

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @grandmallie I am sorry your husband treats you without any respect. You give him so much and he doesn't appreciate you. You take a lot, and sometimes I wish you would just blow up at the man, but I know that isn't your personality and nature to do so. I used to feel invisible when it came to my husband. He did his thing, and I did mine. I cleaned and i fixed dinner, but still I felt like a non-person. Sadly I found others that gave me the time of day, and I settled for any type of emotional and physical support they could give me. Looking back on it all, I was just used, and because my self esteem was rock bottom I just didn't see it. So now I demand respect. I am lucky to have my husband, as he is lucky to have me. But it was messy emotional work. I did a lot of confessing, and he listened. Communication is a difficult task, one talks the other listens. No shouting, no words spouted at the other to just cause harm. I know can see a long life with this man, when before I just didn't. A lot of things unsaid with you and your husband. (((hugs)))

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Welcome CLEatMoulton!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohhh today I am down 1 lb, and I am proud of my great day yesterday. Today I had 2 chopped mushrooms, 5 stalks of asparagus, some zucchini, all saute'ed with olive oil and chicken stock. Then put in a large bowl with sprinkled parmesan cheese. Yummy. The only thing I did wrong was that I should've waited maybe 2 more minutes because the asparagus was a wee bit firm. I just need to put the zucchini in later, and so its not mushy, and saute the mushrooms with the asparagus...
    Becca in food world
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi,I just joined fitness pal last week.I want to introduce myself. I am 64 years old. If I can help anyone let me know. I am a good listener. Thanks for all you do,

    Hello from a gal in Oregon! Feel free ta put your feet up on the threads here, and you can unload your mental baggage on the white part of the screen there.....its all good. They clean and we have a large bonfire periodically to get rid of it all....

    now thinking of marshmellows.....
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Alison ... Arghhh!! Does it never end with DH? You actually are more of a June Cleaver than anyone u know ... You do so much he has no idea!! Hugs!

    Carol ... Hope the migraine lessens.

    Mary ... We have someone like your husbands ex in our family ... Does/did the same kind of hateful things. They have a sickness I think... So sorry your DH and you have to deal with that. Hugs to you too!

  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    I went on a walk a thon today. A fundraiser for local food pantries. 5 miles.
    Maryann in Michigan
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I went on a walk a thon today. A fundraiser for local food pantries. 5 miles.
    Maryann in Michigan

    woah good walking!!! *hands you a GOLD STAR* and you put it on yer forehead.....WINNER!

    needing a GOLD STAR.....oh boo. :-)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    grandmallie - i am like a broken record with that person you are married to. what i would do is INTENTIONALLY, be a slob, start getting into EVERYONEs business to see if that would SPPED UP his thoughts on leaving. have him give me a call, i won't be as politically correct or select my words nice and calm. {{{{{ hugs }}}}}}
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Night everyone. And welcome CLEatMoulton

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, what a bummer to get your email messed with and have to go to all that trouble. Your plants sound so nice. Did your friend take on this move all on her own? Wow. I hope all goes well.

    Barbie, sure wish we could send some of this rain your direction. I know the west coast could really use it. Are all the fires under control? I haven’t seen much on them lately, even before our floods started.

    Mary, I hope you have a good trip no matter what the ex does.

    MicheleNC, we are still warm and just lots and lots of rain.

    Allison, I know it made your dad’s day to have you there. As for “what’s his name”, all I will say is you deserve better. (((((Hugs)))))

    CarolNC, I hope your head is better? Glad you got to rest. The rain keeps coming down but at least right where we are, there are no roads closed. That has happened north and south of us but we are safe at least.

    CLEatMolton, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often and join right in.

    Karen, good for you on getting things accomplished. When you finish, do you want to come to SC and I’ll let you do some work around here? LOL

    Maryann, good for you on your 5 mile walk. That was a win=win.

    Pip, you just keep spinning and don’t be beating up any husbands while you are still healing from your surgery.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's OK Allison, I know exactly what you are talking about. I think I am your sister and we share the same kind of personality. It drives me crazy but that's the kind of person I am also.

    OK, a personal question maybe better answered by your husbands, brothers, fathers etc. Male diapers. Are the ones that are like underwear better than the ones with tabs for bowel incontinence. I think we are that point now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening,

    I have read most of the posts I believe. My heart goes out to you. Keep dry and safe those getting rain. We out here are having beautiful weather. But our area struggles with draught so a little rain would be nice. I am sure. Except it makes my joints hurt.

