
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    evening folks~
    well this afternoon has been just lovely~ that massage loosened me up I had some tough knots...
    we went to 99 for dinner and i ordered chicken pot pie, it came with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce... I tried a bite of the mashed and they were yummy, but found a piece of paper in them the pot pie was so hot I only ate a few forkfuls , and they comped my meal because of the piece of paper...
    came home and soaked in a nice hot bath,, with lavender and epsom salts.. now in my pj.s with a cup of sleepytime vanilla tea...
    I am looking to buy myself a tea box for my tea as I have sooo many boxes, but me being the bargain hunter I am ,I dont want to spend to much...
    Pip~ tell Kirby we are all blowing him gentle kisses from all over the u.s and abroad..
  • strongerconnie
    strongerconnie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I feel exactly the same way! In fact, I could have written that post today.... I think every bite is another pound, so as of today I will try to exercise each day for 30 minutes. It's my small goal!
    Connie -Ontario
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Gayle in Minneapolis - what'll you take for that needlepoint wise men kit? I have not done needlepoint in quite a while; my Mother did it all the time - while watching TV. About the only thing she did not do was crochet and crewel work. Knitted beautiful baby blankets for all her grandchildren and I only have a piece of one left that she made for my youngest son - has a hole in it about the side of a baseball; and no way to fix it. If my DYS & DDnL have a baby (especially if it is a boy) ... I will try to make some sort of pillow out of it somehow. I've been reading a lot lately and just laughing at Cracker who acts just like a baby who has discovered her feet and that she can hold her squeaky toys with them and play. My husband will motion for me to watch her and when I do, she takes her eyes of the toy and just looks at us.

    We went to a fundraiser for a young woman with brain cancer and no insurance. I sure hope they made a lot of money - I'm sure my DDnL (the one who acts like >:) ) will have good news. She helped with the silent auction and not until it was announced that they were having it did people walk over and look and bid. We got a beautiful Christmas wreath for $25; a pecan pie for $20, spent $40 on a homemade pound cake (yes, all the money is going to this girl to help with medical expenses so it was more or less a donation. DDnL was getting upset because things were not getting done the way SHE wanted it to be done. But, she was not one of the people putting it on. They had liquor there and she had 4 big glasses of some sort of very sweet cocktail (and she wonders why she won't lose weight) and keeps putting it on. They'll stay there until it ends ... so tomorrow she will wake up with a headache and be miserable. I went up to her and hugged her and told her I loved her and her remark was: "I'm not Tami". My response was "I know you're not." Still holding onto her anger and I told her I thought we had already talked it out and had it settled; she then said that everything was going wrong in every area of her life and I just bit my tongue ... shaking . . . she is bringing all this on herself. Told DH about it and he said that we were just better off ignoring it - things said by her are only going to cause problems if we don't take the 'high road'. GGGggggrrrr. I heard her telling someone about her weight ... "I'm FAT!" (translation - "Poor little [no pun intended]; I am the victim - make me feel better". She was trying to take charge and screamed that they were going to have to turn that damn music down, she couldn't concentrate. The eye rolls just mean that others tend to ignore her, too.

    DOGD and DMGD came - DOGD was asked about her mother - she told her not long ago to stay out of her life; and then hugged her step-mom and said, 'this is my mama'. She has been a good mother figure for her; but, I still caution her about talking smack about her mother especially to others - it is 'ok' for DOGD to make remarks about her, any maybe even my son ... if he is being protective of his daughter by this woman (his 1st wife); but DDnL should learn the lesson of tact. DYS and my DDnL#2 have gotten over the remarks that were made and moved on ... they live away so they don't have to deal with it constantly like we do. I'll let it drop but, I told her the email was totally unnecessary since we had talked about her feelings about a 'new member' into our household before. Guess we will see how it goes. Thanksgiving coming up and DYS and DDnL#2 will come at different times - she'll fly in maybe Wednesday night or he will have to go pick her up in Tallahassee, FL (about 90 miles away). They will spend one night with one of his college buddies who came to their wedding. Got to be back in Louisiana by the 30th; so it will be a 'short visit' with her. She did not have her daughter last Thanksgiving; so I am surprised that she doesn't have her this year - they are supposed to alternate. Maybe she swapped up for some reason and that is why DGD can't come this time. She is supposed to have gotten with her 'ex' about making sure she could have her next Thanksgiving so she can also visit with us.

