

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    D.J.~ was just going to ask about Max.. poor baby boy... Homer and Chester send there puppy love for a fast recovery..
    Pip~ so glad you both enjoyed the card..know its not much but know I love you both...
    Had a good day today... it is nice when I can do what I want ,when I want to and except for the dogs not have to really worry about anything.
    Went at breakfast time and around 2 over to the nursing home and poor DFIL both times out like a light couldnt wake him for the life of me.. took the boys the second time.. Homer gets really to excited to bring there and Chester is skitterish.
    came home and took myself up to Whole Foods.. I love poking around there. then came home and it is brutally cold and windy here so took the boys for a short walk and fed them..then I soaked in the tub for awhile...
    went and visited dad and told him about Tracy ,Kyle and Tal wanting to move back in with him.. and he is thrilled...to have both his grandaughter and great grandaughter coming back.. my son on the other hand is ticked off to say the least.. he is an introvert and isnt really much of a go getter.. and sometimes he and Tracy can get into it.. but I think it will be great for my dad to have them there.. more people to keep an eye on him :smile:
    got the house picked up and will sweep ,dust and wash floors and get food together for tomorrow. so looking forward to my friends coming...
    I have not been calling Tom ,figured if he wants to talk to me he can call me and he has...
    Pip~wish I was there to help you out.. but take heart if you and Kirby were not in the physical shape you are, both of you would have had such long recoveries..
    I keep both of you.. and the rest of my dear friends here in my prayers daily...

    Love u, thanks the card was a lot, really it was
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    UPDATE : I got cleared to b able to assist him when he needs to get out of the bed, go potty, give him exercises exercises to do,etc...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I tried to respond but lost it all...grrrrr!

    I'm so sorry to hear about what happened in Paris. I just hope that reasonable people can refrain from blaming all Muslims for the acts of a few. This whole thing is just heartbreaking.

    Pip, Kirby is looking so good!

    Miriam, yes, we are planning a roll in shower because we aren't getting any younger. We have already enlarged some of our exterior doors to 36 inches wide, just in case.

    DJ, hugs to you and Max!

    We went to the lake just for a few hours today so hubby could do some painting. So we are staying home tonight. Tomorrow my clay group is meeting at my studio, so I have to get it cleaned up and ready.

    When we were out walking the dogs we saw some people - an older woman and five teenage kids - coming out of the derelict house down the street. I asked if she was the owner and she said no, that her landlord owns it and that she is planning to fix it up and live in it. This house has no wiring, no plumbing, the windows have been broken out for years, the front door has fallen off, there is thick mold growing on the outside, squatters were living in it and selling drugs. The yard is deeply overgrown. My neighbor's said that the floors have rotted out and that somebody field dressed a deer in the kitchen and left "things" behind. So, fixing that house enough to be liveable will be a huge job. This lady said she is going to do the work herself. Judging from her appearance, and her ratty beat up pickup truck, I doubt very much that she is up to the job. Our county has NO building codes, so they can do pretty much as little as possible. It's really sad. It's a really nice neighborhood, too, other than that house.

    Well, I have to go up to the studio now. Have a great evening.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lisa, when I was stationed in Athens, Greece (1978-1980), it was a pretty tense time politically. We were always on the lookout for terrorists from Libya. They used to require us to take a training course on checking our cars for bombs. There were many times that the threat was so high we were confined to the base, even though we lived off base. We would camp out in the cafeteria or the rec center - sometimes for days - till they gave the OK to go home. There were anti-American demonstrations all over the place, including the park down the hill from our apartment. We had to walk past that park to go home, and there were people burning Levi jeans as a symbol of America. (Never mind that most of the people in the crowd were wearing Levis that they paid HUGE amounts for.). When the hostages were released from Iran they came through our base for processing before going on to Germany, and there were huge crowds demonstrating outside the main gate to the base. It was not a good time to live in Greece.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Haven't caught up,but you are a busy bunch.I am more of a stick in the mud.... :/ Was shopping for some new tops,nothing fancy....just washable,comfy & a neckline that covers what looks best covered. Ordered 6 on line. Kept 2.....the rest were so ;:&;-/ hurt my eyes. Then went to a couple stores & I'm here to tell you UGLY clothes rule!
    Sleezy fabrics,colors you wouldn't want to be buried in ...Just UGLY as sin.These were in "good"shops.What does good shop even mean? My opinion is ....means nothing.Excuse my rant.....
    Heather,had our mattress warmer down to a science. Turned on 2 1/2 hr before bed time. Get in bed,turn warmer off. The sheet & comforter were just snuugly.Worked for me.
    So glad your apt will soon be a distant dream.
    Our Thanksgiving plans are a 1st for us. We are having dinner out.Was his idea.....no complaints from me.Have had my share of holidays,both as a guest & having a houseful. It's our turn to simply do what we want.

