can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    I am so annoyed right now! I've been exercising since feb and dieting and it seems like I'm not losing my stomach at all. I can do 1000's of crunches and not see results! Blah why is the stomach the hardest to lose with pcos? I hate looking like I'm 9 months pregnant! And to top it all off I still haven't had a cycle. I was told even losing 10% of your weight would help bring it back. Guess what I'm past 10% and nope nothing! I'm scheduled for a partial hysterectomy the 17th, but I've decided. When I go for pre op I'm telling the doc I've changed my mind. I really don't want to end up gaining all the weight back that I've worked so hard to lose. I'm just either gonna have to suck it up and go back on provera (ugh) or birth control even tho I'm fixed. But I don't want to gain weight either. Ugh damn pcos! I am sick of you :( please go away......
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    PCOS, thanks a lot for making me wonder if my father is actually a sasquatch (sorry running joke between my sister and myself).
    I absolutely love hair growth in places that in ordinary circumstances hair should not grow. I use to love the irregular periods and I would actually like to have back all the money I have invested in you (pregnancy tests, shaving cream, razors...etc). I have seen the darkest side of you, what you're putting my sister through, and my heart breaks for her everyday. However, I am blessed, that I didn't have to deal with the infertility that comes along with you (however with my second child I had to lose 40 pounds to get my period on track for conception to happen). You're a jerk but you are something that I am taking on and I'm kicking your a**.

    It's a long journey to lose weight with PCOS but it's doable. I've been on it for 3 years off and on and I've lost 73 lbs. I decided to low carb it a couple of weeks ago and I've lost over 5 pounds and already a big difference in the stomach area. The reason a lot of us with PCOS have big tummies is the fact it's the easiest place for the body to store fat. When they tell you low carb (not no carb) it's a good piece of advice. I'm only getting complex carbs right now (fruit and veggies and staying under 100 carbs per day) and I've given up starchy or simple carbs.

    I wish you all the best along your journey, and know there's always support and understanding when you need it :)
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Yay! Just wanted to say after a year of being off provera and not having a cycle on my own, I finally got my tom! I'm so excited :) I must be on the right path to finally have started.
  • smbland
    smbland Posts: 22 Member
    Wow I'm so glad I found this topic... I felt like I was so alone in this ordeal, I was diagnosed a couple of months ago. I was trying to get pregnant for a few months, and nothing was happening... I had in the past irregular periods, but I was on BCP which regulated it for a few years... Had the test done, and the doctor tells me I have a numerous amount of cysts all over both of my ovaries. He told me losing weight will help.. Has anyone found this to be true? Has anyone eventually gotten pregnant?? Anyone have any home remedies for the pain??

    glad I'm not alone
    Losing weight will certainly help....the problem is...when u have pcos it is much harder to actually lose the weight...than a normal body. Typically low carbohydrate. And or low glycemic index diets work well. They need to be an overall lifestyle change though.its tough! That's why I made this thread because it is intensely frustrating for the majority of us gals:( good luck in your journey! We are here for you and all others like you going through the battle!

    Yes, the whole weight loss thing has been up and down for me and I'm glad I know why. I have started the low carb thing, and so far so good!! Thank you so much for starting this thread and for the support. This helps soooooo much!!!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Anyone here with PCOS have killer cramps before and during their menses? I started starter having TOM again after 1yrs OMg and ladies they are killing me!
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    Another "PCOS er" here, feel free to add me!
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    I'm sick of this gross facial hair. I'm sick of it being so hard to lose this weight and I'm sick of worrying if I'll be able to have kids or not!
  • falonjohle
    falonjohle Posts: 62 Member
    I love this thread but I HATE PCOS!!

    Dear PCOS,

    I hate you with every fiber of my body.. I hate the skin tags, acne, weight gain, and the infertility!!! I will beat you.. I did once before and gained my wonderful son and i will beat you again!


  • smbland
    smbland Posts: 22 Member
    Anyone here with PCOS have killer cramps before and during their menses? I started starter having TOM again after 1yrs OMg and ladies they are killing me!

