

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone. Mimi & Chiclet sorry your day was so crazy.

    Chicklet, I know what your going through. My mom lived with us the last few years of her life and it was difficult. We at least had Home Health Care come in to help with baths and medical issues like wound care, catheters etc. My prayers are with you both.

    Wed night we had terrible storms so yesterday the whole day spent cleaning up the town. Luckily no people injured and not to much property damage just loads of trees and power lines down.

    Yesterday wasn't the best day for me. I didn't swim but I walked 40 minutes which wasn't alot but was something. I did stay on my food plan for both my weight and my medical problems. I'm sceduled for a 1 hour water aerobics class this morning - I can hardly wait. I go to 3 classes a week and lap swim on the off days. Starting next week they are closing the pool on weekends which is going to be a real bummer.

    Today was my weigh in day and I lost 1/2 lb. this week and 1 inch. Slow but sure!

    We're supposed to have more rain and storms today so I hope it takes a break while I go swimming.

    Hope everybody has a nice day.

    God Bless!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Well DD has been trying since her January 29 wedding and she did it. She is due "January 29th":laugh:

    I am going to be a grandma. Not quite used to the idea yet but starting to get excited.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well DD has been trying since her January 29 wedding and she did it. She is due "January 29th":laugh:

    I am going to be a grandma. Not quite used to the idea yet but starting to get excited.

    Congratulations, Robin! It is SO much more fun being a Grandma than the Mom!

    Another busy day at work. Hope to get back here later! Have a wonderful day, everyone

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,525 Member
    Ticker reflects the reality of up 2 pounds in 2 weeks. :angry: Doing better with protein but still struggling on weekends. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Didn't even log food from last Friday-Sunday night:noway: ... sure had an impact. :explode:

    Ironman in downtown Boise tomorrow, selfish me, only concerned if street closures will keep us from Zumba. . . speaking of triathlons, MacMadame are you lurking?

    Robin do you have the wii's Just Dance (s)? What kinds of music/songs does it have? Do you use a mat, or the balance board, or???
    Amanda please share with us what you learn at knee class? Padded bicycle, pants, what an inspiration!
    Jackie, LOL, that reminds me of my grazing-through-the-office philosophy, if I eat just one, I don't have to log it... a philosophy that is not supported by the evidence!:noway: :noway: :noway:
    AlitaRose good for you for enjoying the size 12 moment, then using the laundry shrinkage to spur you on. Well done!:flowerforyou:
    corqueen, man you could have been sitting right next to me. I do much better if I eat healthy, almost hourly all day... but when I get busy at work and forget the afternoon snackmeals, it always causes dining disasters:tongue:with the same feelings as you.
    Auntpam1 who's the cute pooch?
    Bkbrbabe57 sorry can't see the pic well, too dark, because of the impending storms?
    SallyCC keeping good thoughts for cyst removal, how kind of you to put the neighbor's dogs' needs over Trader Joe's!
    Donna Welcome! Some may know eachother face-to-face, even may have referred to this thread. Some have met in person after meeting here, but think most of us are webfriends only.
    Michelle, thank you SO much! Your cheese meatballs sound yummy yet the calories are not undo-able. Bosu workout dvd?
    Barbie almost 1,000 miles and nearly 15000 steps per day? Dance ON GF! {we need dancing smileys here}
    Genealace sad duty for your friend indeed, but so much better while he's here...
    Mary safe travels and enjoy the lake!
    SMVQ Hooray for INSTEAD!!!
    Chiclet Hot water aerobics, like hot yoga? LOL! Maybe not all the women were happy to have the class canceled. Keep leading your own class and they may gratefully join you! Neither can I trim my dogs nails... but I've heard Bremel makes a nail grinder that you use to thin the edges, has anyone tried?
    Jeanne con very gratulations on the pound and especially the inch! Why on earth would they close the pool weekends in summer?
    Robin, You're going to be the hottest grandma ever!

    Won't be able to respond like this often, when I can't please know that I'm reading all your posts, getting encouragement and wisdom from them and sending good thoughts your way(s).