    DH and DOS always go out there for a week of hunting in early - mid December. I wish I could go with them; I went one year when my DOS had started a new job and could not get off. He decided that the job wasn't worth it because of the swing shifts and time away from home. He's always wanted to be in law enforcement and tried it twice; but DDnL#1 just *kitten* so about it that he came back to work for his Dad instead. Wishing he would get a 'real' job instead of my DH having to always work to make sure he has a paycheck. Not that he isn't a hard worker; he just sometimes doesn't understand why DH is so grumpy all the time. Hells Bells ... he just turned 74 and is still lugging 44' foot ladders (with some help) and it is beginning to drain on him. I am the cat that gets 'kicked' because he is mad at the dog. :'(B) Just gets old and does not seem to improve much for very long. I'm still convinced that DDnL#1 would benefit from some sort on antidepressant or something (before it is too late). If she were to get 'sick' to the point of a 'nervous breakdown' things could get really bad (insofar as finances for them).

    On a higher note - Cracker is bringing so much joy to our household. Both Louis and I have enjoyed her so much. She got her first spanking yesterday and did not want to come to me. Pooped on the floor in the bedroom and then pooped on the floor of the deck. "NO! NO!"

    Hugs to all of you - this is such a great tread and everybody is so talented and supportive.

    Love to all, Lenora
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Miriam, how very sweet of you to offer! I still plan to have her try it on. Maybe it will turn out to be stretchier than I thought. But if it doesn't (probably) I will take her measurements and see what I can do locally. There is a lady a couple of blocks away from my studio who does alterations. If she can't do it I may just send it to you. It's so kind of you to suggest it. I looked at the suit and it does have side seams, so maybe adding a strip of black fabric (if I can't find shiny pink) would work.

    Rosie, I looked at Discount Dance and once I get her measurements I'll see if they have anything that will fit her. I looked at the ladies leotards but they don't come in little girl colors and I'm afraid the neckline would be too low. More research is needed, I guess, but I'm determined to find her something. He sister has a pretty leotard so she should too. I think it's great that she even wants to try gymnastics, so I want to encourage her.

    You ladies are all so wonderful to me. It makes me tear up just thinking about how many friends I have out there.

    I had a little chest pain yesterday at the Y, so I was a little worried about swimming laps this morning but everything went well. Then I spent a couple of hours at the studio, then we came out to the lake. We walked the dogs across the dam and it was so beautiful out there. The trees were changing colors, the water was still, and there was a flock of Canada Geese honking around just off shore, tormenting the dogs. Spot especially wanted the swim out there and teach them a lesson. He is just fascinated with birds. Silly boy.

    We used to use a veterinarian on the north side of town. We had a dog who was very elderly then, but we switched vets for one closer to our house, and she died shortly after. Well, that was over 15 years ago, and yesterday I got an email from them saying that they missed seeing Susan (that was her name) and we should make an appointment to bring her in for a visit. Susan died at age 19, so we figure she should be about 34 years old now, according to that vet's records. I laughed till I cried. Somebody is not paying attention.

    At the studio I was working on solving a problem. During that tile workshop I had last month two of the teachers made tiles that stuck to the work boards and cracked badly when they dried. So, I was trying to figure out what to do about it. The other tiles have been fired already and ready to glaze. Well, I decided to try to recreate their tiles, hoping they didn't take pictures. So today I did it. It was pretty fun, actually. Both were very complicated things, but I thought they turned out pretty well. Hubby said they look better than the originals. He says this is the beginning of a lucrative career as an art forger. Even if they did take pictures, these might just fool them. I intend to add a note saying that there were some cracks and some minor repairs were done, just in case they do notice.

    I found a Facebook post about some site that had recordings of 14 different voices reading The Raven, by Poe. I just listened to the one by James Earl Jones. It was wonderful. I love his voice. I once dreamed about him. I was in a bank that was being robbed. James Earl Jones was one of the 20 or so other people being held hostage in the fault. When the police came to set us free we locked the door do we could stay inside because he was doing the soliloquy from Hamlet for us. Some of the other voices reading the Raven were William Shatner, Christopher Walken, and Garrison Keillor. I love the poems by Poe.

    Well, it's time to clean up the dinner dishes. Good night everyone.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Miriam, how nice of you to offer to alter the tights for Sylvia’s DGD.

    Lillian, I hate that you did all that moving right after your massage and didn’t even get a day to relax and enjoy. Bummer. Hope you enjoy the new mattress. Or was it for the guest room??

    Carol GA, I don’t have any pictures of the modeling but will see if my friend can send me one or two. And yes it was fun.

    Tallee, welcome. This is a great place for support and information.

    MicheleNC, I haven’t made a pie in so many years I really can’t remember. I’ve never been a big dessert maker but if I did, it was usually a cake. I’m thinking about making the Crustless Spinach and Fetta pie to have with TG dinner.

    Allison, you enjoy that massage!! I’m sure you left Tom his lunch before you went to work. (didn’t you???)

    Katla, I hope you don’t have to cancel a riding lesson before your trip. I’ll send good thoughts your way.