    Here is a pic of my yellow cactus in bloom. Only 6 mos old & has 6 blooms about ready to pop.

    Going to watch a news show about the terrible time in France.So sad.......how can human beings do such things?
    Time to get DHs snack....ice cream.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    prayers for paris
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sylvia - I know I ranted and vented about what I thought the USA should do to back France in whatever they choose to retaliate against Syria. I hope my comments did not make you or anybody else here think that I thought all Muslims were bad. I don't. I don't think anybody in any group are all bad, unfortunately it is always the 'bad apples' that give the others a bad name. I just would like to 'think' our POTUS would 'man up' and stop being so wishy-washy about anything, especially when it comes to fighting ISSI (ISLI) in that part of the world. If it can get to Paris ... it is already in the USA. We just have not seen what they can do here (except for 9/11) and all the Hell they brought down on us. These radical Muslim terrorists don't care who they take down and since Americans were killed in they 6 incidences ... I think that our POTUS should stand behind France and support them (not necessary lead them). I know it is a tough decision; but, I think people keep remembering 9/11 and how it affected this country, especially NY. Sure, if the 'give in' or don't take a stand, the enemies win and then they move on to do the same in other countries.

    patchoh - yellow bloom on your cactus is beautiful. I 'think' one of mine is 'supposed' to be 'yellow', one is 'pink', the others are either 'fuchsia' or 'white' ... one has bloomed before (the pink one). I'm waiting with great anticipation as to what the others will look like. The 'pink' one is my oldest one; the others were ordered through PCH.com

    That would be one thing I'd do if we ever made any changes in our MBR bath ... a roll-in shower with a seat and handrails.

    To "Max's" human Mom - hoping that taking out his spleen with help with the seizures, too; but, especially getting out the masses is good. The other night Cracker was dreaming (obviously) so I nudged her awkey - it was like she was whimpering and/or hiccoughing by the sound she was making.

    She's been outside today a lot. DH said she explored in the planted pines and ran around a lot. The other day she went down to our DOS's house when the dogs were out. DH was concerned about how Luna might have reacted when she entered 'her' territory; but, apparently they got called inside. She came home pretty quickly. She runs like the wind (even faster on long sprints than the bigger lab). She's one tired puppy. One more outing and then it will be bedtime in the crate. Since I put her bed into the crate, she goes into it more readily. Spoiled, rotten, stinky, Mama's dog that she is. She could not understand how to be outside with Daddy and inside with Mama at the same time. He was painting cabinet doors and I was reading. She gets so worked up when she is excited.

    Prayers for Paris and all of France.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif 1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Brandy and Sasha are sending more hugs to Max....they say get well soon so you can come home and sleep in your own bed

    smiley-hug012.gif smiley-hug012.gif Barbie and Jake are sending hugs to Pip and Kirby....we say to Kirby, get well soon so you can come home and sleep in your own bed (or at least, a bed in your own house)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Thanks for the concern peeps- we r letting the ins companies deal with all of this, as far as who is responsible for what. The man even called us to see how Kirby was and asked permission to come see him. He talked to Kirby and asked how he was. We initially didn't know who was calling until I looked at the police report and saw the phone# on my phone was the same. Kirby said it was fine to see him but he didn't want to discuss the accident at all. I guess he came when I was at work and they didn't discussed what happened which I think was for the best. I guess he told him he is a minister of some sort and was having the whole congregation pray for him.
    Some asked if I was taking care of myself thru all of this, honestly? Not really. I haven't worked out since this happened. My diet hasn't been what I usually eat. Haven't weighed myself since. I am not going to start my physical therapy sessions until he goes home so I can spend as much time with him as possible. Just took a pain pill. I had gone home, washed some of his dirty clothes, put them in the dryer, vacuumed upstairs, took a shower, picked up the mail, took the bike to the shop, go pick up my credit card, got some clothes to take for work and cans of soup to take for lunch during the week. Bought him a subway sandwich instead of hospital food for tonight. A doctor friend of his will be coming over to visit and bringing him Thai food for dinner which will b nice.