    One of my symptom is HORRIBLE cramps... A little over a year ago I was going to my reg dr for my paps, and I said to her "I know this sounds really weird, but my cramps are so bad it feels like my ovaries hurt" and she said "oh that's nothing, that means they're just working!" NOT. I've been on BCP for a couple of years, and stopped it wanting to get pregnant, and then all of my teenage woes came back of my period not starting, and not being pregnant, so I went to an OBGYN and I had the transvaginal ultra sound done and low and behold my ovaries DO hurt because they're NOT working!!! UGH. So, Yes, Before, during, and right after my period, I am in complete and utter pain.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Anyone here with PCOS have killer cramps before and during their menses? I started starter having TOM again after 1yrs OMg and ladies they are killing me!

    I have killer cramps before and during and when I actually do ovulate as well. My doc prescribed me ponstel but most insurances won't cover it as its 700 bucks for 30 pills. Even those do not help the pain. It literally feels as if someone shoves their arm to elbow and is tearing slowly my insides out. I know graphic but that's as bad as it is. I'm in more pain during a cyle than when I had my csection. I hate being useless as well, since I lay around with a heating pad and take pain pills all day. Ugh
  • elaine8255
    elaine8255 Posts: 36 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Yesterday, when i went to the beauty place to get a full face threading, the lovely lady pulling off the hair said "you have way too much hair, can we wax it instead". It's so nice to be reminded that i'm a wooly mammoth.

    Just wanted to say thanks for yet another horrifying moment!

  • dweias
    dweias Posts: 10
    I know it sounds mad, but it was actually a relief to read everyone heres comments about PCOS. I've felt quite alone since I found out I had PCOS and it has made me feel so low, but to know other people are in the same boat is comforting. My Mum had said for years that my weight gain and other symptoms weren't normal, but my doc just kept telling me I was just overweight, then one locum sent me to have a scan and this led me to be diagnosed with PCOS. Although I was pleased to finally know what was going on I was so upset to know there was no " cure" other than to try and lose weight which I was already doing.

    I've been on Metformin for more than 6 months now... And I'm starting to be able to lose weight again. Let's hope I continue to manage it and it stays off.

    I really hate PCOS and how it makes me feel! :( I will beat it one day!

  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Yesterday, when i went to the beauty place to get a full face threading, the lovely lady pulling off the hair said "you have way too much hair, can we wax it instead". It's so nice to be reminded that i'm a wooly mammoth.

    Just wanted to say thanks for yet another horrifying moment!

    wow im in the salon/spa industry and that is an incredibly unproffessional and rude statement by her....ugh! People!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Just anyone taking supplemnts for their different pcos symptoms? If so, what is your regime? I'm looking in to some different supplements, but I would love to hear some first hand reviews if possible. Thanks ladies!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just anyone taking supplemnts for their different pcos symptoms? If so, what is your regime? I'm looking in to some different supplements, but I would love to hear some first hand reviews if possible. Thanks ladies!

    Here are a couple that I've heard of. I personally take vitamin B and Drink Mint infused water (from fresh mint herbs in our yard)

    DIM -- diindolymethane (sp?l) -- this is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables that has anti-androgen properties (the stuff that gives us facial hair!) and also helps to metabolize estrogens -- many of us are estrogen dominant...

    Spearmint tea: spearmint has been shown to elevate mood as well as containing anti-androgen properties

    red raspberry leaf (I drink it in a tea) -- helps to balance hormones, helps tone uterus, may help with regulating periods/promoting ovulation.

    stress management: strong B vitamin support, helps with stress -- stress creates cortisol, which does a number on adrenals, which does a real number on PCOS

    Milk Thistle -- this supports healthy liver function -- many women with PCOS may have impaired or "sluggish" liver function and maintaining a healthy liver may help symptoms.

    Hope this helps!
  • Kaybird84
    Kaybird84 Posts: 12
    Just anyone taking supplemnts for their different pcos symptoms? If so, what is your regime? I'm looking in to some different supplements, but I would love to hear some first hand reviews if possible. Thanks ladies!

    Here are a couple that I've heard of. I personally take vitamin B and Drink Mint infused water (from fresh mint herbs in our yard)

    DIM -- diindolymethane (sp?l) -- this is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables that has anti-androgen properties (the stuff that gives us facial hair!) and also helps to metabolize estrogens -- many of us are estrogen dominant...

