

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,751 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin at hm - 60min, 124ahr, 139mhr, = 476c
    walk dome 2 hm- 42.16min, 3.4amph,/pace, 118mhr, 2.4mi =217c
    total cal 693
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi all,
    So can not believe that I have been away so long, but here I am… the computer is replaced and all is back up and running. The old computer could not be accessed at all – but I run a backup program called carbonite (it is an online backup that happens automatically in the background when you are attached to the internet) and NOTHING was lost except the $$ to buy a new computer and 18 hours of the backup running…

    But now I am on windows 10 – ok that is really different, and I’ll get used to it, but nothing is where it was, called what I was used to… it is really the hardest part of this ordeal.

    When I logged in just now there are 400++++ posts to read. I’m not. I’ll read a couple of pages and jump in – Love and hugs to everyone!

    KGallen – we are your girls! Welcome we get it !

    Carol – so glad he is ok… he’ll be sore!

    Irish Terri – have fun in Spain!

    Lisa – you are really wonder woman, I get tired reading your posts!!!

    Cat – NSV to no meds!!!

    Heather – Have a great time! All sounds wonderful.

    Becca – what a great looking family – glad you are having time together.

    Penny – sounds like your new gal will be hopping a plane home soon, as with that attitude she will be lonely.

    October Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday - increase over 140 - would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 –
    Kim from N. California
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,104 Member
    Went to hear Frank Abagnale speak after work. His life story is the basis for Catch me if You Can. He is one of the leading experts in Identity Theft. I will write more tomorrow and some of his suggestions.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret- awesome!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I'm glad you're back! I hope you like your new computer. :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    well just shoot, I had a fairly long post that I was writing and this old antique of a computer I am on decided it was time to do 3 updates. Now my laptop does it when I am shutting it down. The old desk top just does it and doesn't care what you are doing at the time. So just know that I am thinking of all of you, especially Carol at this time. Charlie had his appointment and everything was good. His east Indian doctor was so glad to see charlie doing so good that he gave him a big hug! This is the doctor that Ellie wrote him a thank you note for letting him go to the Smokey mountains after his heart attack. It has hung on his wall in his office ever since.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    So far behind again. I made it to page 24. I've probably missed a lot along the way.
    Chris in MA - Gorgeous photo. That must be such a nice walk!
    I'm so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend.

    Terri - The trouble over your house are not trivial. I pray it gets resolved for you. Remember "Breathe"

    Barbie - I'm glad that Jake had a good birthday.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Michele - Quinoa is a nice change but not a steady diet.
    It must be a relief that insurance paid 100% for Vince's ablation.

    Tazgirl - It must have been a very happy day, such nice wedding photos.

    Allison - Nice scenery, perfect for a long car ride.

    Katla - My heart got out to you and your family. Losing the baby has to be so difficult. I am glad that your daughter is okay.

    DJ - I would wear any top that got me called skinny 24/7. Waiting for the day.

    I've been very tired and can not figure out what is going on. Maybe I just have to push through.
    Thanksgiving was interesting.
    DH has a surgery date of Oct 27th
    Work is stressful
    Trying not to *kitten* and whine too much
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • mrsljdavis
    mrsljdavis Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am Lydia. Just signed up to work with a trainer for 1 day a week. I am 55 and retired on JUNE 30TH. I live in Southern california. I had shoulder surgery February and it has been a brutal recovery. Did not do much for 3 months because of the pain....so ended up losing 20 lbs. that was the only good part about it. I am weak and need to build up my core and strength again. I am ok if I can loose some weight as well. Well, its nice to see that there is a support group in here for us over 50.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,470 Member
    Sitting watching the sun come up over the fields. It is really emphasising the autumn colour.

    I got on the scale this morning and am down another pound. Seems that all the extra exercise for the Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge (Harry Potter Themed Challenge) is paying off. I have all of the mandatory task completed and few extra ones for good luck.

    I am off shopping for groceries shortly and then have packing to do for tomorrow's early start. We should be in Spain by lunchtime. I am so looking forward to it. We haven't been away much this year as I have had to pay for my surgery.

    :heart: (((Hugs!))) is you need them.

    :star: I am responsible for my own thoughts! :star:

    The thoughts that live inside my head
    are beings needing to be fed
    to help them grow and multiply.
    Starve them and they will stultify.
    Thought by thought, my future grows
    in light and colour, brightly glows.
    I chose my thoughts so carefully
    so I can shape eternity.
    My choices will determine fate.
    They make and mould my inner state.

    Irish Terri
  • miteyme
    miteyme Posts: 21 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    MNMargaret- awesome!

  • miteyme
    miteyme Posts: 21 Member
    I find myself dreaming disturbing dreams set in my adolescence, and on waking, I find myself trying to make sense of them. If drop those after-dream thoughts, which probably have too few facts to make any accurate sense out of, and too many people are dead to ask the facts. Will I be able too? Also, the things that spring to mind, when in this semi-comatose state, are mixed. The good, the bad, and the ugly so to speak. Since I now have the luxury of time to think (kids gone and grown), maybe I should let my not-so-good thoughts surface without control. Hopefully, in time they will settle again into the gel of the present. DO I DARE TAKE CONTROL OF MY THOUGHTS? Might it not simply roll the troubles of the past into the future.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lydia - you will get a lot of support here!

    Irish Terri -congratulations on your loss! I'm just starting a challenge too! Good luck on yours.