    Hugs to both of you.... Realize that you are also a survivor from all this as Kirby physically is. Just keep communication flowing to Kirby, to your family, and to us. This is not something to just dismiss, or keep buried. I can only imagine what its like to deal with a crash injury...the panic, and your own sense of uncertainties. Kirby is one tough cookie as you are. You didn't crumble, or flee, you stayed focused. Soon he will be home and life will be a series of great things. ((((hugs)))))

    ps. Glad the dried blood is going....he has his ol' gleam in his eyes!!

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    I would like to share a little story about refugees. My DD1 teaches and in her school there is a newly arrived Kurdish kindergartner. This poor innocent thing speaks not a word in any language at all!
    I personally am not frightened of a five year old refugee who must have seen untold horrors in her brief life to the point where she cannot communicate at all. I wish I lived nearer so I could just cradle her against my breast.
    I am not worried about her becoming radicalized in America. I wish more traumatized children could find healing on our shores. These people are on our side. If you had been in their situation you would have fled too.
    What happened is horrible. Still waiting to hear anything from my MIL who is due home today from vacation in France.
    I believe our president's situation and choices would be easier if he hadn't had his opponents questioning his religion and his patriotism all along. This is not to say I agree with him about everything. You need to respect the office and your fellow citizens' voting choices while reserving your right to disagree about policy. And some Americans would apparently prefer Putin? Why? Guess I am just not a fan of testosterone laden posturing.
    We are all in some crazy semi undeclared war and have been since 911. I hate war and violence and I do not know where this will lead. I do know there are way too many hotheads with fingers on triggers in this world already. and that there are 60 million displaced persons because of them. And this is just plain wrong, and I pray for each and every one to find a safe place.
    Done with ranting--I know we are all trying to make sense of this in our own way and maybe this was mine.
    Peace to all of you tonight...
    Betty ROC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Mindy, congrats on your loss!!! Wooo hoooo and keep up the good work.

    Joyce, maybe Charlie needs one of those electric snug sacks to stay toasty in the family room. Your holiday with all the families sounds wonderful. I hope everyone there realizes what a blessing it is to be together.

    Heather, now an official CONGRATS!!!! groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif So happy for you to know it’s over. Now you can enjoy that cruise!!!

    Lillian, have fun at your class.

    Lisa, I like a shower without a door, too, although I’ve never had one. I don’t find the glass doors that hard to care for as long as I don’t let them get away from me. I do have to disagree on the washer and dryer in the closet. smiley-think005.gif Just don’t think I’d like that. I do have mine upstairs where all the dirty clothes are and that works out great, except that we spend most of our time downstairs near the kitchen or family room. Guess there is no perfect solution other than to have someone else do the laundry for ya.

    Terri, I do understand about the averages now. It’s nice of you to consider the kids chances to win when they want your DS on their team.

    Heather, that will be wonderful if you can have all the work done while you area away. But don’t you hate to miss all that mess and inconvenience??? smiley-laughing001.gif That is a bummer that you aren’t controlling your BP with diet and exercise.

    Joyce, I’m with you on buying the Thanksgiving groceries a little at a time. Seems like they cost less that way, doesn’t it?? LOL

    Allison, I hope things work out with the living arrangements for everyone. And I hope you are enjoying your time alone and not having to prepare meals for someone other than yourself.

    Gloria, so happy that things got worked out for the time being. Now we just need for you to find the right place to go.

    Pip , so sorry about the bike. I was hopeful that it was in as good a shape as it first appeared. So glad Kirby is healing nicely.

