Pin-up Girls! - WEEK 3



  • sassy_2280
    sassy_2280 Posts: 66
    Thank you Rach and wonderful job ladies!

    My goals for this week:

    *Start P90X (again)
    *Drink more water
    *Obtain my mini goal of weighing 165! (Need to lose 2lbs)
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    So I had a gain...half a pound...I can't seem to get out of the 150's....152 again...I feel like all of May I was between 152 and frustrating....hopefully getting back to the gym this week and incorporating new aerobics classes will help me get out of the's also the TOM and I don't like to eat during this week, so hopefully that will help as well...and swimming!! The bf has a pool and I can't wait for TOM to be over so I can swim in it all day while he's at work!! I did take a new dance aerobics class yesterday and it was so much fun!! I am sore this moring, but it's the good kind of sore...can't wait for Wednesday's class!! Have a great day everyone!! :-)
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    congrats to everyone you all did great this week!
  • petitedemoiselle
    petitedemoiselle Posts: 69 Member
    Great job everyone. :smile:

    This week my goals are:
    1. Continue Turbo Fire.
    2. Try one new low-calorie recipe this week.
    3. Complete one additional workout of 30 minutes or more.
    4. Make it to the ten pound mark.
  • jumelle
    jumelle Posts: 50 Member
    Great job, Pin-Ups. We're rocking it. :wink:

    Goals for the week:
    1. Cut back on my sodium.
    2. Drink more water.
    3. Throw in an extra workout this week.
    4. Hit the 12 pound mark.
  • scmomof3
    scmomof3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies, I saw this post on the message board and the name alone caught my attention. I currently weight 130 (im only 5'1) and have about 15 more lbs to lose and I know y'all are in week 3 but i was wondering if I could learn more about your challenge and maybe join in. I really need some motivation and accountability. Been finding it really hard to stick to my exercise lately :(

    BTW- CONGRATS to everyone who is losing the weight and even the ones who aren't but maintaining their routine and staying accountable.

  • ReggaeNurse
    ReggaeNurse Posts: 140
    Fantastic job ladies!!! Let's keep it moving so we can all hit our goals! I absolutely bombed my goals last week, so I'm gonna attempt to hit them again.

    1. Burn 4500 calories
    2. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily
    3. Not eating ALL of my exercise calories back
    4. Not binging out of control!!!!!!!

    Happy losing to you all this week!
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    Fun, fun. . . this is the third time I've written this! LOL. Apparently, I'm slow at directions.

    Okay, so I haven't lost or gained. I'm still 173. But, considering that I was on vacation and pigged out on junk food, I think that's pretty good that I haven't gained!!

    Current weight 173
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    Fun, fun. . . this is the third time I've written this! LOL. Apparently, I'm slow at directions.

    Okay, so I haven't lost or gained. I'm still 173. But, considering that I was on vacation and pigged out on junk food, I think that's pretty good that I haven't gained!!

    Current weight 173
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    Wow, great job ladies!!! Keep up the great work. My goals this week are.... (since it's a really busy week)

    Just try to get a workout of some sort in everyday no matter how long or hard

    Reduce Carb Intake (I really struggle with this)

    WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!!

    I would really like to be out of the 150's by next weigh that is 1.7 lbs. that needs to go!!!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Great job ladies! Knowing that I need to check in is really helping me. Thank you so much Rach for setting this up :)

    This week is going to be tough. I have my MRI on Thursday and it's going to be in the 90s for the next two days. The AC died over Memorial Day weekend, so, no AC at the house. I had planned to hit the gym those 2 nights since they have AC and DH has to go out for work, BUT, I'm fighting a nasty cold and I'm sore as all getout today. :( Just realized as I wrote this that I'm working from home Thurs in the 94 degree heat. I think I'll setup shop in the basement.

    My goals for this week are:

    Get in my workouts somehow - only 3 days left of Level 1 30DS, I'm dying to try Level 2
    Drink my water - this is a toughie with a cold
    Eat right and don't blow it on stupid stuff
  • fishrockstar
    fishrockstar Posts: 27 Member
    I cut way down on my carbs yesterday and lost a pound after one day O.O Hoping it's not a fluke, and I'm going to continue with it. I bought myself a Victoria's Secret bikini because I have a bonfire this week, and I feel pretty confident in it (kind of, my bottom half still sucks but eh) and it's kind of inspiring me to diet harder. I also started drinking a butt-ton of green tea and it seems to be doing some good (:
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    way to go everyone!

    Goal's this week:
    1) Try to finish the full 30 ds dvd *got up to 15mins and have to stop due to breathing problems*
    2)Eat more Veggies and Fruits
    3) Work out every night.
  • jadaif
    jadaif Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I am pretty new to mfp, about 12 days now, can i possibly join your challenge? Please let me know and what details do i need to give as well when are the weigh ins? Thanks
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    Look at all those incredible losses! Fabulous job, dolls!
    Goals for the week:
    1) Finish the godforsaken paper I should be working on and get it done and out of my life TONIGHT.
    2) Work out with my girl Asiral, getting my cardio in.
    3) Make it through my "rest week" of P90X.... my new, formidable biceps are already going soft, Haha.
    4) Get a call from the hospital I interviewed at Friday saying I got the job! I should hear tomorrow!

    Have a spectacular week, girls!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    well i messed it all up over the weekend again!!... why!?! apparently i need to work on my self control. my goal this week is to continue with the c25k and really focus over the weekend!
  • Ok, I know I've been in and out of here posting and what not but I really want to be on board and be included on the weight loss chart, I need to be accountable! Soooo, HUGE dilemma...I've been using our Wii balance board to weight myself this whole time because we didn't have a scale, well hubby and I were at Target this weekend (I LOVE that store!!!) and bought a good scale because we are both trying to lose weight, well, I guess the Wii was WAAAY off because I thought I was at 209 according the Wii and this scale has me at 217 (yikes!) so I guess that is my most current weight now, I thought I was getting closer to One-derland but guess not :( I am still putting that I've lost 11 pounds because regardless of what the numbers read the scale still went down by 11 that's where I am at this do I need to have my weight submitted on Sunday evening then? In order to be on the chart? Sorry for the novel, hoping to be a more active member here! Thanks! Let's do great this week!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ok, I know I've been in and out of here posting and what not but I really want to be on board and be included on the weight loss chart, I need to be accountable! Soooo, HUGE dilemma...I've been using our Wii balance board to weight myself this whole time because we didn't have a scale, well hubby and I were at Target this weekend (I LOVE that store!!!) and bought a good scale because we are both trying to lose weight, well, I guess the Wii was WAAAY off because I thought I was at 209 according the Wii and this scale has me at 217 (yikes!) so I guess that is my most current weight now, I thought I was getting closer to One-derland but guess not :( I am still putting that I've lost 11 pounds because regardless of what the numbers read the scale still went down by 11 that's where I am at this do I need to have my weight submitted on Sunday evening then? In order to be on the chart? Sorry for the novel, hoping to be a more active member here! Thanks! Let's do great this week!

    Send me your weight on Mondays. If you have it earlier and want to go ahead and send it, feel free. I get some weights on saturday and sundays. As long as I have them before I post the next week thread and the results chart. I'm going to start posting it on Tuesday mornings, since we get a lot of people that don't weigh-in until Monday night. It saves me from having to update it a couple times. :flowerforyou:
  • Woot Woot!! Keep up the great work ladies! =)
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    thanks Rach :)

    well done everyone :D xx
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