    Spearmint tea: spearmint has been shown to elevate mood as well as containing anti-androgen properties

    red raspberry leaf (I drink it in a tea) -- helps to balance hormones, helps tone uterus, may help with regulating periods/promoting ovulation.

    stress management: strong B vitamin support, helps with stress -- stress creates cortisol, which does a number on adrenals, which does a real number on PCOS

    Milk Thistle -- this supports healthy liver function -- many women with PCOS may have impaired or "sluggish" liver function and maintaining a healthy liver may help symptoms.

    Hope this helps!

    My God-children gave me a mint plant for Mother's Day this year and I started putting some leaves in water and ice tea - nice to know it might help some of my symptoms too!! I just got my official diagnosis almost 2 weeks ago, started on Metformin (already lost 7 lbs just from the Met!) and am interested in learning more about the low glycemic diet. If anyone has any info or knows any good resources about the low glycemic index diet I'd LOVE it if you'd share!!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Just anyone taking supplemnts for their different pcos symptoms? If so, what is your regime? I'm looking in to some different supplements, but I would love to hear some first hand reviews if possible. Thanks ladies!

    Here are a couple that I've heard of. I personally take vitamin B and Drink Mint infused water (from fresh mint herbs in our yard)

    DIM -- diindolymethane (sp?l) -- this is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables that has anti-androgen properties (the stuff that gives us facial hair!) and also helps to metabolize estrogens -- many of us are estrogen dominant...

    Spearmint tea: spearmint has been shown to elevate mood as well as containing anti-androgen properties

    red raspberry leaf (I drink it in a tea) -- helps to balance hormones, helps tone uterus, may help with regulating periods/promoting ovulation.

    stress management: strong B vitamin support, helps with stress -- stress creates cortisol, which does a number on adrenals, which does a real number on PCOS

    Milk Thistle -- this supports healthy liver function -- many women with PCOS may have impaired or "sluggish" liver function and maintaining a healthy liver may help symptoms.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for the info. I have a mint plant in my herb garden and will start putting some of the leaves in my water jug. I'm looking into biotin and saw palmetto for hair loss, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon for insulin control and gymmena (sp) for weight loss. Does anyone have any input on those?
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    I hate the extra hair that grows on my tummy. I hate the all of the ER visits that you have caused and I hate the fact that I have had to miss work (sometimes weeks at a time) all because of you. I hate the fact that I may or may not be able to have children of my own someday. Thanks for that! I hate the fact that because of you it is next to impossible to lose weight and when I do it just comes right back. Wow! You are awesome! When I was younger I enjoyed the fact that I did not have a period, but now that I am older and want children I hate it. Thanks again for all you do! I hate you and so does my body.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just anyone taking supplemnts for their different pcos symptoms? If so, what is your regime? I'm looking in to some different supplements, but I would love to hear some first hand reviews if possible. Thanks ladies!

    Here are a couple that I've heard of. I personally take vitamin B and Drink Mint infused water (from fresh mint herbs in our yard)

    DIM -- diindolymethane (sp?l) -- this is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables that has anti-androgen properties (the stuff that gives us facial hair!) and also helps to metabolize estrogens -- many of us are estrogen dominant...

    Spearmint tea: spearmint has been shown to elevate mood as well as containing anti-androgen properties

    red raspberry leaf (I drink it in a tea) -- helps to balance hormones, helps tone uterus, may help with regulating periods/promoting ovulation.

    stress management: strong B vitamin support, helps with stress -- stress creates cortisol, which does a number on adrenals, which does a real number on PCOS

    Milk Thistle -- this supports healthy liver function -- many women with PCOS may have impaired or "sluggish" liver function and maintaining a healthy liver may help symptoms.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for the info. I have a mint plant in my herb garden and will start putting some of the leaves in my water jug. I'm looking into biotin and saw palmetto for hair loss, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon for insulin control and gymmena (sp) for weight loss. Does anyone have any input on those?

    Biotin! It works for real! Use it for about 2-3 months and u will see a difference
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    PCOS how do i hate you!!!
    No thanks for the excessive weight gain even with diet and exercise, no thanks to the hair growth in odd areas, no thanks to the bad skin, and no thanks for the emotiona roller coaster that i go through everyday.

    Thanks for nothing!!

    I will overcome you!!!