    Hugs to all!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I Love reading all the news going on in everyone lives, But by the time I read them all I never have time to respond :bigsmile:

    So this time I just read one & looked at the clock & realized I need to hurry. So I just stopped in to say Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    I Hope you all Have a wonderful Weekend

    And I Learn alot from you wonderful ladies, So Thank You!!!!
  • cjtpmm
    cjtpmm Posts: 2
    Today is my first day with Fitness Pal and I am excited to be a part of the wonderful 50+ club! Can you please add me to your birthday list. My goal is to lose 13 more pounds, but more importantly I want to shape up and live healthly. My date of birth is 2/12/61. cjtpmm
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Robin, WOO HOO!!! JUMPING UP AND DOWN. DOING CARTWHEELS!!! You will be a wonderful grandma. Congrats. :happy: :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    p.s. and Kathy is right, being a grandma is way better than being a mom. You can love ‘em and spoil ‘em, then take them home. When they’re being stinkers (what, my grandchildren?), mom and dad get ‘em!

    Rant for the day: Portion control :grumble:

    All the emphasis on portion control…what a hoax. I eat maybe 3 times what I used to eat and I’m 120 pounds lighter. Portion control is a misnomer. We should say “junk food control,” or “fast food control,” or “concentrated calorie control (all those “diet” helpers that contain sugar fall into this category), or just “foods that are bad for you and make you gain weight, like white flour, white sugar, and white rice control.”

    When it comes to foods like fruits and veggies, the portion control that has been sorely lacking is getting LARGE enough portions. Eating MORE, not LESS, is the single dietary thing that’s helped me lose weight. So, portion control, shmortion control. Work on eating good, healthy food, and lots of it, and you’ll do just fine. The ONLY time I struggle with losing weight is when I eat too much of the bad foods and not enough of the good foods.

    Despite getting to bed at nearly 1:30 a.m. last night (hmm, this morning…:laugh: ), I’m working on getting an early(ish) start. It’s going to heat up (finally!) and I want to get a walk in. :happy:

    Have a wonderful day and eat lots (of the right stuff!). :wink:

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies,

    :smile: Barbie, I’ve learned that some of the samples are “trigger foods” for me. Like you, I’m learning to say not. Also, because of your posting, I’ve begun reading Thin Commandments Diet and Thin Tastes Better. I am learning a lot about myself.

    :smile: Mimi, hope you had a restful night after such a busy day. When my daughter was younger she and I make-up stories and share them. That was the bed time routine. Sometimes she would start the story and then I would add a portion and we would go back-and-forth until we reached the end. That is lots fun. We don’t do as much now that she is older. Good for you that you stopped yourself from going a binge. The Thin Commandments book does address the “thoughts” we entertain which impact our choices.
    You were able to reverse your thinking and not get out of control. That is a sure sign of victory. :smile:

    :smile: Chicklet, hope today is better and that your mother does well.

    :drinker: Vicki, hope you enjoy your visit. In my last communication I told you we had hot temps, now we are in the 70’s. The change is driving me crazy. I don’t know whether to wear shorts or pants. Last night my husband turned on a portable heater. With the exception of the “fine dining” recommendations, casual dress is fine. I’m sure the girls will enjoy American Girl.

    :smile: Jeanne, congrats on your weight loss. Think of ½ pound as two sticks of butter.

    :smile: Sally, I hope you eye surgery goes well.

    :smile: Robin, congratulations on becoming a grandmother. I have an 11 year old – I am far from becoming a grandparent. DH and I have been married for 22 years and had not planned to have children; we were suprised when we found out that our plans had been altered. I've loved every moment ( at least most of them) of being a mom.

    :smokin: I am feeling good, because I’ve been following a Cathe routine and have been able to keep up (most of the time). I feel as though the weight should be falling off, but it’s not:grumble: With the strength training I am at least beginning to look better. My clothes and mirror are revealing results when the scale does not.

    Have a great day!
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    I just started on April and I exceeded my weight goal for May. I will exercise more for June. Thanks for the post. I would like more pals over 50. Please be my pal and I will be yours.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well DD has been trying since her January 29 wedding and she did it. She is due "January 29th":laugh:

    I am going to be a grandma. Not quite used to the idea yet but starting to get excited.
    Yay!!!!! Congratulations all round xx
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    5.7 miles for me today - normal speed! Glad that week at work is over!! Back later to read the posts.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Robin – Great news! Being a grandma is lots of fun, you'll love it.:laugh: I'm starting my second round of being grandma and I am only 10 years older than you. My GGS is 3 months old.

    Mimi – Way to kick the nibble monster to the curb! You are going to see some new numbers on the scale soon I can feel it coming.:drinker:

    Chiclet – Way to go on getting your pool time in.:bigsmile: I agree with another poster – who needs the half hearted efforts of the resident leader. You could look online for some new water moves whenever you feel the need.

    I do hope your Mom's wound gets taken care of soon.