    Sylvia, that is terrible to have that run down house in the neighborhood. I can’t wait to hear what she gets done to it.

    Pat, your cactus is beautiful. I’m not even sure I’ve ever seen a yellow one.

    I am so sorry for all of you and your loved ones that are suffering from somewhat “blue” to downright depressed. Sending the brightest light and cheeriest wishes for relief.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    The Paris attacks are terrible. It is so sad that everyone can’t just let everyone else alone to live as they want. My prayers go out to all concerned.

    Friday I went to the Christmas Show with a friend. I ended up getting a beautiful ring that I will wear on the cruise as I don’t take my diamond. It has about a 2 carat fake diamond and some little ones on the band. I just need something to have on my ring finger when I leave my wedding band at home. I also got a new necklace and ear rings. I did have a few samples of food but otherwise did pretty good and got in lots of walking.

    Thank you for all the wishes and prayers for Max. And your fur babies sending their get well wishes is so sweet. I know I may have missed something as I’ve been reading in bits and pieces and trying to respond. Max is doing well considering. The next big step will be to find out if it is cancer. He is at least a little more alert tonight but still on pain meds. I’m exhausted so off to bed.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Betty: Very well said !!! Prayers for all. !!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Loved your picture Sylvia. I like being at the computer, no one judges me here.

    Can't remember who it was that got some skinny jeans and said they were going to have to suck their belly in. I jsut wish that when I sucked my belly in that it would make my butt fuller.

    DJ, sure am praying for your baby. So sorry they found all those tumors but on the other hand glad that they have found something wrong so they can work up a solution.

    Gloria, congrats on winning your case against the landlord. Now the housing commision knows what kind of land lord he is and either keep watch over him more closely or shut him down completely.

    I listened to our local news tonight to see if they had heard anything from our college students who were in Paris but if they had heard they didn't mention it. I am sure they have kept touch with the college and families through social media. Of all the bad things we can say about social media, it sure can come in handy some times.

    Went to Sams's yesterday to pick up 9 prescriptions I had called in. They said I only had 4. Not just 4 ready but only 4 called in. So I came home and counted again and sure enough I had 5 more that I didn't get yesterday. So I went again today and they had them all ready, the pharmacist even said one of them was ready yesterday when I picked the other 4 up. Oh well. My sister's husband who is a CPA and does quite a few tax returns on the side says that part of medical expenses includes driving to the pharmacy. So I can now count 2 times for just one load.

    I can't remember if anyone here has any experience with C defficile colon infection. I as wondering what the chance of me getting it. He ahs been on the antibiotic now for 8 days. He says he really doesn't see any difference but I think he isn't remembering that he had the diarrhea before he had the infection. His ulcerative colitis is not under any kind of control and he even had to miss his last infusion. I am just worried about me getting it and having to cancel our Thanksgiving here. It would have to be at my sister's house without me, my daughter and grand kids wouldn't be able to stay at our house and it would be come and go back home the same day. I guess I am just a worry wart.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 45 minutes of a DVD called "Sculpt". The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD called "pilates, yoga, cardio fusion" We shall see what that is like

    Mary - the pie filling with no added sugar, does it contain artificial sugars? Sometimes things that say "no added sugar" will do that. Other times it's just the fruit

    Gloria - I'm so happy for you!!!!

    Heather - I am rooting for you to get things worked out to your satisfaction

    pip - so sorry about the bike. Won't the cost of replacement bike be covered under the insurance?

    DJ - thanks foer the update on Max. Hope things work out well

    Just got back from a Newcomer social. It was a kareoke 50/60's. I had a feeling it would go over since when we had a 50/60's social a few years ago that one went over well. It was nice, but there is one lady who as she was leaving to get to her walker, her knees just buckled and she fell to the floor. I can hardly imagine how embarassed she must have been! She did walk to her car, I followed with a chair in case she needed to stop. Her husband took her to the ER, I didn't know how he'd get her into the apt. I guess we'll give him a call tomorrow to see how she's doing.

    Personally, I can't wait until these skinny jeans go out of style. I know that I look terrible in them and usually can't wear them.