    Pip, I hope Kirby doesn’t have to be in the hospital too long because trying to spend time with him and keeping the house and dogs going can wear you down in a hurry. Sending you strength and love.

    The style show was fun and a success from all accounts. A friend sent me this picture but not sure how it will show up. It was not a color of jacket that I would choose but the store picked it out for me. It’s been a long day so I’m off to bed early. Best wishes for all of you to have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sylvia - if we were all as organized as DrKatieBug there would be no artists but wouldn't it be nice if we could do it all?

    Pip - I'm guessing that as avid a biker Kirby is that he and his bike were equipped for riding in the dark and that the driver was not observant. How bad is the bike and was it one of the two you rode in the marathon? Thank God that as bad as his injuries are they were not any worse. Healing prayers coming his way and love to both of you. <3

    Barbiecat - you are SO wise. Could I take counseling sessions with you? When I get into a situation like I am right now I get physically and mentally stuck. In my mind I know I need to be packing, sorting, etc. but I am not doing it. Then at the last minute I will freak out and try to get it done. Wouldn't you think this is something that someone would outgrow with age and the experience of having done it in the past? Going to Walmart to pick up some packing materials to label the boxes with what room they will go in. I think if I knew where I was going I would be more inclined to pack. I made a list of things to do- check on storage units in case I don't have a place to go by the time I need to be out of here, look at potential rentals, find a place for the boys and I to go if I don't have a rental lined up. What to do first has been the question. Writing this I have decided that the packing has to come first - after that I will have time to go out and look. Thanks for listening all of you it helped me finally make a much needed decision.

    Gloria in WA
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    DJ: Look at you rockin' that cute jacket. Hot mama, you.

    Pip: Say the word and I'll send anyone you chose from this thread out to Tacoma to help you. I mean it. I have airline miles galore. I'm concerned about you overextending yourself just as you are getting that shoulder mended.

    Miriam: Your stitchery is absolutely gorgeous. The one with the cat is my favorite, like that is any surprise. What you say about the holidays is exactly how DH and I have been living for the past 20 years. We've always been far away from our families, and just learned to visit at other times of the year. Stressing for a day that is sooo fraught with expectations designed by Madison Ave. is not my idea of a fun time or good investment of energy.

    I spent the day in my pjs, which I haven't done in years. Got up and into the gym at my usual time, but half way through the workout I had pain throughout my body. I used to suffer daily with fibromyalgia, and this was reminiscent of that. Showered, went back to sleep and took it easy the rest of the day. Feeling much better now except for pain in my hips and back. I've got to set up a massage appointment for this week.

    Take care, friends. Get well and stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Sylvia, I love it!!!!!smiley-laughing024.gif
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :)<3Gloria, When we decided that we had to move out of our expensive house into something more affordable, we rented a storage unit and began immediately to pack things that we didn't use every day....as we packed we were able to discard things and by the time we were able to move, we had packed and sorted most of what we owned and the move went more easily.....by packing every day, we felt that we were moving toward our goal even if there was no other evidence that anything was happening.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Lenora : I will check to see if I still have it. If I do it's yours, just like a picture of the finish 3wise men. We have a rescue puppy , princess. Mother came from a puppy mill , 3 days later babies. All our animals have been rescued, 1st dog we had for 20 years, 2nd 16 years 3 rd 7 weeks, got out hit n killed. That was so tragic, still not over it!! This one we got last dec n love her very much, she's our baby! I think my DH likes her better than he likes me.. Lol. Gayle Minneapolis
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Sylvia - if we were all as organized as DrKatieBug there would be no artists but wouldn't it be nice if we could do it all?

    Pip - I'm guessing that as avid a biker Kirby is that he and his bike were equipped for riding in the dark and that the driver was not observant. How bad is the bike and was it one of the two you rode in the marathon? Thank God that as bad as his injuries are they were not any worse. Healing prayers coming his way and love to both of you. <3

    Gloria in WA

    Ki you has been a year round bike rider for over 20 years. I have been for about 5 years. Yes, we have to be equipped for all weather conditions, day or night. Compared to other riders, we r lit up like fricken Christmas trees. Yes, he had his lights on when it happened. I don't know what the bike looks like because I haven't seen it. They r going to call me when they take it out of storage so I can pick it up. It was Kirby than ran (not on the bike) the marathon which is 26.2mi. I walked a 1/2 marathon relay with my sister.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, I love it!!!

    Gayle, and all others. If you decide to clean out crafting supplies, a good place to donate them would be to your local mental health center for their clients. People living on disability income do not have money to spend on hobbies or recreation (even bringing a dish to a pot luck is often beyond their budget). Yet most people with mental illnesses are normal, or if they are bipolar way above normal, intelligence. And they want to be doing something productive with their time. So unused needlepoint kits, fabric for quilting, left over quilt batting, etc. will be snatched up by folks.