    Last night went out for dinner with some friends. I was suprise after logging everything in to still be under goal. Its good I was certainly stuffed. Sometimes I look at my daily goal its like 1900 something. Seems too much.

    Able to take Bella out for a little walk. She sure was excited. Got to spend some quality time with my daughter helping her clean her room.
    Lovely time at church. Good to some old friends who were back to visit their parents.

    Sorry not longer and more giving. Came home tonight hurting. Took some meds and they are kicking in.

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Greetings MPF Friends!
    Barbiecat – thank you for getting us started on a new month!

    Happy Belated Birthday, Heather!

    Sylvia and everyone else who has reached your goals – you are an inspiration to me! I am in awe of your accomplishments.

    Healing thoughts and prayer to those recovering from surgery - Pip and Janetr and anyone I may have missed.

    I haven’t read all the posts this week, but am keeping up as much as possible. Prayers and encouraging thoughts to those that need them; and rejoicing with/for those with successes!

    I was a dismal failure – or maybe that’s a remarkable failure – at all my goals last week as I didn’t meet even one. I did best at drinking water with missing my goal only 2 days. I have Katla’s quote on my computer desktop and read it often: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison. For a long time I’ve been afraid to try to lose weight (for what seems like the 1000th time) because every time I do, I end up heavier than when I started. But this quote has helped me realize that that not trying is NOT the answer.

    My husband ordered a new computer for me that arrived this last week and I have nearly everything set up and moved over from my old computer. That took a significant amount of time and effort, so I did accomplish something last week.

    Woke up early today and couldn’t go back to sleep so did 25 minutes on the recumbent bike this morning. After church, my husband and I took our Moms out for lunch and then for a drive in the country. It was enjoyable but I wasn’t wise with my food choices (California burger and sweet potato fries). :sad:

    I’m keeping the same goals for this week:
    • Log every bite
    • Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily
    • Walk 30 minutes a minimum of 3 times a week (I know this is small, but currently I rarely exercise at all)
    • Eliminate alcohol (thank you Katla for inspiring this one)
    • Complete paperwork for MED Internship

    Joyce in SD
    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill


    PS: if anyone can tell me how to get my profile photo to show - I'd be grateful. I have it on my profile and have indicated it's my "main" photo, but it doesn't show with my posts. I must be missing some step. :grumble: Thanks.
  • sislee
    sislee Posts: 10 Member
    thank you for allowing me to join into this group. I have just started using MFP again after not using for several years. I now have gotten motivated again after putting weight no again. My plan is to take off the pounds in small goals. my first goal is to loss back down to my lowest weight that I have been at in years. I have lost 22 lbs so far. I have another 8 lbs to get to my first goal. really working at it by staying within my calorie allowance. I need to get into exercising but most days my back is just not up to it. I plan on working on this. Even if it is just for a few minutes it will help.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another question for the group. Hubbie was looking for something he could eat and grabbed a frozen chicken strip out of the freezer. They are about 3 ounces each and frozen individually so that I can just grab one and put it in a salad or something. So he thinks since it is frozen it will take a long time in the microwave. He nukes that thing for 8 minutes! Oh my was that thing black and not just burnt or fried but more like cremated. Anyway, anytime the microwave is used it really stinks. Any suggestions other than keep husband away from microwave?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello Ladies,
    I just seen this group tonight, and WOW!! Just couldn't find a place for an entry. Lovely posts.

    So, my name is Teresa Marie and Sept 19th I turned 51. I'm currently residing in Too Hot Arizona, but from the beautiful SW Washington area. Wish I was still there.

    I'm very happily married, in fact tonight we celebrated our 22 year Anniversary. We have 7 handsome boys and 1 gorgeous daughter. And come Nov.we'll have 13 grandbabies. Currently the youngest is 5 weeks old.

    My current weight is 252, and my short-term goal is to get to 200 in 10 lb increments. I would love to reach 200 by my next visit with our daughter which is in 4-5 months. My next-term I'm wanting to reach Onederland and from there 150.

    This weeks goal is to walk 1 mile every other evening with my hubby. So far we are on track.
    Stay within our meal plan.
    And try to reach 3000 or more steps daily.

    To do this we are seeing a Nutritionist weekly and following a meal plan. We are 2 weeks in to this. I'm hoping to find encouragement and motivation here.

    Teresa from Az.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi Teresa and sislee and others. :D Keep coming back!

