What's the funniest comment you have had..



  • amberlyda1
    amberlyda1 Posts: 154 Member
    oh wait I have another ne. I gained a lot of weight this last year or two and have recently lost weight. My Mom said its great that you have lost weight, too bad its like a bucket of water in the ocean. Or, since you have lost weight I can see your figure, your boobs don't just blend in with your stomach.
    I love my mom but she has reached the age of no filter
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    This is more sad than funny ......

    Had just started a new job at a very small office when I decided to lose some weight. Didn't announce it because, really, it's "nunya bizness" ! I gradually made better food choices. And began to walk during lunch break. When I lost 20#, one coworker noticed & was very happy for me. She commented that my jeans were baggy, so I bought some new items. And made her promise to keep it quiet B)

    When I lost an additional 10#, another coworker noticed. Instead of being happy for me, she was PISSED that I had "started a diet without" her. I swear, she would not speak to me after that ..... WTF !

    Fortunately she quit soon after that :D
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I had an intern at work ask "Oh, you used to be overweight?" while I was still at obesity level of weight.
  • alismommy1992
    alismommy1992 Posts: 72 Member
    YalithKBK wrote: »
    I've had people ask if I was sick because my face had thinned out a lot. I was at my healthiest yet everyone thought I had some chronic illness. XD
    Omg yes thats what people used to tell me all the time the last time i lost weight went from 210-138
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    You lost 2 lbs a week??? That's so sad. It's unsafe! (funny remark from a poster on this forum.) lol*

    Don't see what's funny about this. It *is* unsafe for a lot of people.

    But it's not unsafe for everyone, and if you feel totally fine and energetic losing 2lbs a week, what's the problem? Ya know, I made a big deal about MFP and losing 2 lbs a week to my doctor 3 weeks ago. This is a 15+ yrs medical professional mind you, and I told him how people b**** on here about 2 lbs per week. Know what he said? "It's about how you feel, and about how much you have to lose. I want you to stop if you start to feel lethargic or if you feel any serious weakness or faintness, call me right away and we'll make room to see you, but you look like you've got a solid plan here, and you've already dropped your BMI, so I'd say you're doing just fine." For the record, 2 months and 16 lbs down (yeah 2 lbs per week), I feel better than I have ever felt since I was an active 10 year old that didn't have bills to pay. I have more energy now than before I had my son and became a sleep deprived nightmare. I find it EASY to pop up out of my chair and go accomplish whatever thing I need to accomplish, as opposed to 3 months ago when I would put stuff off as long as possible because it was exhausting. And when or if those things stop feeling awesome, of course I'll change the numbers to accommodate that.

    Whether 2 lbs per week is unsafe depends on A LOT of factors. Of course not everyone should do it (50lbs+ to lose club amiright), and probably as you get closer to your goal you should up your caloric intake to maintain lean mass more, but much like people are all different, how much you lose is ALL different. Some people lose nothing for a month and spontaneously lose 14 lbs. Would you call that unhealthy? Without knowing any details about that person or their lifestyle/exercise? People on here are SUPER fast to jump all over someone with "1200 calories isn't enough!" and "2 lbs per week is way too fast!" without knowing ANYTHING about the person they are referring to. Without knowing there TDEE or their activity level or their BMR or RMR. And for those of us who are well within the definition of "safe" (and feeling totally super) it gets really annoying.

    I think this person being irritated by someone commenting on their 2lbs per week loss, after they've been feeling fine and fit is pretty par for the course. Obviously if someone comes here with a problem, like they feel awful or feel like they are starving all the time, or they've hit a major plateau in their exercise capabilities, of course people aught to tell them to reassess their calories and weekly goals, but you see it a lot with people who have SUCCESSFULLY lost weight and are now lean-mean-fit-machines who feel fantastic and are just looking for a little "good job". There's a place for that advice and a place for congratulations. Benefit of the doubt, and in the context of this post, I'm assuming the person who said that was a success story who gets tired of hearing how their success was not good enough.

  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    amberlyda1 wrote: »
    oh wait I have another ne. I gained a lot of weight this last year or two and have recently lost weight. My Mom said its great that you have lost weight, too bad its like a bucket of water in the ocean. Or, since you have lost weight I can see your figure, your boobs don't just blend in with your stomach.
    I love my mom but she has reached the age of no filter

    Funny how parents hit that age, isn't it? Just before I started losing my dad asked me "when are you going to do something about your weight? You're getting really fat." Jeez, thanks dad!
  • xxHelenMartinxx
    xxHelenMartinxx Posts: 2 Member
    I got told 'you've lot weight, your boobs have got smaller'.. Most back handed compliment..
    Or 'you've lost weight, your face is sunken in'
  • sakurablush
    sakurablush Posts: 104 Member
    I think a combination of makeup, losing almost 50 ibs and stepping up on my skin/ hair routine have done wonders for my appearance.

