Stay-At-Home Moms 1/5-1/11



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I everyone. My name is Renae and I have a son who is 3, and a daughter who is 10 months. I am still currently on maternity leave, but we have decided that I was not going to go back to work. I do books out of the house, and with the kids and the farm, there just isn't enough time in the day. I just joined MFP in Dec, and I am loving the site. I came across your thread and was wondering if it would be alright if I joined you. I have lots 20 pounds of my baby weight and still have around 35 to go, before I might actually feel good about myself.

    It has been hard staying on track this week. My daughter has a bad cold, borderline pneumonia, and my son has pneumonia in both lungs. We thought he was going to be hospitalized today but instead he is just doing IV meds through outpatients, and nebulizing, and my daughter is on antibodies and nebulizing, and to top it all off, I have a cold as well.

    We enough complaining for the day. Just wanted to say I read through your thread and I have really enjoyed it.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm a stay at home Mom, but my kids are all in school. 19, 17, 16, 12. I have to stay home cause I'm on disability for a redislocating left shoulder. Do I still qualify to be in this group? I can help support you all cause I've been through all those tough ages and tantrums, etc. and I KNOW how you are all SUPERSTARS and don't ever feel any differently. I've made my mistakes in parenting, but have pretty good teenagers all being said. Let's do this whole thing together! :bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh my, look at all the mommies. :noway:

    Welcome all :flowerforyou: I'm so glad you've joined us on the journey to becoming fit, hot mammas! :love:
    Sorry for trespassing:wink::bigsmile:


    You? Trespass? Never. We are honored. :flowerforyou: 2.gif:bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I can stay home and workout now instead of going to the gym. No makeup and no dragging kids with me! woo hoo!

    Amen! I don't need to go to the gym and advertize my wobbly bits! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Here I am! Thanks Fitness Chick!

    Stay at home mom of 4, ages 8, 6, 4, and 2. Have lost 10 lbs after baby and need to lose 20 more. I love running and listening to my ipod! Maniac from Flashdance has become a good friend during rough parts of a run! I got a new treadmill from Santa and I love it! I can stay home and workout now instead of going to the gym. No makeup and no dragging kids with me! woo hoo!

    Okay-- so now I have the most amusing picture of you running to Maniac--
    You go, Casey-- !!! Welcome-- thanks Chickie for leading her here.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I everyone. My name is Renae and I have a son who is 3, and a daughter who is 10 months. I am still currently on maternity leave, but we have decided that I was not going to go back to work. I do books out of the house, and with the kids and the farm, there just isn't enough time in the day. I just joined MFP in Dec, and I am loving the site. I came across your thread and was wondering if it would be alright if I joined you. I have lots 20 pounds of my baby weight and still have around 35 to go, before I might actually feel good about myself.

    It has been hard staying on track this week. My daughter has a bad cold, borderline pneumonia, and my son has pneumonia in both lungs. We thought he was going to be hospitalized today but instead he is just doing IV meds through outpatients, and nebulizing, and my daughter is on antibodies and nebulizing, and to top it all off, I have a cold as well.

    We enough complaining for the day. Just wanted to say I read through your thread and I have really enjoyed it.

    Hi Renae-- sorry to hear of your health woes-- ick. "Nebulizing" babies ain't fun-- my older three had to have it years ago, simultaneously-- blech. Pneumonia is some scary stuff-- keep an eye on that sweetpea.

    Welcome-- we have some fun here-- come on in-- !!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm a stay at home Mom, but my kids are all in school. 19, 17, 16, 12. I have to stay home cause I'm on disability for a redislocating left shoulder. Do I still qualify to be in this group? I can help support you all cause I've been through all those tough ages and tantrums, etc. and I KNOW how you are all SUPERSTARS and don't ever feel any differently. I've made my mistakes in parenting, but have pretty good teenagers all being said. Let's do this whole thing together! :bigsmile:

    Don't matter how old your kids are, nor why you're home-- come on in and join the party!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Holy welcoming committee, batman! Geeze a loo! Hello to everyone & welcome back, Audry!!! :flowerforyou:

    Busy day here today. Laundry coming out my ears, T's dr. appt., gotta squeeze in everything else, too! Have lovely days, ladies!

  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning wonderful mommies.

    Quick update. Frustrating day with hubby yesterday. I was ready to throw out the baby with the bath water, I was so upset and sick. :brokenheart: :cry: But after going round and round (I can't say anything was resolved necessarily:ohwell: ), we kissed and made up. I know I can't change him. Every once in awhile, I just feel like I need to try though :wink:

    Lots of newbies. Hello to you all. I'm not as good on keeping track of everyone and everything, so I apologize in advance.

    I have a dentist appointment today. :sick: So to the gym with DH first thing this morning to get that out of the way. Who knows how I'll feel after a filling. :sad: :

    Great day to you all. I'll check in again later.

  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    1 of the 3 kiddos is up (not a shocker there:grumble: ). Thankfully, the little guy slept better last night and is starting to feel better...woohoo!!!! Oldest has preschool this morning and I have an endless amount of laundry to do. Have a great day all!:flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin ladies..I'm Still feel kinda weird cant wait to go see my dr friday hopefully she can tell what the heck is wrong with me..I'm sick of feeling this way...

    Well it is snowing here in my parts of S.Indiana..:grumble: I hate the snow..I cant drive in this crap..And they may call school early so that means I have to go into the next town which is only 11 miles away to get my lil girl from preschool cuz they wont run the bus if its too bad but want us parents to get out and do it..Like I said I cant drive in this crap:grumble: :explode: :grumble: :explode: :grumble: :explode: So I'm just waiting for the phone call..woo hoo can you hear my excitment..

