed the course.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Squeeze in a workout

    If you have the time, use your lunch break to fit in a quick jog, yoga class, or gym session. Breaking up your day with some exercise will boost your metabolism and leave you reenergized for the rest of the afternoon.

    Drink a glass of green tea: This healthy beverage has been shown to increase metabolism.

    Go for a walk:Take a break from the office, and take a walk around the block. You will think more clearly and come back to the office rejuvenated — the quick dose of vitamin D doesn't hurt either!

    Take time away from the screen: Step away from your monitor, and focus on enjoying the meal in front of you. Distracted eating (even if you're just scanning the web) can cause you to eat more, eventually leading to weight gain.

    Hit the stairs: If your office building has a stairwell that is easily available, challenge yourself to take a few floors. You'll get blood flowing, and your heart pumping, plus it's a quick way to burn calories without actually getting outside.

    Skip sugary drinks: Cut calories by saying goodbye to sugary juices and sodas. Certain drinks pack as many calories as your meal, plus they can leave you feeling foggy or jittery.

    Make your lunch: Instead of ordering in, take a few minutes to make your own sandwich or salad, or heat up last night's leftovers. Eating homemade meals will save calories and money.

  • jennifermi
    jennifermi Posts: 50 Member
    So true on the homemade meals and packing your lunch. I think my being unprepared is what my biggest obstacle was. So much easier planning ahead and now my kids are in on it so it has become a family affair
  • Minamize
    Minamize Posts: 9 Member
    Minamize wrote: »
    Hi i would like to join
    Height 5'2
    Start Weight:146
    Goal Weight:129

    28th Jul:146
    4th Aug: 143
    11th Aug: 143
    18th Aug: 143 :'(
    25th Aug

    1st Sep
    8th Sep
    15th Sep
    22nd Sep
    29th Sep

    6th Oct
    13th Oct

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Aug.18 down .25 :/ better than nothing
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member

    Height 5'9
    Start Weight:225
    Goal Weight:160

    Aug 16 225
    Aug 23
    Aug 30
    Sept 6
    Sept 13
    Sept 20
    Sept 27
    Oct 4
    Oct 11
    Oct 18
    Oct 25
    Nov 1
    Nov 8
  • tarynmcbride
    tarynmcbride Posts: 32 Member
    izzy214 wrote: »
    Good Morning all
    Do You want to lose weight, are you truly up for the challenge? Embarking on a weight-loss plan involves more than a desire to see lower numbers on the scale; it also requires a healthy mindset, consistent commitment, and support from others throughout your journey. Please join in and lets get this challenge started. Every Journey starts with the First Step! Jump in when you are ready to start your 12 weeks, you will be glad you did.

    I am starting a 12 week weight loss challenge and
    I am on my way to a new healthier and slimmer me, Good Luck All.
    Name: Izzy

    Start Weight (29th June):211
    Goal Weight (14th Sept):185

    29th June:211
    6th July:
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week: 2 to 3 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:

    I'm not seeing any activity? Is this challenge still happening??
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    izzy214 wrote: »

    Good Morning all

    I am on my way to a new healthier and slimmer me :) . Slowly, But Surely B)
    Name: Izzy

    Start Weight (29th June):211
    Goal Weight (14th Sept):185

    29th June:211
    6th July:210
    13th July:209
    20nd July:207
    27th July:207
    31st July:206.3
    4th Aug.:206
    11th Aug:205
    18th Aug:205

    Weight goal for this week: 2 to 3 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week .25

    Checked my food journals and found that I have consumed way to few calories and just a bit more sugar than needed. I love fruit and that does count in the sugar. I tend to stay the same weight for a couple of weeks then, the scale moves.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Matter of Simply Eliminating

    Losing weight may be a matter of simply eliminating that large soda pop that you pick up on the way to work every day or eliminating the bedtime snack every night or taking the stairs at work.

    It's time to set aside excuses. Make exercise a priority in your day with these simple suggestions.

