

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    Pat,darling great grandchild :)

    janetr, glad you are feeling better so you can be helpful to your family in Missouri :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr - I'm glad that you are getting back to normal! Don't worry about the 6 lbs. probably won't take you long to lose it! The water aerobics will help loosen you up!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fearlessfaith316
    I will be 50 on the 21'st, mind if i join? I am well over 200 pounds and looking for a group.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Long day, and I'm tired. Going to bed. Up at 5 am to drive to Kansas City again tomorrow for an MRI. Good night everyone!

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I will be 50 on the 21'st, mind if i join? I am well over 200 pounds and looking for a group.

    Great group of women!!! Welcome, chat often!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2015
    Katla, Barbie, Mary - thank you all so much. I'm excited just to get back into my routine and moving. I know I will feel better then.

    Jack has been working on the motor home. He is taking the smaller of the two couches out and putting in two Euro recliners. He's also been working on some of the mechanical things just to make sure everything is in the best possible condition. I don't think there is any thing he can't fix. So handy. :) We will be going to Apache Junction AZ right after Christmas and stay 5 to 6 weeks. I'm excited.

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a yoga, pilates, cardio fusion DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of a yoga DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class. I have to also stop on my way home from exercise and pick up one of Loki's meds

    Sharon - you asked if I'd miss my rings. To be honest, I'd really rather my daughter be happy and if having them makes her happy, then that's what I want. but her having them is not to be, so oh well..... Glad to hear the cancer markers came out good. So sorry about dd's friend's father.

    Remember I told you about the lady who fell last night at the social? Well, we called her hubby. He sounded really tired. He said the hosp gave her some pain pills and released her at 4. Later she tried to get up to go to the bathroom and fell. I'm guessing that the pain pills wore off. He couldn't pick her up so he called the EMT. They got her in bed and told her to take lots of these ibuprofen. Really, it's not my place to say, but you shouldn't be taking ibuprofen for extended periods of time. Vince said that he's heard from her that they won't do knee replacement until she loses weight. Why she's not trying is beyond me. I realize that she has a thyroid issue which makes it hard, but from what I see she has to eat at Mexican Train, she's really not trying. I would think that being able to see your children/grandchildren would be motivation. Right now she really can't get into her children's house. But it's not for me to say what she should do

    Soraya - Am I wrong, wasn't there talk at one time about the Catalan's wanting to break free of Spain? What ever happened with that?

    katla - I agree with you, this group is so very diverse. There are all diofferent types of people/schools of thought. Someone will mention something that you never thought of. To me, that is one of the greatest things. We're all trying to get the same thing (I know I've said that wrong, I mean a healthier lifestye but yet not completely eliminating something <like no parties> and how we each cope with things). I'd never heard of that reflective spray, but it sounds really good. I googled it to see how long it last before needing to be reapplied. I really couldn't find much but someone did say that after a year it still had reflective properties. Not sure if it's as reflective as when it was first applied, but what a good idea!

    pip - I do hope Kirby isn't developing a clot. Vince developed one about 25 years ago when they did an EP study on him the first time, and ever since then he's been taking Warfarin just to be on the safe side that he doesn't develope another one. Update: oh, pip, I'm so sorry that they found a clot, but at least they found it before it got too large or broke off and traveled to his brain or lung or heart.

    fearlessfaith - welcome! Don't mind one bit if you join in, glad to have ya

    Tomorrow senior bowling and then ceramics then mahjongg

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I will be 50 on the 21'st, mind if i join? I am well over 200 pounds and looking for a group.

    Fearlessfaith - you have come to the right place. This is terrific group of supporting, motivating and caring women. Welcome and feel free to join in.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    forgot to mention that I wasn't real thrilled with the one chocolate cake that I made for the wedding cake. To me, it just wasn't very "choclatey". Well, I'll let them try it, maybe they don't want something real "choclatey". So today I made another one that I know is much more choclately. Only I've only ever made it in a bundt cake pan so I had no idea how it would turn out in a regular cake pan. Didn't come out bad, but I think maybe next time I should bake it for a little less time.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    , thank you and all the ladies here for your prayers for Max. We went to see him this morning and at least he knows who we are today. His blood work numbers are all so much better. He is still not very active and only eats when they put it in his mouth, but he is doing well. I told him about my PhatChat Friends and their doggies sending Get Well Wishes and he smiled. Thank you, My friends!!!! Joyce, I hope all your worry is for nothing and you can have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Heather, that is so sad for your DH to have had the two losses within four days of each other. It’s so nice the two of you found each other. Have a happy anniversary whatever you decide to do.

