the myth, starvation mode, and dont eat before bed.



  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    Eating at night isn't good for your pancreas- just sayin'
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Here's the thing. A lot of what you mention in forums, you then go ahead and say you don't recommend. Not everyone wants to take the time to sort through every word you say as if you're the #1 authority on weight loss.
    haha that's the thing, NONE of what I have said, is about weight loss. It's NOT about weight loss what I have said. It's about psychology, opening your mind, thinking for yourself. If people disagree with this post, and completely shut down, and say "NO HES WRONG" that just completely shuts down their mind. What if they said, "he does seem a bit off, seems a bit weird... but what if he's right?" expands your view and your psychology. I am not saying I am right or wrong, honestly I believe. Everything is based on variables, many different factors, have people lost weight on VLCD, yes, have they not? YES. Have people lost weight on a high protein diet yes, have they gained weight? yes. Many factors come in to play. Just trying to say have an open mind about things.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    I appreciate the OP making his postings. I don't find anything dangerous in them — mind you I don't agree with some of the things that I've read but "dangerous"?

    If you're trying something on a diet and it's making you not feel well, stop doing it. It's not the advice that dangerous, it's the adult taking advice from some stranger on the internet and acting on it without consulting a medical expert. That is what's dangerous.

    Another item — just because the OP could lose some weight and keep it off for a year does not mean that his advice is sound. All that means is that some unknown person on one of many forums on the internet wrote some words that say that he ate X or did Y. We have absolutely no idea of that person is real or if anything he's reporting is true.

    Even if it were true, just because it works for that person does not mean that it will work for many other folks or that it's actually medically sound. And I'm a case in point for that.

    Folks here have castigated me for my approach to losing weight. My girlfriend, who runs a medically supervised weight loss clinic here in SoCal, applauds what I'm doing as does her father who is an MD. But does that mean that what I'm doing will work for everyone? No. Does it mean that it's good for everyone to do? No.

    The OP is not evil — he has found something that works for him and he's eager to share it with us. We don't have to read what he writes and, like everything else on the Internet and in life in general, we have to use critical thinking and our BS detectors to figure out what we should read and absorb.

    There's a lot of interesting comments on this site and it's a pretty good community, right? As I see it, the OP is just providing his two cents worth.

    How about your thoughts?
    Would you like to contribute?

    Thank you, and i completely agree, if you're doing something that is making you feel off, or not right. Stop doing it, and get professional input on the subject.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Eating at night isn't good for your pancreas- just sayin'

    Thank you, I will use this as an example. I can read this post and be like "she's crazy, she's wrong. Where are the studies?" What if I just ignored her, and did eat at night, and got sick. Well I guess she was right. WIth this post, I am going to "personally" research it, and see what I find. Doesn't mean the info is correct, or inaccurate. I just have to see where this came from, and see what's up with it.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I don't agree with a medical approach to weight loss.I have known many people who taken steroids, with out the side effects you mentioned. I knew some professional body builders. One of my friends just retired from body building. He told me "the amount of steroids you need to take to be a pro is ridiculous" I don't EVER recall of pro bodybuilder dying due to steroid usage. Yes sometimes they die when they do stupid stuff like try to dehydrate their body to get a more lean look on stage.

    Like I said, you can drown in a inch of water, does that make water dangerous? Depends on how use it.

    You know what I think is funny, you think they are dangerous because you have absolutely no experience with them what so ever. You just blindly follow what people say. Isn't that what this entire topic is about? Guess what, asprin is dangerous too. This is a perfect example of you jumping to conclusions with out any evidence. Your only education on the subject is from the media.

    All right people (AND MODERATORS), this should be enough for you to NOT take asmcriminal's advice.

    Lets recap-

    His "credentials" are:
    -Has lots of personal experience
    -Read at least 200 books
    -Took an online course that anyone with $300 can take

    He also thinks
    -Steroids are fine
    -Steroids use is on par with aspirin use
    -I can only infer that he's used them from the above post, as he's had "education" about them that none of us have.

    Draw your own conclusion, but if you want to take his diet advice, then I've got some seaside property in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

    LOL right? Steroids and aspirin.
    I think I am going to go get my NASM certificate right now =P
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    blah blah blah blah blah, state something worth reading and something with meaning.

    Oh cats got your tongue because I called you out on your illegitimate credentials?
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    Here's my problem:

    Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has something that works for THEIR body. Some theories work for the masses, some don't. I get that. The issue is that you titled your post as a myth. You are stating that the starvation mode and other things are myths. You aren't saying, "Hey, this worked for me. It might not work for everyone, but I just wanted to share!" Your first post said that all of these other methods are false. They may be false for YOU, but not for EVERYONE. You can't post something as a universal myth, and then turn around and say that it was just a suggestion.

