Couch To 5K Starting June 6th, Join Please!



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm on w4 but would love to join the group! I've never been a runner but have fully enjoyed this program so far. I'm signed up to run my first 5k thelast weekend in July :) I can use any motivation or support!

    p.s. Is anyone else's butt and thighs extremely sore?!?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    How does everyone log C25K?
    I logged mine as Couch To 5K Week 1 Day 1.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I started c25k on June 1, and i'm about to start week 2 tomorrow night.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hi ladies I would love to join this group! I will be running my first one tonight.
    Great! Good luck!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I just wanted to wish every one good luck in their C25k journey. This is an awesome program i am currently on week 6 Day 3 and i ran my first 5k and it was awesome.

    One piece of advice is to work on your endurance and the speed will come later.
    2nd piece of advice, try to do your traning outside, treadmills are bad on your knees because it pulls on your legs, but if you don't have a choice, you don't have choice.
    3rd piece of advice - try to run at most 3x a week, splitting up the days i.e. Mon, wed, Fri.
    4th piece of advice - have FUN

    I can"t stress enough how awesome this program is. Keep in mind this program does not get easier, it challenges your every being and it's up to you to meet that challenge. There might be some day that you want to give it up, but don't, it's only 30mins and you can go at your pace. If you don't complete a day, just repeat it until you can finish that circuit. DON"T GIVE UP!

    If I can do this, anyone can, trust me. I don't hate running, nor do i love it, but I have learned to appreciate it.

    They also have an FB page >The Couch-to-5K Running Plan.

    Good Luck Everyone. YOU GOT THIS!!
    Thank you! This is very good advice. Very helpful. :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I did my w1d1 yesterday. It was pouring rain here, so I went to the gym and did it on the treadmill. I did 3.0 for walking and 3.5 for jogging - but I don't really jog, my knees are awful. But, it got my heart rate up and I didn't do too bad. My warm up and cool down were at 2.5, so I just logged it as 35 minutes at 3 mph.

    i downloaded the podcast from one of the websites that alternate the bpm and give you the chime to increase or decrease, it was perfect. Tomorrow is w1d2 and I am going to try to attempt it outdoors, as long as we don't have pouring rain.
    Great job!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    way to go evreryone!!! oh how i wish i could run out here in this hot az heat!!! even at 5am it's already in the 90's. crazy!! with that said, i finished w1d1 yesterday... I had started this program a few months ago but bc of my knees and ankles I had to stop at week 5. I really hope I dont run into that problem again.

    I started with a warm up for 5 min at 3.0, then ran at about a 4.9...since this was my first day I wanted to see how far I could go just jogging and I was able to go 10 minutes straight without having to stop! I really couldnt believe it. So I went my 10 minutes...walked 2 min and then ran the last 3. I felt soo good afterwards. I think I will still work up to it though bc I dont want to start off too fast! I am excited to see where and what I can do in 9 weeks :))
    You are awesome! That's amazing.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm new to MFP and I am really enjoying it. I like having goals and being accountable so the boards are ideal!
    I'm starting the c25k a couple of days late (it is the 8th here in NZ ) but I am in! I walk about 5k most days and I think it's time to up the ante! I am really bad at running though, I've tried, so I quite like the programme and hopefully I'll be running my 5 k!
    Glad you can join us!
  • celticcateyes
    celticcateyes Posts: 71 Member
    Okay, so I want to do this but I am going to be starting a week late :/ If others could add me as a friend for mutual encouragement, that would be great!!!

  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Just finished W1D1 :drinker: It was easier than I remember it being last time I didn't even check my ipod for the time every three seconds :laugh:

    Great job everyone who finished their first day and good luck to everyone who is going to start tomorrow!

    As for music while running/walked I listened to: Christmas by theTrans-Sibreian Orchestra (Clicked the wrong playlist at first) For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimisic, Gives You Hell (Glee), Suddenly I See, Secret, and She Will Be Loved.
    When I finished I listened to We Are the Champons :smile:
    In general, currently I am loving me some Boyce Avenue they cover songs but sometimes change the lyrics too like the song Teenage Dream they made it from the guys POV and sooo much cuter!