    I would love to respond to more people but I'm getting a late start on the day and have a lot to get done.

    One thing though – I have discovered through trial and error that I am lactose intolerant. Here I thought I could eat anything that didn't eat me first.:huh: I don't normally use much milk at all; I just don't care for it. Then I got the urge for some low calorie ice cream a few weeks ago. Mistake! I have been having “issues” :sick: and finally discovered it's the lactose thing.

    Thanks goodness it isn't a reaction to peppers, tomatoes and eggplant like my DH!:noway: I would be crying buckets if that happened. :sad:

    I can still get away with cheese and yogurt, so it no big thing to give up milk. I do wonder though if it would be a problem if the milk is cooked. Do any of you know? It would be nice to be able to have flan occasionally.

    Off to kill some garden pests. Some daisies and a geranium have mealy bugs. Time to declare war!:angry:

    Oh, I picked 8 tomatoes and several eggplant yesterday and a couple jalapenos. Dinner will be planned around those.

    p.s. - MY dinner that is,not DH's. I'm not planning on doing him in. :noway: He gets really bad reactions to them - they resemble heart attacks!:frown:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just came in for lunch and I forgot to say earlier ......

    Peggy/bkrbabe - Woo Hoo! You look terrific! And no bat wings! :noway: How the heck did you manage that?? :bigsmile:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Another slow cold day. I can't believe our weather. Monday and Tuesday were over 100 and today I have a jacket on and it is 59 and it is 1:00pm !!! We will all get sick with these temperature changes. Hope it gets to the 70's this week end, We have a graduation party to go to from 10 - 2 then a 50th birthday and if we really get ambitious we will stop at my future BIL for his party. I think he is celebration his wedding but since he hasn’t told us he was married who knows :ohwell:

    Robin - Congrats on your upcoming grandmahood. :drinker:

    Chiclet - Congrats on all of your accomplishments. You have come so far since you joined. Your good heart has paid you back by allowing good things to come your way. Enjoy your new place and guy friend. As for the pool... it sounds like you are making good use of it even if it is you alone. Maybe you can have your own class if others join you. :wink:

    Slick_fox - welcome

    Linda - Wow over 5 miles already. I will have to get a move on if I want to do the same. I was lazy yesterday and only walked a mile or so :brokenheart: got to do better if I want to lose that last pound this week.

    Faye - I am SO envious of you and your fresh veggies. My plants just went into the ground last week. As for no bat wings.... I have no idea how I managed that maybe it is all the water. My mom said that if I keep drinking lost of water it will keep my skin hydrated and I won't have such visible wrinkles. :love: hope she's right otherwise I am running to the biffy for nothing. :laugh:

    Mary - sounds like you are having a wonderful time with Luke. Enjoy.

    Sally, Cathy and Birdie - sounds like we are all getting the same storm system. Hope it gets back to calmer weather or we will all be running around with webbed feet. And Sally, hope your surgery goes well.

    Everyone else sounds so busy but also you are all doing what you need to do in order the keep the ball rolling. Congrats and a big hug to you all.

    I wanted to post a before picture…. Hope it works. This was taken several years ago. I have no idea what I weigh so it is entirely possible I am heavier then 247??? Anyway this is why I started here last July. Sorry the picture is so big. I am new at this.


  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    I'm amased at the amount of weight so many of you have lost, you are all awsome :flowerforyou: . I just want to drop a measly 10 pounds, i totally blew it last night but family from Phoenix is in So Cal for vacation so it enjoyed the food and company :drinker: . Unfortunately June Gloom arrived with them. I'm back on track with food and back on the treadmill today.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Evening all .............

    First...while I remember
    ...:heart: Chiclet I hope all goes well with your mum. It's so difficult, I know, to not worry but do try. You're doing so much for your mum I'm sure she knows just how much you love her.

    :flowerforyou: Robin .....congrats on the expected family addition. Isn't it great!! #4 grandchild for us is due Nov. 13th.

    :smile: Amanda .......hope you had a great lunch out.

    :ohwell: We chickened out ...LOL. I just couldn't face spending so much money....not that I'm a skinflint or anything.....on taxi, meal and wine only to find the meal disappointing. SO......I cooked Lambs kidneys Turbigo with Basmati rice, a nice bottle of red followed by strawberries and ice cream, coffe and...sorry...chocolate..
    All has been duly logged ( I couldn't find a recipe on MFP so put my portion down individually!!) And I was only 93 calories over.
    AND ....:happy: if I manage to do some swimming strokes in the hot tub later that'll be a few more calories burnt.