    Sharon, I do like Brussel sprouts but since so few people do, I probably will leave them off the menu.

    Irish Terri
    , I like the way your family celebrates Christmas. Since we are down to just the two of us, we have really pared down on the gift giving.

    , a get together sounds wonderful for the holidays, but you can have the ice fishing. Toooo cold for me!!! lol

    Karen, congrats on having “less of you to hug”. That’s wonderful so keep it up. This journey never ends.

    Carol NC, sometimes we just have to take the time to decompress. I hope it was a good day for you.

    Katla, that video was so cool. I wonder if it really works that well?

    , the nice case of wine for Christmas sounds like a great gift to each other. I hope you enjoy your outing on Friday.

    , I like the idea of the gift for the New Year’s baby. I’m glad you are doing it again. cool.gif

    Pip, bummer on the clot but glad they found it. Poor Kirby! (((((Hugs))))) to you both.

    Allison, glad you and the girls had a good time.

    Bialetti, welcome. Yes this is a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called. Come often and join right in.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We will pick Max up from the Emergency Vet in the morning. He will have to take it easy for a few weeks but will hopefully improve a little every day. I just hope he will eat when he gets home. We have some boiled chicken for him. He likes that. Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Pip - I've taken Lovenox injections numerous times (as has my father). They are painful suckers!! The more you have, the more they hurt. The truck is to inject the medicine VERY slowly and then don't touch the injection site. These two tips reduce the amount of pain and bruising. Kirby has little body fat that that he may have a hard time. However, they are easy to do oneself at home. Well, not for Kirby since he can't look down at his lower tummy... In any case, I'm glad y'all were alert and caught it before there were complications!

    Janet - I'm glad you are feeling better!
    My rest day didn't turn out to be very restful. As soon as lunch was eaten, my daughter and I headed out to do alcohol surveys. They were all at the opposite end of the county. I racked up 54 miles doing those. By the time I got home, I barely had time to potty before going out for a work meeting. I left it early to pick up the boy child from the train station (didn't let me know he was coming until about the time he left campus). It was 9 pm before we got home.

    One of my daughter's kitties is sick. Oliver had pancreatitis earlier this year and she's afraid it's a repeat. He was such a miserable little fellow last night. The vet suggested giving him fat-free chicken broth since he doesn't like tuna water. She didn't have any so I took a carton to her last night. Pitiful little kitty face!

    Well, I think I am ready for sleep now.

    Good night!

    Carol from NC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just got back from Tulsa and I am pooped. Nine hour drive and we only stopped once for gas and potty breaks. I just wanted to get HOME. It was a nice weekend for the girls, but tough for me. Mealtime decisions were not made with my needs in mind so I went hungry a lot. Plates of veggies with nothing else. Or a bowl of fruit. There were no safe protein sources. It got really frustrating- the most frustrating since I discovered I had celiac. But, the whole weekend was about the baby and his new mom's family were the major planners, so no one even thought about what I might need. And my sister wants to impress so I couldn't really speak up. I think I will have a steak for breakfast, with about 6 eggs, and chicken...

    I did manage a workout in the hotel hot tub on Saturday. Felt good.

    thank you Sylvia and Pip. I also get very offended by the derogatory comments about our president. This is NOT the place for those comments. I try to skip that members' posts since it occurs so often, but sometimes I forget to. And then I get offended, and mutter and curse at my computer...

    Off to unpack my bags and get my CPAP machine set up so I can get to bed! Sleep well, ladies.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Dj- Wishing Max a quick recovery.

    Pip - Praying that all goes well for Kirby

    Pat - What a cutie pie!

    Full day of visiting. Topped it off with supper out for DB's birthday. We visited, laughed and ate.
    It was a nice morning for walking and our park was so pretty.

    Praying for this crazy world

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon, what is a at home sleep apnea test??? Sounds a lot cheaper than a full blown sleep study. My straps on my CPap mask are getting loose due to using them for about 2 years now but I'm afraid insurance will insist I have another study since I haven't seen the doctor in two years either.

