

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks all for your caring ways. If I could I would all invite you over for tea or coffee....As my mom used to say, "Lets laugh and scratch, drink wine and tell lies!" (you don't have to scratch, drink wine, or tell lies...but laughing heartily is always great for the soul!)

    So this morning, while my husband was at laundromat telling sea stories to his pal a Marine..(he always tips his hat to me, even if he isn't wearing a hat, and calls my husband Chief), I walked to the church up the street to my TOPS meeting. I got weighed, (once again both the two ladies said NOTHING...and I just walked out of the weight room in a "you have got to be kidding face"). I exclaimed to the ladies out in the larger room, "I will not ring that bell"(you ring a bell when you lose). The ladies all said, "oh you didn't lose?" I replied, "Yep I lost 1.25 lbs, but those ladies in there don't say anything, Marilynn you need to talk to them!" Marilynn and Jeanie were the last weight recorders, and they were awesome, always cheering you on, or letting you vent. I had told them previous to weighing in that I wasn't going to stay for the meeting, because I needed to still clean up the apartment a bit before the sons come up. I told my husband I might just come to be weighed and then leave. I have come to the realization that motivational wise, many of the ladies have none to give. I get a lot of support from the couple of ladies that walk with me Mondays and Fridays, that are TOPS members. That is another crazy thing, there is 40 members and only 3-4 of us that are walkers. Many times all 4 of us have lost that week, and I think its because we all have walked.

    Tomorrow I will be visiting my sister (my oldest sis, not the one that forgets I exist). My husband is coming but he will be dropping me off with my sis at a park and going to do his own thing, and then I shall call him to reconvene. It should be a great visit, and I haven't been to this coastal city of Lincoln City for a couple of years. Its about 2 hrs down from us, so a 2 hr drive there, to visit for 2 hrs, then drive back home 2 hrs....my husband doesn't see the rationality of it, but a sister visit is a sister visit! I would have driven down by my self, but I am not great by myself in a car. Being that I got my license at age 51, I will probably never drive with a pleasure feeling. I got it because my husband was ill, and I needed to, but now, I drive probably once in a great while.

    So I never did clean today.... I had my breakfast late, (because of my TOPS meeting)....then watched some of my "Ghost Hunters" series shows. Then I read the paper, and then I had lunch. Then I procrastinated some more.... Then I tore out all the "Ad Pages" from my recent magazine I bought. It is called "Real Simple" and it has some great "de-cluttering" hints and recipes. After I tore out half the magazine, then I read it.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you that are hurting, a mental cartwheel to peeps that are doing awesome, and a smile to you all that need it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member

    :'( Katla, I am so sorry for your loss....take the hugs from all of us to sustain you as you are there for your daughter at this terribly sad time.

    <3 Barbie
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Katla, I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for you and your DD.

    Linda, my hearts breaks for your DD, too.

    Miriam, if you adopt the kids and they become your dependents, shouldn't you qualify for some more assistance, food stamps for sure, possibly some welfare income, too? I would think you could file a tax return solely for the earned income tax credit. I have a friend who is raising her grandchildren and she gets a refund of several thousand dollars each year. I'm not sure how much. But I'm thinking more than the $500 a month would be. If I wanted the kids, I'd figure out a way to make it work without my sister. But I'd be sure they knew they were my kids!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :) A common measure of whether you are obese, overweight, normal weight, or underweight is BMI (Body Mass Index).....MFP has a BMI calculator...here is the link (you can find it on your home page under APPS)

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Awww Katla, I'm sorry you lost a grandbaby. Hope your daughter recovers.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    drkatiebug. I get about $300 a month for both girls from the state, and since they started giving me that two months ago, they cut my food stamps from $112 a month to $6 a month. That is right. Six dollars a month. When you get help from one source, another takes it away. That is part of the reason it is so hard for people who are disabled to ever go back to work. It costs them MORE in benefits than they make in wages. So unless someone is able to go from full disability straight in to a full time professional position, it just doesn't make sense to even try. Anyway, it is a puzzle to figure this out. I thought my sister had it worked out but then her husband gets all greedy again. What a complete and total waste of space and air.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla - I'm so terribly sorry! Hugs to you and your daughter.