    I can't sleep!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone (waving again),

    Carol: thinking of you. Keep us posted.
    Kim: good to see you again! <3

    Having a cra**y week.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just had to share a picture I took yesterday when I was at the gym. The windows overlook the school playground. It's always a joy to see all those kids dashing out for breaks, happy to be outdoors whatever the season. Funny how much faster they move coming out of school than going back in. ;) The playground is floodlighted in the part of the winter when the sun never goes up.

    The mountainside in the background rises about 1300 feet from the base of the valley. The trestles marching across the lower slope are the remains of an aerial cableway that was used in the coal mining era. There's a lot of similar "junk" in and around town, all of it protected by law as cultural heritage. To be honest, it isn't always easy telling the difference between a trash dump and a cultural heritage site up here. But I like the aerial cableways. They add a little syncopation to the steady rhythmic beat of the mountain's natural erosion patterns. 9jipmdjityo1.jpg

    Have a good day everyone!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Penny -thanks for sharing the picture of the children enjoying the simple pleasures of life! Where are you located in relationship to Norway?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Well, ladies, the Sudafed that I took yesterday is still kicking in so here I am.

    Let's see, yesterday (Wed.) I did a DVD by Cindy Witmarsh called Ultra Fat Burn. It was only for 42 minutes but I do feel like I got a good workout in. Then we had a Newcomer general meeting at this Ale House. Personally, I'm not a beer drinker. We then had lunch at this place. I asked for 2 orderes of veges. I honestly thought they'd probably be around $2 or $3 each. Nope...$4. Vince got some sort of hamburger with their chips and it was $9 -- one dollar less than mine. But it also had the bun (filler) which I wasn't crazy about. Then in the evening we had ceramics

    The plan for today is to do an Advanced Strength DVD. Then in the a.m. I'm scheduled to volunteer at the Green Rooms' box office and at night go back for the IDR (Invitational Dress Rehearsal) for the upcoming show.

    Our plan is to (oh boo hoo) close up the pool.

    Carol in NC - so sorry about the boy child! That is just terrible, but glad he's OK. Definitely get your son to the MD

    Mia- technically, I should be at a lower weight. But I've come to accept the fact that my body just doesn't seem to want to go much lower than it is right now.

    terri - I just log my exercise in the "notes" section so it isn't added in my calorie total. This way, if I go a bit over, I know deep inside that I have a "buffer"

    DJ - yes, the first ladybug I made had a bad chipping problem. See, I firmly believe that when I first painted it, I didn't put the paint on thick enough and used the hairdryer to dry it between coats. Well, after it was fired, it came out streaky. So we had to use an acrylic paint, then they sprayed it. I put that out in the full sun and it started to chip. That's when I found out about the Rust-oleum stuff,. Well, I repainted another ladybug but this time I only did one coat of paint each time and let it air dry so I knew it was fully dry for the next coat of paint. This time it didn't come out streaky.

    Heather - have fun this weekend

    Lisa - can't believe that manager. Do hope the new one works out and so does the asistant manager. But sorry you'll be there longer

    clh - yea for being off prescription meds!!!!

    Yesterday Pete called Vince to ask how he ws. Here the guy Denise is with calls Vince to ask how he is and his own son doesn't. Sad.

    Becca - lovely pic. You look so so happy (and you should be). What handome sons you have!

    terri in milwaukee - I'm the same way. I would much rather do a little bit each day and then the job will get done. But Vince is just the oposite. Like when we powerwashed the driveway. He would let it go until he could do the entire thing. Fortunately, he couldn't be in the sun due to the medication so I would do 2 or 3 sections each day. Yes, it took me about a week to get it all done. But it's done. Now I'll probably need to do it again next year as it's still streaky. We haven't done it at all since we moved into this house.

    Kim - so glad you didn't lose any of the info on your computer. Vince has our computers backup at like 3 in the morning

    Sharon - you have no idea how great it feels to know that insurance paid 100% of the ablation. If we could, he'd have his shoulder operated on this year. But the recovery time is like 4 to 6 weeks and there is just so much going on, Vince loves to decorate.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Irish terri - have fun in Spain. Congrats on your loss

    Better get ready for the day. Have a great one everyone!

    Michele in NC
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    mrsljdavis wrote: »
    Hello, I am Lydia. Just signed up to work with a trainer for 1 day a week. I am 55 and retired on JUNE 30TH. I live in Southern california. I had shoulder surgery February and it has been a brutal recovery. Did not do much for 3 months because of the pain....so ended up losing 20 lbs. that was the only good part about it. I am weak and need to build up my core and strength again. I am ok if I can loose some weight as well. Well, its nice to see that there is a support group in here for us over 50.

    Welcome! Come often and chat with usB) Your on the path to making YOU stronger and better by the year! I would love to hear how your workouts with the trainer are going. I've often thought about doing the same thing - honestly it's kind of scary. So go girl for taking that first step.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hey Beth, dd and i are headed to Geneseo Ny to check out state college there. I am treasuring this last year with my one and only, seems like i was just taking walks and collecting chestnuts with her. She would stop and look for such a long time to pickup the shiniest smoothest chestnuts and we would carry them home in our pockets:-)
    Take care everybody. Karen from ny
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,836 Member
    Morning ladies~
    up at 3:45 am, and have second load of laundry in the wash, still trying to get sjunk stink out.. its horrible but it is lingering....
    going to feed DFIL and drop Chester off at the groomers,,, then over to my friends for a haircut, then pick up Chester and come back home..
    my dear little old lady that was down at the nursing home where DFIL is passed away on tuesday.. she had been ill for awhile and I would go spend a little time with her when I was visiting DFIL.. so sad. seems more and more people are passing away both young and old...