    Carol, I don't think God is upset at us when we have to have an at home day 'just because'. We worship Him in many ways and He also wants us to rest so that we can be better individuals.

    In our family for Christmas, we draw couple names and then get all the kids gifts. So as soon as you turn 18 or out of the house, you are in the couple list. I don't like it that way. I liked it when we gave everyone a gift. I think it gives the kids the wrong impression about what Christmas is all about. But of all the families that had a vote, just me and my brother were the only ones who wanted to keep it the same way. But all the others were in a differnet financial status. Of course we are now also!!! :'( my youngest GD, Ellie is one very smart cookie. Who knows what she will be when she grows up. She tends o be very creative and loves to make things out of nothing. So her Mom wanted me to get things like engineering for her. Stop me if you remember me telling this. I think I just now remembered! The only thing I could think of was erector sets. But the only ones I could find were ones that made 4x4 cars, etc. Some one here suggested ferris wheel. Well I looked that up and they are all vintage and can run upwards to $500. Whoops, let's skip that idea. So DD said to just look up in the ToysRUs search for science. Wow, that opened up a whole new category. They had these kits that looked like they were for home school parents called K'Nex and you could make all sorts of things. I got her one of the first ones that was an introduction to gears. It can make 7 different things, not at the same time. It has about 200 pieces and comes in a real nifty plastic carrying case. If she likes it I will continue o get her more. I wish I could afford a sewing machine for the 14 year old. She loves to take her old clothes and remake them into another garment. So far she is a typical teenager who just likes clothes and shoes/boots. Oh, I forgot, that K'Nex set is for her birthday which was yesterday but we celebrate it when they come for Thanksgiving.

    Pip, sure hope Kirby is OK with this blood clot and it doesn't interfere with plans to get him home. Yet you don't want to have him at home if he isn't well enough.

    DJ, hope your fur baby gets to come home soon also. We used to have a dog called Buddy. He was a Shelty and was the calmest and sedate dog one could ever ask for. Well he ran out in the street one day, slipped out when Charlie opened the door to go to work. Anyway he ran in the street and got a very nasty fractured leg and hip. He immediately took him to our vet who looked at him, xrayed and told him he wasn't qualified to take care of the extensiveness of the fracture. But he would give him enough pain medicine and watch him all day while we worked and in the meanwhile made arrangements for us to take him to a vet in a near by town who could do the surgery. A day after the surgery they called us in the evening and asked if we could come and check on him. They were wondering if he had had a stroke. He was that calm, cooperative and just laid there. Buddy would probably let the girls put his tail in rollers if they tried. He would just let anyone do anything. We went and checked on him and he showed us that he was just fine. He was a mighty fine dog.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hi all. In a couple hours we leave for the airport in Bangkok, me to fly to Stockholm and my husband to fly to northern Thailand to visit the astronomic observatory. His flight to Europe isn't until tomorrow.

    I'm already totally pooped - and I have two weeks of non-stop teaching to do before I get to go home to the High North and relax in the polar night. My computer suffered an accident here, and I need it for teaching, so my husband is letting me borrow his for two weeks. I've downloaded all the stuff I need (at least I hope so) and will try to get tre cricket ... DARN. Now the autocorrect won't event let me spel tings! Everything I write gets converted to tre nearest possible Word in Swedish.

    I CAN't take tis mentally, sö I'll just stop nos. Get back to you when I myself AM in charge, not tre dar computer. (I Hope tis massage dömes across despite all tre weird bords.) GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
    /Penny not åt tre North polen
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    good morning~
    Joyce when you were talking about the sewing machine, I dont know if you have freecycle where you are, or craigslist but you might be able to find one there.. just a thought..
    well I broke down and called Tom yesterday afternoon and he started yelling at me,he found my letter.. I let him rant.. then told him to go back and read it not on the defensive ,but read it on the offensive,as in read it with my feelings .. look where I wrote you, and look where I wrote I.
    will let that sit with him, and if he wants to call me fine, If not oh well, I will see him Saterday afternoon when I pick him up at the airport.
    dont work until 12:30 this afternoon ,and I got all the cleaning done... so I can just spend quality time with the puppies
  • phyllis115
    phyllis115 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning ladies. Just dropping by to say hi. DD and DGS spent the night so the morning routine is a little more hectic as we get ready for work and school. Prayers for those who are hurting, travelling or in need. Hope you all have a great day.
    Phyl in Cincy