    Joyce - I didn't know that part of the medical expense includes driving to the pharmacy!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm thinking about the tragedy in France and the recent tragedy in Roseburg, OR. Random violence against unsuspecting strangers is a terrible thing. :heartbreak: It is not confined to a particular ethnic group but it seems to be more common among young men in their 20s, plus or minus a year or two. :disappointed:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Woke up at 6 am, so decided to catch up with you all.

    Katla - it could be a bit of SAD, but that's more my problem. His is the long and lingering death from cancer of his beloved partner in their own home. They were happily together for twenty three years. She was 47. Of course they had hospice care in their home, but he had a prolonged breakdown after her death, not helped by the fact that his father died four days after her and it was all a blur. Every November, near the anniversary, he gets low and tearful. Sometimes I forget and don't understand. He is getting better at telling me how he feels - he used to keep it all to himself and I was just puzzled, hurt and bewildered.
    With regard to your daughter - I know how much you want to be of help to her, but I know that being "chivvied" to help doesn't feel good.

    Can't decide whether to cancel our anniversary meal. My heart isn't in it and it's a lot of money to "waste", especially with taxis both ways. :ohwell: I will talk about it with him at breakfast. At least he is sleeping these days.

    Tomorrow we are going to London to babysit the grandchildren for the afternoon. DYS will be there briefly to help us pick up DGD from her new childminder and show us the school where we will pick up DGS later. The parents are both off to work. DYS comes back after 6pm and we dash for the train around 6.40, allowing us enough time to buy our "feast" to have on the train. DH will be happy to see them, even if it's only a few hours.
    Yesterday I ordered their presents online, following DDIL's exact instructions. I am also getting them each a t shirt and a book. I quite fancy one called, "Inside the Brain" for DGS. It's a flap book. I am mad about the brain and am reading yet another book about it at the moment. :laugh:

    Got to make the tea. :)

    Heather UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Didn't quite catch up. Page 30

    Lisa - Be kind to yourself. It is awesome that you have lost 42 lbs. since April.

    Lenora - It's great to hear that you are feeling so good.
    Cracker knows when she has it good. She's lucky to be in your family.

    DJ - I love my yam/sweet potato for holiday dinners. Baked and buttered. Oh, and don't forget brussels sprouts (my family says I'm a weirdo)

    Sylvia - I wouldn't trust that ex either. Once bitten, twice shy.
    I love the Grandma exercise, practiced yesterday.

    Michelle - The rings are gorgeous. I would take them in an instant if offered to me. Wouldn't you miss them? I'm with everyone else - save them for when they will be appreciated.

    Becca - Those are some handsome sons you have.

    Mindy - Congratulations . 20 lbs since August is a great achievement.

    It seems I've been busy but I wonder at what. Doctor appointment on Friday. The blood work has me trying a statin. New one and very low dose because the others gave me migraines and I couldn't function. We'll see. Last one I tried was 3 years ago. Also, will be doing an at home sleep apnea test.
    We talked about insulin again but I want to see if the Junuvia will take care of things. I need to be more vigilant about my eating and exercise (no surprise there). They are also sending me for more blood tests. Cancer markers were good so that was a great relief.
    Took care of the DGC yesterday. Roads were closed to the West side because of accidents. One was the father of my DD's friend. He unfortunately didn't make it.
    DGC were fun, we played play doh. Super Mario Kart ( I lost). Grandson hummed me the tune of a song he is trying to write. We played catch with a foam football in my living room. DGS explained a video game he is trying to build and I understood it not at all. DS brought pizza with him and DGC were relieved. "Grandma makes us eat too healthy" They all ate a banana though.
    Thinking of France and the people there today. I went to work and it was difficult to see so many using so much emotion up on toys. I just wanted to shake some of them and ask "Do you know what is going on in the world?"
    Prayers for France and the rest of the world
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member


    What if you wrote a paragraph or two about one of your characters ( in the first person) having your experience? Having worked too hard at what ever he or she does, and being knocked out for a day, not feeling motivated to take the action they must take. Take them out of their reality and make them live yours for a day. Maybe they´ll want to go back to their story and do stuff! Good luck, hang in their.

    Soraya, from Tarragona, Spain.