Couch To 5K Starting June 6th, Join Please!



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    so i started today using my i-pod app (get running) and it was okay - at first, it was even fun! My music had me all dancey and pumped up (Hed Kandi's "Fit and Fabulous"). But - i will NOT be running at the hottest part of the day again! What a dummy - i was boiling!
    My face looked just like this emoticon::blushing: That's how red i was!
    But i lived, and my foot doesn't hurt too much, so im going again on Thursday.
    And i should have stretched afterwards, but i was just too tired. Next time.
    And yes. My butt hurts. And my thighs. And weirdly enough, my abs!
    lol. The hottest part of the day was not smart at all, silly. Make sure to drink plenty of water though, while you're working out. Strangely, I'm usually never sore until the morning after when I get out of bed. Then I can really feel what I did the day before. Or like today when I was doing my workouts with weights, I could feel it after so many sets. Good job today!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Okay, so I want to do this but I am going to be starting a week late :/ If others could add me as a friend for mutual encouragement, that would be great!!!

    I'll add you. And it doesn't matter when you start, not at all. There might be some of us who feel like we should repeat a workout, so we're going to be all over the place lol. Good luck!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I told my boyfriend i was going to do it and a hour later he was at the door in his shorts ready to go with me. Awww.
    Aw, what a supportive boyfriend. I hope that when I get a boyfriend, he's supportive too. :) I have to ask, did you two compete to see who could go faster? Or was it just a nice leisurely walk/run?
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    way to go evreryone!!! oh how i wish i could run out here in this hot az heat!!! even at 5am it's already in the 90's. crazy!! with that said, i finished w1d1 yesterday... I had started this program a few months ago but bc of my knees and ankles I had to stop at week 5. I really hope I dont run into that problem again.

    I started with a warm up for 5 min at 3.0, then ran at about a 4.9...since this was my first day I wanted to see how far I could go just jogging and I was able to go 10 minutes straight without having to stop! I really couldnt believe it. So I went my 10 minutes...walked 2 min and then ran the last 3. I felt soo good afterwards. I think I will still work up to it though bc I dont want to start off too fast! I am excited to see where and what I can do in 9 weeks :))
    Wow thats awesome! 10 minutes at 4.9 is amazing! :smile:
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Grr. So I just typed out a really 'long' message about my workout, and it didn't post so it erased. Let me try again... I finished my first C25K workout today! It lasted 30 minutes on the treadmill. I burned 198 calories. I thought it would be more, but it wasn't, and that's okay. My mile time was 1.658, I think. I did 5 laps. I actually had to redo it. At 10 minutes in I got a phone call, so I took a 5 minute break to talk. So when I got back on the treadmill, I started it over. :) At about 22 minutes, my side started hurting, but I didn't let that stop me. It quit after a few minutes. I think it might've been because my water bottle was getting hot. I like drinking ice cold water, not warm water. It's more refreshing. I hope you all had a great day! :happy:
    Good job! I can't imagine having to do the workout twice good for you for sticking with it and starting again! :smile: Hope you had a great day as well!:happy:
  • W1D2 done - speed walked the majority of the runs though - went a different direction today and man was it hilly, couldn't have jogged if I'd tried :ohwell: but I did speed walk instead so probably just as fast as my jog anyway :blushing:
  • bcatgray
    bcatgray Posts: 41
    There are several apps out there. Which cell phone apps are you using?
  • [/quote]
    I'm not sure about the Osborne lights I've never seen them but they sound cool! Yea it wasn't the best song to run to I have to check the playlist before I start next time :laugh:
    Congrats on finishing your first day, you'll be able to run all the run parts in no time!
    Do you do your Wii exercisies with the WiiFit or is it a different program? I have the WiiFit but I can't find any targeted exercises just cardo, yoga, balance, and strength.

    I do all sorts of things on the Wii - My Fitness Coach, New U Yoga & Pilates, Jillian Michaels and of course the kids games :flowerforyou:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Grr. So I just typed out a really 'long' message about my workout, and it didn't post so it erased. Let me try again... I finished my first C25K workout today! It lasted 30 minutes on the treadmill. I burned 198 calories. I thought it would be more, but it wasn't, and that's okay. My mile time was 1.658, I think. I did 5 laps. I actually had to redo it. At 10 minutes in I got a phone call, so I took a 5 minute break to talk. So when I got back on the treadmill, I started it over. :) At about 22 minutes, my side started hurting, but I didn't let that stop me. It quit after a few minutes. I think it might've been because my water bottle was getting hot. I like drinking ice cold water, not warm water. It's more refreshing. I hope you all had a great day! :happy:
    Good job! I can't imagine having to do the workout twice good for you for sticking with it and starting again! :smile: Hope you had a great day as well!:happy:
    Thank you! I was surprised, because usually I'm 'dreading' it when I have to redo a workout lol. But I'm enjoying it so far.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    W1D2 done - speed walked the majority of the runs though - went a different direction today and man was it hilly, couldn't have jogged if I'd tried :ohwell: but I did speed walk instead so probably just as fast as my jog anyway :blushing:
    Good job! Yeah, my jog is a little slower than my walk. In other words, I could get somewhere faster if I walked than if I jogged.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    There are several apps out there. Which cell phone apps are you using?
    I'm not using an app for this, although it would be helpful. I do use the stopwatch on the Cardio Trainer app to time my strength workouts, though.
  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    completed W1D1 today, surprisingly wasnt as tired as i thought i'd be.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    completed W1D1 today, surprisingly wasnt as tired as i thought i'd be.
    Likewise. I wasn't as tired as I thought I'd be. The thirty minutes went by quickly. Good job getting the first one done!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So, it looks like most of the votes are leaning to keeping the thread going. So that's what we'll do. :) Isn't 500 posts the limit?
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    W1D2 - I did it at the middle school track today and did 12 laps in 35 minutes. I speed walked the jogging parts - it is just too hard for me to run still, but I did it all!
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    So, it looks like most of the votes are leaning to keeping the thread going. So that's what we'll do. :) Isn't 500 posts the limit?

    When we reach the limit, maybe you can start another topic with the same name. Or even make another topic now and post a link to this thread before we reach the limit. We can all go back to this post and look for the link. Just an idea. :D
  • W1D2 completed! Wow do I need to work on my calves!

    Found out the Speed Interval button on my gym's treadmill works great for this.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    So, I did W1D2 last night, and I am feeling it. I really think I'm gonna have to repeat week 1. This running thing is COMPLETELY new to me. Haven't done it since high school, at least.
  • madibabyxo
    madibabyxo Posts: 20
    Did W1D2 today. It was about 2 miles this time with a 2% incline, running at 6mph, and walking at 3.5mph. Whew! I never liked running before, but I am really enjoying this program! You guys are all doing great!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    W1 D1 complete. Treadmill version, walking 3.5mph and running 5.0-5.5mph.
    Great job! And were you out of breath at all running that fast? That's very fast for me lol.

    Not bad at all. Thought it would be worse. My regular speed is usually 3.5mph.

    W2 D2 complete.Treadmill version, walking 3.5mph and running 5.0-5.5mph. It was 97 degrees today when I did this, my treadmill is in the attic, only a ceiling fan. Let's just say it was a little warm.LOL! Keep going everyone!
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