No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I seem to be quite unusual amongst my friends in that I don't drink any alcohol during the week. I think a part of it is because there was never alcohol in the house when I was a child

    For me, I think the reason I struggle with moderation is because my parents NEVER drank and basically told me that if I ever had a drink I would turn into an alcoholic. (They were big on fear tactics for everything.) So I never had a healthy role model in showing how to drink without binge drinking/drinking to get drunk. That's all I ever saw once I got to college.

    I am a very all or nothing person anyway, and moderation in any form is very tough on me! It has been easier to refrain completely during the week.

    Sparkling water tonight, my husband asked me to go to happy hour but we have dinner plans tomorrow, Friday and Saturday so I thought it was best to stay home and eat leftovers and drink water. He is drinking a beer but I am not a big beer person and not tempted. Will do my best to be moderate tomorrow.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm a little late to the game but I would love to join you. I've been drinking 2-3 drinks every day for a long time now and it is definitely bad for my health and my weight. I'd like to do no drinks Monday-Thursday, which means that even if I drink 3 drinks Friday-Sunday I will still be under the reccomended 10 drinks a week. Did I say I work in Public Health?! I should know better. :blush:
  • lizwooshy
    lizwooshy Posts: 110 Member
    Monday I cracked and had two beers while watching the playoffs (sad Cardinals fan here). No drinks Tuesday or Wednesday. Tonight is my sisters rehearsal dinner and tomorrow is her wedding. Going to try and enjoy in moderation
  • swwass130
    swwass130 Posts: 23 Member
    I should have said no, I had a great plan yesterday then I got a dinner invitation we all know what that means, well I know what that means. more than one glass of wine. Today is a new day. I logged all my calories yesterday, still under my total. Great work out today, I will start over today.

    good luck to everyone as the weekend approaches.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Good job posting your challenges @lizwooshy and @swwass130. I totally get both-

    Welcome LisaTcan- If you are a regular week night drinker, it will be tough to end it altogether. I plan on posting the following template once a week. Anyone who likes the idea, just cut and paste the following--

    M- 1 (5oz) wine, 1 (2oz) taste dark ale

    Going to try to keep the weekly count down to 3 drinks/cocktails.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    Hi everyone. I read this whole thread and have found it fascinating. I drank in high school to fit in. Drank more in college because it was what everyone else was doing and then for the 30 years since college I keep drinking less and less, to the point now, where I only drink at social events and often, even then I say no thanks. Obviously I can't identify with some of your struggles but, as a 50 year old mom of two young teenagers, and as someone who is trying to get to and stay at a healthy weight, I want to chime in with the following comments. 1.You don't have to drink. You could go the rest of your whole life without alcohol and you'd be fine. If that's not true for you, you might have a drinking problem. 2. Yes life can be stressful. You don't have a lot of control over jobs or most family drama and things life money and illness can make us want an escape. But sometimes we can control the stress. Turn off the t.v.. make a cup of tea, take a walk, cuddle on the couch with someone you love, take a bath! 3. If you can't have fun without alcohol you might have a drinking problem (see number 1). Seriously, adults should be able to go to a party, mingle with other people, and even get on the dance floor without being drunk. 4. Alcohol definitely does not help with weight loss. The calories in a beer or glass of wine could get you an apple with peanut butter! And finally 5. If you are a parent, think about the example you set for your kids. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the occasional alcoholic drink in front of your children but if you drink every night, that is modeling. If you get drunk at family parties, that is modeling. If your trash bin is full of empty wine bottles, well…you get the idea. My kids are 13 and 15. I talk to them regularly about the pressure to drink in high school. My point of view is that a lot of kids do it and I'm sure my kids will try it but it is (for them) against the law, can get them in big trouble and quite frankly, a lot of the big partiers are covering up for low self-esteem, social anxiety and insecurities. Just so you all know, I am fully aware of being a somewhat self-righteous, goody-goody. But I also sleep well, feel great, am proud of my convictions and am very happy with my life. So good luck to everyone here! I really admire your cutting back on alcohol. I'm there with you…if only by accident!
  • rszmutko
    rszmutko Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I think I'll join in starting Monday. I've done this a few times in the past, however after a month or two, I always go back to my old habits. Hopefully doing this with others will provide some more motivation to stick with it.