    I got some frustrating news this afternoon. I'm supposed to be putting on a tile workshop for some art teachers on Friday evening,so I'm thinking I still have two full days to get ready. I'm taking my time and not stressing out over it. The woman in charge told me Friday the 9th. I wrote it down! In big black marker and hung it on the wall to remind myself! Well, she called this afternoon and said it was tomorrow night, not Friday. I could just scream! It's not bad enough that I initially agreed to 12 people and she has expanded it to 20!!!!! So, I have a ton of prep work to do tomorrow. I'm not a teacher, so this is hard for me anyway. She told me that these are all art teachers, so I shouldn't have to do much beyond providing the materials and space to work, but today she tells me I should put on a 30 minute "lesson". And to really put the icing on the cake...the $20 fee per person that I agreed to is now turned into fund raiser for the college, but she said I should submit my receipts and they would "try" to pay for my materials. It's too late to back out now, or I would. I just spent almost $200 at the clay supply store alone. All I can say at this point is...NEVER AGAIN!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,676 Member
    stats for the day:
    Spin- 52.06min 85ar, 91aw, 10-13g 13.5mi = 455c
    walk dome 2 hm- 43.45min, 3.4 av pace, 91ahr, 112mhr, 2.4mi = 224c
    total cal 679
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Miriamwithcats - I am totally disabled from my job; and for me to work, even part-time puts me into a position of losing the disability checks I get. I agree - the system doesn't work to make you want to do anything; unless, you are suddenly 'not disabled' and that just isn't the case with my disability. I'm Bipolar - stress upsets the 'apple cart' and no other job that I could get would end up paying my 'disability' as high as it is at this point in time. So I 'paint' and run any money I get through my husband and therefore taxes are paid. As a couple we make too much money for us to get any help such as 'food stamps'. When my DGD went to college, she was not working so she applied for 'food stamps' and was told, 'you have to have a job in order to qualify for food stamps'. This year she is not going to be a dependent for her Daddy (she's 19); and, I told her as soon as she got a job (she did, on campus) to apply again. She thinks it is because she is not the 'right' race. That's probably true. If you are not Caucasian - you have learned how to 'work the system' and make every penny work in your favor. She is an honest person and won't lie on any application. Her biological mother (with claiming 3 dependents) got $1,700+ in 'food stamps' alone. That supported her 'habit' it did not go for 'food stamps'. She was 'in jail' and still receiving an 'food stamp' debit card from the state ... go figure! Does you sister work, if so, why doesn't she pay you out of her check and tell the D***-head to go **** himself. They (girls) could be with them, if you had not stepped in. However, you also have to take care of yourself and YOUR child. I'm not criticizing you, I am just wondering how your own sister could be so unfeeling towards her own granddaughters. Does she even bother to see them? Actually, they have succeeded in putting you into a position of an 'ex' with full custody of children with no child support. Karma does not like greedy and Karma will come around soon enough; maybe not for you to care; but, when you stop caring about what all they are doing with their money - something will occur and you will be, as they say, 'in the catbird's seat'. I know about 'selfishness' of a person that you thought you could trust; my stepdaughter is a perfect example. If something happens to my husband before happening to me; I will send her probate papers with a 'crisp $10 bill attached' with the instructions 'not to spend it all in one place'. I guess that people that do not know me think I am 'mean-spirited'. I'm not; but, I worked as a legal secretary all my adult life and I saw and heard a lot of things that would make your hair stand on end in domestic cases. I'd rather deal with a criminal defendant that the attorney is appointed to represent than to deal with some of the men and women we dealt with on a daily basis. I think they comes a time in a child's life that you have to answer their questions about their circumstances and I believe that honesty is the best way to do so. They need to know that you 'love them' and that you 'raised them' ... so do the best you can; and do what is best for them as if they were your own.

    Annr - Weight Watcher's ladies don't say anything one way or the other about whether you have lost or gained weight. I joined, quit, and re-joined 3x - always the same. It was pretty demoralizing to go to the meetings and hear others talk about how much they had lost when my weight never fluctuated 5lbs either way. Any weight loss I get now I get a 'good job, that is the way to do it'. Since I have been on this Medical Weight Loss Program, I have only gained once since the middle of May; and I was told, 'don't worry about it - gaining just happens sometimes' and it could be what I was wearing. I try to wear the same outfit when I go to get weighed in every 2 weeks; and it is a one-on-one situation for me and I like it much better.

    tazgirl1960 - 'unless' you stay 'online' most of the day - you'll never be able to catch up on the postings. I just read the current day and go back further if there is a comment made that I want to read the story about in the first place.
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    I got a new walking partner today. A 14 week old golden doodle.
    Maryann in Michigan
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I got a new walking partner today. A 14 week old golden doodle.
    Maryann in Michigan

    More information please!! And pictures!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I got a new walking partner today. A 14 week old golden doodle.
    Maryann in Michigan

    Yeah! Where's the picture?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    I got a new walking partner today. A 14 week old golden doodle.
    Maryann in Michigan

    :) You will have so much fun...I hope you can post a picture....what is your dog's name?
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Oh Katla ... So very saddened to hear of your daughter's miscarriage. Will be praying for all of you. Hugs.

