I called oatmeal cookies unhealthy and I got blasted - why?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    LOL. I'm not gonna get deep into it guys. If you wanna follow that system and it works well for you's and your happy then carry on making the great progress :smile: .... My personal opinion is that we should try and achieve our daily calorie limit and macros from the 'healthiest' sources of produce. Whats better for your body, heart, overall wellbeing, getting your macros from skinless chicken, tuna, spinach, salad, turkey, beets, broccoli; or cake, pizza, chocolate, cheese burgers, pop tarts etc? Its just my belief and its worked more than well for me. dropped 49 pounds of fat within the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. I just dont believe in IIFYM or cheat meals and stuff like that. But if it works well for ppl and they are happy then carry on :)

    so what you're saying...is that you actually have no fecking clue what you're talking about.....gotcha.

    maybe you get blasted because you run your trap without actually knowing what you're talking about...just a thought.

    Yep, that's what I'm getting.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    I stated they had butter, white sugar, flour, chocolate chips, ect.
    I consider all these things unhealthy.
    But a couple of people say everything is healthy.
    Is my wording wrong?
    What would be unhealthy to those people in a cookie?

    BTW - I like to eat in volumes.
    I have never been able to do portion control in my entire life.
    Oatmeal is a food I can eat and be full and be happy without guilt.

    I always get blasted also when i mention 'clean' eating and avoiding stuff like you mention. Seems everyone loves IIFYM (which i think is rubbish)

    Do you even understand how IIFYM works?? Basically 80 to 90% healthy and 10 to 20% treats, etc.

    lovellm122 wrote: »
    20% treats isnt for me lol

    I follow IIFYM and I don't eat 20% treats. I rarely have a treat (except my one glass of wine in the evening). The beauty of IIFYM is that you eat however you feel the best, as long as your hit your macro targets. I choose to do it with mostly (probably 95%) nutrient dense whole foods. When i reach my goal and go into maintenance, I probably will be able to work more treats in. Of course for me, treats include things like nuts, peanut butter, etc.

  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    That's just a wee bit hyperbolic, isn't it?
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    That's just a wee bit hyperbolic, isn't it?

    Hahahaha sure, whatever you say! lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2015
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    IIFYM doesn't mean just eat a bunch of *kitten*...you'd never hit any kind of respectable macro ratio if you did...any diet plan can be IIFYM...if you low carb and you're tryiing to hit a specific macro breakdown, guess what? That's IIFYM.

    People use the concept in a variety of ways...most people who advocate for IIFYM eat very healthfully...they're just not afraid of having a cookie for desert and don't tend to demonize foods or groups of foods.

    also, when speaking of matters of nutrition and fitness, context is very important...
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    edited August 2015
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    That's just a wee bit hyperbolic, isn't it?

    Hahahaha sure, whatever you say! lol

    Do you honestly believe that my response about IIFYM was equivalent to a "beat down"? I agree that sometimes things get over the top around here, but I don't think that equating it with physical violence helps to calm anything down. But then, I guess that maybe that's not your intent.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2015
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I'm pretty much a whole foods advocate and don't eat much in the way of typical junk...it's still IIFYM...the problem is complete ignorance of the term and concept...thanks for playing though.

    most people would consider my diet to be pretty "clean" certainly by SAD standards...tracking your macros has nothing to do with that...you can low carb and still track your macros....you can eat "clean" and still manage your macros...you can do any dietary plan imaginable and still manage your macros...which would be IIFYM...

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Curious if my volume suggestions were helpful at all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.

    you should start one of those mean people threads...that would be epic...
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.

    you should start one of those mean people threads...that would be epic...

    Hush, you. It's not Friday.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    LOL. I'm not gonna get deep into it guys. If you wanna follow that system and it works well for you's and your happy then carry on making the great progress :smile: .... My personal opinion is that we should try and achieve our daily calorie limit and macros from the 'healthiest' sources of produce. Whats better for your body, heart, overall wellbeing, getting your macros from skinless chicken, tuna, spinach, salad, turkey, beets, broccoli; or cake, pizza, chocolate, cheese burgers, pop tarts etc? Its just my belief and its worked more than well for me. dropped 49 pounds of fat within the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. I just dont believe in IIFYM or cheat meals and stuff like that. But if it works well for ppl and they are happy then carry on :)

    IIFYM just means that you focus on getting your macros and micros. If you also want to go beyond that and get the macros solely from nutrient dense foods, that's not inconsistent with IIFYM. Personally, I have my own rules, like that I eat lots of vegetables with every meal (unless there's some reason I cannot). This is not required for IIFYM, but it's not inconsistent with it.

    Similarly, as I understand "clean eating," it doesn't mean getting the most nutritious foods you can, but avoiding "processed" foods. Some quite nutritious foods (smoked salmon, as that's one I use to meet my protein macro by including it at breakfast) are processed. Indeed, a "clean eater" who is honest should eschew the boneless skinless chicken breast for whole chicken, as that's much less processed.

    (I also like it better, but I eat both.)

    Anyway, your "what's better" is a false dichotomy, as few people do one or the other (if you prefer to, that's great, I simply will not agree it's more healthy than including some lower nutrient extras too). I try to mostly focus on nutrient dense foods, but I usually have extra calories and while I sometimes use them for fruit or more fish, I also sometimes use them for cheese or ice cream or high quality chocolate, and see no reason why that would make my diet less healthy.

    However, I obviously don't think others need to make the same choices I do. That's never the point of this and anyone claiming it is would be lying.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.

    you should start one of those mean people threads...that would be epic...

    Nah man, its cool. Internet chit doesnt bother me at all, I dont know why ppl get mad on the net (brings the LOLs). Just always find it funny how ppl talk to each other like chit. If i would have talked to you in real life about it you would have most likely informed me that i was wrong and told me the correct meanings of the system. I dont recon you would have acted like the big man lol.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I pay attention to my macros to make sure I get enough protein. I also avoid foods like margarine when I can eat more 'natural' ones like butter, but that's mainly due to personal taste. But I really came back here to say this thread has actually made me bake oatmeal cookies.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.

    you should start one of those mean people threads...that would be epic...

    Hush, you. It's not Friday.

    my bad...
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    1) Honestly didnt intend/feel 'high might attitude. /sarcasm'. Was being genuine and honest.
    2) Didnt mean to rustle any jimmies. (Ya dont have to act hard)
    3) 'I surpassed those numbers', well done (srs)
    4) The info i got on IIFYM was from the shredded 200 pound+ guys

    I don't think your intent matters in the least. The fact is you think differently than they so naturally your way is totally wrong and you must have a good ol' beat down until you surrender and think like them! :smile:

    I got their system wrong; my view on it was not correct. They decided to tell me by acting hard and using insults. funny how ppl talk to each other on the internet and completely different in real life.

    you should start one of those mean people threads...that would be epic...

    Nah man, its cool. Internet chit doesnt bother me at all, I dont know why ppl get mad on the net (brings the LOLs). Just always find it funny how ppl talk to each other like chit. If i would have talked to you in real life about it you would have most likely informed me that i was wrong and told me the correct meanings of the system. I dont recon you would have acted like the big man lol.

    I don't think that would have happened if you would have went up to someone and told him what he does is rubbish without knowing what he even does.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Oh, MFP, never change.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Moving on, what oatmeal cookie recipes do you guys use? I now want to make some and I don't have a good recipe. I like chewy/soft cookies.

    No banana or applesauce.

    In for recipes as well! ;)