    I primarily drink Rye, with root beer or Dr Pepper. I'm a very heavy drinker and can often do over half a 40 a night. I also like craft beer and homebrew as well.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome LisaTcan- If you are a regular week night drinker, it will be tough to end it altogether. I plan on posting the following template once a week. Anyone who likes the idea, just cut and paste the following--

    M- 1 (5oz) wine, 1 (2oz) taste dark ale

    Going to try to keep the weekly count down to 3 drinks/cocktails.

    Thanks for the welcome! That is probably a good idea, I've been drinking nightly for the past 5 years (since I met my husband, but that's a whole other story) I like your template and will start using it on Monday.

  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,526 Member
    I literally just sent my assistant to get alcohol so I guess I don't qualify for this :tongue:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Tblackdogs wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I read this whole thread and have found it fascinating. I drank in high school to fit in. Drank more in college because it was what everyone else was doing and then for the 30 years since college I keep drinking less and less, to the point now, where I only drink at social events and often, even then I say no thanks. Obviously I can't identify with some of your struggles but, as a 50 year old mom of two young teenagers, and as someone who is trying to get to and stay at a healthy weight, I want to chime in with the following comments. 1.You don't have to drink. You could go the rest of your whole life without alcohol and you'd be fine. If that's not true for you, you might have a drinking problem. 2. Yes life can be stressful. You don't have a lot of control over jobs or most family drama and things life money and illness can make us want an escape. But sometimes we can control the stress. Turn off the t.v.. make a cup of tea, take a walk, cuddle on the couch with someone you love, take a bath! 3. If you can't have fun without alcohol you might have a drinking problem (see number 1). Seriously, adults should be able to go to a party, mingle with other people, and even get on the dance floor without being drunk. 4. Alcohol definitely does not help with weight loss. The calories in a beer or glass of wine could get you an apple with peanut butter! And finally 5. If you are a parent, think about the example you set for your kids. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the occasional alcoholic drink in front of your children but if you drink every night, that is modeling. If you get drunk at family parties, that is modeling. If your trash bin is full of empty wine bottles, well…you get the idea. My kids are 13 and 15. I talk to them regularly about the pressure to drink in high school. My point of view is that a lot of kids do it and I'm sure my kids will try it but it is (for them) against the law, can get them in big trouble and quite frankly, a lot of the big partiers are covering up for low self-esteem, social anxiety and insecurities. Just so you all know, I am fully aware of being a somewhat self-righteous, goody-goody. But I also sleep well, feel great, am proud of my convictions and am very happy with my life. So good luck to everyone here! I really admire your cutting back on alcohol. I'm there with you…if only by accident!

    And this is why we need a group thread.

    Anywho I am meeting a friend for dinner at Cheesecake factory and I do plan on one glass of Processco I did fit it into my calories for today. I have to get up for my Bootcamp tomorrow morning.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    I've been abstaining weekdays since September but tonight doesn't count (it's my wedding anniversary:))
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    TBlackdogs brings up some good points. Every time I cut back to weekends only, I still over drink most of the time (more than one or two). Moderation is very hard. It's easier to not open the door a crack, than to open it and expect not to want to go through it. Haven't had anything to drink in 5 days.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    I promise! I'll try to make a group! Been a busy week but I said I would and I will. I made it sun till today. Today I felt like I had postpartum depression but my kid is ten. Lolol cranky mom day. So I logged 347 calories of vodka alone. And like those who emotionally eat I will admit this was entirely to avoid feeling bad and maybe lighten up a bit. I hate parenting guilt. Anyway. I only went 100 cals over my food allowance but netted 600 under w/ my excersize so I don't expect a drop on the scale tomorrow but I'm not adding calorie and booze guilt to my already looming parental guilt...tomorrow's a new day. Oh and it's Friday!! Woot woot!

    Will make a group. I ll post when it's out there. Right now I'm gonna sip my cocktail and watch greys anatomy. Daughter is sleeping.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    TBlackdogs brings up some good points. Every time I cut back to weekends only, I still over drink most of the time (more than one or two). Moderation is very hard. It's easier to not open the door a crack, than to open it and expect not to want to go through it. Haven't had anything to drink in 5 days.
    Ps fiddle, ur right. But I don't think I can do that. But it's a great theory!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Group is out there!! From your home page, click on more, community, the top left icon (looks like a text bubble) click on groups and look under new groups. hopefully should be there under "no booze on a school night". I imagine u could search that too. I hope this is helpful, I'll try my best to post interesting stuff pretty regularly that will keep us talking. Hope to see you there.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    two glasses of cabernet last night and damn they were good!!!!!