
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    exermom - Purdy rings
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I'd have to 'hire' professional help for the moving of plumbing, etc. I'll like the change the kitchen cabinet doors to a Shaker style door - I just think painting them would be best. But big expense would be counters (and any extra cabinets we might have built. Then we need new flooring (actually throughout the entire house). Tile in the bath(s) and carpet at least in the bedrooms. Louis would like hardwoods through out the rest; but, I'm thinking, aaah, nah, too dusty living on a dirt road, even been off from the road a way. Need to plant some fast growing trees that will help block some of the dust.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Peach - don't give up. You will find tops that look good, and you will continue to succeed !

    I finally broke free of my plateau ! Renewed desire to succeed ! Yay ! ! !

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Sylvia: DH has a sink with no counter, claims it's just great, I hate it !!! When we have house guests no place for them to put their things. That's not everday, it doesn't work for me. It does keep the sink area clean, looks like you will have a cabinet with some counter?? Love the shower, n nice closet. Gayle Minneapolis
  • phyllis115
    phyllis115 Posts: 16 Member
    To Sylvia and all of our other vets, THANK YOU for your service.

    To the Moms, Wives, Daughters and Sisters of Vets- THANK YOU for all that you do/did to support your Vet. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed.

    Tracie in Green Bay- Yes, I am also an emotional eater. The first step for me was/is recognizing that I’m not hungry but reacting to a situation. Second step is to pick something else to do. If it happens at work, I excuse myself as soon as possible and do some steps in the stairwell. Not only does it help me calm down but it makes me thirsty so when I get back to my desk I can work on drinking some water. After I’ve had some water, then I know I’m not hungry.

    Grits- Yes, I fantasize about remodeling my house all the time! I’ve been in this house for 26 years but there never seems to be enough money to do the things I want to do. I loved reading your ideas.

    Katla- Congrats on the great blood test results !

    Heather UK- Great Job with the flat clearance.

    I had a great NSV yesterday, I went shopping for a dress to wear during the holidays. Found a great dress that was on sale. The best part was that this dress has a belt. I was modeling the dress for the friend that was with me when I burst into tears. When I could finally talk, I explained that I haven’t worn ANYTHING with a belt in years. I usually refuse to even try on outfits with a belt. I didn’t even realize that this dress had a belt when I first put it on. MFP and this group WORK !!

    Time to go do today's 15 minutes of decluttering.

    Phyl in Cincy
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    I agree another big thank you to our vets and current soldiers for the sacrifices they made and are making!

    Michelle Love the rings.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Your rings are lovely. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: We have a large shower in our master bathroom, but it also has a tub. We use the shower most of the time, but once in a while I want to soak. The tub has a built in jacuzzi and we seldom use it. The large shower area is the most frequently used portion of the facilities and we like it very much. We have two showerheads and can both shower at the same time at different temperatures. :bigsmile: (I like it hot.)

    Terri_mom: Congratulations on breaking thorough your plateau! Three cheers! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Phyl in Cincy: Congratulations on your new dress with a belt! That is a NSV to treasure. :flowerforyou:

    I thought things were settled with DD but it seems to be a moving target. She sent a text asking me to come in mid December to help watch the kids. Her DH is wanted on the job by his new employer sooner than expected. Very bad timing for me, & I'm hoping the other Grandma can step up. If she can't, I'll have to see what I can do.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Michele I think the rings are beautiful. It sounds to me like these are more symbolic than most to both you and Denise. I think you have legitimate concerns about the whole situation and it is really tough to only be able to sit back and watch. Hugs! Hang in there and take deep breaths!
    Betty ROC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I love the rings. I suggest you save them for her second husband to give to her. This guy doesn't seem like he's going to last.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hi all: Have not posted for a while but I finally caught up with reading. Raining here and supposed to keep raining for several days. Paddock for horses is very muddy. They stand in the shelter and I think Ruby the Arab gets very bored, she tore apart two hay feeders last night and this morning. They have access to the pasture but just don't want to go out in the rain. Spoiled horses!!

    I have finally made an appointment with a new primary care physician here in WA. I have been procrastinating on that and am relieved that it is finally done.

    My Christmas cactus was a very small start given to me by a friend and it took about two years before it bloomed. It is now huge and is beginning to bud. I was afraid it might not bloom this year after being moved from SD and being in an east window instead of a south window as it had been since I first got it. I have been told they bloom dependent on the length of daylight hours. Mine has always bloomed twice a year near Christmas and Easter.

    Kim in CA - I want one of those sweatshirts!!! That horse looks just like my old guy, Moose that I had for 24 years. Please PM me and let me know how much it would cost to have one made and shipped to WA.

    Katla - Congrats on the blood work. We now have an electric mattress pad because when we had the electric blanket my DH would turn his side on high and then get too hot and throw it over on me so I would be too hot. With the mattress pad he cannot do that and I can leave my side on low or turn it off.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    edited November 2015
    Michele, I love the rings. I suggest you save them for her second husband to give to her. This guy doesn't seem like he's going to last.

    :) Not a bad idea. The rings are beautiful and there may be a time later when they will be appreciated as they should be
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I concur with Barbie and Sylvia. This guy is not a keeper, she will need the rings in the future!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member

    Cranberries from the bog on Cape Cod I visited last weekend went into making this cranberry upside down sour cream cake which will be served to my book club tomorrow night. I invited friends over for coffee Monday night to eat the leftovers so I won't be tempted to eat it all. Have been banking calories all week so I can enjoy a slice.
    Regards to all
    Chris in MA
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Michele: Gorgeous rings! Agree with the others who advised to hold them for future. You deserve to enjoy them a bit longer. B)

    Pip: Wish I could help with your fundraising. It's been my profession for over 20 years, but I've never used GoFundMe. Sorry about the trailer mishap. :s Stressful stuff during the best of times. BTW: have you talked with your HR department about using Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

    Katla: DD is certainly lucky to have flexible parents in her life. Hope to see you once again in CO, whenever it works out. <3

    Heather: You've inspired me. o:) I've been agonizing on getting started with what I have to do to sell my Honolulu condo. Reading your experience has prompted me to take step one. Today I notified my tenant of my intent to sell within the next 18 months. He replied saying he may be interested in buying it! We'll revisit in February when he knows more about his future work plans. Crossing my fingers.