    Other then that I'm ok..And once again can ANYBODY tell me where I can find excersies to print out for a friend of mine..I've asked like 3 times already...If anyone can help me please let me know..Well I'm gonna go crawl back into my warm bed and wait for the schools to call me...Hope everyone is having a great day ttyl..
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Wow! Lots of new faces this week! Thats awesome:happy: The more the merrier!! Welcome to you all:flowerforyou:
    Well, for those of you that didnt know...I just have to tell you that I am down 7.8 lbs since last Wed!:drinker: Yes, most of it was holiday weight that I technically "re-lost":blushing: but hey, its gone!!:laugh: I actually feel like I deserved MORE though (yeah Im being greedy:laugh: ) because I worked me *kitten* of this last week:ohwell: Anyway, Im glad its gone again:wink:
    Tomorrow Im going in for another surgery. HOPEFULLY this will get to be the last one. They arent "bad" as far as surgeries go, but Im getting really tired of beiing cut on:ohwell: Crazy, but the thing about it that I dread the most is that I dont get to do my strength training for about a week or so afterwards:grumble: I know the surgeries are a necessity towards being healthy, but dang it so is my strength training!
    Well I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!:flowerforyou: We got more snow here again last night, but I guess I cant really complain. Its been gone for almost 2 weeks now so I guess we were due again:laugh: Have a great one ladies!!:flowerforyou:
    P.S. Sara, I love your new avitar!:happy: You look fantastic!:drinker:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces!
    Sara, you look great! :bigsmile:
    Just a quick note here. Alex has therapy this morning and we have company coming over this afternoon with three kids under the age of 4? I think, and I haven't seen them in a year! So I need to get things cleaned up and child proof. Honestly Alex has never gotten into anything so I have never had to child proof with him. Easy, yes, normal, no. And we have church tonight.
    I am still really struggling emotionally. I get upset (inside not outwardly) when I hear or see anything about babies right now. It seems like everything around me is about babies, and I just can't handle it right now. So that being said I may disappear for a couple of days since that's pretty much what this post is about. lol. Maybe I just need to cry but I don't want to. Especially not today since we have a lot going on. I may not leave for a few days but at this moment, today, I need to get my mind off of babies.
    I hope you all have a good day and I will check back soon. Probably sooner than I mean to since i am addicted.
  • Wow! Even more new mommies! Welcome Ya'll!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ok so Ayden would NOT go to sleep last night!! He was up for 2 1/2 hours fussing on n off. Then out of no here he zonked out at 1115 n slept til 245 n then wouldnt fall asleep until 330. ugh n the rest of the night is a fog. Is it bad that there are parts of the night I dont remember but was awake for?? Like I woke up at like 630 with Ayden sleeping on my chest but Im pretty sure I put him in his bassinet after he fell asleep at 330.

    And needless to say since he was so fussy I didnt get my cardio in yesterday like I was supposed to, ugh... well anyways, now I must balance earing breakfast and breastfeeding, ugh. I have to say these last few days have been horrible, I just need a break:cry:

    Oh yea and to top it all off, hubby has to go to Austin this weekend for pre-deployment stuff and then sometime after that he has to go to training, n he'll only be given a 24hr, maybe 48hr notice before he has to leave, They say he should be back by the end of Feb, then he has to go for 3 more weeks of some other training during March n then in April, hes gone, he'll be in Iraq for 15 months, probably 18 with how the Army is....ugh everything just sucks right now:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • ugh n now I have to decide if I want to go back to sleep since Ayden fell back asleep or get some exercise in.... I'm thinking... sleep....
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Good morning!! Well we have ice and snow this morning so no school for my oldest, which means it's gonig to be crazy today. I actually feel asleep last night(maybe because I didn't have caffeine and I workout a bit) and since school closed my youngest slept til 8:30ish, wow!!! I got sleep, but I can never get woke up.

    Hi to all the newbies, I love this site.

    Supermom- sorry to hear you are having trouble with the little one. I remember those days well. I feel for ya. I hope things get better for you!!

    Hope everyone has a super day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • CPascoe2519
    CPascoe2519 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Everyone.
    Well, the weather's back up in the mid 60's today. Might bring my daughter and go on a walk. Got a lot of exercise to work on..
    I've been doing good on staying under my points.. Just haven't been doing too much exercise.
    My car is broken down because it flooded during our last Hurricane. So, me and my daughter stay home all week while my Hubby is at work. It's hard to get too much in with the weather cold.
    Going to try to make up for lost time today.
    How is everyone's day going so far?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just a quick pop-in. That's my black team "kick *kitten* shirt" LOL Thanks, ladies. I'm getting there. :blushing:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    good morning ladies. Welcome to all the newbies.

    MM-I'm sorry you are having a difficult time today. I hope that you can find some peace, even if it means leaving us for the rest of the day. We love you :flowerforyou:

    Supermom-these crappy nights will be over soon. And no it's not unusal to not remember things that happen during the night, I did it a lot with my ds. I hope you get some sleep and that your little one finds a sleep pattern soon.

    Roni-good luck with the surgery. Hope this IS the last one for you.

    Well my kids are driving me nuts already and I've only been up for an hour and a half. I'm thinking of running away tonight. I'm sure it's ladies night somewhere. Hubby is back to his normal work/school schedule so he's gone from 6:30-4 M-F and then has school tues and thurs so he's gone from 5-9. UGH! And to make matters worse this morning the dvd player is on the fritz. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do my normal workouts. I may need a day off anyway my legs are killing me from doing the Shred.

    Gotta run.
    Have a great day!
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