    :smile: We plan do do a "Car Boot" Sale on Sunday. The garage needs clearing and we still have so much "Stuff" in boxes. Most from my mum - crockery, kitchenware etc but some goes way back from our multitude of house moves!.I think it'll be rainy but we need to try and sell some , to free the space. We'll have an early start and have our picnic etc ready. Anything not sold willIi'm afraid go to the tip after charity shop goods are put to one side.Not many of those i'm afraid.

    :bigsmile: Off now to get in that "Tub"

    :heart: Jackie
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I usually post in the morning and I did this morning too, but just as I had completed my posting and was getting ready to submit, our office lost power for a while and then I got busy and had no chance until now.

    I hope everyone has had a good day and that you all have a terrrific weekend too.

    Sally - I hope the eye surgey went well.

    Barbie - that pedometer seems amazing, I have to get me one of those things!

    Mimi - don't you just love story time with the kidlets? I do, I love that special time and I think the kids do too.

    Chiclet - I do hope your Mom is feeling better and that your life is slowing down some.

    Vivki - have fun on your trip.

    Mary - safe journey.

    Jeanne - congrats on your weight loss.

    Robin - major congrats on becoming a Gramma. You will love it, it is better than being a Mom (almost).

    cjtpmm - Welcome. You will like it here.

    Well, I had an extremely busy week and I am glad to see the end of it, frankly. Now 2 days off. If only the weather would be better, they are calling for rain all day tomorrow and it may be nice on Sunday so I hope so.

    I do my weigh in tomorrow so I will see how I have done.

    Anyway, my friends. Have a good evening,

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Everyone have a great week-end.
    Robin,you`ll love being a grandma.
    Mopping the last of the flood mess in the basement.Sat we`re having a small graduation party for my daughter,a total surprise for her,thinks everyone forgot her.Should be nice.Hopefully,my 3 year old grand daughter may have a sleepover with us on sat also.
    keep going forward toward your goals.
    take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: Comparing yourself to others can be dangerous and the beginning of a downward spiral of failure. Yesterday I said something about how I had sidestepped the food samples at Costco and a few people compared themselves to me and said that they weren’t as strong or didn’t have the same willpower, but I’ll bet if they compared themselves today to themselves of the past, they’d discover that they have come a long way. Most of us in the past went to Costco and ate all the samples and then came back around again for seconds and then bought several of the items on impulse and took them home and ate them the same day. If that’s your history at Costco, then choosing a few samples, not buying the box of something you don’t need and then logging all your snacks on MFP and taking an extra walk to try to match the calories is a huge step in the right direction. Taking baby steps and making gradual improvements in behavior and attitude is the way to reach those elusive goals.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, what a huge disappointment about your water aerobics……good for you staying in the water and getting exercise anyway….isn’t it interesting how so many people are so glad to jump at the opportunity to avoid doing exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, congratulations on becoming an “expectant grandma”:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, what level line dances do you do in your class? I taught a beginner dance this morning that I learned at the workshop in Tacoma.
    wow, you’re doing Zumba as well as line dance

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, you are right about portion control…..I read so many food diaries with small portions of veggies and entirely too much other “stuff”. Where I use portion control is cutting a chicken breast into 4 ounce portions where I used to eat at least twice that much

    :flowerforyou: Lorri, that’s probably the plan at Costco, give you one bite of a “trigger food” and you’ll buy a box with 72 servings, take it home, eat the whole thing, and come back tomorrow for more.

    :flowerforyou: Slickfox, welcome to the thread……we meet here all day and all night and share and encourage each other…..it’s a great place to be.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, I’m not lactose intolerant but I’ve found soy, almond, and coconut milk and enjoy them

    :flowerforyou: Peggy, your new pictures are great
    you’ve come a long way :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Diane, that last 10 pounds will be a challenge and we’ll be glad to cheer for you and encourage you along the way.

    :flowerforyou: Cathy, do get yourself a pedometer (mine is an Omron HJ-720ITC)…..having it in my pocket encourages me to walk more so the numbers will be higher and thus more calories burned

    :flowerforyou: Jane, be sure to tell us how your daughter enjoys her graduation party.....you're a great mom :bigsmile:
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    So this morning I joined some friends for a walk "around the lake" nearby. I had no idea it was a 4.5 mile circle! I am sore (mainly knees and thighs) but it felt really good and my dogs sure loved it! Hoping to bike tomorrow before the real heat of the day sets in! Also, tomorrow's goal is to eat more fruit :smile: