40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • gosiaw13p
    gosiaw13p Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Cool Kids! Your posts give me a feeling that I would fit this gang pretty well. How can I join?
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    no lifting today. back at it tomorrow with shoulders.

    "2 hours of Spartan training down in Philly"=Done! "LOTS of burpees"=DONE!

    well, that was like two hours of "INSANITY"!! LOTS of burpees! LOTS of one arm burpees. ended with tabata style intervals that started with...burpees. in between some rounds the dude would shout "BURPEES"! so...i'm a sweaty/stinky mess!

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    We are having a cloudy, misty day here. Just in time for me to set out a few pepper and tomato plants. Earlier in the week I set out a few, and some of the tomatoes didn't take to the bright sunlight after spending all their short life under weak florescent lights. Here is what I did this morning.


    I decided to let them stay in the little pots for another week or so. Adjusting to the sun will be enough of a shock to them, without having to deal with my new soil mix {Darro Dirt?}, which has a lot of mushroom compost in it. If you are not careful, too much of the compost will burn stuff up.

    I forgot to post my numbers yesterday. Margie and I went stove shopping in the AM, {she bought a Samsung Double Convection Oven}, and I worked in the garden all afternoon. I just barely got my What's for Supper???? pictures posted before I was down for the count.

    Well, here they are:
    19.9% Body Fat
    23.3 BMI
    167.0 Pounds

    That is a loss of 0.3 pounds for the week. I'll try to do better next week.

    Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else. Hope you guys have a good one,

  • Renee1969
    Renee1969 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all B)
    I'm using MFP in conjunction with weight watchers.
    I just started back at weight watchers again after 5-6 years because my teenage daughter wanted to lose 20 pounds and the doctor feels WW is the best out there.
    I couldn't believe the plus system allows three free fresh fruits per day (after that you must count the points). Butttt then I saw that the points for almost all the foods I eat have gone up in points so they are costing me a lot more and therefore those three free fruits per day really are not free. But by saying they are its mentally encouraging me to get them in. And although high in sugar, I'm opting for fruits over (for example) a skinny cow ice cream sandwich.
    I haven't even had my first weigh in but that's the other part that helped me. Keeps me accountable.
    Can't start working out in the gym again until 9/18 due to a surgery on 8/4 and my thyroid is shot so this should be in interesting journey. 25-30 is my goal. And I'm hoping I don't get frustrated.
    Any tips out there ?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I am down 0.8 lbs since monday....I have to eek out another 0.2 lb loss if I want my STAR for week one of my Fall Back Challenge! BOOM!

    Also, i got my cardio workout in and done this morning. ZOOM!
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    edited August 2015
    nailgirl70 wrote: »
    Welcome char I've been in and out for bit I have the 15 more to loose I have been stuck. No matter what it don't want to come off I eat great I change up my workout I just don't get it. Linda bummed wish I would of drop it before I get to see my husband which I have not seem in 3 months. I need something extreme . I will send nothing but good vibes your way you are strong and can make it just keep up the hard work and everything else will fall into place .

    Could it be a medical issue? Thyroid?

    For me part of it is peri menopause which I've been going through since I was 30 yup hit that a little early I'm just turned 42 in June but I think my body just wants to hang onto it. My husband and I have such a connection when I loose he looses and when I gain he does plus we always know when something is wrong it weird example I been sick with the flue but the first day he calls me as says you better get better soon lol I don't want yousick when I'm home. He felt my headache and felt sick and he is not . we always know.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Took scouts out shooting today. Walked a couple of miles. Have to walk off some cake calories from my birthday yesterday.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Happy birthday allenpriest!

    Glaciergirl, I hear you on the pre/peri menopause, I've been premenopausal for about 3-4 years and it messes with your metabolosim huge!

    Beeps congrats on the loss! I'm still plugging away but I just can't bring myself to do 1200 calories and then deduct my exercise. I've been using 1900 calories and not eating back any calories, long and sllllloooooowwwww.

    Larro, I really wish I had the garden ambition you do! We really didn't keep the garden up so I've only gotten mint out of it, though I'm using that, with cocoa nibs and vodka to make my own mint chocolate extract, we'll see how it turns out.

    Gosia13p just start posting, share your journey and ideas.

    I did an awesome kettlebell workout this morning, just dripping, followed by a day of shopping in Pt. Huron. Didn't get a lot since our dollar sucks right now but I did get 3 necklaces at Macys. My mom got one too and it was $35 for all of them!! Got my oldest some indoor shoes for school, the little one a few things at Justice and then my mint M & Ms and Mike's black cherry light which will blow the kettlebell and walking I'm sure!
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    Happy late birthday Allenpriest as well

    3furballs yes it does mess with ones body everything falls into place except the middle. Lol drives me mad
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    Happy Belated!

    If anybody can pull off another 0.2, it would be you. Good luck with your challenge.

    The weather channel said it was supposed to rain here yesterday, but it was perfectly sunny all day. Cloudy this morning though. Maybe the clouds were just hanging out in your neck of the woods a little while longer before heading north. Hope that tropical storm that is brewing doesn't mess up any of your gardening.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Bad Word thinks life is just a ball of string. Some days she's right.

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Chest & Tris DONE!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Good morning to everyone. I have been busy and not posting much in a few days here. My son started high school wed. My husband has a booth at the small fair a few towns away thurs-sunday, so we have been back and forth every day with that. It was nice weather and had fun watching some of the things. Too many fair fries and and a couple ice creams did me in. It will be good to get back to the normal routine this week. I hope everyone has a good week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I lifted today, BOOM!

    I only lost 0.8 lbs, so cannot claim a star for lb lost....i am sad, but will push harder this week!
  • BanksySJ11
    BanksySJ11 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all, I'm running my first 1/2 marathon on Sunday and turn 42 5 days later. Feeling the healthiest I've been in my life :)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I'm considering signing up for our half marathon in April. But I'm starting from scratch and would really struggle to prepare. I am afraid it would be more than I can handle now.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    I'm considering signing up for our half marathon in April. But I'm starting from scratch and would really struggle to prepare. I am afraid it would be more than I can handle now.
    sounds like the perfect reason to do it. o:)

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Strength training done yesterday! Another great workout.

    @allenpriest- try the C210k program as a way to get yourself started, then just increase your mileage. It works. :)
    @Banksy - good luck with your run!

    Had a crazy busy weekend with guests and also had a yard sale with my sister-in-law, so there was a lot of back and forth. I was really hoping to get out berry picking, but that didn't happen. Better get out soon, otherwise they will be over with and I wouldn't have gotten any!

    Own your day folks - it's supposed to be a beauty of one out there today for us.