    •Break activity into shorter periods of time, such as 10-minute walks.
    •Identify current time wasters, such as sitting on the couch and watching TV.
    •Plan exercise into your daily schedule, as you would an appointment or meeting.
    •Reframe your concept of exercise to include many everyday activities, such as walking the dog.
    •Give yourself permission to make exercise a priority. MC
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    I'm not seeing any activity? Is this challenge still happening??
    The thread's 20 pages long - how active do you need it to be?!!! Most people are posting their weekly weigh in - this is the important part for me. It keeps me accountable to more than just my own MFP account! Izzy posts daily motivational messages too and, as she said, you're welcome to jump in any time you want!

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    I think that tarynmcbride just happen upon another posting that an earlier member tried a spin off of this Challenge and it did not work. Thank goodness everyone stuck with the original. Any how we are glad that Taryn is interested in the challenge. Everyone is Welcome to join in at any time. Thanks to everyone for your support.
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    Name: Anne

    Start Weight (July 15):185.8
    Goal Weight (7 Oct ): 160

    22 July:182.3
    29 July: 181.5
    5 August: 183.4
    12 August:181.7
    19 August: 181.7
    26 August:
    2 Sept:
    9 Sept:
    16 Sept:
    23 Sept:
    30 Sept:
    7 Oct:

    Goal: 2 lbs
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hang in there Anne, the scale will move. Take a look at your food diary and be sure you are not eating to many carbs or sugar.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok. I have for the last 2 days been eating carbs and sweets, etc. as part of phase 1 for the HCG diet.
    I am sick :s I feel so bloated, irritated and angry. I hope it will be worth the crap I put my body through.
    I will use the HCG drops with a 1200 calorie diet. It is recommended for most only eat 500/800 calories, but I am very active and I am going by what the book says to do. We will see in a few weeks. I can wait for tomorrow and hope all this junk quickly leave my body. ahhhh
  • mwilliams0818
    mwilliams0818 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age:28 (almost 29)

    Start Weight (July 7, 2015): 164.7lb 32.2% Body Fat
    Goal Weight (September 29, 2015): 150lb
    Difference: 14.7lb

    July 14: 160.2lb 31.4% Body Fat
    July 21: 160.4lb 31.4% Body Fat
    July 28: 160.1lb 31.4% Body Fat
    Aug 4: 159.9lb 31.4% Body Fat
    Aug 13: 157.4lb 30.9% Body Fat
    Aug 19 157.4lb 31.0% Body Fat

    Weight lost/gained this week: +0.4lbs and +0.1% Body Fat
    Total Weigh Lost/Gained: -6.9lbs and -1.2% Body Fat

    Ugh I hate to see a gain after having a nice loss last week, but I sort of expected it. I didn't get as much exercise last week and I ate out more than I would have liked. I expect a gain for next week since this is my birthday weekend and I have plans to eat at my favorite burger place.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited August 2015

    Stop Waiting For Monday
    for Summer, fall, for the weight to magically disappear,
    you achieve weight loss when you stop waiting and start making the right choices.
    Choose to lose today! Choose to exercise today! No more excuses!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone
    I would like to invite all of you to join a new group I created this morning in hopes of motivating everyone to
    to just get moving. Please check it out and join in. Group name: "Get Walking"
    I will post my first after my morning walk, please join me.
    Thanks and have a great day.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Healthy Fats
    Not all fats are created equal, but ones below pack a punch. From lowering cholesterol and helping to shed excess weight to giving you shinny hair , healthy nails, your body will reap the benefits.

    1. Avocados-
    *These healthy fruits are rich in monounsaturated fats, which lower bad cholesterol and raise the good.
    *Packed with the benefits of vitamin E, folate and protein.
    2. Butter
    *Real butter has omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that help your brain function properly and improve skin health.
    *rich in fat soluble vitamins and trace minerals including selenium, a powerful antioxidant.
    *high levels of vitamin K2 also help strengthen bones, while fatty acids improve digestion and reduce inflammation.
    3. Coconut Oil
    *rich in medium chain fatty acids, while are easy for your body to digest and not store by the body as fat but use as immediate energy.
    *these fatty acids also improve brain and memory function
    *increases good cholesterol and improve heart health.
    4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    *Great for heart health, reduces the incidence of heart attacks or dying of heart disease due to high levels of
    monounsaturated fat.
    *high amounts of antioxidants which protect your cells from damage
    *helps improve memory and cognitive function, works as a anti-inflammatory
    5. Omega-3
    fatty acids essential because the body isn't able to produce them own their own.