    I.E. "MYTH: Fish is super tasty and doesn't make you vomit." I have found that fish is nasty, and makes me want to hurl. I have numerous sites showing where people say the exact same thing, so it must be true!

    This is putting my opinion into the false form of a documented fact, when it is ONLY an opinion. That is my real issue.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    blah blah blah blah blah, state something worth reading and something with meaning.

    Oh cats got your tongue because I called you out on your illegitimate credentials?

    You posted something that isn't on topic. Like you just wanted to argue. Not going to do that.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Here's the thing. A lot of what you mention in forums, you then go ahead and say you don't recommend. Not everyone wants to take the time to sort through every word you say as if you're the #1 authority on weight loss.
    haha that's the thing, NONE of what I have said, is about weight loss. It's NOT about weight loss what I have said. It's about psychology, opening your mind, thinking for yourself. If people disagree with this post, and completely shut down, and say "NO HES WRONG" that just completely shuts down their mind. What if they said, "he does seem a bit off, seems a bit weird... but what if he's right?" expands your view and your psychology. I am not saying I am right or wrong, honestly I believe. Everything is based on variables, many different factors, have people lost weight on VLCD, yes, have they not? YES. Have people lost weight on a high protein diet yes, have they gained weight? yes. Many factors come in to play. Just trying to say have an open mind about things.

    However, when you put the title as "the myth" it comes off as extremely biased. I agree that there's no one size fits all food plan, and different goals will lead to different paths. Just maybe make that more of the theme rather than a foot note.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Here's my problem:

    Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has something that works for THEIR body. Some theories work for the masses, some don't. I get that. The issue is that you titled your post as a myth. You are stating that the starvation mode and other things are myths. You aren't saying, "Hey, this worked for me. It might not work for everyone, but I just wanted to share!" Your first post said that all of these other methods are false. They may be false for YOU, but not for EVERYONE. You can't post something as a universal myth, and then turn around and say that it was just a suggestion.

    I.E. "MYTH: Fish is super tasty and doesn't make you vomit." I have found that fish is nasty, and makes me want to hurl. I have numerous sites showing where people say the exact same thing, so it must be true!

    This is putting my opinion into the false form of a documented fact, when it is ONLY an opinion. That is my real issue.

    I'll agree with you I mistitled the subject. Any myth can be dis proven or proven, depends on the situation.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Eating at night isn't good for your pancreas- just sayin'

    But when you have Type 2 Diabetes you need to have a snack before bed or you end up with high blood sugar readings in the morning.

    Why is it not good for your pancreas? And are you mainly referring to having a large meal at night? Not being critical, just curious.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member

    Maybe you don't realize that some people come on this site to find information on how to lose weight fast, they have a wedding or a graduation coming up and they are desperate to lose weight and will grasp on to anything that sounds like it will help them. You give advice like you are an expert and you have all the answers, and some of the things I have seen you say are just plain crazy and downright dangerous.

    This site is meant to help people lose weight in a safe and healthy fashion, and the people who post on it should be mindful of that, not just posting crazy stuff to prove a point. I know don't have all the answers, that is why I am here.

    Please stop telling people that it okay to do what you are doing until you have lost all your weight and kept it off for at least a year of maintenance. Let people who have more experience or training give the advice!

    I appreciate the OP making his postings. I don't find anything dangerous in them — mind you I don't agree with some of the things that I've read but "dangerous"?

    If you're trying something on a diet and it's making you not feel well, stop doing it. It's not the advice that dangerous, it's the adult taking advice from some stranger on the internet and acting on it without consulting a medical expert. That is what's dangerous.

    Another item — just because the OP could lose some weight and keep it off for a year does not mean that his advice is sound. All that means is that some unknown person on one of many forums on the internet wrote some words that say that he ate X or did Y. We have absolutely no idea of that person is real or if anything he's reporting is true.

    Even if it were true, just because it works for that person does not mean that it will work for many other folks or that it's actually medically sound. And I'm a case in point for that.

    Folks here have castigated me for my approach to losing weight. My girlfriend, who runs a medically supervised weight loss clinic here in SoCal, applauds what I'm doing as does her father who is an MD. But does that mean that what I'm doing will work for everyone? No. Does it mean that it's good for everyone to do? No.

    The OP is not evil — he has found something that works for him and he's eager to share it with us. We don't have to read what he writes and, like everything else on the Internet and in life in general, we have to use critical thinking and our BS detectors to figure out what we should read and absorb.

    There's a lot of interesting comments on this site and it's a pretty good community, right? As I see it, the OP is just providing his two cents worth.

    How about your thoughts?
    Would you like to contribute?

