Sharon's Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season challenge



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire HIIT 30 And Sculpt 30, burned 412 cals, tomorrow is Fire 30 and Abs 10, next week will be my last week of completing Turbo Fire , what's next ? i am doing a insanity/turbo fire hybrid for 2 months, that should get me ready for the summer, hope u guys have a wonderful memorial weekend :flowerforyou:
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Spin, zumba, running, for me this week. Green beans are coming in so I'll be doing lots of squats the next few days!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 30, burned 352 cals, tomorrow is rest day, hope u guys have a wonderful memorial weekend :flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey Guys Sorry I Have been missing for a few days between the holiday and now I have had a sick daughter, crazy work schedule (schedule) and started my summer semester for school (working on my Master's Degree) definitely going to have to find a way to make working out happen in the morning rather than the evening at this point.

    Today I did Turbo Fire HIT !5 and Insanity Cardio Abs preparing myself to start my hybrid next week. I think it is going to work out well although I have to say that I think I prefer turbo fires core workout to Insanity's Cardio Abs. The jury is still out however on everything else. I'm sure when I start mixing the hardcore workouts up with these fire and HIT workouts I'll hate both equally and will be cursing Chalene as much as Shaun T.
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey all today I Had Turbo Fire Fire 30 and Tone. Looking forward to starting my Insanity/Turbo Fire Hybrid next week.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Friday! I'm back from vacation now so thanks for updating in my absence. Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys! First day back at the gym and I am tired! 60 minutes on the elliptical...HRM showed 671 calorie burn but it was tough. Going back tomorrow for another cardio session and then on Monday I have my first session with a personal trainer. I'm so excited to hear what he has to say about my conditioning, how many calories I should be eating, and how our first workout together goes.

    Enjoy your night!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Lost 1.5 lbs this week! Very excited! 3 pounds to go.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Excellent Dyiaane, im pretty sure i am stuck on a plateau and i am only 5 pounds from my goal :sad: wht is ur goal weight and do u have any advice for me :flowerforyou:
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks. I was stuck at a plateau for over a month. It was so frustrating. Then I lost half a pound and then 2 weeks later 1.5 llbs. When you are close to your goal it is so hard. I attribute the 1.5 weight loss to running. I was doing P90x and gym during my plateau. Still doing those but 2 weeks ago started C25K. Running outside always does the trick for me. Last summer I ran/walked from May until October and I was at my goal and maintained. Holidays killed me this year. But I am 3 pounds away from my weight last July so pretty close. Oh and the whole eating back all of your workout calories doesn't work for me. I tried and I don't loose a darn thing. So now I eat back some of the exercise calories if need be. On the weekends I usually have one day where I am not counting calories like a maniac. Good luck.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Cookie- Forgot the other part of your question. I am 125.5 now. Goal weight 123. I would love to get down to 121 or 122 and maintain that since I fluctuate. BUT 123 makes me happy. At that weight I feel okay in a bathing suit and I loose my love handles. Ha. Whats your weight and goal weight?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I am 125.0 now, would love to get down to 120, i was so close to my goal, i got to 121, and then all of a sudden i stopped losing and started gaining , i thought it was due to TOM, but after 2 weeks the weight was still there, i am starting an insanity/turbo fire hybrid, and i will be doing it for a month, i really don't want to start eating my exercise cals and not lose anything after i am working my butt off, i will be eating them this week to test it out again, but i was always not eating them back and this is what worked for me in the past , hopefully i wont gain either, maybe i just need a routine change since i was doing turbo fire for 5 months , hope u are having a beautiful sunday:flowerforyou:
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Cookie- So we have similar goals. The last few pounds are so hard! I think I saw 122 on my scale last summer and that was perfect! I don't want to be too skinny. Not in to the bony look. If I was under 115 it wouldn't look good. How tall are you? I am 5'4
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm 5'1, so pretty short, i was aiming for 118 but 120 will do, i am really trying to tone my tummy and arms, but they said more cardio, i will be eating my exercise cals this week and see if that budges the scale, hopefully it will and i won't gain any weight , have a great night :flowerforyou:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I did TF HIIT 20 & W9D1 of C25K. So today I ran the full 3 miles!! I'm so happy I actually made it the entire distance without having to stop!! Never did I think I'd be able to. Especially in the 1st couple of week of the program when it seemed like the walking intervals couldn't come soon enough! I ran it in 33:17. A little over an 11 min mile. I'll take it!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great sharing you guys! Keep up your hard work and the results will come. The last 10 lbs are definitely the hardest to lose...I know because I've been trying to do it since January! :bigsmile:

  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Cookie...depending on the intensity of your workouts, you might need more calories. I had plateaued for like 2 months! I went from 1200 to 1300 with improvement for like a week and just couldn't get past it. I bumped my calories up to 1500 & eat most of my exercise cals back, and the scale is moving the right direction!! You may just need to play with your cal intake a little and see what works. Good luck! :smile:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone so today I started my Insanity/Turbofire Hybrid. Todays workout was Insanity Max Interval Circuit and TF Core 20. Oh how I missed Shaun T and his annoying people that I want to punch in the face while I am 1/2 dying from side suicide jumps. Chalene on the other hand just makes me wanna kick her with all the core work she does with resistance bands. Overall feeling pretty good and energized after todays workout we will see what tomorrow brings with TF Sculpt 30 and TF HIT 30 (although I don't have HIT 30 may have to combine HIT 20 and HIT 10 )
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Wow, just completed day one of the insanity/turbo fire hybrid, did max interval circuit and core 20 , burned 575 cals, tomorrow is sculpt 30 and HIIT 30 , Felicia great work killing the first day , hope u guys are having a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Wow, just completed day one of the insanity/turbo fire hybrid, did max interval circuit and core 20 , burned 575 cals, tomorrow is sculpt 30 and HIIT 30 , Felicia great work killing the first day , hope u guys are having a wonderful day :flowerforyou:

    Yay Cookie!!! I am sure this will be no problem for us.
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