    I say that as whilst trying to buy wine (not for me! for my father...honest!) today I got ID'ed. The lady was surprised when she saw my actual age and seemed to think I was 17 or something.

    Not gonna lie, even if she was being nice it felt awesome to get my 20s "babyface" back! #swag
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    I'm getting a lot of comments along the lines of ...

    "Don't you think it's time to stop losing weight?"
    "What's your goal weight ... how far away from it are you ... you've got to be really close to it now."
    "You must be finished losing weight now."
    "You're getting really thin."
    "You're disappearing!"

    Etc. etc.

    The "funny" thing about those comments is that I'm heading back down to what I consider normal ... the weight I weighed for most of my adult life. I'm right on the upper edge of that now, with probably 2-3 kg to go.

    In other words, this size is how I think of myself. The overweight size I was 8 months ago, and for a few years before that, is not how I think of myself.

    But I've only known the people here for 2 years, and they've always known me as a little bit overweight. So my new-to-them size is something of a surprise and may take a little while to get used to. :mrgreen:

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    edited October 2015
    HostageCat wrote: »
    I mentioned that I wanted to lose 10 more pounds to a couple coworkers and one told me "lose weight? your so skinny you have to run to catch water!"

    My mum said something similar.

    That I will need to move about in the shower to get wet.

    This was after seeing me for the first time in 9 months.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    It always makes me laugh when people say 'oh you're so slim, you don't need to watch what you eat' or 'you're so lucky, you don't need to go the gym'.

    I know they mean well, but it appears that the secret behind how I have remained slim for 5+ years continues to evade them :D
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited October 2015
    threadmad wrote: »
    "person" at the gym was apparently agitated that I lost more weight than he did in the last month. He told me I was so pale I looked sick and needed to get a tan. I told him that keeping my skin was preferable to skin cancer (he's VERY tan). He walked away muttering while I laughed.

    Im very pale and when people at work comment on my skin colour i tell them that i regard any discussion about changing my natural skin tone as racist. They soon stopped mentioning it. I also mentioned that i find pale skin beautiful and id be even paler if i could.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    You're lucky you have the motivation to go to the gym... :/ huh?
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    You're lucky you have the motivation to go to the gym... :/ huh?

    Right? As though motivation to go to the gym was a matter of luck instead of an active CHOICE you make every day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    I had one today ...

    I'm standing at a morning tea with a plate containing a few pieces of fruit.

    Her, looking at my plate: Are you on a diet?

    Me: Yes.

    Her: So ... you're not well then?

    Me: No, I'm feeling great!

    Her: But you've lost a lot of weight ... you must not be well. Are you sick?

    Me: Nope, I'm fine. I just wanted to lose some weight.

    Her: Hmmm ... you're sure you're not sick?

  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I had one today ...

    I'm standing at a morning tea with a plate containing a few pieces of fruit.

    Her, looking at my plate: Are you on a diet?

    Me: Yes.

    Her: So ... you're not well then?

    Me: No, I'm feeling great!

    Her: But you've lost a lot of weight ... you must not be well. Are you sick?

    Me: Nope, I'm fine. I just wanted to lose some weight.

    Her: Hmmm ... you're sure you're not sick?

    Good grief. "Actually, now that you mention it, I am dying... to get out of this conversation!"
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    been told to stop losing weight
    dont get to a size 10 as you are tall it wont look right.
    called skinny minnie
    called lollipop head.
    all very amusing , i just laugh
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    edited October 2015
    threadmad wrote: »
    "person" at the gym was apparently agitated that I lost more weight than he did in the last month. He told me I was so pale I looked sick and needed to get a tan. I told him that keeping my skin was preferable to skin cancer (he's VERY tan). He walked away muttering while I laughed.

    Im very pale and when people at work comment on my skin colour i tell them that i regard any discussion about changing my natural skin tone as racist. They soon stopped mentioning it. I also mentioned that i find pale skin beautiful and id be even paler if i could.

    so this!!! i love being pale - in fact i pride in it - when others are taking the sun bed i streak the factor 50 on when abroad! off topic i know but i had to get that out there lol
  • TheopolisAmbroiseIII
    Another one I get from older women (I'm 24 - So I do not mean that in an offensive way, I just work with women that range from about 40-50, I'm the youngest!) "It's EASY for you - you're so young! It's harder at my age".

    Way to discredit my hard work!!

    My wife gives me crap when I call people "older". She's like "what do you mean older?" and I say "like my mom's age" and then I have to hear "YOUR MOM'S NOT THAT OLD SQUAWKSQUAWK"

    No, but she's older than ME!