    He sent me an article saying it was acceptable to eat 800 calories a day, and told me there is nothing wrong with using steroids (an ILLEGAL substance)

    So yes, I absolutely think the OP is making some dangerous comments because there are MANY gullible people out there. If he wants to talk about steroid use and crash diets, he should take them to his blog- not post on here. There are some desperate people out there that want to lose weight extremely fast, and eat up any sort of advice that says it might get you there.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    blah blah blah blah blah, state something worth reading and something with meaning.

    Oh cats got your tongue because I called you out on your illegitimate credentials?

    Another thing, NASM, barely talks about nutrition, they give you the "jist of it" more of a one size fits all approach. What I have learned about nutrition came from my own personal research. You also said stuff about my weight. I have lost a ton of weight in the past over 100lbs. Yes I did gain most of it back. It wasn't due to my diet or nutritional habits. I "believe" i am not sure, but I think it was due to my extremely high intense exercise regimen I had. I stated in my profile I was training to go in to the navy BUD/S( BASIC Underwater Demolition/SEALs training ) basically a navy SEAL. It was too stressful for my body, and it broke me down. It wasn't even really that, I feel that was part of it. I was just in mexico, and the habits down there are different here in america. Talking about friend's and peer pressure. Friends who I have known all my life, since I was young, of course I want to hang out with them and stuff. They where a bunch of alcoholics. I just started to drink heavly, and I also had emotional issues due to a bad relationship. When I came back here to the US. Dietary patterns are a lot worse, I had nothing when I came back, because I was planning to go in to the military as I stated. I had no job, no money, no nothing. The dietary habits with the people I lived with weren't very healthy. As you can imagine my state of mind coming back from mexico, I just didn't care anymore about my physical condition so I let loose.

    I do agree that my "current" physical appearance can throw people off.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89

    If people try to practice things I have mentioned, they can seriously injure themselves. Like I already stated, the things I have mentioned where just to make a point, not to practice. The things I have mentioned are for people who are very very experienced, and know "exactly" what they're doing. If you have any doubt in what you're doing, consult the appropriate authority.

    I have talked about hormonal control, Growth hormone control with diet, and exercise. I talked about controlling your insulin for maximum fat loss. I have talked about very low calorie diets.

    The dangers of these are...

    Growth Hormone control with diet - if done incorrectly can lead to serious eating problems, which can lead to severe and quick weight gain that you may not be able to break out of.

    Growth Hormone control with exercise - this can lead to serious injury to your muscles or skeletal structure. It can also lead to death. with certain unsupervised exercises.

    Controlling insulin levels - This can lead to a diabetic coma, which you may not be able to survive.

    Very Low calorie diets- Can lead to eating disorders, severe decrease in muscle mass, bone density issues, even death.

    Wow- dude, do you have a life? I would rather this take some serious time instead of 20lbs in 3weeks-- especially if losing that much that fast consumes my every waking moment. I (obviously) already have a consumption problem :tongue:

    Plus I'm a chick that wants to wear a 2 piece...losing that fast would create some serious skin issues in my book. Can thank the kiddos for that.

    Seriously though, I think most people on here have other things going on in their lives and using your practices- whether one or all of them- would be detremental to more than just THEIR life but the lives of their family and friends as well. This is about doing this to be healthy for ourselves and our loved ones.

    So please quit with the 20lbs in 3 weeks. Many of us have tried that before. Some of us may have succeeded in it but felt like crap after it was over and now (like me) are heavier than ever before. It's not a good idea- like my doctor says "If you wanna lose 52lbs it should take 52 weeks...a year."

    Just sayin'
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    Wow- dude, do you have a life? I would rather this take some serious time instead of 20lbs in 3weeks-- especially if losing that much that fast consumes my every waking moment. I (obviously) already have a consumption problem :tongue:

    Plus I'm a chick that wants to wear a 2 piece...losing that fast would create some serious skin issues in my book. Can thank the kiddos for that.

    Seriously though, I think most people on here have other things going on in their lives and using your practices- whether one or all of them- would be detremental to more than just THEIR life but the lives of their family and friends as well. This is about doing this to be healthy for ourselves and our loved ones.

    So please quit with the 20lbs in 3 weeks. Many of us have tried that before. Some of us may have succeeded in it but felt like crap after it was over and now (like me) are heavier than ever before. It's not a good idea- like my doctor says "If you wanna lose 52lbs it should take 52 weeks...a year."

    Just sayin'
    No one has tried what I mentioned, because I never mentioned anything to try.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89

    Wow- dude, do you have a life? I would rather this take some serious time instead of 20lbs in 3weeks-- especially if losing that much that fast consumes my every waking moment. I (obviously) already have a consumption problem :tongue:

    Plus I'm a chick that wants to wear a 2 piece...losing that fast would create some serious skin issues in my book. Can thank the kiddos for that.