    So sorry to hear this sad news.

    <3 Rosie
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2015
    I want to see the golden doodle pics too!!

    And, yes, sunshine can make a world of difference in one's outlook! A better day today.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Well I woke up today and weighed 2.3 pounds less than I did last week! So something is working. That made up for my new knee problem; I think I told you something snapped in the back of my knee which drove me to the ground; I went to the PT lab yesterday and they think I totally tore my lateral meniscus so that poor knee has about had it I guess.

    Last night Benny Beagle kept us up most of the night; DH left the pantry door open yesterday and he ate a new bag of greenies and boy did that give him a tummy ache. He moaned and coughed and passed stinky gas all night. Bleh!

    Right now I’m watching the baseball game…go Cubs… but now all they are doing is fighting.

    DJ: enjoy your chili and the ocean front resort!

    Katla: I am so sorry you are hurting over this move. (((hugs)))

    Margaret: sending you (((hugs))) too

    Wessecg: you look lovely atop that horse. I’m glad she was so excited!

    Lizmil: hope you feel better soon. I’m a diabetic too, so if you need to chat about the adjustment, give me a shout!

    Janetr: hope you feel better soon and happy anniversary!

    Barbie: wise words!

    Joyce: I hate ketchup so I’m with you!

    Heather: sounds like you and DH need some (((hugs))) too

    Sharon: glad today was better

    Alison: he snickered at you? That would be my last straw; you have the patience of a saint

    Liz: can’t wait to hear how that little trip went!

    Pip: sounds like you are well on the mend

    Sylvia glad to see you I have been reading that people were worried about you and I was getting worried too!

    Grits: congrats on being just overweight! Score! Can’t wait til I’m there

    Katla: so sorry to hear about your daughter. You need hugs too and so does she Sending them right away!

    Well ladies, I have 5 more pages to read and no more time. I’ll just have to end it here. Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening,

    [bMia --[/b]the tour was fun. Our tour guide spent a long time talking up the wonders of working at Scentsy. Did soon very nice the headquarters is very nice. Interesting to see how it started and where it is now. I was surprise that the scent was there but not overwhelming.

    Michelle -- I am feeling some what better. I went to work.

    DJ-- I like the words you live by. :)

    I came home and went to the Y walked the track.

    Tomorrow is volunteer day I will take my clients to their volunteer jobs. I work alone side of them. There is a lot of walking involved so that will be helpful.

    Tomorrow is also our in service time. Need to be at work a hour early.

    So I am getting my lunch etc pack tonight and go to bed soon.

    Wishing everyone a good night!

    Caldwell, Idaho

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited October 2015
    Wess, i reread my last post and I wrote it wrong. I meant to say our house is to small for the dinner. Katla, I am so sorry about your daughter's miscarriage. Miriam, it is so wrong what is going on with those children. I cant imagine how insecure they must feel right now. Children are to be revered and adored, not used in a nasty battle for money. Sylvia, look at shelters for a dog. Those dogs just cry out for a steady home.

    Not feeling well at all today. Am exhausted and I have had this pain right below my right shoulder blade. At first I thought it was in the lung but I really believe it is structural now. But on the spouse side, he is eating so much better, and going to the bathroom less. But the swelling in his legs is worse. We have an appointment next wEdnesday but I'm not sure it can wait until then.

    Signing off early tonight. Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am happy that my daughter is doing well physically. I have been concerned about possible bleeding problems all along, as she's had them throughout this pregnancy. She says she's doing okay in that regard. She had a very difficult pregnancy with DGD and nearly died in childbirth. Her pregnancy with DGS went much better. She loved this baby and had concerns about heavy spotting all along. It is her broken heart that I'm worried about now. She is so sad and I have no way to help. :broken_heart::heart:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Miriam, I am sorry. Six dollars in food stamps is ridiculous. I don't profess to know how the system works. I have been fortunate enough to never need food stamps or disability. I hope you can get it worked out.