    Both DH and I had sleepless nights over this party nonsense. We both know it's nonsense and we are trying to get over it, but for DH it has awoken all sorts of issues from his childhood (he was adopted) and he is struggling.
    I suggested he write everything down, including all his resentment, and then burn it. Also reserve a certain half hour a day to do the worrying and not think about it the rest of the time. We know it is not our monkeys, but easier said than done. We slready feel much better from chewing it over this morning. <3:)

    Love you all. Especially the saints. o:)<3 Fortunately for me I am far from a saint, but sometimes feel guilty I am not more of one. That doesn't last for long though. :D

    Becca - our vent and baggage dump is growing with my nonsense! :laugh: When does the bonfire start? >:)

    Heather UK
  • CathyMacLain
    CathyMacLain Posts: 3 Member
    Its the 5th day of October, guess I'm a bit late in proclaiming my goals for the month. Here they are:
    * eat slowly, put my fork/spoon down between bites
    * keep going to the weight room Monday, Wed, and Fridays
    * reach out to a friend at least once a week
    * pray and meditate daily
    * drink more water
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lillian - Evening went great. DH said he really enjoyed it and then.....the tirade. This time it was why wasn't the living room floor scrubbed better. It was but we did have little people, the dog, etc. who tracked in. He proceeded to tell me that my brothers need to take off shoes when visiting. Okay, first they do and second they weren't here. So WTH? Not proud of my reaction but after all the cleaning, etc. that I did I couldn't just walk away.
    I know how to shoot but don't.
    75th anniversary. Wow!

    Irish Terri - Glad you are doing so well.

    Barbie/Joyce - Love that and we all know the dance. Lol

    Grits- Looks like I'm not the only one with dishwasher woes.

    Katla- Thanks for the kind words.

    Mary- It is sad how one toxic person can affect so many. My heart goes out to your DH. Hopefully DD will realize how much they are missing out on.

    Michele - Thanks for the info and yes, I play Mexican Train.

    Allison - Glad your Father enjoyed his day.
    Grrrrr....it is too bad that your good heart is not recognized. Be kind to yourself when others are not.
    I feel your pain.

    Karen - Doesn't it feel good to get things accomplished? Good for you.

    Pip - I love how you support us all. Nothing physical though until you are all healed up.

    Joyce - Some of the men in my life vote for the underwear type.
    Oh my. You might have to keep DH away from microwave.

    Teresa - Congratulations on reaching 22 years.
    Grandchildren are just the best. 13? Wow!
    Onederland, we will get there together.

    today. Good, bad, ugly, fantastic, fun, funk. Yes, I would say I have run the gamut of emotions today. Thank goodness there was a lot of laughter.

    Started the day lazily. No alarm, pjs, coffee and Super Soul Sunday.
    Then it was laundry, dishes, cleaning, primping.
    DD came and picked up some ingredients for DH birthday dessert. Delicious and decadent.
    DGD and DGS came to help. DGS did vacuuming because it is something my back rebels against. DGD was dusting and trying to keep the secret. She gave DH a few clues but he did not catch them due to him NOT being deaf. She says "Grandma this is so hard. You know I'm not good at keeping secrets"
    DS came and we talked about why I didn't feel "She" would be a guest at DH's dinner party. He said he had a counselling session and the tears started to flow. I have only seen him cry when "She" tried to steal his daughter away. He has always been stoic so it took me by surprise. Then he asked me why I allowed DH to force him into being right handed. I know it irritated DH that DS would switch from hand to hand. Part of this was probably because we had been learning sign language and when a child is very young this can lead to them being ambidextrous. The biological father is left handed as are many in his family. He remembers being "Stabbed in my left hand if I used it" I do not remember this but I did ask DH about it and he said "I never stabbed him just pricked his hand" I believe it happened but don't remember. Jeez. What kind of Mother was I? DS and I had a good cry and a lot of hugging. We went downstairs and did some packing and some cleaning. I told dear son that I was glad that he was going to counselling and really glad that he was finally showing some emotion. My accident knocked out a good amount of my memory and some comes back, some does not. Now my mind is asking "What else did I allow?" DS assures me that I am a good Mom and much loved.
    I started having back spasms and had to put heat on. DS and DD went to look at a couch, love seat and coffee table. Leather, look like new. DS bought and had delivered. $300. He says seller might regret when he comes down. They picked up the Chinese food for me. More than I would normally spend but there is no present this year.
    It was a gathering full of conversation and laughter. Really enjoyable company.
    DH started out so positive and ended so negative. Now he is fast asleep and my blood is still boiling. I keep reminding myself of his good qualities but really right now I want to go in there and slap him silly.
    Hugs from DGDs was the best part of my day.
    Hoping for better days
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.