    Miriam: Hoping you are not in the path of the storms. :*

    I have a crazy week. Lots of meetings over lunch, which puts a monkeywrench into my day and I end up working longer hours to keep up. Monday is DH's melanoma surgery, and hopefully there aren't any complications and he's feeling well enough to be alone beginning the next day. I'm scheduled to leave for Wichita Tuesday afternoon, but will postpone trip if needed.

    No Thanksgiving celebration plans for us but will cook a turkey and sweet potatoes the weekend before because we enjoy having these foods. I use the actual Thanksgiving Day as an occasion to mediate, pray and fast. The hunger pangs make enormously grateful for what I have. :)

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Goals for November
    • Burn 2500 calories per week in the gym
    • Eat mindfully
    • Catch up with backlog of magazines
    • Meditate 4x per week
    Word for 2015: Mindfulness

  • funBertie
    funBertie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just found you all. My Nov goals are to see the nutritional specialist, continue my PT, walk 1.9 miles 2x a day 5 days a week. Go back to measuring my food to get better portion control. enjoy my friends and my dog.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your kind words about my rings. Yea, Denise always wanted them. The ring Pete bought, to me, is gaudy. Even Jessica said that and so did her friend. Oh well.......

    Sylvia - our shower heads are far enough into the shower that we don't have doors or curtains. I never liked the doors that we had on our shower in our previous home. Gunk would always accumulate in the runner. I really like not having a door. They put a whirlpool in, and to be honest, I use it very seldom. Maybe when I'm older, I may use it. But it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't. You're doing all this right now. But what about resale if there isn't any counterspace? I'd put in some. I do like your closet

    I think if I ever even mentioned about remodeling, Vince would kill me. Well, this house is only 8 years old.

    Becca - beautiful famly. As long as DIL is a good person and is good to your son, I don't think the tattoos matter.

    terri - congrats on breaking that plateau

    Phyl in Cincy - how wonderful! You rock girl! What a wonderful NSV

    Sylvia - I, too, thought that this guy wouldn't last. But now I'm thinking that Denise will put up with a lot. Like she put up with his physical and emotional abuse. His mother is, to me, enabling them. It's just so easy to let someone else take care of things rather than making a mistake yourself and learning from it. One of my fears is what's going to happen when the mother is no longer able to help them? They've been together for 10 years so far. It's just hard to sit back and let things happen.

    Before the Green Room went to the soup kitchen. Did I tell you that Jess "volunteered" me to make a wedding cake? She said she'd decorate it (phew! Decorating isn't my forte). the bottom layer will be the pineapple angel food cake. I've only ever made it in an angelfood pan so I had no idea how it would turn out in a regular cake pan. I'll give them some but I took the rest to the soup kitchen. The second layer will be key lime. Now she needs gluten free and she's lactose intolerant. So I tried my hand at a gluten free lime cake. Personally, I thought it needed more of a lime flavor but that can be taken care of by add some of this granulated lime concentrate that I have. The top layer will be chocolate. I will probably make that this weekend. But I'm not sure how much to put in the pan since I need to use an 8" pan and the recipe calls for three 9" pans. Well, I'll make two 9", one 8" and see how it goes. Soup Kitchen will be getting more cake....lol I'm also going to give Lynette a piece of the gluten free cake. she always has her mother make gluten free cookies and she wants me to make a cake. I've tried asking her if maybe the people aren't tired of cake all the time, maybe they'd like muffins or cookies, I can do that. but she's insistent on a cake. So maybe by doing this she'll see that a gluten free cake can be made and I can make something else.

    Oh, we're going to see TSO in concert in 2 weeks. Well, we go every year. Anyway, Lynette asked if we could go to this one restaurant because she had a gift certificate. I said "no problem, how nice of you to pay for our dinner". The fact is that every year we drive to Charlotte or Greenboro and one year to Raleigh. I would think that in exchange she'd at least pay for our dinner. But she said "no, it's only for $33". It's really not a big thing, but more the principle.

    Chris in MA -- did you REALLY have to post that pic????? Lovely cake. At least I can't eat a pic, or it would be gone

    Welcome Bertie. Great goals.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Still really under the weather. I think with the surgery and then not sleeping more than 3-4 hrs a night and now getting the sinus infection I am just run down. I guess I'll call the doctor again tomorrow because I'm really not much better and have been on the two antibiotics for a week now.

    Jack has to go back to Southeast MO as he brother is now going to have a skin graft on the horrible skin cancer on his shoulder that they removed. He let it go for years and its absolutely horrible. The surgery if the 23rd. If I don't get feeling well enough to go with Jack, I'll be home all alone for Thanksgiving. At this point, considering the way I feel, I'm not sure I would really care.

    Reading posts, just not feeling up to responding. Love keeping up with all of you. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - that cake looks delicious! Michele is right about not being able to eat the picture!

    Michele - I told my DSnL about the pumpkin and spice cake recipe and she said she puts Apples pie filling in. That sounded good to. Or applesauce.

    I went to my DD and she made me a post Birthday dinner of Mac and cheese with hotdogs and French Silk Pie! I had to starve myself all day so I wouldn't go too far over calories.


    Mary from Minnesota