    Seriously though, I think most people on here have other things going on in their lives and using your practices- whether one or all of them- would be detremental to more than just THEIR life but the lives of their family and friends as well. This is about doing this to be healthy for ourselves and our loved ones.

    So please quit with the 20lbs in 3 weeks. Many of us have tried that before. Some of us may have succeeded in it but felt like crap after it was over and now (like me) are heavier than ever before. It's not a good idea- like my doctor says "If you wanna lose 52lbs it should take 52 weeks...a year."

    Just sayin'
    No one has tried what I mentioned, because I never mentioned anything to try.

    I will "mention" that I'm going to look both ways when I cross the street. I've done it before, you don't have to do it too....I'm just sayin you might not get squished by a car if you do it. BTW, I'm just mentioning it not advocating it.:ohwell:

    What is a journalists favorite game? Semantics.

    No you didn't give out anything to try you just keep posting what you do, how its done, and the results while telling everyone else that the methods and outcomes they have used (be it starvation mode, weight gain, energy, and even success) is a myth.

    Some poor soul, such as myself, who is struggling with her weight loss and looking for answers to why her numbers are all over the place might say "Hey I'll try what that ASCriminal guy did" and get hurt, because yes you did achieve results. But unknown to you that poor soul may have a serious reaction per your descriptions.

    The thing I have personally, is experience at failure in this realm of life but I also have experience of age and plenty of research to know what's bad for a body-- not just mine. In all that research you quoted I would love to read the part that interviews the participants and how they felt during the testing.

    Research does NOT equal recommended
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Here's the thing. A lot of what you mention in forums, you then go ahead and say you don't recommend. Not everyone wants to take the time to sort through every word you say as if you're the #1 authority on weight loss.
    haha that's the thing, NONE of what I have said, is about weight loss. It's NOT about weight loss what I have said. It's about psychology, opening your mind, thinking for yourself. If people disagree with this post, and completely shut down, and say "NO HES WRONG" that just completely shuts down their mind. What if they said, "he does seem a bit off, seems a bit weird... but what if he's right?" expands your view and your psychology. I am not saying I am right or wrong, honestly I believe. Everything is based on variables, many different factors, have people lost weight on VLCD, yes, have they not? YES. Have people lost weight on a high protein diet yes, have they gained weight? yes. Many factors come in to play. Just trying to say have an open mind about things.

    However, when you put the title as "the myth" it comes off as extremely biased. I agree that there's no one size fits all food plan, and different goals will lead to different paths. Just maybe make that more of the theme rather than a foot note.

    Not to mention calling it a flat out lie, repeatedly.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I will "mention" that I'm going to look both ways when I cross the street. I've done it before, you don't have to do it too....I'm just sayin you might not get squished by a car if you do it. BTW, I'm just mentioning it not advocating it.:ohwell:

    What is a journalists favorite game? Semantics.

    No you didn't give out anything to try you just keep posting what you do, how its done, and the results while telling everyone else that the methods and outcomes they have used (be it starvation mode, weight gain, energy, and even success) is a myth.

    Some poor soul, such as myself, who is struggling with her weight loss and looking for answers to why her numbers are all over the place might say "Hey I'll try what that ASCriminal guy did" and get hurt, because yes you did achieve results. But unknown to you that poor soul may have a serious reaction per your descriptions.

    The thing I have personally, is experience at failure in this realm of life but I also have experience of age and plenty of research to know what's bad for a body-- not just mine. In all that research you quoted I would love to read the part that interviews the participants and how they felt during the testing.

    Research does NOT equal recommended
    In summary you're talking about common sense. There are some people who just don't think and do things without thinking of them. Some people are just like that. I have posted many times, it's not recommended to be on a Very Low calorie diet. I even posted the dangers of it. Nothing more I can do.

    I did write a topic for beginners and some tips

    Yes I can promise you the people on the VLCD with weight training weren't happy... It never says anything about their emotional state of mine.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    In summary you're talking about common sense. There are some people who just don't think and do things without thinking of them. Some people are just like that.

    Exactly!! Which is why when you toss this tripe below in every once in's very likely to be completely fooking ignored eh??
    I have posted many times, it's not recommended to be on a Very Low calorie diet. I even posted the dangers of it.

    Riiight, and this is the kicker!
    Nothing more I can do.

    Except, maybe...stop posting generally titled posts with an initial message suggesting that all the safe, healthy dieting practices promoted by this site and its membership are myths, lies, and being force fed to the public for some as yet undefined reason.

    Sound like a plan??