    Spent the evening at the 4-H Awards potluck and ceremony for my older 'daughter". She got three awards! It was so much fun for her. My son even went with us.

    My son is doing so much better than he was in Colorado. He is coming over to eat dinner with us every night, and going with us for the girls' activities, like Tae Kwon Do at the Y. A mutual friend of ours, and his newer wife, just got home from hiking the Appalachian Trail. My son and the girls helped them clean up the yard today, and the girls also helped them open 8 months worth of mail! The girls have been a blessing for him, as well as me. Nothing like unconditional adoration! I thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts.

    The girls just got new coats from a program to provide new coats to needy kids. When I put their names in the coats, I put their NEW names since the adoption will be finalized within about a month. They were so excited. It made it more tangible.

    Oh, I did learn ONE way to go from overweight to super skinny in 8 months. Hike the entire Appalachian Trail! My friend looks amazing.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    DJ: Look at you rockin' that cute jacket. Hot mama, you.

    Pip: Say the word and I'll send anyone you chose from this thread out to Tacoma to help you. I mean it. I have airline miles galore. I'm concerned about you overextending yourself just as you are getting that shoulder mended.

    Take care, friends. Get well and stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    U to too generous, I wouldn't dream of it. I am emotional with the very thought of your offer. I thank u from the bottom of my heart
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I had made stockings for my family of five, and when the kids left home, no one wanted to take their stockings. So I redid the names of them for a family of five that live across the street. Then the mom got pregnant again so I had to make one for the new baby that matched. Luckily, twenty years later, I still had the leftover fabric I used for the back so they match completely. Some are counted cross stitch, some are needlepoint. The newest one is Keilah's.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    If u have noticed I haven't worked out at all since this happened, or at least not traditional exercises. But all the moving around, going up/downstairs, folding clothes, poop picking up has burned some calories, I just haven't tracked them. I have been driving when I know I shouldn't be, but what am I gonna do, get a cab everywhere?
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    I sat down to read and comment, and a little window popped up telling me that Gloria had posted, it is fun to know that one of you is here exactly the same time I am…

    Becca – I have always wanted to live in that group!!!

    Sylvia – my heart goes out to you, your son and GD

    Michele – Pie - totally flat but much more flat, the steam puffs the solid top, so the lattice lets out the steam

    DJ – what are your standards for Thanksgiving? Some are ok and there are some lighter versions of others – how many are you cooking for?

    Pip and Kirby – Wow! Please please take care of you too!

    Katla – It is a true invite! I would love it.

    Miriam – maybe I am a worry wart, and you seem to be able to handle anything, but I would recommend to private message addresses….. never know who is lurking

    Carol – Peach – I am sure the cooks would love a dishwasher and cheerlady, but I am also sure that you have a talent we have not yet discovered!!!

    Pip – I am so glad you got lucky! You deserve all the luck that can be sent your way. But you are right you just never know what the next moment holds.

    Heather – what a drag! I would rather cook myself then put up with food that is way way over priced…. I am not liking the line “bingeing on pain killers” don’t overdo!!!!

    Miriam – beautiful!!!!

    Mindy – take care – sending you good thoughts!!!


    I am doing a private cooking class on Friday and am a bit nervous about it, as the young lady (25 ish) claims to know nothing, not even that you can buy a salad in a bag… she comes from a very wealthy family with help and a mom that does everything…I don’t want to be-little her in any way, but really salad in a bag?!

    Wednesday is vets day so no yoga that day, but I am going to a planning meeting on a community thanksgiving dinner, I think I am going to volunteer… this is a HUGE step for me, as it is not something I have ever wanted any part of. The interesting thing is I have told a couple of people that I was going to look into this and they were like what about your regular plans, and I was like my “regular plan” is to be home alone, or to beg for someone to take me in… these are people I have begged to and I guess they thought last year (and the 2 ears before) that I was joking….grrr!!!

    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – football – we won!!!! Worked on craft show crafts
    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Miriamwithcats- I love the stockings, have u done one with golden retrievers????
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member

    The clothes are what where ripped off of him. Kids wrote a get well soon msg to father
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited November 2015
    pip, I don't think I have ever seen goldies on any kits but that would be really cute! I do love goldies. I got one once when I was married, but my former husband, sociopath that he was, shot him in the head in front of my three year old son because the dog nipped at him when he was beating it. That was so traumatic for both my son and me. I know my son was thinking, "if I am bad will dad shoot me too?" (His dad already beat us, too.) It took another decade before we were able to escape from him.

    Great message to daddy!