    Love the music selection - Is that the Xmas song they use at Disney for the Osborne Lights - its great - but don't know about running to it :tongue: All the other would have kept you motivated though. Last time I ran I clicked on shuffle and ended up listening to a mix of country and rock, definately different :blushing:

    I found starting this time a lot easier than last time I tried C25K too, maybe because for the past 2 weeks I have been building it up with walk/speed walk stinits - although I still haven't been able to run all the run stints this time yet - maybe tomorrow :drinker: :

    Was supposed to be resting today but thought I'd do some core exercises on the Wii, well silly me clicked lower body instead and ended up doing a step workout with a little amount of core, oh well the thought was there :flowerforyou:
    I'm not sure about the Osborne lights I've never seen them but they sound cool! Yea it wasn't the best song to run to I have to check the playlist before I start next time :laugh:
    Congrats on finishing your first day, you'll be able to run all the run parts in no time!
    Do you do your Wii exercisies with the WiiFit or is it a different program? I have the WiiFit but I can't find any targeted exercises just cardo, yoga, balance, and strength.
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    W1 D1 complete. Treadmill version, walking 3.5mph and running 5.0-5.5mph.
    Good job! 5.5 mph is fast! :smile:
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    One of my mini goals is to be able to jog/run longer distances so I am def in! Guess I will start tonight since I am heading out to the gym in a few minutes. :) Good luck to everyone!
    Great! Have fun!

    Just came back from W1D1. Couldn't quite jog for the whole 60 seconds. I will def be working on get that up this week!
    Good job! The first time I tried this program I couldn't run the whole 60 seconds either on W1D1 by the end of the first week it was still hard but way easier than the first time, stick with it! :smile:
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Looks like everyone is off to a great start! I actually ran W1D1 yesterday when I found out the hard way that our new Y doesn't open until 9am on Sundays! I not only completed the program but continued and finished a 5K (pure fluke that I picked a park to run at that was hosting a 5K later in the day) and finished in just under 40 mins. I was pretty pleased with myself.

    As for music, Adele's Rolling in the Deep really gets me ready to GO!! It's been playing frequently when I'm in the car and I just downloaded it this afternoon. I LOVE the beat.

    Keep up the good work!
    Wow thats awesome! I couldn't imagine running a 5k right now especially after finishing a workout! Good job!
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    W1D1 done! I'm soo proud of myself. I wanted to give up a couple times, but I just kept telling myself - "you CAN do this. keep going!" and I finished it. Walking speed of 2.0-2.5 and jogging speed of 3.5. I'm still new at this so hopefully my speeds will increase as time goes by. :]

    Congrats to all who have checked in before me!! :]

    As for music, I just go with whatever comes on my ipod, which ranges from rock, to 80's, to country!! If it's got a beat, I'll take it!
    Good job! I need to work on my inner "Keep going" voice :laugh:
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Why put off tomorrow what you can do today :wink:
    So W1D1. My calves are tight even after stretching but i did it.

    I told my boyfriend i was going to do it and a hour later he was at the door in his shorts ready to go with me. Awww.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Well done to everyone. :smile:

    Ps I shattered my knee cap 4 years ago so this is hugh for me. My new motto- Feel the fear and do it anyway!!
    Good job! My calves are super tight too, its kind of annoying but I'm hoping as the program goes on the tighness will decrease :)
    That is so cute and awesome!
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Good job to everyone who has done their first day already!

    I did mine this morning. W1D1 completed. 1.56 miles down.
    warmup & cooldown 2.5 mph, walk 3 mph and jog 4 mph

    was not bad at all, I will probably up the jog to 4.5 for the rest of the week.
    Good job it's awesome that you're bumping up your running speed already :)
  • numnumnums
    numnumnums Posts: 45 Member
    so i started today using my i-pod app (get running) and it was okay - at first, it was even fun! My music had me all dancey and pumped up (Hed Kandi's "Fit and Fabulous"). But - i will NOT be running at the hottest part of the day again! What a dummy - i was boiling!
    My face looked just like this emoticon::blushing: That's how red i was!
    But i lived, and my foot doesn't hurt too much, so im going again on Thursday.
    And i should have stretched afterwards, but i was just too tired. Next time.
    And yes. My butt hurts. And my thighs. And weirdly enough, my abs!
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on w4 but would love to join the group! I've never been a runner but have fully enjoyed this program so far. I'm signed up to run my first 5k thelast weekend in July :) I can use any motivation or support!

    p.s. Is anyone else's butt and thighs extremely sore?!?
    Great job sticking with the program! How does the 4th week compare to the 1st?
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    I started c25k on June 1, and i'm about to start week 2 tomorrow night.
    Good luck with Week 2!
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    I did my w1d1 yesterday. It was pouring rain here, so I went to the gym and did it on the treadmill. I did 3.0 for walking and 3.5 for jogging - but I don't really jog, my knees are awful. But, it got my heart rate up and I didn't do too bad. My warm up and cool down were at 2.5, so I just logged it as 35 minutes at 3 mph.

    i downloaded the podcast from one of the websites that alternate the bpm and give you the chime to increase or decrease, it was perfect. Tomorrow is w1d2 and I am going to try to attempt it outdoors, as long as we don't have pouring rain.
    Good job! Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow so you can try W1D2 outside!:smile:
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